My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 459 - 459: Just Think She Wronged Luo Xiaolang (First Update)

Chapter 459: Chapter 459: Just Think She Wronged Luo Xiaolang (First Update)

On the damp and worn-out bed.

Ji Baixin’s voice filled with agony echoed.

She stared straight at Yin Qin, her eyes red to their rims, tears raining down like a storm.

Who knew what she had gone through last night!

Who knew the depth of her despair.

How much she had longed for Yin Qin to show up, how much she had wished for him to come, but he didn’t.

She knew he had ignored a multitude of her calls, not answering a single one.

Until now…

Until now, only after everything had happened, did he deign to show up!

What use was it for him to come now?!

Yin Qin looked at Ji Baixin’s state, suppressing an immense sadness within. He too wished he could kill himself to undo everything that Ji Baixin had endured.

He said, “I’m sorry.”

Besides an apology, he didn’t know what else he could do.

He simply didn’t know what he could do!

Ji Baixin bit her lips.

Her lips had turned pale.

She was trying hard to hold back a violently shaking body.

Why… why had she had to endure such sorrow over this period?

Why did the heavens have to be so cruel to her?!


“I’m sorry, Baixin, I’m sorry.” Yin Qin’s eyes too were red-rimmed. Seeing Ji Baixin in such a state, he really wished he could kill himself and take upon all her pain.

Ji Baixin stared straight at Yin Qin.

Ji Baixin was still crying.

Her tears blurred Yin Qin’s sight, flowing on and on.

He wished, he wished he could tear Wenjun into pieces right there and then.

“I’ll take you to the hospital.” Yin Qin, suppressing all the pain in his heart, said softly.

Ji Baixin gave a cold, ironic laugh.

A frosty smile, full of sarcasm.

She said, “To let the world know that I, Ji Baixin, was violated last night? To let the world see my broken state?!”

Yin Qin’s throat bobbed.

He just wanted her to get a medical check-up.

He didn’t know if she was seriously hurt.

If she was…

He clenched his fists.

Suppressing his rage, suppressing his overwhelming fury and limitless pain.

“Then I’ll take you home.” He said.

Ji Baixin didn’t respond.

She didn’t even know what she felt for Yin Qin right now!

Was it hatred?

Because he was the cause of all that had happened to her!

Or love?

But then.

He was getting married today.

Yin Qin picked her up.

Ji Baixin didn’t resist this time.

How could she resist?

What else could she do?!

Her world had already collapsed.

Yin Qin carried Ji Baixin out of the motel, he took her home.

The whole way, neither of them spoke a word.

Ji Baixin’s tears kept falling nonstop.

Yin Qin’s hands, gripping the steering wheel, remained clenched tightly.

His phone rang in the car.

Yin Qin looked at the caller ID.

It was his mother.

It was 7 am now.

7 am, he should be going back to change into his wedding attire.

He should be getting ready to pick up Luo Xiaolang.

His heart ached.

He really didn’t know what he should do next?

He didn’t answer the call.

He just let the phone ring incessantly inside the car.

One after another.

The car finally arrived at the underground garage of Ji Baixin’s apartment.

Yin Qin carried Ji Baixin into the elevator, taking her home.

He gently laid her on the bed.

Yin Qin turned and went into the bathroom, preparing a bath for Ji Baixin.

He said, “Baixin, take a bath.”

Ji Baixin didn’t say anything, nor did she make a move.

Yin Qin directly picked her up.

Ji Baixin didn’t resist.

Yin Qin put Ji Baixin down next to the bathtub, he turned around, “Baixin, take a bath first.”

“Aren’t you leaving?” Ji Baixin suddenly asked him.

Yin Qin’s body tensed.

“Isn’t it your wedding day today?” Ji Baixin said, “You should go.”

Yin Qin was conflicted at the moment.

He didn’t know if he should go back or not.

In his moment of hesitation, the image of Luo Xiaolang appeared in his mind, her waiting for him.

His lips pressed tight, his clenched fist slowly relaxed.

He said, “I’ll leave once you’re done bathing.”

Ji Baixin gave a slight laugh.

Accompanied by tears, she laughed.


Yin Qin was leaving.

Yin Qin was still going to marry Luo Xiaolang.

He saw her as nothing more than an object of pity.

She said, “Leave now, I don’t want to see you for one more second. Just go.”

Yin Qin’s body stiffened.

“Go!” Ji Baixin suddenly erupted, seemingly on the verge of a breakdown, “Go! Leave immediately!”


“I don’t need your pity or your sympathy, just leave! I don’t need your charity!” Ji Baixin screamed.

Yin Qin controlled his emotional turmoil.

He couldn’t let go of Luo Xiaolang.

He genuinely couldn’t let go of her.

He wanted to make up for Ji Baixin, he would even give up his life for her, but when he thought of Luo Xiaolang, he still wanted to go back.

“I’m sorry Baixin.” Yin Qin said.

He was sorry to her.

He owed her in this life.

Ji Baixin’s heart ached.

Everything she had gone through last night was like a nightmare, but this moment was even more heartbreaking.

She thought, she had thought…

In the end, Yin Qin was still leaving.

Just as well.

Yin Qin and Luo Xiaolang had come this far, why would he abandon her for Baixin?

She, Ji Baixing, originally had nothing at all, she just overestimated herself.

Her eyes blurred with tears.

She watched Yin Qin walk away.

A heavy silhouette.

Suddenly, she felt there was nothing left in this world worth clinging to.

She was not pursuing revenge on anyone. She simply didn’t know why she was still alive.

All her life she has strived to live freely and assert herself, to create her own life. She resisted being swayed by others, refused to be tarnished by high society. She thought she was like a lotus, rising from the mud, untouched by dirt. She believed that she was different from the pretentious young ladies of upper-class society, that she had more unique and inherent value than them.

