My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.74: A look, A new One and Some Flavor

“Ok Sweetie! we’ll be going to Amanda’s hidden boutique!” My mother announced as we drove past the shopping district and closer to the coast line.

“Not the armory? Is something wrong with her place?” I asked nervously. It might be weird to show up at her very own home especially after how I spooked her last time.

“Well I called in a partner’s favor for a few things from her. One of them I hope will work when we go to Starwbae this weekend….Actually it might help you in loads of places, if it can keep up with your mana that is. So no getting your hopes to the moon and back.” She told me and added a warning at the end.

“Really! I can’t believe this!” I instantly went for a hug and planted several kisses on her head to the point that she started to pull me away because she couldn’t see the road.

“I know you’ve been having trouble controlling your mana and hopefully that waste of space’s replacement will do better at teaching you.” She said, holding back a growl at the mention of Jaque.

“So the school told you.” I stated, now feeling like I was caught hiding porn mags under my bed.

“Kinda their job to do so when i’m your parent Oly.” She gave me a friendly smile. “I guess it has something to do with your large amount of mana or dragoness-ess. So your mom wanted to help you somehow. Sooooo here we are with the extra frosting of getting to dress my sweetie up again!” She cheered and half teased me.

I hugged my shoulders with my wings as I looked at the car floor. “I’m sorry…. I thought I could handle it and find something to help without bugging you.” I admitted, while grimacing.

“It’s fine. Sure it bugs me that, that mangy mutt didn't teach you how to handle your mana, so his name has definitely gone down by a negative trillion in my book. But really you could be in the safest most secure fortress planet, doing all the right things and I'll still worry about you. Just talk to me when things get too hard or when your day just feels bad.” She gave me a small smile.

Taking in a small breath, I nodded. “I’ll still try not to be too needy.” mom’s eyes narrowed. “BUT, I’ll try to talk with you.” I looked away at the passing buildings and signs. “I love you lots.” I said trying to play it cool. “ACK-hey! that’s my tail!”

“So?” She said as she put my tail on top of her lap before she rubbed it with her free hand. “You're MY son and I'll spoil you until the world rots away.” She said firmly. And like that we drove to Amanda’s secret shop, my tail trapped in her loving clutches, tortured by relaxing rubs and us smiling to ourselves.


 Amanda’s secret store was near the edge of a small town near a cliff overlooking the ocean. It wasn't a big grandiose place like the armory was, it looked more like a cottage home with several flowers growing and wild grass and other plants trying to outgrow each other. vines, moss and tall trees made it appear more shady. The only thing that was similar was the minotaur statues at the door, driveway, sides and one on top of the house with wings with an angry snarling face.

It made me think of a witch’s hut or maybe a rich college kid’s place. Either way, I think it’ll be kinda interesting here hopefully in the cool oddities or relaxed mood. though strangely we did not park on the driveway, instead mom called Amanda on her phone. At which point she came outside in a cotton turtleneck with a golden necklace and blue short shorts and black boots. she waved at us and placed a hand on the statue next to her like an old friend.

After which we went up to her house and like before Amanda picked up my mother and hugged her like a large doll. Once she put my mother down I walked up to her and thanked her for today and for the last time too.

“What brought this on?” Amanda asked with a nervous smile.

“Because I spooked you last time and now you’re helping me out at your house. so I can understand this making you nervous.” I said frankly.

“Wow…” Amanda looked at me and then to my mother.  “I didn't think I'd be thanked for letting you in my thinker house.” She said side eyeing mom who scratched her chin with a nervous chuckle. “Well, thank you for considering my feelings but it’s not your place, your mom is the one who asked a favor. so when are ya gonna cough up the goods?” She asked my mom with a teasing smirk on her face.

Mom rolled her eyes with a smile before pulling out a sketch pad from her bag and a few candies that looked like a thousand tentacles wiggled inside them. “Those candies took me most of last week to grind for, so savor them one by one! Don't eat them all in one go.” She said pointedly.

“Please, this girl knows how rare Elder gummies are. I won't waste them in one go buuuuut..” She grabbed one and threw it in her mouth, chewing it slowly, her eyes closing as a happy smile filled her face.

