My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 77 - guests from afar

After the yoga class, Ovie walked back with a peach blossom spirit. When he passed his store, he found two luxury cars parked at the door. The driver, a foreigner with a high nose bridge in his forties, got out of the car, opened the rear door respectfully, and greeted a silver-haired man in his fifties.

Two men who looked like bodyguards stood upright beside the car, and the other two bodyguards escorted the silver-haired man towards the repair shop.

Today, Lu Jingyi rested, stayed in the store to watch the store, and continued to operate as usual. These people didn’t look like they were here to fix electrical appliances or buy ornamental fish. Ovie followed curiously, and as soon as he approached, he caught the attention of the bodyguard, and a few sharp gazes swept towards him.

Ovie didn’t care, and walked into the maintenance shop with a leisurely pace, under the vigilant gaze of the bodyguard.

Sitting behind the counter, Lu Jingyi fiddled with his notebook, and caught a glimpse of three foreigners walking in, his pupils shrank, and he casually asked in Chinese, “Do the guests need anything?”

“Hello.” The silver-haired man asked politely, “Is Miss Yu there?”

Although the speech was not accurate, he also spoke Chinese.

Lu Jingyi stopped and looked at him calmly: “Who are you?”

“My name is ‘Churchima Sean Burra’ and I’m from country F.” The silver-haired man smiled warmly, with a natural extravagance in his gestures.

“Country F?” Lu Jingyi asked, “Why are you looking for Xiaoyu?”

“There is something I want to confirm with Miss Yu in person.” Although Qiu Jima’s attitude was friendly, he obviously didn’t plan to talk to Lu Jingyi in detail.

Lu Jingyi was about to say something else when he suddenly saw Ovie approaching from the door.

The two bodyguards moved slightly to protect Churchima.

Ovie glanced at them and walked straight to Lu Jingyi’s side, casting a questioning look at him.

Lu Jingyi said: “They are from country F, and they are looking for Yuyou for something.”

Country F? Wouldn’t it be for the descendants of the royal family? This is her life experience made up temporarily, and she never thought of “recognizing the ancestors and returning to the ancestors”. Looking at the appearance of this person, he really has a little royal style.

“Yuyou is not at home today, will you come back tomorrow?” Ovie said.

“What’s your name sir?” Churchima smiled and looked at Ovie, “What’s the relationship with Miss Fish?”

“My name is Ovie, and I’m Yuyou’s friend.”

Lu Jingyi next to him secretly glanced at him, but said nothing.

“Mr. Ovie, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Churchima took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to him, “This is my business card, please let Miss Fish know that we will visit tomorrow at 9 am .”

Ovie took the business card and nodded: “Okay.”

Churchima didn’t bother for too long, left his business card and left.

“He should have investigated me.” Lu Jingyi affirmed, “I haven’t asked my name since I came in, but he asked yours.”

Ovi looked at the business card, and a familiar totem jumped into his eyes. It was the royal totem of country F. They really came for the blood of Prince Alodi.

Lu Jingyi also guessed it and asked, “What are you going to do?”

He didn’t care about Xiaoyu’s true identity, she said yes, then she said no, it was all up to her own wishes.

“I’m going to return the ring to them.” Ovie didn’t know how they found it. Only a few members of the Lu family knew about it. “I don’t want to have anything to do with the Rodriguez family.”

After hundreds of years, why would the royal family of country F care about a descendant of the royal family who appeared out of thin air? DNA tests can’t come up now. They came to her for nothing more than that ring with heritage significance.

“Well, it’s up to you to decide.” Lu Jingyi had no objection, but was prepared to protect her. Dealing with powerful people is not that simple, not to mention involving two countries whose relationship is not friendly.

That Chujima must have visited privately this time, without notifying Country Z, otherwise the media would not be as quiet as a chicken.

In the evening, Yu You leaned against the bedside holding the album, pointed to an old black and white photo and introduced to Lu Jingyi: “Look, this is a photo of my great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother.”

The men and women in the photo are very young, and the men clearly bear the characteristics of Westerners, with tall stature and deep outlines. Yuyou’s great-grandfather still retains some characteristics, and when Yuyou’s father, there are fewer Western characteristics.

Yuyou’s great-great-great-grandmother Alicia came to Lanzhou City from a long distance overseas to settle down. Although her origin has long been unknown, she must be from the F country, because the incomplete handwriting she left behind was all written in the F language.

Alicia didn’t have a camera in those days, so she didn’t leave any photos, and Yuyou didn’t know what she looked like, but she must be a beautiful woman. Yuyou is a sea clan, and he was reincarnated in the Yu family in this life, and is a member of the Yu family. The adoptive father who passed away was her father’s younger brother, her uncle.

Yuyou flipped through the album and introduced Lu Jingyi.

Although the Yu family is just an ordinary family, the family is harmonious and the life is simple. Every couple is very loving. This photo album records their beautiful moments.

