My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch. 76: All that is to Be Planted

So how'd I find myself lost here you may ask? Well believe it or not, I was just dropped here. No one said-

“Would you stop monologing! How am I going to get Shingie to noti-uh stop making a fool of himself?!” Screamed a skinny red haired girl in a school uniform. 

“Why’d I worry myself with cardboard? The dude's got a quarter of the school and their moms swooning over him.” A slightly tall guy said, looking nonplussed as he looked at a cloud and scratched his chin.

“But that's exactly why I need your help! If I don't do anything then he'll mess up the whole school!” She shouted at the guy.

Now there's an idea! The guy smiled before turning to the girl. “I know what you can do. Get cardboard to trip at the left corner near science class around four and he'll see the error of his ways.” The guy advised with a cool smile.

The red head smiled before pumping her fist into the air. “You're a genius! Lover's corner has led to many discoveries! Thanks!” The girl shouted as she ran off to a high-school with a couple mecha hanging around and girls with colorful dresses floating in the air. 

The guy began to snicker and laugh as he slowly made his way to the school. As I was saying, I'm Akeru Rinku and I was dropped here by a pissed off granny. She was pretty mad and threatened to have my family living in the slums unless I go here. So here we are. As the guy walked down the street, he side stepped near a wall as two guys dashed through, ripping concrite from the ground while the other threw a nearby mailbox at the other. Once they were gone, Rinku continued his walk, passing a group of girls arm wrestling a deer who seemed to be winning. 

You know if the mafia didn’t ask dad for a donation then maybe I could be skipping class today. Rinku smiled as an arachne shyly asked out a kitsune girl while the guy crushing on her fell to his knees. The two girls planning a date to a mostly empty theater showing later.


As I watched this weird anime, The guy who seemed to evade crazy scissor wielding girls chasing crying guys, a group of girls taking to weird plush toy creatures and a guy that could shoot lasers from his hands fighting a guy who could take all sorts of punishment. Honestly when Valerie said to watch this new anime I didn’t think I’d like it but really, it’s growing on me. Last episode, Boytoy’s brother lost his arm only to attach a lost demon arm to replace it. He blew up half the school and defeating anyone who made fun of him that episode. The dude took down mecha, magical girls, an alien teacher and a random guy for no reason.

It was pretty funny because it took a little girl who could ignore common sense, a guy who could confuse the plot and the face of a normal guy to beat him. Though I wonder why that was needed, obviously the normal guy was more than enough with his universe powers, he could easily solo the whole fight in my opinion.


Damit, it was getting to the best part. sighing, I pause the episode. Maybe she wants to impart important info? Oh, maybe she'll ask for pictures, bet Steph might try a cosplay. Should I try one? I wasn’t too sure I would but who knew. Would Emily do anything weird though? Sure she didn't ask for details about….relieving myself but she's always trying to figure me out.

…..will Mark be there? He's kinda been acting weird and he didn't show up when he asked too. Na, he's just busy, everyone's got lives right?

Shaking my head, I quickly made my way over to mom’s sewing room. This time with normal doors sadly. Walking in, I find my mother sitting at a desk drawing something…..frilly. oh god.

“There you are! I was worried you'd leave a friend out to dry.” Mom said with a cheeky smile.

“Mom, I'm not going to ignore the plans my friend invited me to.” I said, rolling my eyes. “Besides, it wont start for another three hours. I have plen-”

“No you don't if you're going to the holiday the school is holding. Then you need to look appropriate.” My mother said with narrowed eyes.

“Um, but I'm not going to that flora one thoug-” I began.

“Not the fairy butter wig! You have to be presentable for one of Yu’s niece’s most important day!” She lectured me with a serious look in her eyes. “The goddess Esperanza is opening her wings to the world and a proper child of mine is going to look cut-cool there!” She said proudly puffing her chest out like the goddess herself wanted this.

“You were just about to say cute, weren’t you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes in suspension.

