My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.37: The Artist Within

Welcome to another Chapter!!! Have you ever wondered what a simple spice is? Yes it is meat! the meat of the Croisière Squid Comes with the much needed flavor that adding anything else would melt your taste buds....well actually your whole mouth would melt- But do not worry! I am a professional so please take your seat as I prepare heaven for you!


Walking down the hall of this aquarium of living art, I noticed a huge skeleton that looked like it was hanging on the ceiling. The head had a circler dent on where the forehead was and rows of pointed teeth. The body had two larger fin like hands on the sides on and a second pair of smaller ones where the on the bottom, these fins were posed in an upside-down V shape. The tail didn’t look too different from a normal fish except for the needle like spines near the fin. I guess there’s some….. I think the bones were actually shiny like a soda cans? Taking in the metal bones, I realized that the skeletal creature was actually lazily moving above the ceiling, barely moving similar to a large whale. It only quick movements were when random fish made of coins got too close. The creature’s jaws snapped open making the coin fish fly into its maw but since it was just bones, the coin fish just swam away.

That was pretty cool to watch! I was quickly finding myself in love with this place the more I saw! Well… the more creative or odd art pieces that is. I looked at a patch of black fog that moved instead of dispersing. I got too close to that thing and white orbs appeared before it quickly swam at me, long spider like teeth began to materialize from its fog before it disappeared. Taking a step backwards, I let my guard down as the thing disappeared in front of me only to show up next to me, its mouth open and long teeth looked more like reaching fingers. Reaching for me to enter its mouth were soft humming slowly became distorted and turned into wild screaming ending with a hand shooting out to grab my face. Luckily the thing vanish before grabbing me, because I already charged my body with mana to attack, I just didn’t act fast enough because…… I was curious what it would do! Nothing else like a fist happened, nope…..

Anyway, right now I’m at the titan portion of this art place, it was a pretty large room that might fit a few small houses. Here there’s pieces that looked like giant cyclops tangled in seaweed while another was very creepy. I walked under it, thinking that I was walking through a forest of seaweed was actually long spindly legs! Looking up I saw a spider like creature that was a pale yellow and had several legs that spread across half of the room. It had small black eyes on the bottom, under its moving saw like mouth parts….. slowly walking away I found something even crazier! A small room dedicated to Deluxe-Man, super Rangers and even thee Raikaiser! Walking into the room devoid of other people, there was a small model of what looked like an underwater laboratory in a large glass case. This lab had three bubble shaped windows and looked like a large dome with several working lights. It looked similar the lab in one of Raikaiser’s older games, conquer the earth. Not bad but there wasn’t any kaiju in the model/ diorama, even the room looked like the inside of a lab with sonar, viewing screens with pictures of different kaiju that could be found or lived under the water. There was even large circular windows that looked like the model’s bubble windows, expect these ones were looking off into the depths of the dark ocean.

I was looking a picture of Raikaiser when suddenly a screeching roar echoed from the dark ocean behind the round bubble windows. My head snapped to the window to spot a large tentacle curl past the window, disappearing into the darkness, a single suction cup was as big as a van! That SCARED me! I even took a few steps away from the window as my mind started going wild, Fight! Fight! Was all it was cheering. Before I could even react to it, bright lights lit up the dark waters, exposing a large squid like creature that looked oddly familiar.

Wait! That’s Oishī ika! A giant mutant squid monster that attacked an island! It had the same bulbous eyes and fatty squid grey body! Running over the window I franticly waved both hands at the giant monster, OH MY GOD! Its looking at me! Oishī ika’s eyes focused on me and even slowly moved a tentacle to the window, the tip alone was as wide as two trucks alone. The size difference made me realize I was waving at a kaiju, one that would eat humans without a second thought was it going to eat me?!