But now.

But now, at 24, what does she have left!

Suffering an unrelenting torment, falling for the person that she used to despise the most, unable to pull back, and enduring the worst thing that a woman can experience..

With her life in ruins, she had lost all dignity to stay alive.

She removed the blanket from her body and cleansed herself.

She thought, this might be the last act of grace she could offer herself, allowing herself to leave the world in a clean state.


A wave of bitterness washed over her.

She would never be clean again in this lifetime.

But luckily.

At least, everything had about to end.

All was about to end.

She quickly washed herself and put on clean clothes.

She walked out of the bathroom and sat on the sofa.

She took up the fruit knife that was on the table.


There’s nothing left for her to hold on to.

No more hesitation.

The knife sliced across her wrist.

Blood spurted out.

When Yin Qin came back, he saw Ji Baixing lying in a pool of blood, her face pale.

In his hand were emergency contraceptives.

Even if he didn’t go to the hospital, he had to take some measures, otherwise, the consequences would be worse.

Because it was early, most of the pharmacies were not open yet, so he had to drive far to find a 24-hour pharmacy. He never expected that Ji Baixing would do something like this.

In his mind, she was a very strong woman.

She wouldn’t possibly choose to end her own life.

He was completely frantic, forgetting everything else: the wedding, Luo Xiaolang, he just wanted Ji Baixing to survive…

By the time she was taken to the hospital.

Ji Baixing’s face was ghostly pale.

Yin Qin watched helplessly as Ji Baixing was wheeled into the emergency room.

He too was covered in blood.

Ji Baixing’s blood.

He sat in the hallway, trying to hold it together.

His hands clenched tightly into fists, containing his emotions, suppressing them constantly.

After two long hours of rescuing.

The door of the emergency room opened.

The doctor came out.

In that moment, Yin Qin felt as if everything came to a standstill, he was rooted to the spot, staring at the doctor.

The doctor said, “Fortunately, she arrived in time. Her life is no longer in danger, but due to excessive blood loss, her body is extremely weak now. Family members must not upset her anymore.”

Yin Qin nodded.

He nodded heavily.

She survived.

She didn’t die.

Ji Baixing was taken out of the emergency room and moved into a ward.

Yin Qin stayed with her all the time.

By then, it was already 10 a.m.

10 a.m….

His phone had been bombarded with calls and was out of battery, hence it was switched off.

Ji Baixin was lying on the hospital bed.

She was looking at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin was looking at her.

Ji Baixin asked, “Why did you save me?”

Yin Qin didn’t respond.

Ji Baixin said, “Go away, I really don’t need you.”

Yin Qin’s throat moved but he remained silent.

“Yin Qin, go away, Luo Xiaolang is waiting for you.”

Yin Qin’s eyes were red.

He knew.

He knew that Luo Xiaolang was waiting for him.

He also knew he was a lousy, selfish man!

“Just go, leave!” Ji Baixing cried, suddenly agitated.

But because she was too weak, she couldn’t make any significant move.

Yin Qin was looking at Ji Baixing.

He really didn’t know what he wanted anymore.

Right at this moment, he really didn’t know what to choose.

He got up.

He stood up.

Ji Baixing watched his movements.

She watched him looking at her for a very long time, then he turned around, turned around…

Her eyes welled up with tears, which streamed down her face.

She loved Yin Qin, truly and deeply, but she was not so contemptible as to want to stop his wedding. But at this moment, when she saw him actually leaving, she suddenly regretted it, she really regretted it.


Even if it meant being despicable, being criticized, even if…

She didn’t know what she was doing.

She didn’t know why she was doing this.

But at that moment, she heard her own clear and certain voice, saying, “Yin Qin, don’t go.”

The departing figure suddenly froze.

Ji Baixing felt like a mess.

She never expected she, a woman so proud and arrogant, would one day be reduced to such a despicable state.

She cried sadly, and said, “I love you.”

The words “I love you” from Ji Baixin were like a nuclear bomb exploding in Yin Qin’s world, completely shattering his nerves, leaving his mind blank.

From an age he couldn’t remember, he had liked Ji Baixing. He had liked her for so many years, regardless of who she fell in love with, regardless of whether she had a relationship with someone else, regardless of her being abandoned and tarnished, he had always liked her. But when he finally decided to let go, she confessed her love to him.

He had dreamt of hearing those words from Ji Baixin. He had waited for so many years, waited till his heart, liver and lungs almost rotted. Only then did she tell him now.

And he…

What should he do?

“I thought I wouldn’t fall in love with you. I thought that even if I didn’t like Li Wenjun, I wouldn’t fall for you. But… just to prove myself wrong, I fell in love with you. I don’t know when, maybe even before I broke up with Li Wenjun, I had already developed feelings for you, but I just didn’t dare to admit it. After Li Wenjun hurt me so much and you were there helping me all along, I really couldn’t control myself anymore. My feelings for you… I couldn’t suppress it anymore. You have no idea how painful I was during this time, knowing that you’re getting married,” Ji Baixing said, crying uncontrollably with each word, grief overwhelming her.

She hadn’t planned to confess.

She intended to keep it a secret for the rest of her life.


After everything that happened last night, after surviving a near-death experience, she suddenly didn’t want to suppress her feelings anymore. She couldn’t just sit and watch him walk out of her life.

She felt very selfish.

Only at this moment did she realize how selfish she really was.

She didn’t want to hurt Luo Xiaolang.

She knew how good, clean, and innocent that girl was. She didn’t want to hurt her, she really didn’t…

Let’s just say, she owed Luo Xiaolang, she wronged her.

Luo Xiaolang could still live well after leaving Yin Qin, but at this moment, she was very clear that if she left Yin Qin, she definitely would not survive!

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