Lu Jingyi hugged her and said warmly, “We’ll take more photos in the future to fill ten albums.”

“Ten?” Yu You hesitated, “Will there be too many?”

“Perfect, not much at all.” Lu Jingyi immediately took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera and summoned Xiaoyu, “Xiaoyu, look here.”

Yuyou turned his head, flicked his hair, and was frozen by Lu Jingyi with one click. Her skin is tender and fair, with barely visible pores, and she doesn’t even need to beautify her face, and the effect is great.

Yuyou pressed him down, sat on top of him, pulled his collar, picked a beautiful and delicious angle with his phone, and took a few pictures.

Then he leaned down and took a bite on his collarbone, leaving a tooth mark, and then took a few more pictures.

Lu Jingyi lay on the bed and let her play with it. After a while, he suddenly sighed in a deep voice, “Xiaoyu, you’ve changed your color…”

Yuyou stopped and seemed to realize that her personality seemed to be broken, so she obediently put down her phone and looked at Lu Jingyi meekly.

Lu Jingyi couldn’t resist such a small look, he turned over and threw her down, and tucked her into the quilt…

The next day, Yuyou stayed in the store and waited for Qiu Ji to come to the door. While repairing the electrical appliances, Grandpa Turtle suddenly reminded her that Xiang Pu went out to sea with a team today.

Yu You clicked on Weibo and saw the message he sent, his eyes were slightly cold. In less than half a month, he is going to be a demon again?

At this moment, a bell rang from the door, Yuyou raised his head, saw Qiujima walking in, and looked at her with a smile.

“Hello, Miss Fish, I’m ‘Churchima Sean Burra’, did your friend Mr. Ovie ever mention me to you?”

“Well, he mentioned it.” Yu You stood up and said, “It’s not convenient here, let’s go upstairs and talk.”

“Okay.” Churchima refused to follow the bodyguard and walked upstairs alone.

Lu Jingyi glanced at the bodyguard, turned and walked into the kitchen.

Yuyou led Qiujima into the study, and the latter glanced around for a week, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

The study is full of books, and the worktable is covered with a thick stack of drawings. The air is filled with the unique smell of paper. The space is not large and the connotation is rich. It is completely impossible to see that this is a girl’s study.

“Please take a seat.” Yuyou motioned.

“Thank you.” Churchima sat on the sofa and looked at her calmly.

“Mr. Burra, why did you come to me?” Yuyou asked straight to the point.

Churchima smiled and said, “I think Miss Fish should have guessed it. I am the housekeeper of His Majesty Rodriguez. I came to visit this time to confirm one thing.”

“Before this,” Yu You asked, “Can I know where you got the news from?”

Church Jima replied unhurriedly: “It’s a friend of Miss Yu. I’m not convenient to reveal the name for the time being. He should tell you in person in the future. I can guarantee that he has no malicious intentions.”

Yuyou nodded, and although he was puzzled, he did not continue to ask.

She got up and walked to the bookshelf, took out a small box from the bottom drawer, then walked back, put the box on the coffee table, and let Churchima open it.

Churchima picked up the box and carefully opened the lid. A dark golden ring lay quietly in the box, with a simple shape and the emblem of the Rodriguez family engraved in the center, exactly the same as the other three kept by the royal family.

These four rings are made of a rare metal with a soft texture that cannot be counterfeited at all.

Churchima recognized at a glance that it was the one that Prince Alodi had taken away, and the one that the Rodriguez family had lost for hundreds of years.

There was a bit of excitement in his eyes, and the fingers groping for the ring were trembling.

After a long while, he calmed down a little, put the ring back in the box, and gently placed it on the coffee table.

“Miss Yu, can you tell me why this ring is in your hand?” Churchima said sternly.

“I think you should have investigated me beforehand.” Yuyou said calmly, “This ring has never changed hands. It belongs to the Rodriguez family, so you can take it away.”

Qiujima’s face showed surprise: “You just let us take the ring away?”

“Yes, do you have any questions?”

Of course, there is a lot of doubt!

Churchima came this time with the purpose of investigation and verification, and was prepared to deal with any difficulties, but he did not expect that the process of obtaining the ring would be so simple. Is this girl unmoved by royal status? Don’t want to exchange the ring for benefits and enter the upper class?

Seeing that Qiu Jima didn’t speak, Yu You took the initiative to ask, “Apart from getting this ring back, do you have anything else to do with me?”

Chujima endured it, and finally couldn’t help but ask, “Do you know who you are?”

“Of course I know, I’m Yuyou, from country Z.”

“No, you may be from country F,” Churchima said. “Your ancestors are direct descendants of Queen Magloy.”

“Oh? How do you prove it?” Yuyou looked at him in confusion.