She welcomed us into her house which was filled with books, a few different sewing machines, a few couches and a few wool dolls. it was really open with a few pillars here and there like a beach house you’d see in a resort commercial. 

She sat by a red and yellow sewing machine, thumbing through the sketch pad, eyes widening occasionally or nodding, only frowning once before looking up at me. “Well it all looks great, other than that weird one but I’ll workshop it, anyway.” She pointed her thumb to a closed door. “That’s where you’ll find your new clothes. If ya want to thank me then wear one you like." She looked at mom for a second. "It has to be a little feminine if you want to show you truly mean it." She smirked.

Taking a deep breath I make my way to the door, Amanda calls out to me. “that room has all of your new clothes, everything in there is yours. Soooo go a little wild.” She and mom giggled. How much clothes did you get me?

Stepping inside and closing the door behind me, a light switches on. showing me hanger racks filled with shirts, dresses, underwear, skirts and different jackets. it’s not even one wall of this, it’s two and I can even see a drawer in the back too….. SIghing I quickly poke around for something, though it still surprises me that she managed so much clothes in one day. Mom either measured me in my sleep or has some good idea on how my body grew, she might have a chart now that i think of it.

Annnnnnnnnddd the first thing i see is a bikini that….leaning in closer I realize the fabric would only just hide my privates. “HIgh cut one piece with probable underboob showing, a thong type bikini with pearls? Why does this one look like a pyramid shape?! 

looking at a few bikinis, thoughts of wearing it with a hoodie or some skirt poured into my head. I could look really good in these but…. Unless! It might be uncomfortable but I could try them on. my eyes darted to the door behind me only to find my mirror companion, with a smile I quickly pull off my clothes and go for a reddish bikini. Pulling it on, I feel it's a little snug and it kinda looks like my nipples are…. Ehm!

Looking in the mirror, I see a girl with glittery orange scales and a yellow front. Her red bikini hugs her form, the edges of her breasts are visible. She moves her arms, showing how her muscles and breasts move before swaying her chest side to side, the movement of her neck……it's beautiful. Her hips sway with her movements, her toned stomach leaning and forming soothing swayed chain.


I can wear this like underwear! With a wide smile I sauntered over to find something, pretty. Maybe I exaggerated my walk a little, who knows.


"Thanks…I know how hard it was last time you saw him." Ally said looking at the door her son just walked through. 

"You know, I thought I'd cut ties after that." Ally looked back at Amanda slightly shocked but slowly nodded at the painful truth. "But…remember when you climbed Dragon's point?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah? I was training my perception and my grip strength." Ally quietly said with a blush. Amanda eyed her, slowly raising a brow. "Okay. I wanted to out do you. I was a blazing hot head back then." She looked at the floor with an embarrassed glare.

"Well, I had to race up there after you because of a coming storm, luckily I found you halfway up there. And remember what happened next?” She asked only to get an embarrassed shrug from Ally. “You told me how upset and angry you felt about falling behind me. Remember what I told you?" Amanda asked with a raised brow.

"You called me stupid." Ally said but Amanda shook her head. "...And you said we're best friends. the kind who face things together." Ally added.

Amanda looked away. "You know until that day I was afraid of even climbing that mountain?"

"Really? I always thought you climbed up and down that mountain like it was nothing. To me you seemed eons ahead of me, of course you're a lord on top of being a minotaur.” She drooped her shoulders slightly. “Though that's….reassuring." Ally smiled at Amanda who gave a little wink. 

"So I can't quit on you. I bet your son is feeling lost with all this. And he's a nice kid who could really step out of his shell more." Amanda said.

"Yeah! Then I could gush about how much of a cutie he is! An-" Ally began before the door her son went through opened.

There standing a dark blue dress with mesh flower patterned sleeves and a yellow belt tied at his waist was Oliver. He was holding his his sides trying to look cool. To both Amanda and Ally, Oliver looked like a bashful beauty that they both smiled at each other.


"Well….I kept my word……..but thank you again for helping me." I said giving a focused look with a nod.

Amanda looked at mom, both began giggling until it erupted into laughter. 

"What?" I asked, looking between the two.

"Heheh, it's- haha, it's nothing." Amanda said, trying to catch her breath.

