My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.43: Rolls with a Smile

Hello! I was wondering how space looks like if color was more than a word? How would I describe color to you if you spoke in color? You'd think me naïve or childish but who knows.


The darkness swallowed the world around me, there was nothing, there was everything. All around me, all within me, along with myself, all in my palm. This is what I am, this is to be and shouldn’t ever be. That is before a sudden and sweet mist gave me form. Exposing me to such blinding presence, to such a scorching comfort to, feel…The world spun until there was more than me, my home, the shape of light and its warmth. And a woman.

“Well… you certainly take to my magic greatly.” She said stroking her chin. The woman lifted a arm?  finger? She prodded the blazing light, pushing it back a few inches. “That’s more realistic.” She said with smiling eyes.

Where am I?

“This? Why you said it yourself! Don’t you ever pay attention?” She squawked. “I am not a bird! Now please, I am here to help lead you to your goal.” The woman said waving all her arms in a circle.

Goal? I don’t have need for that.

She stared at me.

Do I?

Yeeeesssss. You very much do! Now before you describe my face, I have to show you. Well more, tell you.” She said narrowing her eyes. “You are not yet ready for the future. Look to those who love and teach you, this will bring you to your goal to understanding magic. Then and only then will you be able to speak wholly.” The ggain agb#ndt woman said.

The Mist began to pull forward, cutting away the darkness and this light.

“Remember to prepare and explore!” with that, the woman vanished, swallowed by the dark. She was never here.

Turning back to the shape I wondered what she meant about realistic. I will wonder my truth in this word.





My eyes snapped open as I quickly looked around, breathing heavily. My head felt like someone pressed their knuckles into my skull all while someone smashed their drum set in the background in a wild manic solo. Without thinking I pressed my fingers into my head, quickly stabbing my skin with my claws, not deep enough to draw blood but the pain was perfect in snapping me out of this.

“Hmmm, maybe I should ask for their pork soup? No that would be too greedy. I’ll build up favor and then ask for it! Yes!” Nangerine said to herself with a smirk. “Ah. You’ve finally woke up! That was two seconds later than Stephany thought! So tell me, how was it?” she asked.

“I was me but not? My head hurts a little…”I replied with a pained look. “Where…”

She rolled her eyes. “Just a little magic to sell the effect. It’s nothing to worry about.” She said waving me off. “Do you remember my instructions?” she asked staring me in the eyes.

“Something about loved ones and magic talking?” I wasn’t’ too sure how to explain it but I think I understand?

“Good enough! Now let’s get you and my dear Stephany on her way to that boba spot.” She turned to look at me. “Also don’t get the beef burrito” she eyed. “Or not, why would I care.” She said leaving to get Steph.


Being gingerly pushed out the little shop, I just looked at the floor as Nangerine asked for extra liver and pork from Steph.

“Soooo. Think her power helped?” Steph asked with a curious eye.

“Maybe? it was kinda vague and slightly mind numbing?” I said still lost in my thoughts. Talking magic? Teaching me to loved ones?

“Yeah. That’s how the first time goes. So don’t worry! If you ask for her help again you shouldn’t feel as confused.” She said with a cheery smile.

Again!? “You must really like her if you’ve went to her for more help.” Raising my eye brow.

“Yeah… I- uh, hung around her during the summer…” she looked away with a somewhat conflicted face before shaking her head. “Anyway, how about boba and tacos?” she asked giving be a thumbs up. I wanted to ask what she meant but a quick scan of the street told me that people were still watching.

Sighing to myself, I gave her a nod. “Alright sure. I’m a little hungry.”


Leaving, I followed Steph to a small building that almost sat in the middle of the street with the branches of a massive oak (?) Tree coming out of a hole on top. Steph led me to a staircase going down into the ground next to the building with a neon sign called, ‘Boba Bauble burst!’

“You want to take the elevator or go through the fun way?” Steph asked leaning cutely.

“I think….. I’d try the fun way.” I said with an excited smile. She gave me huge smile before leading me to a large oval tunnel in the wall. Looking in I saw a….slide? It was nice and smooth like it was polished and wide enough that even Mr. Minnow could bring a table. I looked back at Steph who was coiling up into a donut. It was oddly cute and reminded me of a video of snakes getting ready for bed. She was wrapping herself into a giant cinnamon roll!

“What?” Steph froze. “I-I like Cushing myself, o-ok!” She tried hiding her face with part of her uncoiled tail.

