My Platinum-Blond Childhood Friend Is So Pretty

chapter 62

62 – 22. My Birthday Party. And Juhwalyeong -2

Juhwalyeong had liked Doyun.

Since middle school, Juhwalyeong had liked him with a consistent heart.

Of course, at first, she was drawn to his handsome face, which is true.

But Doyun’s charm wasn’t just his face.

Even though his existence might be uncomfortable, he still smiled warmly and chatted with her, and that was his charm.

There wasn’t some special incident between them, but Doyun was a guy who became more likable the more you looked at him.

So Juhwalyeong thought that way hundreds of times a day.

“Why didn’t I go to the same kindergarten as him?”

Why did she meet Doyun when she was young, and not Alisa?

In Juhwalyeong’s mind, the difference between her and Alisa was just that one thing.

She was confident that she could do better than Alisa, who always controlled Doyun and did as she pleased with her useless, pretty platinum hair.


Even with that confidence, when she compared herself to Alisa, she felt discouraged.

Everything was the opposite.

From their hair colors, Alisa’s bright platinum and Juhwalyeong’s dark black, to their atmospheres.

Alisa had a sharp impression, while Juhwalyeong seemed innocent on the outside.

If she had to find something similar, it would be that they’re both tall and have good figures. But even that was inferior to Alisa, who had foreign blood.

Their personalities were also different.

Alisa, who controlled her boyfriend as she pleased.

Juhwalyeong, who thought she’d adjust to her boyfriend’s pace, even though she’d never had one.

When you combine all of these factors.

Ido-yun likes a type of woman that is completely opposite to Joo Hye-ryeong herself.


Still, Joo Hye-ryeong didn’t give up.

She continued to like him.

Even when Alisa always gave her the cold shoulder, and their close friend, Lee So-yeon, would look at her with a warning gaze.

If there was even the slightest gap between them, she would try to take advantage of it and win his love.


“Ring… I’m so frustrated. Really…”

For some reason, the two of them, who had claimed to be childhood friends for years, suddenly started dating this year and quickly became a couple.

I heard that the silver couple ring was a surprise gift prepared by Ido-yun, and I couldn’t help but feel envious.

While feeling those emotions.

Joo Hye-ryeong didn’t confess. She couldn’t confess.

She didn’t want to admit that she had lost yet.

And she didn’t want to actively interfere with their relationship either.

She knew that women who were jealous of Alisa and resented her would try to get close to her, but she wouldn’t allow it.

Her pride wouldn’t permit it.

She only wanted to make Ido-yun turn to her with her own charm.

That’s why she started fashion TokTok.

Of course, Joo Hye-ryeong had always been interested in dressing up and taking care of herself, but she wanted to show that she could be prettier than Alisa.

To achieve her current body, she exercised every day and paid attention to what she ate.

She studied fashion and makeup every day to keep up with the trends.

And she didn’t want to look foolish, so she also did her best in her studies.

However, Ido-yun’s response was.

“I’ve seen all the links you sent. With Elly, too. You dress really well.”

That was it. And he even mentioned watching the video with his girlfriend.

Joo Hye-ryeong’s heart ached. The fact that her hidden efforts were still not enough to surpass Alisa was painful.

But at the same time.

“Yeah, that’s Ido-yun for you.”

The way he didn’t ignore the women who showed him interest and clearly drew a line while still being respectful to his girlfriend was also cool.

That was why she liked Ido-yun.

Unlike the guys who would suddenly become arrogant and discriminative towards others in middle school.

Ido-yun was different.

He was kind and considerate to everyone, with no pretenses.

She had seen his mature demeanor up close, and even when his girlfriend didn’t like her, he would always smile and treat her warmly.

How could she not fall for him?

Ironically, she could understand why Alisa would always glare at her because of this.

If her boyfriend was this cool and kind, it was natural to be worried.

A worry that was understandable, but still a worry nonetheless.

Anyway, Joo Hye-ryeong had.

She finally realized that she couldn’t just wait anymore.

She had polished herself so beautifully, and she couldn’t just wait anymore.

So, she finally made a move.

“Are you having a birthday party on the weekend? Can I come too?”

She didn’t want to fight with Alisa outright, nor did she want to show a pathetic side to Idoyun.


Compared to before, his gaze reached her a little more, and when she caught his eye.

She wanted to reveal herself to that extent.

She wanted to try that much.

Now… or rather, it was already obvious that Idoyun and Alisa had feelings for each other, but Idoyun was too cool a guy to give up on.


“I want to congratulate him too.”

She wanted to participate in the party for her favorite guy’s birthday.

She wanted to congratulate him directly.

She had been watching Alisa’s reactions and hadn’t participated in the birthday party, but now she wanted to join in.

More beautifully than usual.

With a brighter smile than usual.