"It's just most lizard women act almost the same way! Hehe!" Mom shouted trying to keep her breath.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"It's nothing crazy, just, depending on the race they act more serious or tougher." Amanda said wiping her eye. "So depending on how dragons act, you might be spot on or flying off the cliff and down the ravine." She added.

"Ooh. You mean body language, I think I understand." I said, realizing how serious I was being in a nice dress. "Then what really is feminine?" I asked curious. 

"Kinda in the air really. Minotaurs and human women act delicate or loving but most like pretty things." Amanda said with a smile. "Though it was considered, new wav for non-feminine acting races to try feminine things, well from our perspective anyway. And it was a huge fashion boom when that happened. I can't tell you how many battle dresses and goddess tuxes me and your mother made in our younger years." She smiled at that while her eyes drifted to a framed newspaper. 

It had what looked like Amanda in a pink dress with pauldrons and gauntlet arm gloves, it oddly brought out the shape of her arms in a ferice sexy way. My mother on the other hand was in a tux that looked made of water, white frills were made to look like foam from waves. The tux hugged her frame and sparkled like sand under the sunlight, she looked a little androgynous and girlish at the same time. They each had an arm around the other's waist and wore huge, 'I had a really good kiss', smiles. They looked super happy together, both their smiling faces seemed ready to chase after the sky itself. 


After that, they let me walk around the house though Amanda did encourage me try on another outfit much to my mother's excitement and my own nervousness. Walking around i saw several posters for balls, parties and even something called the Marooned lands. That one had an island floating above white water and several tall buildings making it look like some resort. I guess they got invited to lots of places or maybe they wanted to showcase their work there? But why’d mom not go forward with that? I began wondering if there was an Amanda back in my old world, if there was then what's different? Mom loved sewing to the point she concerted my old room into a sewing room. 

I wasn't sure what happened but maybe….. with a look around, i quickly walked into a room. Inside there was several photos and newspapers of Amanda, my mother and other groups of people. Looking at the people i tried to find similar faces, maybe there was a tie some where. After scanning the pictures I found three people that popped up; a lizard man with a creepy toothy grin, a blonde with extremely pointed cheek bones and a large minotaur that looked wider than Mr. Minnow.

The lizard man was always positioned to be looking at either my mother or Amanda. he wore a big puffy suit that looked straight out of an old medieval flick, he even had what looked like a jester’s hat sitting on his tail. Maybe he was just a weirdo obsessed with fashion? OR, he was a jealous rival that wanted in on their fame? Maybe not…. I found a picture of Amanda giving him a large trophy and he’s giving the same creepy smile.

The liposuction blonde was always in the same purple dress and stood at attention like a soldier or butler, her eyes always on the camera. it kinda looked like she was watching the person looking at the picture……..Nope, nope! she’s totally not looking at me. wait here’s one where she’s looking at something else….. This picture was taken at what looks like Gato’s Tail. there was what looked like a giant jet engine held up by large  chains in between two buildings.

 The large minotaur was in a black suit with a flower in his pocket. He was always watching Amanda in the background, his face was always locked in a permanent pissed face. He was always looking over from behind a corner or from inside a building. Was he an obsessive fan gone stalker? then why isn’t anyone stopping him, he’s not hidden too well and in this picture he’s right behind Amanda. She even looks uncomfortable like she left the stove on.

Poking around I noticed a newspaper sticking out of an open drawer. Pulling it out I saw the headline, FASHION POWER COUPLE BREAKS UP. A paragraph below it read; After ten years of amazing artwork and topping several fashion trends for most of their young career, Seamstress and designer Allison Roberts has stepped down. Some believe after years of leading the industry, Miss Roberts has been hit with burnout, others believe it due to creative differences but there has yet to be announcements of Miss Roberts starting anything. Although some reported that their biggest investor and father to Miss Amanda Elrod and CEO of Tartarus inc. Alta Elrod has been seen arguing with his daughter. Some would even suggest He was pressuring her to cut ties with Miss Roberts. Many even reported feeling the heavy mana pouring out of the meeting room whenever the two met. Multiple employees reporting sensing a great feeling of disappointment and disgust.

Turning back to the large minotaur, I eyed his face, eyes narrowing and a frown growing on my face. Slowly I shook my head.

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