Seeing her act this was made me smile like I owned the world and my mind even rubbed its hands together, chuckling. wait! I can’t- Steph’s poorly hidden face looked so small and cute!

 “Well…I was looking for my friend, but imagine my shock to find a giant cinnamon roll in her place!” Steph looked away but before I saw her awkward red face. “Too bad I don’t see my friend around, I’d bet she’d love a bite of this sweet looking bun.” I said holding a small smile.

“Oliver! y-y-your um… I think your instincts are acting u-EEK!” She started but was startled by my next attack as I pulled her into the slide with my tail. Her squeaks were soooooooooooooo cute! I couldn’t help but smile to myself.

“HEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAH!” the slide was such a great combo with my teasing! My heart was pounding and my back felt super fuzzy! I love being admired! This FIRE, this burning wild feeling was grand! Devine even!

“OOOOOOOOOIIIIVERRRRR!” Came her cry as we rushed down the winding slide together.

The slide was soo smooth that it felt like we were accelerating….moving faster? Wait! What the hell did I jump into! I should never have let my instincts lead me around like that! How am I supposed to stop myself if they blend with my thoughts so easily! I couldn’t understand how my actions and thoughts seemed to easily go with my instincts’ desires.

Before I could figure out anything we slammed into a thick gooey substance that wiggled and shook which felt like sitting on a trampoline. It completely stopped our speed and once we were practically frozen, we passed through this goop as if it wasn’t there anymore. Ending up on a pile of cushions at the end of the slide.

I looked at Steph who looked dazed and petrified from our crazy ride. “I’m sorry about that- you looked cute curled up and I guess my instincts just made me it easier to tease you!” I said without thinking about it.

She just turned and looked at me with wide eyes, her face trembling like a corpse trying to come back to life. “Hahahaaha! That was surprising that you’re more honest with your instincts.” she said with a sly look. “But whatever Nana told, I think you should look into it. Can’t be true to yourself if you’re that wild.” Her face turned thoughtful for quick moment. “Unless this is what you want? A freer Oliver would be interesting…. On second thought a half free you would be more manageable?”

“I think I want to be in control of my actions…… it makes planning surprises funner.” I said with a confused face. As crazy as that was, I don’t think a wild dragon would be really fun for anyone. It might bring out some suppression squad or that stupid church too.

After that we made our way through a short tunnel that was decorated with several pastel cel shaded posters of different monsters enjoying milk teas with boba of reds, blue, yellow and violet. Most of them advertised the shop, pointing to end of the tunnel or saying welcome! The only weird poster was one that was torn down the middle, leaving mostly the top corner visable. The letters F and R and a pointed cow ear was all I could make out, guess someone ripped it in the past.

As we made our way into the boba shop the first thing to catch my eye was a tree? But it had an afro of hundreds of colorful orbs, focusing my eyes these orbs looked like fruits or very huge berries? The tree (?) suddenly turned, showing a cute girlish face looking in our direction, her eyes were slightly larger than a human’s but seemed glassy. She, it (?), stood behind a large counter that circled a huge tree. While the person watched us, no, watched me. She or it made a worried face as we approached. Looking around there were humans and monsters watching me, a minotaur, several horned demons some arachne and even a few skinny guys sitting on HUGE SPIDERS! They were at least as tall as a large dog and had dark armor covering their bodies. The crazy thing was a guy’s face was poking out of it! What the Hell! Were ghosts real too!

Quickly looking away, I focused on the rest of the underground shop. The floor was wooden while the red clay like walls were shaped in a way that made the room look like a giant bowl. The walls even had alcoves cut into them filled with curved booth style couches and only arachne, those people who sat on spiders and different bug monsters. The room was lit up with branches holding glass lights, shaped like stars, hearts and orbs.

While I was observing the room, Steph went ahead of me, speaking with the tree berry face person? They seemed to understand but mostly kept their worried face, especially as Steph waved me over. As I moved closer I tried to keep my mind focused as I ignored the people all around me, their eyes were glued to my figure, pupils would widen or shrink while others clung to those close to them.

“This is Oliver. He’s a friend of mine.” Steph motioned to me. “And this is Anjou Hun Sherry. She owns this cool little slice of Haven” She motioned to the tree person.

“It’s good to meet you Grand Dragoness! Your presence honors me.” Sherry, lowered her head and the tree behind her began making creaking sounds as its branches bent downward. “Please allow me to service you by taking your order.” She finished.