“Look at me.”

She wanted to show off her hard work.

She wanted to receive at least one more gaze.

What Joo Hye-ryeong wanted was.

Only that one thing.


Joo Hye-ryeong told me about the party with a smile, had a brief stare-down with Eli, and then left.

I didn’t reject Joo Hye-ryeong’s invitation. Rather, I welcomed it.

I knew she liked me, and that her relationship with Eli was quite complicated, but.

I knew she wasn’t a bad person, rather a hardworking girl who was passionate about everything.

So, I didn’t want to reject her offer to celebrate my birthday.

Eli also knew that, so she didn’t say anything special to me…





She didn’t say much, but every time our eyes met, she let out a faint snort.

But to me, it didn’t seem like she was angry. She was just expressing a little dissatisfaction.

I thought maybe Isoryun would say something, but she, who was watching the situation from beside Eli, was.

“…He’s really… now it’s pitiful… it’s not even a concern of mine anymore…”

With a pitiful expression, she muttered to herself in a small voice and sighed.

The atmosphere was becoming more complicated than I thought, so I tried to brighten it up with a loud voice, leading the two of them.

“Let’s go quickly. I’ll treat you. What do you want to drink?”

At that moment, their gazes turned to me, and Eli still had a slightly pouty face, while Isoryeon suddenly broke into a bright smile and said,


“I should get the most expensive one, right? It’s okay?”

“Teacher Soyeon can drink the most expensive one, it’s allowed. Do you want to eat cake too?”

“I want to eat it!”

“If you’re going to eat cake, let’s go to Lusum.”

“Lusum is great~ I want to eat strawberry chiffon cake!”

“Eat whatever you want. What drink do I want? You guys decide.”

“”Stenysh yogurt latte.””

“Ah, that… Eli. Ah, can I share it with you? It’s a bit too sweet if I drink it alone…”

“That’s okay.”

“Give me a sip too~ and I’ll have latte as well!”

We headed to the café together.

There, the sweetness of the cake and yogurt latte exploded in my mouth, and Teacher Soyeon left with a happy face, while Eli’s mood had also lifted significantly.

When I returned home in the evening,

I searched hard for a birthday party venue for my numerous friends who promised to attend.

It had to be close to school so it wouldn’t be a hassle, and it had to be spacious, with a karaoke machine preferably…

With such conditions, it wasn’t easy to find a place.

But luckily,

[ Jinwoo: This party room mood is good for a friend’s birthday party, what do you think? ]

[ Me: Good good ]

[ Me: Is it good? ]

[ Me: But isn’t it a bit far? The kids might get tired ]

[ Jinwoo: Screw those who are tired, don’t come ]

[ Jinwoo: There are already a lot of people like jugglers anyway ]

[ Chaehwan: LOL if it’s a hassle to go there, just abandon it ]

[ Me: Thanks for now ]

[ Me: Let’s look around a bit more, and if we can’t find a better place, we’ll do it there ]

[ Jinwoo: Okay ]

[ Chaehwan: Want to play basketball tomorrow? ]

[ Jinwoo: No, we need to buy gifts ]

[ Chaehwan: What, are you giving Chupa Chups as gifts? ]

[ Jinwoo: Shut up ]

Thanks to Jinwoo’s help, we somehow managed to find a decent place.

Although it was a bit far from school, we couldn’t find a better place even after searching around.

In the end, we decided on the party room Jinwoo sent a link to. I hoped that we could make a reservation when we contacted them tomorrow.

And so, the search for a venue was somewhat settled.

– Thud

As the day came to an end, Eli entered my room to inform me of the schedule.

As soon as Eli came in, she approached me, who was sitting in front of the computer.


She started to caress my face with her soft hands.

Literally, she was fondling me, touching me here and there.

“Well, what’s up?”


Without responding to my question, she continued to touch me as she pleased.


She then clicked her tongue.

“You’re still cute, though…”


Eli, who was muttering to herself, finally released my face and continued speaking.

“Is everything done?”

“Yes. The party venue is set. Where is it, you ask?”

“It’s okay. You handle it, and when you’re done, hurry to bed… or rather, let’s do it standing today.”

“Standing? Are you serious?”

I quickly got up from the chair and hugged Eli, who was wearing shorts, a T-shirt, and a hooded jacket.

With our arms around each other’s waists, I gazed at my reflection in her blue eyes.


We shared a goodnight kiss, and while doing so, I sneakily…


placed my hand near Eli’s buttocks. It was one of the softest parts of my girlfriend’s body, allowed to me.

Eli naturally responded by placing her hand on my buttocks and started to caress it.

And so, another day passed.

As I savored the softness and the gentle touch on my buttocks, I ended the day with a kiss.

By the way, my birthday is just around the corner.

I wonder when I’ll be able to see Bunny Girl.

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