My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded

Chapter 67: [64] Wildcard Round

Aoyama didn't waste a second. "Behold my sparkle!" He fired his navel laser in a brilliant beam of light that cut across the arena.

Sero was faster. He shot tape from both elbows, attaching one strip to the ground and using it to yank himself sideways. The laser missed by inches, scorching the concrete where he'd stood.

"Just as I thought," I muttered. "Sero's mobility gives him the edge."

"TAPE MAN DODGES WITH STYLE!" Manga's speech bubble appeared as he dropped into the empty seat beside Hagakure. "SORRY I'M LATE!"

"Where were you?" Kirishima asked, leaning forward.

"BATHROOM EMERGENCY!" Manga's face changed to a comical expression of distress. "SPICY LUNCH WAS A MISTAKE!"

Below, the battle continued. Aoyama fired a second beam, then a third, each missing as Sero swung around the arena like a human pendulum. With each laser, Aoyama's face tightened, a grimace replacing his usual sparkling smile.

"Sero's smart," I observed. "He's forcing Aoyama to keep firing, knowing the navel laser causes stomach pain with extended use."

Camie nodded beside me. "Tape boy's got moves."

Sero launched himself high into the air, tape streaming from both elbows. As he reached the apex of his swing, he released one tape and shot a new strand directly at Aoyama. The tape caught the sparkly student's arm before he could react.

"Got him," Jiro said, earphone jacks twitching in approval.

With a powerful yank, Sero pulled Aoyama off balance. Before the blonde could recover, Sero had circled him twice, binding Aoyama's arms to his sides with layers of tape. A final strip across Aoyama's belt sealed his defeat.

"Yuga Aoyama is immobilized!" Midnight announced, riding crop raised. "Hanta Sero advances to the tournament bracket!"

The crowd erupted in cheers as Sero helped unwind the tape from his opponent. Aoyama bowed dramatically despite his loss, sparkles somehow still emanating from his person.

"FLAWLESS VICTORY!" Manga's speech bubble proclaimed, accompanied by a thumbs-up.

"Called it," I said, sitting back. "Sero never gave him the chance to establish his range."

"Our next match," Present Mic's voice boomed, "pits two fascinating quirks against each other! From the hero course, it's Class 1-B's Neito Monoma! And from general studies, the mysterious Hitoshi Shinso!"

As the competitors took the stage, a ripple of recognition went through our section.

"Wait, isn't that—" Uraraka started.

"The purple-haired guy from before the festival," Tokoyami finished, leaning forward. "The one who declared war on our class."

I studied Shinso as he walked onto the platform. Tall, with messy indigo hair and perpetual bags under his eyes. His expression remained neutral, almost bored, as he faced Monoma.

A tap on my leg drew my attention down. Hagakure's glove pointed toward the arena.

"That's him," she whispered, her invisible body leaning closer. "The guy who talked to me right before the fortress battle. But it's weird—I can't remember what happened after that. Everything's fuzzy."

My eyes narrowed. "Memory loss?" I glanced back at Shinso, reassessing. What kind of quirk causes memory gaps?

"BEGIN!" Midnight called.

Monoma immediately launched into his usual tirade. "Class 1-A thinks they're so special? HA! Let me show you the difference between us!"

Shinso remained still, hands in his pockets. "Is that really all you can say? Pathetic. Guess class 1-B is full of hero rejects."

"What did you—" Monoma started, then froze mid-sentence. His eyes went blank, pupils dilating as his arms fell limply to his sides.

"What the hell?" Kaminari leaned forward. "What just happened?"

Below, Shinso spoke calmly. "Turn around. Walk out of bounds."

Like a puppet on strings, Monoma turned mechanically and walked toward the edge of the platform.

"It's mind control," I murmured, pieces clicking together. "He can control anyone who responds to him verbally." I glanced at Hagakure. "That's why you can't remember parts of the fortress battle. He must have controlled you."

"WHAT A TWIST!" Manga's speech bubble showed shocked eyes.

Monoma stepped over the boundary line, still blank-faced.

"Neito Monoma is out of bounds! Hitoshi Shinso advances!" Midnight announced.

The moment she called the match, Shinso slapped Monoma on the back, snapping him back to awareness, looking around in confusion before his face contorted in rage. He shouted something at Shinso, but the microphones didn't pick it up.

Shinso simply walked away, hands still in his pockets.

