My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.72.6: The Way we See things

“Did you know? Lamia do this silly and adorable tap with their tails?” Said the video as a lamia appeared. Her tail was twisting and coiling as if grabbing the air while she slapped the floor with her tail tip multiple times. All while a man came up to her with a little lamia no bigger than a foot or two, wrapped in his arm. The child wearing a fuzzy bear hoodie, smiled and her own tail began shaking and tapping the father’s arm as they approached the excited lamia. 

“Lovers and partners alike have affectionately called this behavior ‘tippy taps, sending hugs and swirling the batter’. This behavior largely stems from their instincts as all lamia will react as so when extremely excited due to joy or distress with this bodily action. Therefore it is important to listen to their tone of voice and their facial features to determine the leading emotion. Maybe that lamia next door has the hots for you?” The video ended after that as I sat back on my chair raising an eyebrow.

They’re like cat/dog people? Sure lamia had scales instead of fur or the characteristic ears a beast kin had but they still had tails….

“Wonder if Steph sends hugs?” I said to myself. The thought of Steph slapping her tail on the floor and panting like an excited puppy made my wings vibrate with an odd warmth, threatening to pull open. 

NO, I will not treat my friend as some sexual fantasy!

Sighing to myself I knew I had to take care of this burning need soon otherwise……I might wake up with something like a table leg inside m-m-me. The thought sent cold shivers down my spine but also made my heart squeeze like eating a tasty snack. The opposing sensations were a little too much so I quickly played the other video I wanted to see.

“Cat kin is one of the common terms for describing all feline monster races. Although some groups argue that monsters like the kitsune and the jawloon should be included in that terminology due to their cat like behaviors like purring and filling tight spaces like a liquid.'' 

The video showed several nya-jin, the chur and a few other cat like people ranging from small werewolf cats to a large human man with cat eyes that wore small glasses. It then showed three women, two with large fox ears that stood tall while the shorter one had cute almost rounded ears. The shorter one had pure white hair while her skin was a dark black color. Her shoulder length hair was thick and puffy like a winter coat and she had two pillowly tails swishing back and forth. The one to her right had green pearlescent hair as if it was cut from an emerald. This fox girl was the tallest, had four short and puffy tails and her hands were a pale reddish color. The third had platinum blonde hair and had odd scars on her cheeks that would open when this girl’s expression turned tense, exposing a red flowing light. She had not only the most tails but they were the longest of the three there. Six long tails were fanned out like a peacock and were colored like a lightly toasted marshmallow, the tails slowly swayed like a tree under strong wind.

 “This is clearly misguided as cat kin do not grow additional tails nor do they gain new magical abilities. Instead they tend to focus on their physical abilities although, nya-jin are one of the few races of cat kin to focus on magic other being the necorea. All cat kin are protective and somewhat playful though this varies from race to race as well as what they are protective of. The tomaserainians or toma for short value their independence, churr protect only those they easily share secrets with, nya-jin protect family and the necorea prefer a safe location.” 

The video showed cat kin resting on a couch to some running atop the rooftops of small buildings. It then transitioned to a close up of their pointed ears.

“Majin-mew have extremely sensitive hair follicles within their ears that allow them to sense the movement of mana and even pick up on the emotional state of released mana. You can’t release even a breath of neutral mana near a majin-mew without then figuring out if you’re happy or sad. This has led to the sub race being seen as perfect doting wife material especially when considering their family oriented lifestyle and supportive mindset.” 

The video showed a muscular minotaur with a cute little majin-mew looking up at him with a focused gaze before the small girl pulled out a meat dish from a nearby table. The minotaur drooled at the meal but didn’t dig in, instead giving the girl a sweet kiss which made her tail curl as if rubbing itself.

The action made my lower insides squeeze while my wings not only pulled open but began flapping and knocking everything around me over in a gust of wind. Fucking hell! The cute girl looked like someone fun to tease and might even shower me with a stampede of love that I couldn’t help but stare at her lips…..a little modest in the bust but that a-

Without realizing it my tail had not only knocked over a lamp but was now pressing into my inner thigh as I mindlessly grinded into it. Only realizing when a jolt of hot gooey heat rushed up my back.

“Mmhmmmm~.” I coed hungrily.



“Hey! I’m working here! Stop making so much noise!” Cole shouted angrily. “You’re not the only one living here!” 

“S-sorry about that Cole…saw something that spooked me.” I called back. Luckily he didn't open the door otherwise……….my heart would probably go into overload and I might end up blasting magic by accident. Besides, why would anyone want to see their sibling in the act? The thought of my brother seeing an act made my stomach grumble and feel stiff as if I ate a  salted heavy rock.

“Sure. I’ll leave you to your horror mouse. Hard scales and you freak out, what’s a mouse even going to do?” he quietly grumbled to himself before leaving. “Maybe that’s something I could us-” 

Once he left I leaned back into my chair, dropping my weight on it that the thing bent backward and almost threw me off the chair. Shit. stumbling to my feet I checked the chair only to find the metal holding up the chair was practically snapped in two! Too bad I don't have a welding tool and my damned breath would just melt the chair… If it doesn’t burn the house down first.

That explosion at the fairy event and Mark not showing up after asking to meet up. The hell’s going on in this weird world?! And fucking ignoring my own desire probably isn’t helping matters! 

Shaking my head at the annoying need that was building up in my back and new lower parts, I made my way to the bathroom. Once inside, I pulled my clothes off only to discover my underwear was practically soaked! How much do dragoness’ make!? Maybe I should just make a pond and act as the freaking fountain head with how much I’m leaking!


After some searching online, I found something to help me out. Choosing a video with an adorably short guy and one of those larger Oni. I didn’t choose it because I thought the short guy was cute, just that this short boyish person was a pale blue incubus. Large purple eyes, plump lips, a sizable ass and he even had the soft look a woman had. Rather than being skin and bones or just oddly fat, he just looked like a girl in those short shorts and cream shirt. The Oni on the other hand towered over him, maybe a good two meters and had breasts big enough to envelop his head and chest. And she didn’t wait long to play with the incubus as she lifted him off the floor with one hand, pinned him to the wall like a doll and started pulling off his clothes with her mouth.

The thought of being the one to take charge made my shoulders vibrate in a warmth as I eagerly groped my inner thighs. That little bo-girl looked deliciously sweet! I couldn’t help imagine holding him down and commanding him to please me with those soft looking hands!

My arms leaned forward as I thought of this, pressing my breasts together. Moving my arms made my tits happily grind together and oozed sweet zaps of joy as I moaned. I need more! Come on little boy!

I’ll use his cute little body as a fucking body scrub! Rub every inch without holding back! 

My cunt began quickly squeezing and dripping that it burned! Without a second thought, I slammed my hand over my pussy with a loud slap. “OOOOOHHOHOHHHH~!” Instantly lifting my hand again before slamming it back, slapping my desperate privates. The whole time imagining the cute pointed eared boy playing with me and happily fighting back my aching fires!

The fire began to swirl, faster! Faster! NOUW!

My tail slammed onto the floor of the shower, sending a numbing pulse up my spine. While my wings were sprawled open, trembling and warmly spasming.

I looked back down at my sweet prize and my beautiful treasure, his cute giggling face, burning hot cheeks and fuzzy ears were enough to send my pussy into a rage. It clamped shut as rings of wondrous heat pushed outward into my whole body.



Wouw….he’ssss- that cutieeeeeee wass a gud snac! Heheh! Laying with my cute like Be-ulesgh…..

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