My Last Hunt

Chapter 398: Class Test 28

Class Test 28

The third Trifire was standing in front and the chain broke. Felon proved stubborn against the circumstances. The sustenance was of another level. It was all for the grudge. The Trifire accepted Felon as their master. After getting rid the chains, they were standing to listen everything. 

Felon was trying to figure out how it could break the chains from its neck. The health was at the peak. Despite facing two days in the imprisonment, Felon could take long flight from over the island since the broken bones were fully healed. 

The troublesome chains were hindrance. Level seven beasts could not render any help. The lava was from nature and it could melt the chains however the neck could get hurt in the process. 

Mesa was brought in the main hall. It spent the night in the den with another beast talking over to make the report about the decisions of the Lord Beast. Early in the morning three beasts suddenly showed up and brought back forcefully. Mesa looked at several beasts eyeing it from head to toe. 

Mesa got frightened. The situation did not look in its favor. "Where you were last night?" Lord Beast furiously asked. Lord Beast might never have asked this question instead immediately punished however the trouble was regarding his image in front of others. 

"I was in the den with another Council Beast discussing some of the matters of the dens since I had been away from the den for long time." Mesa related truthfully. The voice of the beast was slightly different from the voice the beasts heard previous night. 

"All these witnessed you at the various parts of North Sepedra destroying and attacking peaceful dens. Can you prove your innocence?" Lord Beast stood up from the big seat. Mesa was speaking truth because there were no strange actions after it heard the blame. The normal shocking and the anger showed on surface. 

Mesa shook its head. "It is no way possible. I was all the time in my den, my fellow Council Member could relate the truth of my words. The fellow council member was also standing there. "Indeed Mesa was in his den, it invited me in the den since we are old fellows. We were talking about the improvements in the matters of the dens in our absence." The fellow fearlessly related. 

Lord Beast looked at all those came to complain, "Since Mesa was not the one attacking then it is utterly impossible to speak something against the truth since I never released any orders. The signs are pointing some spy has entered in the North Sepedra and trying to manipulate the conflicts." 

Lord Zim sat on the seat. He was not supposed to punish when Mesa was not involved in the matter. Also if he punished then his reputation would fell in gutters. It was similar of accepting that he was not capable Lord Beast to keep hold on the Council Members. Still these beasts were unaware about the banishment of two Council members.

The beasts could no more blame Mesa. "We want to know the decision of Lord Beast against the spy. What possible measures you have decided to tackle? Should we remain alert in the night? What are the steps to capture the spy?" A beast spoke out all questions. 

Its tone resembled with Hiko. At the same time all of the council members entered in the main hall. They were stunned to see so many beasts came to talk with the Lord Beast. Half of them were aware though. 

"The Council Members are here. I cannot decide independently. Their precious suggestions could help up capture the spy then punish him accordingly." Smart Lord Beast cleverly involved despite the fact that he rarely followed their suggestions. 

"The way spy is trying to destroy the peace, I think the beasts should also knit some plan around the spy. Currently he might be hiding somewhere after creating trouble. The respective beasts should go back in their dens and remain alert until we capture and kill the spy. Till then the dens are under the care of the responsible beasts. As soon as they spot the spy, send someone to inform the Lord Beast." Lord Zim kept the tone concerning for them. 

The Beasts nodded and went to wait till further development regarding the problem. They left the main hall. The council members sat on their seats. "Capture this spy at any cost. How come he spout nonsense against Lord Beast?" as soon as the beasts left the main hall, Lord Zim resumed his strict tone. 

Council members were worried that Lord Beast might blame them directly. Lord Zim might have punished them for the present scenario however two council members were already banished, if he kept present attitude then soon council members would start to hate him.

Hiko did not speak. It was talking with another council member on the same topic also sneaking the actions of the council member Mesa, the truth that all council members were doubtful about each other. They were also curious about the Lord Beast. 

If this went on then the revolt was expected however since they knew that representative beast was coming from the Frost Fire Continent, they were willing to wait and prepare reports beforehand. 

A huge force was needed to lead the revolt. After resting little bit, Qiao woke up for another adventurous day. He was thinking to go and check the level of the beast coming from the Frost Fire Continent. According to Hiko the beast has so much power over the Lord Beast and all beasts of North Sepedra would kneel down in front of representative. 

This to show the loyalty toward the Frost Fire Beasts, those were the real force behind all beast races of the seven continents. He was thinking if he killed Lord Beast and later in a day the representative took charge then the North Sepedra might get immediately stronger to work against Hightown. 

The war was expected and this was the reason that Frost Fire Continent was sending representatives to lead various races of the beast in the first war. 

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