"That's a dangerous quirk," Yaoyorozu observed, tapping her chin. "Perfect for infiltration and crowd control, but it has a clear weakness—you need to avoid responding to him."

"Makes sense why he's in general studies though," Camie said. "Not very flashy for the entrance exam robots."

"Yeah but it's effective," I countered. "That quirk could be devastating in the right situations."

The next match brought Kirishima and Tokage to the stage. Kirishima activated his hardening, skin turning jagged and rock-like as he pounded his fists together. 

Across from him, Tokage stretched casually, her green hair framing a face with an almost predatory smile.


Kirishima charged forward, exactly as I expected. Direct. Straightforward. No hesitation.

What I didn't expect was Tokage's response. As Kirishima's hardened fist swung toward her, her body... separated. Her right arm detached at the shoulder, floating away while her torso split horizontally, creating a gap that Kirishima's punch sailed through harmlessly.

"What the—" Kaminari's jaw dropped.

"Lizard Tail Splitter," Hitomi said quietly, her first words since joining us in the stands. "She can separate her body and control them telekinetically."

"You know her?" I asked, turning slightly.

Hitomi nodded once, eyes still fixed on the match. "She got in through recommendations. Like Yaoyorozu and me."

Below, the battle had turned bizarre. Kirishima swung at Tokage repeatedly, but she kept separating different body parts, avoiding every hit while her detached limbs circled behind him.

"He can't land a single hit," Jiro observed, wincing as Kirishima's fist passed through another gap where Tokage's chest had been moments before.

"Worse than that," I said grimly. "Look at his breathing."

Indeed, Kirishima's chest heaved with effort. Every swing, every lunge met empty air as Tokage's body parts danced around him. Meanwhile, her detached hands had positioned themselves behind him.

"NOW!" Tokage shouted.

Her floating hands grabbed Kirishima's ankles and yanked. Already off-balance from a missed punch, he toppled backward. Before he could recover, more body parts converged, pushing and pulling until he slid over the boundary line.

"Eijiro Kirishima is out of bounds! Setsuna Tokage advances!"

"Hard luck, bro," Kaminari called as Kirishima trudged off the stage, shoulders slumped in defeat.

I glanced at Hitomi, but she stared straight ahead, her dual-colored hair hiding her expression. When she felt my gaze, she turned slightly, meeting my eyes for just a moment before looking away again.

The arena reset for the next match: Tetsutetsu versus Ashido.

"This should be Ashido's," Yaoyorozu commented. "Steel versus acid is a poor matchup for Tetsutetsu."

"Why's that?" Camie asked, leaning across me toward Yaoyorozu.

"Chemical reaction," Yaoyorozu explained. "Acid corrodes metal. Basic chemistry."

Tetsutetsu stomped onto the stage, his entire body transforming into gleaming steel. He pounded his metallic fists together, creating sparks. "I'M GONNA WIN WITH GUTS AND SPIRIT!"

Mina bounced to her position, pink skin practically glowing as she waved to the crowd. She stretched her arms above her head, limbering up with dancer's grace.


Tetsutetsu charged forward with a roar, much like Kirishima had. Mina, however, had a different strategy than Tokage. She immediately secreted acid from her feet, creating a slick surface beneath her that allowed her to slide across the concrete.

"Smart," I nodded approvingly. "She's using her acid for mobility."

Mina circled Tetsutetsu, staying just out of reach as he lunged for her repeatedly. Each time he missed, she flicked acid from her fingertips onto his steel body.

"Is that doing anything?" Hagakure asked, invisible head presumably tilted as she watched.

"Look at his shoulder," I pointed. Where Mina's first splash of acid had landed, the steel surface had dulled, small pits forming in the metal. "She's corroding him bit by bit."

"CHEMICAL WARFARE!" Manga's expression showed impressed eyes.

Tetsutetsu noticed it too. He roared in frustration, charging with renewed determination. Mina ducked under his swing, sliding between his legs and splattering more acid across his back as she passed.

"She's not just throwing acid randomly," Yaoyorozu observed. "She's targeting joints."

Sure enough, Tetsutetsu's movements grew stiffer as the match progressed. The acid ate into his steel form around his knees and elbows, creating weak points. After another minute of this dance, he stumbled, one knee giving way as the metal there thinned dangerously.

Mina capitalized immediately, sliding forward and placing both acid-secreting hands on his chest. "Sorry about this!" she called cheerfully as she pushed.