Mom instantly turned away like her own mom saw through her lie. “Noooooo…. I just want you try something out. It doesn't have a skirt either. but I did work hard on it-” She began, trying to talk her way out of my suspension. “And it’ll break my heart if you don’t go wearing it.” She begged, turning back to me with big wet eyes.

Raising an eyebrow. “Mom, you’re not trying to make me try girly things are you?” I asked, doubling down on my suspension.

Mom’s eyes widened before she dropped her shoulders. “A little yes…..It’s just that-” She began only for me to hold up a hand, stopping her.

“I’ll……….try it………..” I mumbled, looking nervously away at a shelf. A picture of Mom eating a giant roasted fish and corn smothered with chill sat there, she had a big smile.


Stepping out of the changing room, my mother held her hands to her mouth as her eyes looked big enough to exploud out of her face. I wore a blouse with a folded collar that crossed over my chest, creating a V neck that only threatened to show my chest but never did. The collar then cut down like a coat that exposed my belly but coved my sides, the sleeves were wide and opened by the middle of my forearm. turning into blue ribbons that slowly waved around like a soft breeze was blowing them around, the pants stopped at my knees with a similar blue ribbon going up the sides of my outer thighs. Once it reached my knees it wrapped below them in a X pattern and left just enough of the ribbon to float like wind was blowing it.

The clothes weren’t tight and felt a little softer on the inside while the outer fabric was more smooth almost like spandex but looked more like cotton or some other soft and smooth material. I wasn’t too into my mother’s hobbies in my old world, mostly because she’d always ask to dress me up in skirts or other frilly clothing and since other boys never did, I felt like she was trying to make life harder…. But still was it really all that bad?

“OH MY GODDESS.” She said trying to hold back a squeal of joy as she bounced in place like a dog waiting for their favorite treats. “I had a feeling the androgynous look might work!” She said as she ran up to me and began to look me over, fixing or adjusting certain areas. “Hmmmm…….Oh so that’s how it looks…….interesting, I didn’t think about this spot. good thing I used extra fabric……Nothing’s loose.” Nodding to herself she pulled me over to a mirror to see the clothes and how I looked. “What do you think?”

My mirror companion looked amazing, I think she looked a little girlish but it wasn’t too much to make me feel weird. “I think I, look nice.” Turning to her. “I think I like this middle ground.” I slowly added which instantly got mom to jump and wrap her arms around me in a tight hug.

“I’m so happy you like it!” She smiled wide. “And I'm proud I can say my son’s wearing my work.” She whispered more to herself.

“Then….I wouldn’t mind a shirt or jacket from you…to uh, look nice.” I said.

Pulling away from the hug, mom’s eyes were wide. “YOU, ehm, you want that.” She asked with a shocked look, almost shouting at me in surprise. looking her in the face I nodded, making a small smile grow on her face while her eyes turned into watery jewels. “Then-I’ll make sure to make you look handsome and amazing!” She said as she dived in for another hug. “But first I'll need to make some small adjustments to your new outfit.” She said gingerly. 


“Wow….He wasn’t lying….” Steph said with shimmering eyes added with the sparkles her pink shirt gave off and she looked like a city at night.. “You look amazing when you dress up.” Her tail coiled up before flicking the ground with a loud thud. 

“I-I’m not beautiful, I look nice.” I quickly argued, realizing what her tail called me was ‘stunning’. “Besides….I’m doing it because of religious reasons.” I added crossing my arms.

“Oh, well a complement is still a complement.” She said as her tail flicked the ground again, making my face heat up while she gave a smug smirk. She then tried standing taller on her tail, only reaching above my lower ribs. “Damn, I'm the shorty aren’t I?” She asked playfully.

“Yeeahhh….A whole foot of growth spurt.” I said rubbing my head, she wasn’t at school yesterday so she didn’t see my new height but Belle sure did. The little guy looked like he wanted to ride on my shoulders as he looked up at me with sparkling eyes. luckily he didn’t, he spent most of the time smiling at me or giving an angry pout at people that stared at me. They just ‘awwed’ at him.

