My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Chapter 5 - great white shark

“Mr. Lu, your Red Sea Knight is here.” Yu You stood in front of an aquarium and motioned for him to come over and take a look. As for what happened just now, she didn’t mean to explain, and the other party didn’t seem interested in knowing.

Lu Jingyi walked over and found that the Red Sea Knight’s symptoms had eased a lot, and his spirit was much better than a few days ago.

“And this.” Yu You pointed to an aquarium next to him and smiled, “Your knight’s baby fish.”

Lu Jingyi turned his head to look and saw that in the beautiful aquarium, dozens of tadpole-like little fish were swimming in the water in groups, which was very pleasant.

“Having hatched so quickly?” And didn’t it say before that only three or four survived? Surprise flashed in Lu Jingyi’s eyes.

“Well, my environment here is very good, and your knight worked very hard. The eggs were laid on the day they were delivered, and 21 fish babies were hatched successfully in the end.”

Lu Jingyi looked at the baby fish swimming around, a smile overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and his originally cold and sharp temperament became mild in an instant.

“It will take two or three days for your knight to fully recover. Do you take it back now or keep it for a few more days?” Yu You asked.

“Stay for a few days.” Lu Jingyi chose the latter without hesitation.

“What about these little fish? Can you keep them yourself? Would you like to sell them to me?” The newly born little fish are very fragile, and even experienced aquarists may not be able to keep them well.

“You help me choose six, and the rest will be given to you. I can’t raise so many.” Lu Jingyi thought that he had to change to a bigger tank, otherwise these guys wouldn’t be able to move. He still doesn’t know enough about the habits of fish. Hanging upside down like the Red Sea Knight is not suitable for breeding in aquariums, but Yuyou has helped it breed successfully, and the survival rate is so high. .

“Okay.” Yuyou took out a rainbow-colored calculator, tapped it a few times, and said, “150 per small fish, a total of 15, 2500 yuan, do you think this price is acceptable?”

Lu Jingyi was displeased: “I said ‘send’ to you.”

“…Okay, thank you.” Yuyou didn’t insist, and planned to go back and give him a gift bag for fish friends.

Lu Jingyi continued to look at the fish, but after a while, an electronic prompt sounded next to him: [It’s time to eat, it’s time to eat…]

He looked at the sound and saw a strangely shaped mobile phone on the counter. The edge of the body slightly protruded outward, and the casing was green tortoise shell.

Under Lu Jingyi’s strange gaze, Yuyou picked up the phone and quickly turned off the sound. Every time she didn’t eat on time, Grandpa Turtle would dutifully remind her.

“Sorry, I’ve delayed your meal time.” Lu Jingyi doesn’t use a mobile phone or a watch, and usually doesn’t pay much attention to the time. Originally, he just came to see the knights, but he didn’t expect to stay for so long, “I don’t know if you would mind staying with me. Dinner?”

Yuyou thought for a while, bought the food and made it by himself, it would take an hour or two to eat, it would be easier to eat outside, so he nodded in agreement. This person is different from Yang Chaofeng, who feels good about himself. He speaks and acts in a measured manner and will not cause trouble to others.

“There is a good restaurant nearby, let’s eat there.” Yu You packed up his things and led Lu Jingyi out.

“Yeah.” Lu Jingyi followed Yuyou unhurriedly, his long hair swept across the back of his hand, rippling like a wave, soft and smooth. Unexpectedly, the stunned shadow appeared in his mind, and two deep eyes fell on Yuyou’s slender figure, revealing uncertain guesses.

“How long have you lived in Lanzhou City?” Lu Jingyi asked Yuyou after ordering food.

“For more than 20 years, I have been living here.”

“Looking at your age, you should still be in college, right?”

Yu You smiled and said, “I graduated two years ago.” She skipped two grades of junior high school, went to college at 16, and completed college at 20. She originally wanted to study, but her adoptive parents died unexpectedly, so she gave up her studies and came back. Inherit the store. However, she did not stop learning, but the progress was relatively slow.

Lu Jingyi glanced at her unexpectedly: “What major did you study?”

“Electronic Engineering.”

Lu Jingyi: “…” Another unexpected answer. He originally thought she should major in biotechnology or aquaculture.

At this time, the waiter brought the set meal ordered by the two to the table, and was preparing to eat when suddenly there was a noise of mechanical operation outside the window.

Lu Jingyi’s face sank, his fingers holding the knife and fork tightened slightly, and his eyes showed a look of forbearance.

Although separated by hundreds of meters, the constant noise is really disturbing.

Yu You found that Lu Jingyi’s breath was starting to become disordered again. She turned her head to look out the window and asked, “Mr. Lu, do you hate noise?”

“En.” Lu Jingyi pursed his lips, his expression cold and hard.

“This area is about to be demolished. I’m afraid there will be construction noise everywhere in the future.” Yu You said lightly.

“Demolition?” The reason why Lu Jingyi moved to live here at the beginning was because he liked the tranquility here. Now that he has not lived for two days, he told him that the place is going to be demolished? Although the villa area where he lives is several kilometers away, he often comes here to buy things. The flower, bird and fish market here has a long history, complete varieties, and many players. It is also well-known in the country. He chose this place after a thousand choices, and it turns out that it will soon become part of the urban transformation?

