My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.55: Class. Are to Pretend

“Alright class! Don’t forget the two holidays coming up this Friday give you the day off! If you show up here then I assume you want to take part in the school’s welcoming wings party starting at eleven and ending at three! There will be food and drinks! Plus the different artists here will either be performing music, plays or presenting art pieces! If you show up, keep your ticket for extra credit!” Mr. Minnow told the class before looking Emily straight in the eyes. “There will not be a written report on this event and I won’t be accepting one no matter how enthusiastic you are about this cultural event!” His eyes looked like they could melt metal. “Also tomorrow is the ‘Flora’s Gathering’ at the ‘Little Piece of Home’ mini town in the gardens! The fairies and other sprites will be holding this event to usher in the fall season and release the bonds of summer to the winds!” Mr. Minnow added with a stern look.

 “On to the topic of class! With the issues brought up yesterday, what are your own fears? What holds you back from acting? Are you nervous about talking to an old friend you haven’t seen years? These are the kinds of things that could hold you back from maintaining your mental or physical heath.” Mr. Minnow began with an oddly calm voice. “People do things, act or avoid certain situations because of fear. This can bring many issues to individuals and even groups. Issues such as failing to act or complete tasks related to said fear. You could be afraid of water, insects, social interactions or even dolls to name a few.”

“Now there are certain signs of someone is afraid! Starting with physical signs you might see in humans; they might tremble or shake, break out in hives, sweat buckets or even feel nauseous! Skin color can change to red or a pale white, they might even look away or hold their body! Crossing your arms, holding your arm or hiding your privates with your hand are signs of being uncomfortable. No, crossing your arms doesn’t mean I’m in charge! It’s a protective measure, similar to when you hug a scared sibling! These are all signs that mean I am afraid or uncomfortable!” He explained to us while presenting each thing he mentioned.

“But there is one sign that means something else! If you or someone you know well enough to be considered close turns to look at you then that means help.” He let the word hang in the air for a moment, letting some students realize certain things. “It means they trust you enough to nonverbally ask for your support! Please help me, please stand by me! Admittedly it’s a more obvious sign, humans and monsters alike have been using it from the moment we recognized mom and dad as a baby! But some people have difficulty identifying these signs, that’s the point of the lesson! In monsters there is another universal obvious sign! Mana!” He began.

“Mana lets you know if a monster is afraid or hurt! In all monsters, the projection of mana happens on a subconscious level. As we age and grow accustom to mana we can learn to only announce our mana when we want to! So when we’re afraid, we’ll release mana to call to those we trust for help! But the only issue is, if you don’t believe you’re safe then you may try to hide your mana. Bringing us to our next topic! Even though monsters may show similar signs, there’s still a distinction between each race! A succubus may change into a more aggressive form not unlike the werewolf stories, pronounced fangs, claw like nails and a bulkier body. A scared succubi leads to a reliance on their charm magic to better hide!

A scared Jell- requin will slap others with their tail fin while their eyes become pin holes, protected by their eye covers. Races like minotaurs and centaurs lower their ears and move more robotically, watching others for sudden moves! In fact, in certain monster races always hiding their back is a defensive action, they don’t trust you!  This means you’re in danger but if you have to approach one, keep your distance and speak in a calm and relaxed voice.” He explained before looking at his hand.

“Some monsters with fur will puff up to look bigger while smiling, showing fangs or any pointed teeth! But the same races also make soft grumbling almost purring vibrations, this is more a calming method than it is an aggressive or defensive! Winged insect races, twitch their wings making a low hum that sounds like gurgling or vomiting!” Mr. Minnow sighed. “To be honest there’s several signs I could point out but that would be leaving the point of today’s class behind. So how do we approach a scared monster or human?” He asked the class.

“With a smile?” one guy asked.

“Showing teeth to even humans that are scared will only have the opposite reaction!” Mr. .Minnow said before pointing at that guy who tried hitting on me.

“With a gift that might change their mood?’ He asked with a snap.

“Are you going to always have a gift?” Mr. Minnow asked.

“Try to look small or cute?” Asked Valerie.

“Looking as non-threatening is a good action!” Mr. Minnow said.

“Oh! Give them space and don’t move suddenly!” Called Belle with a cheerful smile.

