My Sudden Monster Convergence

ch.1: familiar bed but a different frame

Thank for you for checking out my first chapter of this story. I hope this story brings enjoyment to those seeking some detail in their transformation. I wanted to make something describing the changes a person might go through, so it will take a slightly slower pace here and there. Anyway I hope you enjoy and leave a comment.


Click. Smacking that annoying clock, I slowly turned over. My eyes refusing to open as I let my thoughts slowly cycle through my daily hated plans. Got a meeting, get the boss his coffee, file paper for…. Zzzz.


Slapping my clock again I lazily open my eyes half way. “ugh…” I murmur at my blurry vision. I really didn’t want to get up today. I spent last night entertaining clients for my flaking boss. Ones that loved the late night bars. “Man… I gotta do something different.” I argue as I rub my eyes. What a pain, its only 6am? That's not my clock or even my nightstand. “What… where am… I?“  I question as I look around. Only to realize the unfamiliar clock as my old block clock, posters of the power fighters and red block man on the walls. That’s weird it’s my old room. Scanning my room further I saw my old figures and a bag of chips on my desk.

“Okay? Did I some how come here after work?....but my mom turned this room into her personal sewing room after I moved out.” I wasn’t sure how this was happening but it was happening and I was confused. This room shouldn’t be set up like this. My mother loved the large size and seized the opportunity to have a new sewing room for her dresses? She never told me what she was doing with the clothes, she was always weird about it.

Standing up I noticed that there wasn’t any pain. Looking down, my leg looked perfectly fine. Raising an eyebrow, I bend the knee and stretch the leg. No issues. Smiling I began to do a full body stretch, I haven’t felt this great since my teen years! “I could go for a run!” I said forgetting about my work and being in my old room again.  That was until…

“Oliver! Oly! Hurry up you’re going to be late for school! This new class is important, so you can’t miss it you lazy bum.”

Surprised at the statement, I froze. School? My old room and my leg is better? Did someone send me back in time! A do- school? Oh no… more of that boring class and those bored outta their minds teachers! 

“Knock, knock! Momma’s gonna need you to move your lead butt out here!” my mother’s voice had a sting to it. One that I didn’t want to have aimed at me.

“O-oh right! Sorry mom! Be out soon!” I hurriedly said in a cold sweat. No way am I going to let her get me again!

After getting changed, I was out sitting at my family’s table. Eating breakfast rather slowly, trying to figure out my game plan for the day and what to do in the boring class.

“Worried about your new class oly?’ my mother asked concerned.

“…New class..?” I asked. I wasn’t really paying attention as my mind was on other things.

“For Drake’s sake! How could you forget about your new class! Too busy thinking about the laaydies?” My mother teased me. Putting her finger on her chin, eyes off into space followed by a blush. Smiling, she began to say. ”Oh my, is my planning for gran-“

“Just forgot about my new class! I couldn’t sleep too well- hehe!” I didn’t want to hear her ask about who was the lucky girl and to congratulate me on planning for the future. She loved the idea of being a grandmother.

“Oooh kay! Well to remind you, your class is on monsters!” She beamed. To further show excitement she stretched out her arms in a weird pose. Could’ve sworn it was from warrior’s orbs. “You’ll learn all about what’s happening to your body and how to deal with these changes!” she puffed out her chest in mock excitement. “Such an honor! Such excitement! And great discovery!” she said as if she were a professor at a huge announcement. “We’re not sure what monster you’ll become because you never know which our ancestors got… fun time with a monster.” She snickered at my surprised face. Stuffing her hand into my backpack, she fished out a packet before gently placing it in front of me like it was her new born child.

The packet said. “Monsterfication and you. Here at Typhon high we offer a class for any who are going through the process of transformation into a monster. This class will offer courses that will help you feel comfortable and adjust to these unique changes. As well as help with any counseling needs for expressing yourself.”

Reading the first bit I was stunned. I was becoming a monster?! Something ugly and stupid! Was my previous life better off than this one, was this dream of starting again actually a monkey’s paw? Have I truly lost everything? As I frowned my mother smacked my back. “Oliver don’t worry so much.” Leaning down to eye level, she gave me her trademark I’m there for you smile. “ Whatever happens, I won’t let you deal with it alone. I’ll always love you honey.” She said as she squeezed my arms.

Leaning into her I felt the surprise and tension wash away. Waking up in this new world, young again and about to become a creature was worrying. But being in her arms I felt like I could move forward. Maybe I can do this. Nodding my head I said. “I’ll be strong, mom.”

“Don’t be strong, be honest.” She said quietly as she kissed my forehead.