Out from behind Oishī ika, a huge clawed hand reached over it and dragged the squid backwards, revealing a large dark green dinosaur kaiju who bit into the squid. Oishī ika squirmed and slammed its tentacles into the sides of the other kaiju, each impact making thunderous booms. One tentacle smashed its head, creating massive currents and allowing Oishī ika to escape and expel a jet of glowing ink, pushing the dinosaur further away.

“WAIT! NO WAY!” I shouted in surprise, a huge smile plastered across my face. This was an exhibit for kaiju battles! Without thinking, I rushed over to the window and pressed my face against the glass, taking in everything the giants did. “OOOOOOOOHHHH! Was THAT Oishī ika’s corrosive ink!? What OH AAAAAGH! That has to be Raikaiser! It’s soooooooo cool to see his cartoon version fighting a suit actor!” I must’ve died because I’ve found my heaven!

That was when Raikaiser’s body flashed blue, my eyes growing three sizes, he then opened his mouth and blasted the squid with his super-heated ray beam. It was dark blue at the edges and a neon blue in the middle, the beam even made the water boil! The beam missed the squid' head but did hit a few of its tentacles, the beam made them blister, turning from grey to brown then black before slicing through them. Oishī ika immediately swam off, disappearing into the darkness of the ocean, leaving behind a trail of black gooey blood and its deep scream of pain.

“OH My GOD!! THAT WAS SO AMAZING, beyond stupendous and into the realm of legend!” I cheered while pumping my hands wildly and making a gust as I flapped my wings. I didn’t care if I was acting weird! I was so happy to see this happen! I even watched Raikaiser slowly swim away, chewing the fried tentacle. Turning around I mimicked the way Raikaiser walked, shifting my weight side to side and stomping, no one was here so I could do whatever I wanted! I was even half tempted to breathe fire again but I quickly stopped myself before I destroyed such a holy place, I will not have that!

After a short while, a speaker hummed to life. “Thank you for enjoying the kaiju room. This performance was done with attention to how the kaiju behave and might act if meeting one another. This performance will play again in twenty minutes. Thanks again for witnessing this art.” Said a happy but gruff voice.

I wasn’t sure if it was prerecorded or someone was behind it but at this moment it didn’t matter. “Thank you for making this awesome performance!” I said with a huge smile. This washed away the uneasiness with my friends and even the creepy art pieces here were just pretend.

“Y-you l-liked it?” asked the speaker.

“Yes! It was amazing to watch!” I answered while nodding my head. So I there was a person behind the speaker, that means….

“Not many people seem to like these….. but I’m h-happy that someone else appreciates kaiju.” Said the speaker in surprised but happy voice.

“I think it’s amazing that you can pull this off! Sure it was short but who cares when you get to see massive kaiju duking it out!” I said with a huge smile. I was still floating above the earth and didn’t want to come down! It was when I thought about how silly I was acting that I froze, was this person watching me? Quickly I adjusted my posture as naturally as possible before excusing myself. “Anyway, I gotta go check out the crazy art here.” I said while I began to walk away.

“Alright! I, uh will make a new one to show off!” The voice sounded super excited to find someone else who liked kaiju.

I on the other hand was pretty surprised and my cheeks were burning hot. I acted like that in front of someone….sure I loved it but acting out like that! NOOOOOPE! No way is that ok! But a thought sudden popped up. Since I don’t know who’s behind the voice I wouldn’t hurt to talk with someone about these different series, would it? If I avoided that place then I would be cutting myself off from something that mind-blowing! Taking a deep breath, I collected my thoughts only to realize my wings were still opened and trembling, trying to flap wildly again. Running my hand through my hair in embarrassment, I quickly closed my wings. My chest was burning with infectious energy because….I- yes! I can’t wait to visit again!



I continued to look around, ignoring anyone who looked at me but I did notice one guy run away only to come face to face with a fish man with a gapping maw, cartoonishly stretched like a clay figure. The guy let loose the most guttural screamed that sounded like a deathly war cry before running into another black fog fish. His eyes rolled backwards and he turned white before falling to the floor like skeleton. Two red skinned girls with curved horns laughed or giggled at the guy’s floundering while others either turned away, tried to hold back snickers or looked slightly annoyed.