Lu Jingyi has no appetite, and with the harassment of noise, his mood is even more irritable.

Feeling the danger from the outside world, Grandpa Turtle in Yuyou’s pocket began to vibrate, and “The Big Knife Cuts the Devil’s Head” is about to be played.

Yuyou lowered his eyes, and lightly tapped his index finger on the glass. The clear water in the glass swayed in circles, and a piece of transparent water vapor centered on it slowly spread out to the surroundings, forming a barrier with a radius of one meter.

Lu Jingyi seemed to feel something and looked up.

Yuyou put one hand on her face, her eyes were half down, the hair on her cheeks fluttered gently, and the light reflected by the glass reflected on her, as if waves of light were flowing through her.

The noise in my ears disappeared, the air was filled with a touch of water vapor, and there was a faint breeze blowing, cool and moist, as if I was in the sea, the original irritable mood was comforted little by little.

[Mr. Lu, you suffer from post-traumatic sequelae and are extremely sensitive to external stimuli. You need to cooperate with physical therapy and cultivate in meditation…]

[It is recommended that you participate in some milder outdoor sports…]

[Try to stay away from noisy places…]

【Try to control your emotions…】

The doctor’s advice echoed in his mind, Lu Jingyi closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was calm.

He looked at Yu You, his eyes were bottomless.

“What’s wrong, doesn’t it suit your taste?” Yuyou asked with a smile.

“Nothing.” Lu Jingyi picked up the knife and fork and ate quietly.

After eating a meal with all his heart, Lu Jingyi paid the money and sent Yuyou back to the store. He agreed to pick up the knight and his baby after five days.

In the evening, Yuyou posted Weibo as usual.

[(Aquarium owner): I seem to have encountered a great white shark. This species is on the verge of extinction, its temperament is changeable, its perception is keen, and it is extremely aggressive. I felt I had to protect it so that it wouldn’t be swallowed up by this dangerous world. 】

[My brother’s tail will discharge: no pictures, no truth! 】

[Send a fish kiss: Museum owner, your Weibo is getting more and more perfunctory, do you dare to post a few fruit photos of great white sharks? Be up to date, don’t take screenshots! 】

[Civevet: Second opinion! 】

[(Ocean Aquarium owner): You can also see the latest photos if you want, but promise me, will you protect the great white shark with me in the future (@^_^@)]

[Dear I have it: I am sure! 】

The next row of ++++++ is delivered.

[(The owner of the aquarium): That’s the deal. I will post the picture on time at 2 o’clock in the afternoon tomorrow. I will go to the sea now to find the great white shark. 】

[Xiaoji tweeted: Hahaha, sit and watch the owner of the pavilion dress B in a serious manner. 】

[East China Sea Fish Farmer: Let me first state that one or two pictures will not satisfy us, at least one, two, three or fifty pictures, and a resolution of more than 400. 】

[Not being able to eat fish is a bit square: everyone, if the owner of the museum is not posting the latest pictures, we will blacken his Weibo. 】

[Little fish who likes to eat rice: This remark is very agreeable to me. 】

[Women’s clothing boss Medusa: All-purpose search for pictures, ready to go, ready to slap the owner of the museum at any time. 】

[Favorite little clown: Burn incense, take a bath and wait for the dark to turn on. 】

At 1:00 p.m. the next day, many fans flocked to the Weibo of the owner of the aquarium, eagerly waiting for her to post pictures.

Getting a photo of the great white shark isn’t easy, not only because of its rarity, but also because it’s dangerous. Few individuals other than a professional team have been able to take a photo of it up close.

Fans don’t believe that the aquarium owner actually goes to take pictures of great white sharks, just to see if she can find a picture that doesn’t repeat.

At exactly 2 o’clock, in the eager anticipation of everyone, the owner of the aquarium updated his Weibo on time. But what she posted was not a picture, but a video, a 7-minute video.

Fans opened the video curiously, and the first thing that appeared on the screen was a huge fish head that filled the screen and two rows of pointed teeth.

Fans: I’m going, scared the baby to death!

The camera moved back, and the whole picture of the great white shark was revealed little by little in the eyes of everyone. Gray-blue skin, strong body, triangular head, tail like wings, body more than 8 meters long, symmetrical fins spread flat, steady and powerful, between swimming, rolled up a blade-like water wave, Imposing, awesome.

Its body is like a warship, with a huge momentum, it swept past the camera, and its skin color and skin texture were fully revealed. Obsidian-like eyes, revealing the fierce light and the domineering arrogance of all beings.

Sometimes it swims upstream, sometimes dives, sometimes hovers, sometimes sprints, showing its majestic figure in the sea.

The lens gradually sinks and becomes an upward looking angle. The huge figure is quietly suspended above, and a few meters away is the vast blue sea. A few rays of sunlight are cast down, forming a three-dimensional reflection in the dreamlike space.

The picture freezes here, and the fans pull away from the shock, and then they all explode.

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