“My family thinks I’ll get another foot or two when I finally shed my first skin…….” She began excitedly but began slowing to a mumble like she just showed embarrassing baby pics. “Anyway, let's go and see all the crazy cosplay!” Steph shouted as she led me through the side gate of the school.

There were lots of balloon towers at the gate, white banners written in different languages hung on wooden stakes and……is that cinnamon and cherry?

Looking around, I noticed several Maju-mew walking around and waving their tails. Some were followed by mini Maju-mew, probably younger siblings. Though the smallest ones had larger eyes and fat pudgy cheeks, their bent little ears moved to face every sound while their little tails swayed around. One was wearing a pink and blue princess dress and another was dressed like a fuzzy blue dinosaur. He roared at the princess who tapped his head with a wand, his costume turning purple. Some of the little ones were holding kittens wearing vests like plush toys while the older house cats followed or floated after them.

“Now children remember to send your thanks to the goddess like we practiced.” “Don't go near anyone you don't know Myra, unless I say it's ok.” “Okay mom!”

The Sila-cats were talking to the little Maju-mew and watching out for anyone suspicious. Although they eyed any unaccompanied battle-jin with angry leers. The large muscular monsters looked nervous but kept their distance, some looked uninterested but their ears still followed the group. The battle-jin that were part of a group were almost always towing a riding Maju-mew on their shoulders or arms like a dad at an amusement park. It was kinda cute, some had so many Maju-mew on them that it looked like they won every plush toy at the game stalls.

At a counter near the gate, they were handing out paper wristbands and several tickets. As we walked up everyone in front of us cleared the way except a trio of lamia. They turned, looked at the smaller of them who straightened her back and held her chin high. The other two nodded proudly and also stood at attention while coiling their bodies to make room for us. The people at the counter nervously shook, a small arachne hid her mouth with a single hand and a small girl with long rabbit ears nervously held up a wristband. Her ears were wrapped around her head while she held her eyes shut, presenting the band like an offering to a superior.

Sighing, I quickly pick up the wristband and quickly walk off, trying to get past the whole awkwardness of it. But oddly I didn't see Steph following me,  a quick look around gave an answer. She was staring at me and moving her head to look at the lamia family who remained motionless at attention. Right, taking a slow breath, I walked back and quickly dismissed them by swiping my tail from right to left. After which I walked off again, straight to a stand giving out some brownish drinks. Quickly getting a cup and downing it, it tasted like apples and watermelon with cinnamon. 

The people at the stand nervously looked at me while I drank and let out a deep sigh. That sweet stuff really hit the spot. “How much do I owe?” I asked the nearest person, a girl with large horse like ears and a pair of horns nervously looked up at me.

“They're c-c- comp, um…” The girl said, tripping over her words.

“Free!” Announced a guy behind her with a shaking smile.

Looking around, I saw a sign that did say free Melon tears. “Alright.” Turning to Steph I pointed at the drink asking if she wanted one, she looked, tilting her head before giving a nod. Grabbing another cup, I gave them a non-toothy smile before leaving. 

Handing the cup of melon tears, Steph looked down at the drink. “How'd you like it?” She asked as we continued our search for cosplay and the main event area.

“Hmmm?” Steph motioned to the drink. “Oh, it's pretty sweet and mellow. It didn't hit my gut hard either…. Though I think it could use something extra, like….” I added while trying to think of what it might need.

Taking a sip, Steph nodded her head a few times. “I think you’re right….. Maybe fruit to chew on.” She said after a moment. 

“Yeah, you're right! Something tasty……” I said before drifting off. “H-hey, uh… I don't have to try on the cosplay right?” I asked quickly, trying to keep my mind busy.

“Not really. Why? Want to dress up?” She asked with a smirk and raised brow.

