My Last Hunt

Chapter 402: Class Test 32

Class Test 32

The representative beast finally found out. The opponent was not beast but hunter. In the recent attack Qiao fended off the beastly aura to command normal stones. These two stones were monster hunting. A monster's stone might shatter in to pieces however would never listen to the command of beast. 

They were nemesis at the higher levels. Qiao was not worried to show his identity. "Who are you to attack a beast?" Hull came out from the big pit, its feathers were seeping blood. In the short time the situation was no more the same. Hull snarled with disgust. The surrounding air ruffled.

Until now the hunter disguised like beast. It was another humiliation for the beast to get beaten badly from hunter. "I am sure, knowing my identity would not bring any changes. You will be killed asking the same question. You can test it." Qiao fearlessly challenged. 

His words were enough to set the beast on fire though this beast has water type characteristics. "You are atrocious hunter. How come you know my journey? What made you hunt me down? What is the purpose hunting near the North Sepedra?" Hull asked all those questions that were popping in its head. 

Only the Lord Beast aware about its arrival, the hunter has also this information which was strange. Hull maddened to think that perhaps the Lord Beast was trying to get rid and he might be working against Frost Fire Continent until now. 

Qiao did not bother what was running in the head of enemy. He was once again focused to pull the ground from under the feet of the beast. He decided and prepared in the previous day. Qiao was not going to give any chance. He was ready in case he needed four stones to attack at once he would do it. 

The priority was that the beast should not reach North Sepedra. The battle was one sided because the beast was not given any chance to attack properly. There was something particular that Qiao was keeping his eyes on. 

He did not want to spread the unimaginable amount of aura during battle subsequently he attacked when the beast wanted to threaten or attack yet tremors in the air or on the ground were unavoidable. He was sure that this would reach at the periphery of next island and the beast flying on the edges of the North Sepedra would definitely come to take a look what was happening here. 

The battle should end soon. Both feathers were injured so it was impossible for the beast to fly away. Also the agile attacks at every crucial moment were restricting the beast. Qiao controlled the command of four stones. It was first ever experiment and he succeeded. 

It was wonderful to give tough time to the superior beast nevertheless it was toilsome. It sapped dry the unbound source of energy from him. This said it was not easy to keep the battle going with insane amount of strength. 

His upper hand was because of his sharp methods. The beast thought to take the upper hand in the battle and let the hunter know his place. Now that the beast was critically looking at the opponent, it understood that the hunter intentionally disguised like beast to deceive other beasts. 

Qiao did not wait next moment instead he commanded to stones to provide defense while two stones were ready for mad attacks. Qiao was moving his arms in the air and the stones were following the flow of the movements. It was similar of millisecond movement. 

Only stones could read the instructions of the master with the help of these movements. Hull also hurried to attack. It was no more looking to kill the hunter instead injure and then escape toward the North Sepedra. There it could investigate the matter and search whether the Lord Beast was behind this ploy. 

Qiao understood the intentions of the beast now it was more than ever necessary to kill. Both attacks clashed, Malva stone fell from the forehead of the beast because Qiao was focusing to separate the stone first. It would divide the strength of the beast. It was injured now. The forehead faced direct attack. 

How could beast tell what was brewing in the head of the hunter? Qiao was not worried that the attack of the beast could harm him. The defense stones were doing good job until now. The beast thought that the hunter would immediately try to save himself from the attack instead he attacked right in the forehead. 

The beast fell injured. "You would not go unpunished. It will take some time nonetheless the beasts would take revenge for this and many other hunts. The days are nearing." The attention of the beast was to threaten however Qiao got angrier. 

Without thinking again he attacked in the chest. The stone pierced through the chest of the beast. "The hunters are not sleeping to let the beasts invade the Hightown." Qiao spoke. 

He looked around, the beasts on the duty were nearing. The repercussions of the battle perhaps reached to them. He initially wanted to hide the carcass of the beast however because of short time, he decide to escape. 

His escape path was already decided. The beasts on the duty were attentive toward the battle impacts so Qiao could sneak again in the North Sepedra. At the far distance, the elder twitched his brows to see what he did. 

"I am sure the young hunter knows what he is doing." He shrugged his shoulders. He could not hear the conversation between both however there was something that made the hunter angrier. Qiao hide his stones and fixed his appearance in hurry. 

He was at much distance from the carcass. As soon as he felt that the beasts entered in the same island, he fled like wind keeping the considerable distance. The representative beast was killed. As for the symbol the beasts confirmed from the golden lines at the back. 

They went back to inform the Lord Beast. Qiao took the Malva stone with him as for the documents he could not read them so he left with the dead body. 

There was someone who could tell what was written in the documents. 

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