My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 69: Pursuit

Sophia finally returned to her senses as she was dragged out of the cave that led to her home. With the return to reality, she suddenly felt anger at being dragged around by Grugda.

"What do you think you are doing!" She finally snapped as she released herself from his grip. 

"Don't stop! Keep running!" Grugda replied angrily in his haste. Annoyed by the lack of respect for attempting to save her.

"Why should I run?" She started laughing as though privy to some inside joke. "Your friend is clearly a werewolf! A mere watchdog for us vampires! They can't harm us. It's engraved into their very being!"

This replied confused Grugda to no end. He could only watch as she dissolved into mad laughter.

"This is perfect! I was always told they went extinct in the wars! I have to imprint myself as his master. Then I'll finally be free!" She laughed even harder. It was too good to be true. 

"He's no. Werewolf!" Grugda growled at her. Especially as she had just let out her intentions to try and enslave his friend. "He. Is. Chimera!"

These words rang in Sophia's ears. Grugda had deliberately said them even slower than usual to make sure she understood how wrong she was. That and to display the fury she was stirring in him.

She could only stare at him completely dumbstruck. 'A... Chimera? That's impossible. They don't exist! They're just a bedtime story I was told to scare me into behaving!'

"You dare to lie to me!" Sophia roared at the Eljein. Her anger was completely evident in her distorted face.

She lashed out at Grugda, slapping the taller figure hard across his cheek. The blow itself did not seem like much but still managed to send him rolling down the mountainside.

Her body turned into a shadowy mist as descended upon him. Like the heavens unleashing their wrath! 'He is lying! He must be!' She kept telling herself over and over again.

Grugda was already back on his feet when reverted to her human form. His eyes glared at her with pure spite. His lips curled in a sneer as he prepared his magic.

Sophia cared little for the young Eljein's attempts. He did not have the experience or strength to face her yet. If he was an older one then she would be wary. 

She stalked towards him as her grey eyes slowly began to glow an electric blue. Highlighting the cold nature of her race.

"Why would you make up such a pathetic excuse for a lie!" Her voice was stone cold calm, only betrayed by the slight trembling of her fists. A couple of tears ran slowly down her pale cheeks.

Grugda was completely taken aback by such an emotional response. He had no idea what to make of it. To his eyes, she now seemed to have more in common with an angry and terrified child. 

'Why does. She react like. This?' He could not help himself from wondering such a thing as she approached. With each step, she seemed to become more and more unstable emotionally. 'She should be. Excited at his. Arrival. What has she been told?'

"Why! Why are you lying to me!" She screamed in his face, her tears flowed freely now. There was no stopping them.

Grugda had to stop himself from replying immediately. Choosing instead to think carefully about his choice of words.

"He has already. Been recognised. It is simple. Fact." After saying these words he showed no sign of resistance. Leaving himself at her mercy.

Sophia studied him carefully through her watery eyes. No resistance. No trace of deceit. Instead of being happy though this revelation only plunged her heart into despair. She collapsed onto her knees, quietly sobbing to herself.

'Oh, gods! The prophecy! Please, no!' She silently begged to nobody but herself.

The night air was suddenly filled with a mad howling. It had echoed to the outside world from deep within the gave. Grugda hissed as he took a sharp intake of breath and grabbed Sophia yet again.

He could feel her shaking as he dragged her. She was no longer resisting. Although that was a good thing right now it would be terrible if Kace caught up to them.

As they ran he created many earthen barricades behind them. In an attempt to slow Kace down. 'Hopefully, we can. Buy enough time. If not. It's over.' Grugda thought as panic and logic mixed together in his brain.

Every few minutes he could hear howling getting closer to them. With each fresh one that Kace let out, Sophia trembled even more. Grugda could tell that it would not be much longer before their pursuer caught them. 

Continuing to flee now would only deplete vital energy that they would require to try and attempt to survive the encounter. Coming to a complete halt so suddenly caused Sophia to slam into him. Snapping her out of her funk.

She started at his back in anger before realising the concerned look on his face. She began to look around. Noticing that they had had already entered the jungle. The trees were thickly packed together with many vines intertwined between them.

She had no idea what he was planning though. If what the Eljein had said was true then it was futile to resist. Though she had to admire the way Grugda was manipulating the ambient mana.

Earthen walls began to enclose a ten-metre radius around them. Then vines and tree roots began to encase him, setting him as its newly formed humanoid body's core. 

The trees in all directions outside of his walls seemed to come alive. It was a masterful display that left Sophia in awe. In her own race, she was not considered to be gifted. Which left her with a lingering jealously of true geniuses. 

In her mind that was exactly what Grugda must be. She was sure that her own level must be higher than his. However, with something like this he may very well be able to close the distance between them.

A low growl resounded from the nearby trees causing her arm hair to stand on end. Even with her heightened senses, she had not discovered anything approaching.

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