“Uh, not really….. But you've seen those anime urban wear art, kinda stylish.“ I said as I watched people walking around us. Was Mark here? And where was Emily too?

“Oliver? Are you ok?” Steph asked with a serious look.

“No, I'm just wondering where Emily is.“ I said calmly.

“Emily? Well she saw something and took off. Shouted something about a probability iron? It's kinda weird but I guess it's some scholar stuff.” She said with a head tilt. “Maybe it's a new way to sneak in extra work for Mr. Minnow. “ she teased.

“Heh, she'd probably try turning in a mountain of an essay.” I chuckled at the mental image of Mr. Minnow opening a book and a flood of paperwork burying him and filling his office.

“Ha! If she ever did, I'm sure Mr. Minnow would have a heart attack. Maybe our homework will suddenly disappear too.” Steph said with a hopeful smile. 

As we talked we passed a field of several odd plants that looked like giant onions but instead of tall firm leaves and stems, the leaves spun. It was like a type of wind mill with twisted leaves that circled the bulb and spined as wind blew past them. A little farther from those plants were large pink fuzzy hedges that seemed to sparkle like sand. Pink dust would fly off it whenever it was hit with wind, making a soft clacking sound like wooden wind chimes. In another area was a group of ten small trees with a large cherry or apple growing at the very top of the plant. The fruit looked glossy like it was under flowing water and the leaves around it were bunched up like a nest.

Around the path we walked on were rows of shaking and moving flowers. Their petals opening and closing, some even moved their petals individually while others puffed pink powder. There were even a few fairies leaving trails of glowing glitter as they darted under the cover of the petals.

“Shhhh. It's the mighty dragoness.” “I heard she powered up the floral hero.” “She can give blessings?!”

The fairies tried whispering to themselves but ended up shouting pretty loud, bringing a sigh out of me. Steph just looked away at that, sighing herself.

“Hey, what kind of cosplay do you think will be there?” I ask, trying to keep the mood positive. 

She kept slithering, not saying anything before turning her head slightly, looking at me with the corner of her eye. “Do you really want to be here?” She asked pointedly, giving me a hard long stare.

“What? I agreed to come. I'm not going to flake on you. I even let my mom dress me up.” I quickly explained. 

Instead of relaxing, her stare turned into something of a glare before she closed her eyes and turned away. “Sorry, I….um, let's not think about the others around us.” Raising her arms in a stretch and arching her back. “Aaaarrggggghhhhaa!” She shouted as she stretched, surprising me. “What?” She asked with a smile.

“I thought you were upset at me.” I said honestly with wide eyes.

“Oh, I totally am.” She began giving me a flat look like I called her fat. “BUT, I know you’re trying and besides, I'm the one who invited you knowing full well how crowds react to you.” She relaxed her shoulders. “So let's just hit the road and see what crazy cosplay and magic is being shown off.” She said with a huge smile.

I gave her a long look, making Steph worry but a small smile broke across my face. “Thanks for understanding.”


Luckily the path we were on led right to the main event area. Though it wasn't hard to not notice the tall banners with anime, movie and tv show characters with the words ‘cosplay’, ‘Dress up’, ‘roleplay’, ‘wind’ and ‘growth’ from a mile away. There was even a few wider banners with a woman in a white flowing dress, each one was of a different race but had the same white dress, flowing in the wind. Some had rabbit ears sewn into their dresses with the image of a bundle of seeds between the ears. The banners were set up in a wall encircling the event area and each one either had female characters bending over, pressing breasts together or showing off weapons. The male ones weren’t any different as some posed shirtless or like super models in skin-tight clothes. Though their poses  had them jumping in the air, skydiving or doing cool guy poses. 

One banner had three fairies in frilly skirts with crowns made of gems posed shoulder to shoulder. One raising a wand, the left one wearing some sort of boxing gloves and the right one creating a barrier. There was one that looked like a medusa but she had legs instead of just a snake lower half. But the most surprising thing was her extra pair of arms wielded a pair of white crescent blades.

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