Walking up to the school gates I realized that this school wasn’t even similar to my old one. For one thing it was much larger, looking like some giant university rather than a plain high school there was even a forested mountain behind it. The way the greyish tan buildings lined up with one another gave this school the appearance of a fortress. Passing the gates I saw the school’s massive court yard, statues of famous monsters beautifully carved in black stone, lined the walkway to the main entrance. Noticing little blobs jiggling around the grass, it looked like they were poking odd rocks with tendrils coming from their body?

“Ingenious!” a black one shouted as it jumped. Its voice sounding strangely monotone.

“With this, magus output will raise by 300 percent.” A orange one shook. Their voice sounding like a vocaloid.

I wasn’t sure what was going on as the group all moved fanatically, some vibrating, others shimming side to side like a dance. Choosing to walk away after I head a monotone voice say that she’ll surely worship them.

To my right I saw the rear of a horse disappear at the corner of a far building. Must have stables for the rich kids I thought. Hearing a clop sound to my left I saw a girl with hooved legs prancing toward the main entrance, arms swaying back and forth. She only wore a green frilly top and her large backpack. How strong and balanced was this person to jump around with a heavy bag like it was nothing. Before I could question further a giant man of muscle walked by, his forearm a red hue. Each step was so wide I would have to take four for every one of his. Wow… deciding to distract myself, I looked at the school buildings some more.

 Looking up, I saw spire towers with separated onto several segments with looked like large openings circling the segments. I even saw some birds(?) flying in and out of these segments. Even the sidewalks around here were larger. Was the government actually paying for good schooling or was my situation a more worrying one? Looking back at the school I noticed the golden school logo. A lion like head, circled by a snake eating its tail and a stretched out bat wing reaching outside the encircling snake. It looked regal in its gold plating and the lion head looked happy? Sad? I couldn’t tell honestly.

After some gawking, I walked into the front doors being greeted by all sorts of monster… um people(?) and normal students milling about. The monster students seemed to carry humanoid parts. It was like they were part monster part human. Well some of them at least, I thought as a literal cat walked by. A vest wearing, black house cat was trying to walk on its hind legs before it gave up an ran on all fours. Walking next to the vest cat was another cat person but one more humanish and 3 or 4 feet taller. Just a guy sporting cat ears and a tail lazily walking by.

“Guess everyone comes out different.” I muttered in surprise.

There were even more of those talking orbs rushing around, one rolled between my legs, a few disappearing into small holes in the walls. A fairy flew after them whining for them to listen to her before entering the hole. Leaving a trail of white and yellow sparkling glitter slowly floating to the ground.

This is a bit much to take in, I thought as I watched the glitter slowly vanish. Was this that magical fairy dust used for flight or some potion. I thought those slimes (?) were just minmax gamers or crazed fans but fairy? Those that mean magic exists here? Gulping, I tried not to think about it, having less fear might help with keeping my mind working properly.

Looking down a hall I saw a huge tarantula! I froze for a second before noticing a girl sticking out of where the spider’s head should be. She was looking at a glass case with a thoughtful face. Smiling to herself she turned and walked down the hallway. With all of those legs moving her like a procession of her greatest fans. As she effectively glided away, my only thought this was, sca-

“Hot! Am I right man!” wrapping an arm around me to pull me in. came a familiar voice. It’s been awhile, let’s hope he’s just like his other self.

“Just a little surprised Mark.” I said as I turned to my weirdo friend. Of course he would find this attractive. It seems like my world’s mark and this one shared his strange interests. He was always going on about monster girl this, monster babies this or if he could be one. He was very… ugh, enthusiastic about the topic.

Although as we watched her move down the hall, it did answer why the paths where so much bigger. If all monsters where this big then they needed the space. Less someone got stomped or pushed aside by one of them.

“I know right! She’s a transfer student, I heard she just converged. We don’t get Arachne that big around here! I can’t wait to make my introduction and become fast friends!” Mark was ever ecstatic about her.

“Careful Mark. Your drool is making a puddle.” I said giving him some side eye.

Surprised, Mark instantly covered his mouth. Trying to wipe away imaginary drool. “Hey man, don’t hate my enterprising nature.” He chuckled.

“Remind me to send you into space.” I joked.

“Ow man, I’m hurt and offended at my quick death.” He shivered. ”Anyway did you figure out where your new class is?” he asked, raising his brow.

“Hey don’t start looking at me like another monster to obsess over!” I said while mock shuddering. “Yeah, I got the class, it’s A-4. Think we’ll be the next hero class?” I said in curiosity.

“Not sure dude, all I know is I’m not eating some guy’s hair.” He said raising his hands and backing up.