“Good! It seems my class understands being friendly is a good first step! But you need to consider what the person is feeling if you want to help them! What works for you might not work for them! So assuming they let you approach them, the question turns to, what do you do to calm them down?!” He said to which Belle raised his hand.

“My uncle told me that a purring hug helps bring their mind to focus so I try that with a combo of with my Air of aromas when my family feel down.” Belle said happily.

Mr. Minnow smiled at Belle’s response. “Yes. These will work on people that know you and somewhat ease those that don’t!”

The Orc raised his hand after that. “Sometimes we need someone to talk things out to. Someone to just listen to their problem.” He said a low and soft voice.

Mr. Minnow nodded at his answer. “Sometimes we need an ear to get things off out chest!”

“When you’re able to approach a scared person and if they’re willing to talk, then ask what’s scaring them! If they tell you then slowly remove it if possible if not then get them to talk about other topics, get their mind busy to better focus them! Fear is only our alarm system, the more focus you have, the easier it is to act rationally.” He said before handing out papers to everyone. “These are scenarios that I want groups of three to practice! Written on each paper is the names of everyone in your group, one or both are classmates that you haven’t spoken too much or at all with!” He announced to everyone.

I could see a few people slouching or fist pumping once they saw who was in their group. Some people really like talking to those they know after all. Once I got my paper, I checked who was in my group, a Penny and Jean were written on it. Jean sounded familiar…… who was it? Oh yeah, he that guy that brought those lizardmen teeth and a picture of his giant older sister if remember right? Looking around I found Jean who instantly locked eyes with me, he slowly raised his hand to wave at me. Probably nervous, I thought to myself as I walked over to him.

“You’re really big!” Jean said almost excitedly but he stayed planted where he stood. I could tell he was breathing quickly, making me keep some distance. I didn’t want the guy to pop from all the mana coming from me.

“In a tall way?” I asked confused.

“Your tail is really fat!” he said with a nervous smile.

I stared at him in frozen horror. My tail isn’t fat! It’s a regular small size! Just like the weights on my chest, nothing big here! It’s all small and skinny! I’m not trying to look hot or sexy here! I’m just trying to look fashionable! “I see.” Was all I said.

“Um? A-a-are you alright?” he asked with a scared face.

“Are you Jean? I’m………..” A girl approached Jean asking him a question before noticing my frozen face. “Did you complement him?” She asked coldly.

“Yeah…..I just said his tail was big…….” Jean said with bulging eyes.

She pulled him aside. “Oliver was a human before this soooooooooo.” She just let it hang in the air.

“Oh…..” Jean turned back to me. “I’m Sorry! I-um, wanted to be friendly!” He said meekly.

“It’s fine, just don’t mention my tail size please.” I said regaining my senses. “So I’ll go get my desk and we’ll start.”


Once we gathered together, I looked over the scenarios, each one had either us act out two people finding a scared centaur, one person finding two scared arachne, scared lizard woman and a rabby. In one scenario, one of the two is supposed to be mean or at least rude to the scared person.

“Shouldn’t be too hard.” Penny stared hard at the paper. “I want to do the lizard woman with Jean playing as the lizard woman.” She announced.

Jean just blankly stared at her like she asked him to master rocket engineering. So she nudged him with her elbow to wake him up. “I’m not a woman! I can’t act like one like it’s nothing!” He said with annoyance. True, pretending something you’re not isn’t easy or fun.

“Reeeeeeeeeeeeeally? So you talking mostly about your sis for more than half your report was you not wanting to be like her?” Penny asked with a flat poker face, hiding a royal flush.

Jean lowered his shoulders. “I don’t want to show a bad side of lizardmen or women…” He said sadly.

“It’s fine Jean, think of it as practice to help understand your family.” Penny said smacking his back playfully. Penny really wanted Jean to play this part I could even see a small smile on her face as she went over what we’ll do. What exactly did she want from this? While I was wondering what she was after, she slipped gloves on and cracked her knuckles.

“Alright.” Jean said before taking a deep breath. He began to act as intimidating as possible, puffing out his chest and swinging his ‘tail’ (It was just his arm that he waved like a tail) and slapping it on the floor, he even tried to make a gurgling and clicking sound.