Steph’s face seemed to change from a friendly smile to a more conflicted face. “I’ll try your berry and mango burst tea. And I’ll take a medium and easy on the whip cream.” I said with a calm smile as if nothing happened.

“Right away Grand Dragoness.” Sherry said with a forced smile. A petit human hand and arm somehow passed through Sherry’s bark quickly reaching up into their orb fruit afro, pulling off a red orb followed by a large handful of smaller violet berries? They then dropped the fruit and berries into a cup to quickly wash them off in a sparkly clear water. This water turned a milky white and as they drained the water, the fruit and berries turned see through like a stained glass. Picking up the fruit, they shook it and the inside swirled as if the fruit was liquefied. Once finished she opened the fruit into a cup and pulled out another transparent fruit and poured more in. then followed by the berries and ending with a plastic lid that stuck to the cup after applying  some magic.

Steph quickly made an order for something called red mocha original. While I waited I paid for mine and Steph’s as a little thank you, she didn’t want me to but I told her that her wallet would thank me. After getting her drink we made our way down another tunnel that seemed to lightly glow pink.

“Hey, this is pretty fun.” I said with a soft smile. Steph just slouched forward with a sour face.

“No…. it doesn’t feel like it.” she grumbled. “It was supposed to help you forget about the gunk bugging you! …..But instead it just reminded you of it…” She stared at the floor annoyed.

“Doesn’t change the fun I had.” I said with a confident voice. “I got to dress you up in a bunch of clothes. Even if you didn’t want to try out the whole pile.” I said with a mock pouty face.

“That would’ve swallowed me whole! No self-respecting woman would hurt herself like that.” She gave me weary side eye, trying to hide a small smile.

“You can’t deny that death by clothes avalanche would be funny on a grave stone.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the idea.

She just shook her head and rolled her eyes.” If that’s how I go then I’m haunting your ass because you probably jinxed me.” She kept up her grumpy front and crossed her arms.

“You’re not going to haunt me even when I’m on the toilet……………are you?” I asked with a scared face.

Her head tilted in thought before a wide smirk formed on her face. “I’ll make the toilet eat you while I hide the toilet paper. Aaaaannnnd if that’s not enough, I’ll make hissing sounds come from it as you sit down!” She was loved this idea so much that she even made a deep hissing sound for added effect. “You’ll rule the day you jinxed my death!”

Raising my hands I gave a nervous look. “Nope. I’m sorry about that, let’s just get those tacos you mentioned…..please?” I asked hopefully.

“Alright, I’ll think about it.” She stared at me.


As we made our way through the tunnel, we stopped at a sliding glass window in the wall with a menu above it and the name, ‘Los Locos Tacos’ on the sides of the window. Inside you could see people working in a kitchen cooking meat, cutting veggies. I even saw a bulky red demon pull out a fish as big as half the table, the demon’s pointer finger glowed before their nail grew into a long claw.  Which it used to slice the fish into small square chunks that looked partially cooked.

“I know I said tacos but I’m kinda wanting a steak burrito and this one comes with extra avloo! It’s sooo creamy!” Steph almost drooled.

Remembering what Nangerine said and how weird she is about Steph I quickly looked for an alternative. “Wait but there’s a sandwich that comes with an avloo sauce.” I pointed at a picture of a beefy sandwich filled with steak, lettuce tomatoes and…….. guac? But it looks more like melted cheese?

“OH! A torta! Yeah! I’ll get that with some calamari.” Steph said to the guy taking her order. He was stiff as he took our orders but luckily they were pretty fast at completing the orders.

“Come on.” Steph grabbed my arm, leading me to sliding doors painted to look like a sun. “I know a nice little spot we can eat at!” She said. Pressing the number three on the elevator wall.



Hey guys! How are YA! Hope you're doing well! me? well, it's been a little slow, I kinda took a lazy day or two and a half. My brain was cooking I guess. Anyway, Today's chapter Brought us to Nangerine's magic of thought, of future, of truth! I wonder what it would look like for me if she helped me out? Also Steph has been pretty sweet helping Oly get time to relax and chill a bit.

As always, Thank You for reading! It's always fun to put together a chapter....or two. Anyway I want you all to make sure you take a step back when life gets in your face. Don't run away, just get a breather, sing, draw, write, dance or make something strange. Then jump back on life like a mad tiger and move forward! I know you can do this!

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