My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 452 - 452: Plotting against Weng Cheng, and Publicly Slapping Yin Ying and Her Son’s Faces (Sixth Update)

Chapter 452: Chapter 452: Plotting against Weng Cheng, and Publicly Slapping Yin Ying and Her Son’s Faces (Sixth Update)

The boardroom.

The scene suddenly went silent.

The voices advocating against Yin Qin, which were initially rampant, suddenly went quiet.

Weng Cheng, who was originally pleased with himself and was enjoying the various insults the board members were hurling at Yin Qin, suddenly was faced with this development.

Yin Ying was also present at this moment.

She rarely attended board meetings, but today she came on purpose to see Yin Qin’s embarrassment and watch him stumble. Originally feeling quite pleased, she was suddenly taken aback at this moment.

“You must have got the wrong person!” Weng Cheng, seemingly composed and showing no signs of panic, declared with a very unpleasant expression.

“No mistake, Weng Cheng, Executive Director of the Milky Way System, by illegal means caused the ‘Hall of Heaven’ program to be unable to broadcast smoothly, resulting in economic and reputational damage to the Milky Way System. You are now asked to go back for investigation.” A staff member retorted righteously and very seriously.

Weng Cheng abruptly stood up from his seat and addressed the staff, “What the hell are you talking about! What does the program’s inability to broadcast smoothly have to do with me!”

“Please watch your language, insulting a public officer is also a violation of law!”

“I don’t care who you are! Whether you are a public officer or not, without evidence, I will absolutely not go back with you!” Weng Cheng coldly said, “Don’t think that a bit of authority gives you the right to do as you please. I’m not someone who will just follow you wherever you say!”

The disciplinary inspector was about to speak.

Yin Qin walked over and said, “So, you want evidence. I originally wanted to save you some face, to prevent you from losing too much face in front of so many elders who support you, but it seems you’re not too keen on that. No problem, here is your evidence.”

Weng Cheng glared furiously at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin turned around and casually ordered Wu Meili, “Help me connect my phone to the projector.”

Wu Meili quickly made the connection.

She had a feeling that something big was about to happen.

She couldn’t suppress her excitement.

Was this going to be a slap in the face, a real hard one at that?

Yin Qin’s phone connected to the big screen in the conference room, and he pressed a play button.

A scene appeared on the screen.

In the scene, Weng Cheng was speaking. He commanded the person in front of him, “Rest assured, as long as you’re able to disrupt the broadcast of the ‘Hall of Heaven’ program, you won’t actually have to do much. I will arrange everything else. All you need to do is turn a blind eye at the scene when Yin Qin starts investigating, and deny everything if asked. This is a cash check, double what Yin Qin gives you. And that’s not all, this is only half the reward, the rest will come after the task is completed.”

“Thank you, Director Weng.”

Weng Cheng smiled triumphantly, patting the two people in front of him, “Only the wise ones seize the opportunity. Yin Qin is hopeless, working with me will surely be beneficial for you!”


The video ended.

Weng Cheng’s face turned green.

He couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched the big screen, he couldn’t believe that his illicit transactions with the ‘Hall of Heaven’ project team had been directly filmed!

He had actually fallen into Yin Qin’s trap!

At that time, he sent his confidant to negotiate with them, and they seemed hesitant, which made him impatient, so he went to persuade them himself.

He didn’t know that this was actually Yin Qin’s cunning plot!

“So, what do you think?” Yin Qin turned to look at Weng Cheng, “Is the evidence sufficient now!”

“You set me up!” Weng Cheng completely lost his composure, “Yin Qin, how dare you set me up!”

“What setup are you talking about? I’m nowhere near as smart as you! It’s just that the two people you recruited had a guilty conscience. They felt it wasn’t right seeing the ‘Hall of Heaven’ program getting so much flak, so they tipped off the disciplinary inspectors about you, about you bribing them and telling them to turn a blind eye. By the way, they also have evidence of your people deliberately causing the ‘Hall of Heaven’ program to be unable to broadcast live. If you’re interested, I can show it to you. But I’m afraid it might take up the public officers’ time. Wasting time is a serious felony after all!”

“Yin Qin, you bastard, how dare you do this to me! I’m going to kill you, I’m going to kill you!” Weng Cheng, his body trembling with fury, uncontrollably sprang forward ferociously towards Yin Qin.

Yin Qin didn’t even blink.

The public officers immediately restrained Weng Cheng.

