My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.45: I Look Forward to your Smile



Wait! No! Please come back!

..t..r you were supposed to be there for me!

…t..r I let you down!


You’ve gone and done it again kid. HEEHE~HAHAHA! Maybe next time you’ll be there to stop it or maybe you’ll just watch again.

It’s not like you can do anything, little twig.



“SHUT UP!” I shouted, jumping up into a sitting position. Where are you, you bastard! “Say that to my face you-“ I continued, flexing my hands ready to claw out his throat.

“Oliver!” Cried my mother, grabbing my arm. “It’s alright! He can’t hurt you or Miss Nangerine.” She said. My body froze in confusion while she pulled me into a firm hug. Too tight!

 “Ah. He has woken up! I thought I was wrong again…” Nangerine sat watching me from the other side of the room.

“What’s…going-on?” I managed to ask as my mother tightened her hold on me!

“The sweet lady you saved came to visit you!” Mom clarified before squeezing me again with a worried face. “Luckily you held back that thief attacking her before you fainted. The doc said you’ll be fine!” She said.

 “Yes, I wanted to thank you for helping me with that dreadful invader.” Nangerine said with smile before looking at my mother. “Your son is very brave to come to my aid during a disastrous event.” Her smile slipped into a frown. “It’s a shame that faulty wiring was cause of this pain.” She said staring into my eyes. I gave her a confused look before looking down at my mother, she was trying to look fine but her eyes were puffy and she slightly trembled. Ok.

“That’s what happened? I-I don’t know how to take that. Steph got hurt and we weren’t even- wait! Is she here? Is she ok?!” I asked almost jumping out of my bed and taking my mother with me.

“She’s ok.” Nangerine said but her face seemed angry. “She got to go home earlier this morning.” She finished before getting up. “Now, please excuse me as there are other things I have to attend to,. Insurance and their cloak and dagger.” She said with a grumpy face.

Leaving me alone with my mother, I looked at her just as her eyes began to fill with water. “Oliver, Please!” She begged as tears began streaming down her face.

My eyes softened as I returned her hug, leaning into each other. “Yes.” I answered her firmly, making sure my hug was just as firm as her’s. I’m here, nowhere else. I won’t forget you.


After some time a human doctor came in, his hair was a tangled mess and his shirt was full of wrinkles while his eyes were reddish and had baggy eyelids. He sighed as he flipped through his clipboard. “It looks like our concerns of a mana blockage or any burning of the lungs due to left over plasma mana have turned up negative. It was just low mana levels that knocked them out. Your daughter is-“ my mother gave him a stern look, making him sluggishly pause before looking back at his clipboard. “Sorry, your son is healthy.” He paused again making a yawn. “His yellow scales are….a little pale. I would suggest he increase his intake of fatty foods like avloo and stilt calcium supplements. He’s probably still growing so it’s best he take care of his diet. Besides that, you’re free to go.” He said as he handed mom some papers before leaving.

“Come on Oly. Let’s go home. We’ll pick up some lunch on our way back.” She said with a smile but her voice sounded tired.

“Aright.” I said with a smile, trying to mimic her outward emotion. But I grabbed her things and refused to let her hold anything as we walked to her car.

As we made our way through the hospital, I could saw several people huddled inside the different rooms, humans and monsters alike. In one room I saw a giant spider and a skinny dark skinned guy with several bandages on his arms and eyes. The spider was missing parts of two different legs and its body shook like it was freezing. A human girl sat there holding the skinny guy’s hand and softly petting the spider, her face was red like she was screaming or crying all day.

Going down the hall, we passed a lizardman who was being pushed in an egg shaped wheelchair. He held a stern look like a future leader but his claws dug into the armrest, he would probably never walk on the same leg again.

I could hear slow beeping of the machines, shouting doctors, groans or crying of people. Others had empty eyes that just looked right through me, I was finally invisible. Just not in the way I wanted.

Seeing all the pain that the blast caused, lodged a torn of anger under my skin. Everything just twisted, burned and cut into my chest. I wished that I hurt that disgusting mongrel more, a broken leg and a mild concussion wasn’t enough for what he stole. Disgusting animal….