At this point Penny disappeared! I blinked and she was gone from the corner of my eye! I didn’t even hear a sound and yet she was gone! Even Jean didn’t notice she was gone, more focused on his lizard woman act. “Penny? Where’d yo-“

Without any response or warning, a puff of smoke that smelled like vanilla and sweet bell peppers just engulfed Jean. He looked surprised, took a whiff and his face sunk inward like he was about to launch a projectile of vomit. And before he could run from the smell, Penny had appeared behind him, striking his back like some kung fu master, “Ah! OOooooooh.” His shoulders and back loosened up before slumping onto his desk with a huge dopey smile on his face. After that the smoke disappeared like it wasn’t there to begin with and Penny was sitting in her seat again.

I just stared at her like I found out aliens were real and only came here for hotdogs and wigs. Noticing my stare she nervously rubbed the back of her head. “Just a simple Jutsu move I picked up, heheh.” She said with an innocent smile.

“Don’t do that to me. please.” I said flatly. I’d rather not smell like a weird candle you find in a novelty shop. She nodded quickly before turning back to Jean.

“Wow….Sky said your mom was a great masseuse, I didn’t know you were too!” Jean said with peaceful face.

“Not a massage! It’s a jutsu! Jutsu!” Ranted Penny in a grumpy face that oddly made her look super cute.


After that we tried the arachne one with me playing the part of scared monster. The instructions told me how to act and move but being a person with only three pairs of limbs I found it hard to do the nervous leg taps. So I went with the leg rubbing and the alert snapping my head to danger while bending my legs. I guess since most arachne here are of the jumping spider verity, they would want to, well, jump away?

“I’d rather not deal with this….Problem.” Jean said nervously playing the part of an avoidant person.

“Don’t listen to him, miss. I’ll make sure you’re ok if that’s ok with you.” Penny said as she approached me watching my eyes.

The paper said if I was looked in the eyes, I could either act defensively or with suspicion. I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes while pulling back my arms.

“S-see! The spider doesn’t want your help!” Jean said trying to pull her away.

Penny ignored him and showed me the back of her hands and sorta covered her mouth, keeping eye contact. Her eyes were like big droplets of golden honey and I couldn’t help but slightly open my wings in uh-surprise! “It’s ok, cute miss. Is there something you want to talk about?” She asked trying to make her voice sound soft and cute but slightly failing at it.

The paper said I should mention something about clothing or accessories becoming damaged or ruined. “M-my brooch was stained with nasty juice.” I said in my best pretend sad girl voice.

“See. It’s just some um- thingy that doesn’t matter.” Jean said trying to sound mean but really he looked sick with himself. Turning his face away, trying to hide his upset face.

“That sounds awful! Maybe we can fix it or clean it?” She asked while still covering her mouth somewhat.

Looking back to my paper it said I had to either tap two feet to communicate acceptance or look away and then agree, I could even cover my mouth to show non-hostility. Honestly this was weird that these spider girls have these kinds of rules. Turning back I looked away almost looking disinterested. “Okay….” I said calmly while covering my mouth. the paper explained that mouth covering with one hand meant being friendly or willing to listen while two hands showed submissiveness. It also explained that leg movements and taps were another form of communication though vibrations. An arachne's dance may look to mean something but in actuality say something else.

Was that why Maria was moving like that yesterday?  She was trying to say something else to me or someone else? She even....she covered her mouth with both hands didn't she? Great, I made someone submit to me in fear! And, why, does it feel warm down there? 

"Ahem." Penny cleared her throat to get my attention. "You really dived in to your role! You were even shaking at the end how some arachne stim to calm down." She said admiring my 'act'.

"Right, I got a little carried away, hehe." I chuckled nervously.


After that we did a few more before class was over and we all went back to our original spots. I even saw that perv guy elbow Penny who laughed about something before dropping herself on her desk, looking drained. The perv guy rubbed her shoulder before making a weird noise to make her groan.

That was interesting, I still don’t know why those spider girls act like that, the large one I met in flight class wasn’t like that at all. She tried to look big and scary while spinning her back legs like a propeller. I guess there’s cultural differences? That or their instincts act differently.

Just a heads up, I'll be interning next week so updates are movingto once a week either Fridays or Mondays not sure yet. I'll also be trying to build a larger back log. I'm only 4 or 5 chapters ahead at the moment.

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