Weng Cheng screamed in rage, “Let me go, let me go! Can’t you see I’m being framed? Can’t you see I’m being deliberately set up by Yin Qin? If there is to be blame, he’s also to blame. He knew what I was going to do but didn’t stop it, instead, he let things escalate. He’s also to blame!”

“What are you talking about?” Yin Qin looked at Weng Cheng, “I just said, I’m not as bright as you, knowing every next step I will take.”

Yin Qin deliberately said this.

He was intentionally ridiculing.

Weng Cheng was so angry that he completely fell apart.

He was wildly ranting on the spot without any decorum.

“Enough!” Yin Ying suddenly yelled.

Weng Cheng looked at his mother.

At that moment, Yin Ying was nearly choked with rage.

She had raised and educated her son for many years, always reminding him to tread carefully. Yet he had been foolish enough to engage in such dealings himself. At this moment, she wished she could strike down her own son. Li Wenjun had already humiliated her, and now her son was in trouble. How could she remain within the circle of social elites?

“Aren’t you ashamed?!” Yin Ying lowered her voice, grinding her teeth.

“Mom, you have to help me, you have to help me! I don’t want to go to jail. I don’t want to go to jail. I can’t go to jail, Mom… Mom…Mom…You must help me…” Weng Cheng suddenly lost all his bluster. He was probably scared. After all, being abruptly taken away by the disciplinary committee scared him.

Yin Ying’s face was ugly.

“Mom, get me the best lawyer, please find me the best lawyer…” Weng Cheng begged.

This moment really lacked any dignity. He was trembling all over, far removed from the commanding presence he usually had as a leader.

Yin Qin just watched indifferently.

The whole situation was infuriating Yin Ying to no end, leaving her speechless.

The disciplinary committee members escorted Weng Cheng away.

The meeting room seemed to be filled with Weng Cheng’s pleading voice, “I don’t want to go to jail. I do not want to go to jail…”

Yin Qin returned to his seat.

The others were also exchanging looks.

They had all been on Weng Cheng’s side, but now with his sudden removal, they were all at a loss and quite embarrassed.

Yin Qin just chuckled, “So, the one who should feel ashamed isn’t me, isn’t that right… Aunt?”

Yin Qin purposely emphasized ‘Aunt’ when addressing Yin Ying.

Yin Ying’s face was extremely unpleasant.

” Where did cousin mess up so badly to set up such a trap for me? Just what did I do to upset him so much that he had to harm the Milky Way’s interests just to ruin me! Auntie, is this the good son you have raised? Didn’t you say I was unaccomplished and that my cousin would achieve great things? Turned out in my auntie’s eyes, achieving great things means this! It means to stop at nothing to achieve one’s goals, right…?”

“Enough Yin Qin, don’t play innocent after benefiting from the situation! I believe Weng Cheng had his reasons for doing this!”

“You should know what those reasons are very well, you’re his mother aren’t you?” Yin Qin chuckled, “By the way, Aunt, I heard that for the bribery amount that cousin did, upwards of one million, serving three to five years in prison shouldn’t be a problem.”

Yin Ying glared furiously at Yin Qin, watching him smugly reveling in victory.

From when had this good-for-nothing nephew of hers become someone she had to look up to!

“Today’s meeting ends here. I have to soothe the audience’s emotions, Cousin made such a big mistake, naturally I, as his younger cousin, should bear some responsibility. Aunt, don’t waste time, find a good lawyer to reduce cousin’s sentence, otherwise, I don’t know how cousin’s delicate skin and tender flesh will stand the hardships…”

Yin Ying had been ridiculed by Yin Qin to the point where she was left speechless.

She stormed off in anger.

She had never been so humiliated before.

In front of so many directors, this was utterly humiliating!

She could even imagine how Yin Qin would tarnish their reputation in front of the media, and she would be utterly powerless to refute him.

Yin Qin watched Yin Ying’s retreating figure.

He also got up to leave.

Just as he was about to leave.

A director suddenly called after Yin Qin, “Chairman, it’s hard to imagine you have been wronged so much.”

The corner of Yin Qin’s mouth curved into a smile.

These old men were incredibly realistic. They knew how to change their allegiance according to the situation.

Weng Cheng had just been arrested, and they instantly jumped ship over to his side.

No wonder his father had spent years cultivating them just for them to be bought out so easily.

But he was not one to be soft-hearted.

Every time they had looked down on him, he would respond in kind!

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