“This ring is the best proof.” Churchima affirmed, “The Rodriguez family has been looking for this ring for hundreds of years. If it has been traded, we cannot confiscate any news. Come on. Besides, the blue diamond you sold to Blair Owen not long ago is also one of the treasures registered by the Rodriguez family. We also investigated your background, your great-great-great-grandmother is from China, she is very likely The daughter of Prince Alodi.”

Yuyou: “…”

“So, you are not from country Z.” Churchima finally concluded, “You have the noble blood of the Rodriguez family.”

how? The blood of the people of Z country is not noble?

Yuyou looked at him indifferently.

“Miss Fish, please come back to Country F with me and meet His Majesty Hebrew Rodriguez.”

Having said that, there was a knock on the door. After planning what Qiujima said, Lu Jingyi walked in with two cups of hot tea and handed them to Qiujima and Yuyou respectively.

“Thank you, Mr. Lu.” Churchima took the teacup with both hands.

“You’re welcome.” Lu Jingyi sat down beside Yu You and calmly observed their expressions.

Churchima didn’t mind his presence either, and after taking a sip of tea, realized that he seemed to have acted a little too hastily just now. Immediately, I felt a bitter taste in my mouth, and I looked down at the tea cup. The tea in the cup was not famous at first glance. Recalling the information I have investigated in the past few days, I can’t help but feel sour. This girl grew up in a commoner’s family and lived a low life. After the death of her adoptive parents, she had no money to continue her studies, so she could only take over the small shop and barely make a living.

Later, I met Lu Jingyi and fell in love with him. In order to gain the approval of the Lu family, I had to sell a blue diamond left by my ancestors, and all the cash in exchange was given to Lu Jingyi’s mother.

As a descendant of the royal family, it is really deplorable and indignant to have to use this method to be respected. If she had brought the ring to meet His Majesty Hebrew Rodriguez earlier and obtained a noble status, who would look down on her then?

Country F is very rich, and the royal family lives well. The worst ones have a few pieces of land and properties. None of them are as poor as her. (Yuyou: What misunderstandings do you have about poverty?)

“Miss Yu, I don’t know if you would mind letting me take a drop of blood.” Churchima made this request with consideration.

“Please.” Yuyou stretched out his arm.

Seeing that she was so refreshing, Churchima was more certain in her heart, took out the needle from her pocket, and carefully drew a drop of blood.

Lu Jingyi took the cotton swab and helped Yuyou to press down the bleeding area, looking a little unhappy.

Yuyou didn’t worry about what he could detect. He didn’t know how many generations had passed, and it was difficult to accurately identify DNA.

“Mr. Burra, no matter what the verification result is, you don’t need to notify me.” Yu You said, “I don’t want my current life to be disturbed.”

Chujima looked at her with pity: he didn’t enjoy the real aristocratic life, and he thought that the current life of rushing and toiling was very beautiful. You are so ordinary, how can you marry the young master of the Lu family in the future?

Once her identity is confirmed, he, His Majesty Hebrew Rodriguez and other members of the Rodriguez family will not allow a single member of their family to suffer a little grievance, which is undoubtedly a slap in the face of their entire Rodriguez family! Not to mention that the other party is still from country Z who doesn’t have a good relationship with them!

With this thought in mind, Churchima walked out of the old fish repair shop with a firm gaze.

“How is it?” Lu Jingyi asked with concern.

“It’s okay.” Yu You said casually, “I gave him the ring.”

As a royal relative, the bloodline verification is very strict. Who has such a leisurely interest in a “distant relative” like her who has an unknown origin and has been separated by several generations? They came to the door just for the ring that symbolized the status of the royal family.

In the future, I will give her a generous gift at most, and there will be no further contact.

Yuyou thought so, but Lu Jingyi didn’t think so. According to him, the royal family members of country F are keen on marriage, the ghost knows whether they will take Xiaoyu as a victim of ZZ?

The blood of Prince Alodi, who has been missing for hundreds of years, has finally returned to the royal family. This kind of news is both sensational and gimmicky, and it is enough for the Rodriguez family to gain a lot of invisible ZZ capital.

Lu Jingyi secretly sent people to pay attention to the movements of Qiujima and others, so that they would not be detrimental to Xiaoyu.

Yu You just let it go and didn’t take it to heart, she was thinking about Xiang Pu’s shooting at the moment.

While Lu Jingyi was away, she came to the aquarium and went out to sea with the cute ball.

Mengqiu is very attached to her now, and without her company, it will not dare to go anywhere.

After seeing Doubao and Tiantian, they are not as enthusiastic as before, just next to Yuyou, like a baby who is afraid of losing his mother.

Yu You brought three killer whales out of the sea, looked at the ship in the distance, and thought about what kind of lesson should be taught to them this time, so that they could completely give up the idea of ​​shooting.

Yuyou didn’t know that Xiang Pu went out to sea this time not only to shoot killer whales, but also to capture the silhouette of the person who passed away in the camera last time…

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