Once we came home, mom went to get Cole from his room, withholding the food until he came out.

“Fine…!” Cole almost growled in annoyance as he came into the living room. He leered at me as if I was covered in sewage before looking over the food we brought home. “Marie’s huh.” He half mumbled in anger but also slightly smiled.

“Yeah… mom figured it would be fun to have some Torliainee food.” I said trying to pretend a smile.

“Hmph…” He grumbled his reply. We get otherworldly Italian food and you act like this?! “Hey mom I got a movie going on in my room. I’ll take mine in there.” He said as he grabbed his bowl of creamy pasta. Before he took off though, he gave mom a kiss on the cheek to thank her but gave me side eye as he did it.

“Why don’t you watch it here?” She begged with big eyes.

“Can’t. Doing a movie share with some friends.” He said before leaving us alone.

Exhausted with everything I ignored him, instead sitting down to eat some iron Chicken Penne Arrabiata. I wasn’t in the mood to try convincing him to stay with us, he might make a big fuss and that might upset mom more, she was stressed out enough as it was.

 The meat in my food was oddly spicy as if the animal’s meat naturally came with a good bite, it warmed my mouth with its tender flavor to the point I might actually breathe fire. The sauce was good, it had a mix of seasonings that paired well with the spicy chicken, giving it a sweet kinda tangy flavor.

After the meal I sat down on the couch to keep an eye on my mother in case she needed another hug. In the meantime I distracted myself my phone, checking out the pictures I took of the cultural book. Maybe I’d find something about why lamias seem so close? Partner needy?

‘Lamias are all born female and have no restrictive roles in regards to gender which has led to their unique social behavior developing. All natural born lamia aim to take care of their wants and needs without begging others to come and help them to the point that they believe a good life lived is one worked on. Ignoring those that seek to help them as they believe it lessens their personal growth and marks them as unreliable.  The only instances a lamia will accept aid is from family, partners and their mate.’

Partners! Not partner? So then when she said she spoke with Emily, she really meant they were already partners? They must’ve known each other for longer than me. But then why did she ask me to be her partner? We’ve only known each other for a couple weeks…. Is it just a horny teenager mindset? Date one person, drop them and date another?

Checking for anything about partners in my pictures, I only find a small piece cut off at the bottom of a picture and the next picture jumps to the Nya-jin entry. Damn! I must’ve skipped this part! I stared at my phone with a flat almost cold expression, as if past me was flipping me off.

“Hey, Oly?” My mother called me as she sat next to me. Looking over, she patted her lap while eyeing my tail. I gave her a weird look but she retaliated by lowing her head and giving my big puppy eyes and a big frown.

I looked at my tail curled at my side and back to her, she nodded her head with a soft smile. I sighed before lifting my tail and placing it on her lap, she began petting my tail, sliding her fingers down the top and tracing the indents between my scales with her fingers.

“Your scales are very beautiful.” She said with a smile. “It’s like you glued hundreds of gems to your body.” She was amazed and her eyes were filed with sparkles.

I chuckled. “All the gems in the world wouldn’t compare to a single scale.” I said rather proudly.

“Is that your dragon instincts talking?” She asked with a half-smile on her face.

I froze. Realizing I could play along to cheer her up. “I g-g-guess?” I said nervously. I even gave a sensitive face like I was caught red handed.

“Why hello there honest side of Oly!” She flashed me a huge smile like making a new best friend. “I’m happy to meet you.” She leaned close. “Maybe we could cut a deal. I hear Oliver has seen some hardships yesterday. I was hoping you spill a little.”

I rolled my eyes, she was worried about me so I’ll be honest. “I’m just worried about my friend that got hurt. I don’t know how this might’ve affected her.” I said looking away. “And I guess she asked me something strange earlier too. It must be a lamia thing?” I added.

“Well from what the sweet lady said. I think She’ll pull through so I’d say be supportive when she needs help. She converged right?” I nodded. “Then she’ll be cool about it. Natural born lamia can be a little…” She paused, looking for an appropriate word. “fussy about who helps them.” She said with an uncertain face. “Maybe send a get well text later or a phone call.”