The weakened Tetsutetsu toppled backward, landing hard outside the boundary.

"Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu is out of bounds! Mina Ashido advances!"

"She made that look easy," Uraraka said, impressed.

"Quirk compatibility," I replied. "Sometimes the matchup decides the outcome before the fight even begins."

The next match brought Kendo and Kodai to the stage. Manga immediately perked up, speech bubble showing hearts and exclamation points.

"YUI WILL WIN FOR SURE!" he declared, fists clenched dramatically.

"Bro, did you even ask her out at the mall?" Kaminari asked, eyebrow raised.

Manga's speech bubble deflated slightly. "NO CHANCE!" The bubble changed to show a stick figure with blonde hair and wobbly knees. "SWEATY PALMS! WEAK KNEES! HEAVY ARMS!"

"So what did you do the whole time?" Kirishima asked, having returned from his match.

"WALKED AROUND!" Manga's face showed an embarrassed expression. "MADE SMALL TALK!"

"And what did she say?" Jiro prodded.

Manga's bubble changed to a simple "MM."

We all burst into laughter as the match began below. Kendo immediately activated her quirk, hands growing to massive proportions. Kodai, meanwhile, picked up some loose rocks off the floor.

"Size versus Big Fist," I murmured. 

The match proved more competitive than I expected. Kodai enlarged pieces of rock from prior rounds to shield size, blocking Kendo's giant fists. She followed up by throwing them with surprising accuracy.

Kendo dodged most projectiles, using her enlarged hands for mobility by pushing off the ground. She closed the distance gradually, weathering the barrage of enlarged objects.

"Kendo's strategy is sound," I noted. "She's forcing a close-quarters fight where her quirk has the advantage."

Sure enough, once Kendo got within striking distance, the outcome seemed inevitable. Her giant fists overwhelmed Kodai's defenses, eventually catching her in a gentle but firm grip.

"Yui Kodai is immobilized! Itsuka Kendo advances!"

Manga's speech bubble showed dramatic tears. "TRAGIC DEFEAT!"

"You'll have to avenge her," Kirishima said, clapping Manga on the shoulder.


The final wildcard match brought Kaminari and Shiozaki to the stage. Kaminari rolled his shoulders, electricity crackling between his fingertips. Across from him, Shiozaki stood serene, her vine-like hair moving gently as if caught in a breeze.

"Go Jamming-Yay!" Camie called, earning a thumbs-up from Jiro.

"She looks so calm," Hagakure observed. "Is she even worried?"

"Shiozaki's quirk is plant-based," Yaoyorozu explained. "Plants are natural insulators against electricity."

"Another bad matchup," I muttered. "Kaminari needs to end this quickly."


Kaminari didn't hesitate. "Indiscriminate Shock: 1.3 Million Volts!" Electricity exploded from his body in a brilliant display, racing across the arena toward Shiozaki.

The vine-haired girl didn't flinch. Her hair extended rapidly, plunging into the concrete platform. When Kaminari's electricity reached her, it dispersed harmlessly into the ground, conducted away by her vines.

"Ground herself," Jiro muttered. "Smart."

Before Kaminari could try another approach, Shiozaki's vines erupted from the concrete around him, encircling his limbs. He struggled briefly before discharging another electric attack. The vines, however, remained unaffected.

"It's over," I said. "Rubber and plant material are both insulators. His electricity can't affect her vines."

Within seconds, Kaminari was completely bound, unable to move. Worse, he'd discharged enough electricity to trigger his quirk's side effect. His face went slack, thumbs up as his infamous "whey" expression took over.

"Denki Kaminari is immobilized! Ibara Shiozaki advances!"

Jiro burst into laughter at Kaminari's dopey expression as Shiozaki's vines gently lowered him to the ground. "That face never gets old," she snickered, wiping a tear from her eye.

"And with that, our wildcard round is complete!" Present Mic announced. "Advancing to the tournament bracket are Hanta Sero, Hitoshi Shinso, Setsuna Tokage, Mina Ashido, Itsuka Kendo, and Ibara Shiozaki! They'll join our seeded competitors in the sweet sixteen!"