He likes monster girls but hates the weirdest things. I’d definitely eat that hair if it meant a having super strength and the ability to launch into the sky.


Walking into my new class I waved at mark as we separated. Being early I got right to choosing a seat in the middle near the front. as I sat down, I noticed the posters and several statutes in the glass cabinets. The posters were a mix of diagrams and anatomy. The diagrams showing percentages of monster populations and conversion growth. The anatomy showcased human to monster, monsters like krakens, lizards and slimes. Some of these posters even had different art styles, one even looked like an anime. Staring at the anime one, I felt weird as it had a stern face, the kind you’d see on the manliest of men. It was on the body of the cutest chibi goblin girl. It’s eyes look straight into my soul I’m telling you.

That poster must have warped time as my new classmates filed in just as the bell rang. Looking around, a good percentage of them were still human. As for the non-human ones… well… there was a snake girl for one, along with a large orcish looking dude and another cat gir-guy. There was apparently certain pathways for the larger students as the snake girl slithered down one with space to spare as the orc wasn’t far behind to her right.

Watching the snake girl in amazement, I noticed her swaying her hips slightly as if leading or pulling her snake half. She got into a strange seat? No, a cushion or a large couch maybe. She coiled her tail around her seat, using some of her tail to further cushion her back. Happy with this, the snake girl leaned back, almost slouching, before sighing. A refreshed look on her face as if entering her happy place. She wore a black blazer with the school logo and a black skirt, she must be really into that school spirit. Her face had high cheek bones with a straight nose, paired with large mesmerizing blue eyes. Her skin shimmered lightly like gold almost like her bright yellow tail. Noticing my stare, she slowly turned my way before her tongue slid out of her mouth. It was much longer than a human’s and creeped me out as she waved with it. disturbed I immediately looked away.

Shacking my head I try to empty it of the pretty snake girl, blushing as I heard her giggle. Shyly looking around, my eyes fell on that cat eared guy sitting a few seats away, his large eyes a bright beautiful green. His height was shorter than me and he looked sorta like an anime cat person. Cat ears filled with white fluff and a big fluffy tail but with a very human body. He looked rather young, with his rounded cheeks, small nose and slightly red lips. He seemed almost like a kid then a teen, maybe he was one of those people born with effeminate features? Though it did make him look kinda cute… um, uh!

His ears were a light blue color like his fluffy hair. He wore a pastel purple jacket that was a size too large with a white t-shirt. Along with a pair of shorts that ended at the middle of his thighs which looked smooth and was no different from a girl's. His ears would face someone before he nodded or shaked his head after looking at each student. I wonder what’s up with him. 

After a few moments of waiting a huge muscular minotaur walked in, towering at 7 ft. high, his serious face would’ve spooked me. That is if he didn’t have those comically large glasses. He looked like if someone mixed a librarian with a body builder gorilla. He wore a blue sweater vest, the kind you’d see during Christmas, white rolled up sleeves and brownish tan pants. His eyes narrowed into a deadly glare, his teeth showed in his grimace, straining under his jaws’ strength. Before quickly turning around and writing on the blackboard. You could hear the wall strain at the pressure he put on the board with each letter. Finished he faced us again before snorting. The name Mr. Minnow written behind him. Looking around, the class had the same dead fish eyed expression I had. One guy was even sweating bullets, shaking like he was on death row.

The mood only broke at a boisterous laugh as Mr. Minnow clutched his sides, a huge and I mean HUGE shit eating grin on his face. “Hahahaha! You all looked like I was going to eat your puppy!” he bellowed. “Besides a puppy is much too light a meal for me.” He said as he smirked.

“Well anyway! I’m Mr. Minnow and as of today we are going to learn about monsters! You all will be taught how to deal with your new body, needs, instincts, roles and society as we know it! And anything else in between.” His last sentence he only mumbled out. He pulled down a screen and pointed at it with a small stick. It looked like a toothpick in his hands. “As you know the process occurs roughly at age 18! Where your body might ache, tingle, itch or even feel like you’re being pulled apart!” his eyes looked sad at the pain but he held a smile. ”Some of you might even be aware of the chance of your physical gender changing! This is something you shoul-“

the build up begins! this and a few chapters are aimed as a build up as I do bits of this new world and the school itself. of course the monsters are getting some focus too as the story goes forward, it's all about dropping little hints and showing off possible characters. That said we see several monsters already and even get small interactions with some of them. personally I've got some things planned for them orb- I mean slimes. Also Mr. Minnow really likes to show off, though I hope he's joking about eating puppies. I wouldn't want to write something that graphic and heart breaking. anyway thanks for reading again and have a good day/night!

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