I wanted to help but I had a feeling I would might scare the guy into a heart attack. Slowly, I walked away as I watched the floor, my clawed feet tapping and clattering on the sandy, glass like floor. The floor looked like someone captured the sandy ocean floor in resin, shells of clams and snails dotted the sand floor.

Tap-tap click

Tap click tap

Click tap-tap click

You know…. It’s weird how my feet move….. together than apart....back and forth, just a phase...

Pulling my eyes from the floor, I looked around only to realize I was at the end of this art wing. There was a large doorway leading into a larger room, similar in size to one you’d see at a mall plaza. The walls were decorated with different dioramas of cities, towns and even weird environments. The cities and towns were made from normal kits but some parts were different? I think I’ve seen some of this on WuuTube before…. My eyes zooming in, I saw parts that looked like tires, pipes made of lead pencil parts and even a part that looked like a funnel.

“Hmmmm….” Was this all made of junk and leftover bits? Looking at the doorway I saw a sign saying, Nation of the Small. Oh! So this wing links up with this place! How cool! Walking in, I looked around noticing strange shadows everywhere, some seemed to move around, looking up, there were several floating islands hovering several meters off the floor. Some looked like upside down mountains, one was a dark red circular coliseum with arches between pillars and several towers. Another looked like a giant Cliffside mansion with palm trees, there was even a floating metal Viking row boat that also had a jet of bubbles shooting from little thrusters on the back. One of the islands was spouting a black watery mist before a black orb swallowed the island. Once the island was released from the darkness, it changed from a mountainous forest to a dark forest with crooked trees and webs, even the soil was a blood red.

I narrowed my eyes at the transformed island, I wasn’t sure what just happened. Was this something to add some visual flare to this area? Halloween  wasn’t for a few more months, that is if they even celebrate the holiday…..would that be a bad thing if I hope they don’t? The living ocean was scary enough for me.

Turning my eyes, a sparkle caught my attention, eyes snapping to it, I found a crystal forest? Trees made of blueish or red glass that softly glowed, the fruit was orange and red and looked like oval jewels with a white inside. The mountain looked like it was chiseled from a pure white giant diamond, the inside looked like it was made of thousands of triangles that all glittered under the pale blue light of the display’s lamp. There was even a large river that ran from behind the mountain, snaking its way to large lake in the middle of the diorama.

This was super beautiful! How’d they get the grass to look like crystal too? I eyed that mountain like it was the only place in the world that sold cheese burgers and fries. Even my mind was oohing and aahing that gorgeous rock, maybe I could commission one for my whole room? WAIT! I could have one built like the beat down Raikaiser and friends gave Crowned Ruda! My face almost twitched with excitement and my instincts even nodded with wild abandoned. NO! Wait another second! Why settle for one scene when I could have multiple! Deluxe-man or even the super Rangers, maybe a crossover too? My mind paused for a second before slowly giving an approving nod, HELL YEAH! Pulling out my phone I wrote a reminder to get 17 different crystal scenes.

With that done, I turned away with a smile while my body felt like I could lift the biggest skyscraper ever! Goodbye stinky mood! Then I spotted Mark drawing something. And hello friend! With a sly grin on my face I leaned back as I walked up to his back. Using the smooth top of my claw, I dragged it up his spine, making his posture to straighten and body to tremble.

He immediately looked back, spotting me smirking at him. His face turned pretty shade of red before he frowned at me. “Damn it man! Even if you have a ho- er… woman’s body doesn’t mean you can pull that!” he grumbled. I just chuckled at his pouting red face. It’s so good that somethings are still the same.

“Sorry about that.” I said waving my hands and backing up. “I just wanted to surprise you after finding you all alone.” I added before sitting next to him.

“I know….I’d probably do the same if the roles were reversed.” He admitted with an angry face. “You know….. it’s pretty cool that you’re effectively a monster girl.” He said watching the people trying to walk around us. “New body parts, heck you can even fly!” he continued with a small smile.