The screens above the arena flickered, displaying the completed tournament bracket:

Match 1: Izuku Midoriya vs Setsuna Tokage 

Match 2: Manga Fukidashi vs Hitoshi Shinso

Match 3: Tenya Iida vs Mei Hatsume

Match 4: Hitomi Todoroki vs Hanta Sero 

Match 5: Momo Yaoyorozu vs Mina Ashido

Match 6: Camie Utsushimi vs Itsuka Kendo

Match 7: Fumikage Tokoyami vs Ibara Shiozaki 

Match 8: Katsuki Bakugo vs Ochaco Uraraka

I studied the bracket displayed above the arena, analyzing potential paths through the tournament. My first opponent would be Tokage - the girl who'd just eliminated Kirishima with impressive tactical use of her quirk.

"Damn, some of these matchups are intense," Camie said, leaning back in her seat. "You've got lizard girl first round."

"Could be worse," I replied, eyes still fixed on the bracket. "Her quirk relies on fine control and coordination. One solid hit could disrupt her concentration."

"You're already planning your strategy?" Yaoyorozu asked.

I nodded. "Always. But I'm also looking at the whole bracket. The path to victory isn't just about winning individual matches - it's about managing energy and revealing techniques at the right time."

"Speaking of energy," Camie stretched, her shoulder brushing mine. "How are you feeling after the fortress battle?"

"I'm fine." I rolled my shoulders, testing for any lingering stiffness. "The training with Bang prepared me for extended combat. Plus, I was mostly on defense."

A sharp laugh from behind made me turn. Bakugo's red eyes gleamed with predatory interest.

"Defense my ass," he growled. "You were toying with them. Could've ended that shit way earlier if you wanted."

I met his gaze steadily. "Maybe. But sometimes showing restraint is more impressive than raw power."

"Tch." He looked away, but not before I caught the ghost of a smirk. "Just don't hold back in our match."

"Getting ahead of yourself?" I raised an eyebrow. "You have to beat Uraraka first."

Bakugo's eyes snapped back to mine, narrowing dangerously. "You think Round Face can beat me?"

"I think underestimating any opponent is a mistake." I gestured to where Kirishima sat, still dejected from his loss. " We aren't up against extras anymore."

"INDEED!" Manga's speech bubble proclaimed. "THE PLOT THICKENS!"

Hagakure's gloves gestured toward the screens, "what do you guys think about that Shinso guy? His quirk is kind of scary."

"It's powerful," I agreed, "but limited. Once you know how it works, the counter is simple - don't respond to him."

"Easier said than done in the heat of battle," Yaoyorozu pointed out. "Especially for someone like Manga who's naturally responsive."

Manga's face showed nervous sweat drops. "SILENT PROTAGONIST MODE ACTIVATED!"

"You'll be fine," I assured him. "Just treat it like a stealth mission. Actions speak louder than words, right?"

"WISE COUNSEL!" His expression shifted to determined eyes.

The conversation drifted to other matchups as we waited for the official tournament schedule. Iida versus Mei promised to be interesting - support course versus hero course, with Mei's gadgets wild card factor. Tokoyami against Shiozaki would test Dark Shadow's effectiveness against her binding vines.

"Attention, sports fans!" Present Mic's voice cut through our discussion. "We've got a brief intermission while our competitors prepare for the tournament's sweet sixteen! But before we break, let's hear it for these AMAZING matchups!"

The stadium practically shook with the noise. Present Mic wasn't done though - he was building to a crescendo.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, this tournament will showcase the NEXT GENERATION of heroes! Young warriors pushing their limits! Dreams on the line! Careers launching toward the stratosphere! WHO WILL EMERGE VICTORIOUS? WHO WILL FALL SHORT? THE ONLY WAY TO FIND OUT IS TO WATCH... EVERY... SINGLE... MATCH!"

The crowd erupted in a frenzy of cheers and stomping feet. The very air seemed to vibrate with excitement.

"But first!" Present Mic somehow projected even louder. "Our competitors need time to prepare! We'll resume in thirty minutes with IZUKU MIDORIYA VERSUS SETSUNA TOKAGE! Don't go anywhere, folks! This is going to be... PLUS ULTRAAAAAA!"

The stadium exploded with noise. Fans stamped their feet and chanted various competitor names. The massive screens flashed through highlight reels from earlier events. Music pulsed through the speaker system.

I felt it all - the energy, the anticipation, the weight of expectations. But instead of pressure, I felt calm. Centered. This was what I'd trained for. What Izuku dreamed of.

Time to finally let loose.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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