“Yeah I was thinking I’d do that. Don’t want her thinking I’d pin that blast on her.” I said with a slow shrug.

“Ahh! She invited you there huh?” She asked, putting together what I meant. That sorta just slipped out but I guess I’m more worried than I thought?

“Yeah………. She wanted to get me away from the eyes of other people and took it hard when people stared at me there too. I guess that has to do with what I mentioned too?” I wasn’t sure but she probably wanted to get closer that way?

“Which is?”

I looked down at the floor with an uncomfortable expression. I wasn’t sure how to word this but maybe it’ll help me understand things. “She wanted to become partners.” I just laid it out.

“OH! Oly, that’s sooo sweet of her! She must really care about you if she asked you.” Mom was really happy about this and now that just makes things harder…..

“I um… didn’t accept.” Her eyes narrowed but she let me continue. “We’ve only known each other for a couple weeks? I think that’s a little early to start a relationship.” I said with a worried voice.

Mom closed her eyes but kept petting my tail, that kinda felt nice? I could barely feel her hand or the pressure but it made my body feel warmer…. Almost like- Looking at her hand I noticed a ring was softly glowing a pale white color. She was! But why?

“um… mom?” I asked hesitantly, I wasn’t sure what was going on.

“Oly, I understand that you don’t want to play with a girl’s emotions.” She looked up at me and smiled. “It makes me happy that you’re growing into a considerate young man –er, dragoness. But please remember that lamia partners are like family, it only goes as far as you permit. Now if she was asking to be her Life partner then I’d have some choice words to speak to her with.” She said as she happily rubbed her knuckles into her palm.

“Moooom, you’re not hurting my friends.” I quickly snapped. If she hits as hard as she hugs then I’d rather not play that game.

“AH honey, I won’t hurt them.” She gave me cheery smile but her eyes looked cold enough to freeze hell. “If they want to start a romantic relationship with possible marriage, I need to be sure their priorities are in check.”

My mind nodded in approval. “That’s oddly sweet of you but please don’t do anything crazy.” I begged.

“Sure thing Sweetie. Nothing crazy at all.” Wait did she ju- “Any who, I think you should at least consider her offer if it’s still on the table. You might not present as a woman but it would allow you to try feminine things without judgment.” She said with a hopeful eyes.

“But Steph is someone who would see something! And I know you want to try more daughter stuff.” I said warning her that I was on to her.

“Yeah I do but I won’t push you into it unless you want to try. Besides you don’t have to call yourself a girl to try some of the fancy clothes~.” She said in a cheery tune.

“I just like fashion and soft c-clothes.” I said turning away. No way am I going to say I like looking cute or anything! Nope no way!

“That’s the whole point! I’m glad my son has some good taste. But it’s good to have a lamia partner, she wants to trust you even more like a close family member and as a bonus she won’t-can’t judge you. Unless you’re doing something stupid then they would say something. If you’re not sure just do a little more research and talk to her about it some more before you make an ultimate decision.“ She said before turning back to petting my tail.

But I wasn’t sure what a partner meant still. “But what exactly is a partner to a lamia if it’s not a romantic relationship?” I asked softly.

My mother looked at the ceiling for a moment. “Well lamia are a fully female race soooo back in the olden days, lamias would only rely on their family. Friends weren’t really considered the way we see a friend, often treated like a close acquaintance. Long story short a war broke out in their homeland and their hero knew the issue why they were failing and developed the concept of partners.” She said turning to me with a big smile. “You treat those close to you like family and together build each other up and since lamia are all gals, only a girl can be a partner. It’s sort of like a sisterhood built on respect and communication.” She finished, turning back to rub my tail with her mana ring.

I guess I’ll keep it in mind the next time I talk to Steph. But I think I’ll sit here with mom a little longer. Her mana petting feels….nice.


Hey everyone. I hope you're feeling good today. I didn't want to release an extra chapter but it felt fitting to do so. so here you are.

writing these two chapters cut into my skin, seeing the pain that everyone went through...I just, I'm sorry this stuff happened.

Please be safe out there.

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