“I guess? But really it’s more of learning how to live differently, I have to avoid certain soaps or it’ll irritate between my scales or figure out my instincts that act like some hoity rich blonde girl.” I pointed out.

Mark looked at me and almost laughed. “You have a tsundere for instincts? Wow, cocky much?” he teased.

“Not all rich girls are tsunderes you know. It’s not like I want to be overly proud.” I said, giving him a mock grumpy face.

“Maaaaaybe.” He said with a huge grin. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. “But you can’t lie that a tsundere dragon does sound pretty hot.” He said with a raise of his eyebrows.

“Nah, I’d never get anything done. Can you imagine trying to do your own thing but admitting anything in front of your crush keeps you from having fun? Not me, I’ll just go for what I want.” I said looking at the crystal forest.

“No way! Tsunderes get things done and they kick ass too! They don’t take lip from anyone and are often the chosen love interest!” Mark explained with a really serious face. “But I guess you’d just go for some weak Hajidere.” He said while shaking his head.

“Hey I happen to like teasing cute girls, seeing their faces turn bright red or surprising them and seeing their pouty faces.” I leaned forward with a cocky grin. “Now that’s the spice of life.” I said.

Mark’s face quickly turned red again before he locked eyes with me, not ready to back down. “Well I believe winning their heart is important, not playing with them like some cat.” He said leering at me.

I raised an eyebrow before making sly grin. “masochist.” I shot back.

“Playboy.” He returned with a smug look.

We stared at each other for a long time before we both cracked into stupid laughing faces.

“So what are you doing here?” I asked after we caught our breath.

Wiping his eyes. “People watching. Mostly looking for references for body movement and for some character ideas I’ve had sitting around.” He said looking back at his sketch pad.

Looking over at his drawings I saw several men and women, some were tall, fat, curvy, lengthy or short. “Any luck?” I asked while looking at a skinny girl with big eyes and long bunny ears on his pad.

“A few…..” He looked at his sketch pad with a grimace. “But I think I might need some more athletic people.” He said with a sour face.

“You could use Kathy or one of her team mates.” I suggested. I knew Kathy was always aiming for gold so she or her team had to have built some good musculature.

“I already used them, besides, I need someone that runs.” He said before looking at the ceiling. I didn’t like the idea of posing for someone else like some pinup model, especially how Mark is but maybe I could help in another way?

“I think I have a few old tapes of running hanging around. I could loan you them if you want some material?” I offered, hoping this was a good middle ground.

“Your vids on Insane Thunder and God’s Speed Jackie?! You never let anyone touch those tapes! You’ll let me use them!?” He asked surprised as if I was loaning him a gold mine.

What? Who are they? I was thinking of a famous Bolt but how did it….riiiight, different world, not everything’s the same. “Yeah…. I just have to find them, once I do, I’ll let you watch them.” I said half stumbling from the confusion that my favorite athletes might have different names or bodies.


Hey! How's it swimming? Soooo I was typing away and realized how much more I could add to the world, You know, names, meanings, cultural differences. The sorta everyday stuff people walk by on the daily, Sorta like some places hate root beer IRL, Yes I write them down but sometimes I wonder what else I could add...Anyways! This chapter focuses on the thoughts and joys of Oliver's artistic Ocean adventure. It seems that being alone from his new friends has left him with things to think about. But hey! we get a cool kaiju Battle and even see some of the Nation of the Small! A whole section dedicated to dioramas and maybe blink you miss it Easter eggs?

As always, Thank You for reading! It's fun to build chapters or plan for small/bigger stuff! I am half interested in doing some Q&A down the line maybe but that's just fantasy at the moment. So Before I go, I hope You Promise to do the little things that are bugging you, get them outta the way so you can focus on your awesome talents, plans, thoughts or goals. Aim for the ultimate you! I believe in you and know you will get there.

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