My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded

Chapter 39: Beyond Plus Ultra Vol 1.

I adjust my Stitch onesie and settle into the plush host chair, taking a sip from my oversized "Writer Fuel" mug. The studio lights warm my face as I grin at the camera.

"Welcome back to 'Beyond Plus Ultra,' the only show where we dive deeper into the world of UA High than Mineta into his own imagination! I'm your host, Wisteria-san, and boy do we have a treat for you tonight!"

The audience, filled with familiar faces from Class 1-A, erupts in cheers and applause. I catch Mina's excited wave and Tokoyami's solemn nod.

"Now, I know you're all dying to meet our guests, so let's not waste any time. Please welcome the man who puts the 'smash' in 'Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist,' and the woman who puts the 'glam' in 'Glamour' – Izuku Midoriya and Camie Utsushimi!"

The studio doors burst open as Izuku and Camie enter, hand in hand. Izuku's emerald eyes scan the room, a mix of caution and curiosity evident in his stance. Camie, on the other hand, practically bounces with each step, her golden hair catching the light.

"Yo, fam! We in the house!" Camie cheers, throwing up peace signs.

Izuku's lips quirk in a half-smile. "Thanks for having us, Wisteria-san."

As they approach the guest couch, Camie doesn't hesitate. She plops down on Izuku's lap the moment he sits, wrapping her arms around his neck. Izuku's cheeks flush, but his arm instinctively circles her waist.

"Comfy?" I tease, wiggling my eyebrows.

"You know it, girl!" Camie grins, snuggling closer to Izuku.

Izuku clears his throat. "So, uh, what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, you know, just a little thing called Volume 1 of your story! But before we dive in, I have to ask – Camie, is that Izuku's compression shirt I see on Hagakure over there?"

All eyes turn to the black shirt floating in the audience.

Camie's eyes narrow playfully. "Izu, babe, you holdin' out on me?"

Izuku's brow furrows. "I... what? Oh! That's the shirt I lent her at USJ. For, you know, modesty."

"Mhm," Camie hums, not entirely convinced. 

"Speaking of USJ," I segue, "Izuku, I have to ask – how are you feeling about all these injuries I keep throwing your way?"

Izuku's jaw tightens, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face. "You know, Wisteria-san, I'm starting to think you enjoy putting me through the wringer. First the beach, then the fight with Bakugo, and don't even get me started on USJ."

"Hey now," I hold up my hands defensively, "I'm just the messenger! Besides, what's a good story without a little conflict?"

"A little?" Izuku scoffs, his fingers absently tracing the scar on his arm. "I think I've had enough 'conflict' to last a lifetime."

Camie pouts, pressing a kiss to Izuku's cheek. "Aw, babe, don't be mad. You look hot when you're all bruised and battered."

"Alright, alright," I say, wiping a tear from my eye. "Let's open it up to some questions from our lovely audience. Who wants to go first?"

Hands shoot up across the studio. I point to a familiar mop of purple hair.

"Ah, Mineta! What's your question?"

The diminutive hero-in-training stands, a gleam in his eye. "Yeah, uh, for Midoriya. Will you be receiving One For All?"

Izuku's brow furrows. "One for... what? I'm not familiar with that term."

I cough, shooting Mineta a warning look. "Ah, that's a bit of a spoiler, isn't it? Let's just say that Izuku's journey is far from over, and there may be some... interesting developments in his future. Next question!"

This time, I call on Uraraka, who's practically vibrating in her seat.

"Deku-kun, um, I mean, Midoriya-kun," she starts, her cheeks pink. "Will you and Bakugo-kun ever be friends again?"

The temperature in the room seems to drop. Camie's grip on Izuku tightens, her eyes narrowing.

Izuku takes a deep breath, his expression thoughtful. "That's... complicated, Uraraka-san. Bakugo and I have a long history, and not all of it is good. I won't say it's impossible, but it would take a lot of work on both our parts."

"Work?" Camie scoffs, her usual playful tone edged with steel. "After what that dickhead said on the roof? He'd be lucky if Izu even looks his way again."

Murmurs ripple through the audience. I catch Bakugo shifting uncomfortably in his seat, his trademark scowl deepening.

"Moving on," I interject, sensing the tension. "How about a lighter question? Ah, Kaminari, you're up!"

The electric blond grins, giving a thumbs up. "So, Midoriya, my man – how many ladies are gonna be in your harem?"

Izuku chokes on air, his eyes widening comically.

"Harem? What are you talking about?"

I can't help but smirk. "Oh, Izuku, you sweet summer child. Don't worry, it won't be a Pokémon-style 'gotta catch 'em all' situation. I'm thinking... four or five? I'm still deciding on the exact number."

Camie perks up, her eyes sparkling. "Ooh, fun! Let me guess – definitely Momo-chan, right? And maybe Jiro? Oh, and-"

"Camie!" Izuku interrupts. "Can we please change the subject?"

The audience roars with laughter. I catch several of the girls blushing and avoiding eye contact.

"Alright, alright," I concede, still chuckling. "Let's take another question. Kirishima, you're up!"

The redhead flashes his sharp-toothed grin. "Yo, Midoriya! Will you be learning more fighting styles? Maybe using some support gear?"

Izuku's eyes light up, his embarrassment forgotten. "Actually, I've been thinking about that a lot. The Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist is incredible, but I know I can't rely on just one style. I've been researching other martial arts that might complement it."

I nod, adding, "And as for support gear, absolutely. Making Izuku a master badass with no room to grow would be stupid. We've got plans for new fighting styles, a redesigned hero suit, and some nifty gadgets in the works."

"Sweet!" Kirishima pumps his fist. "Can't wait to see it, bro!"

The questions continue to flow, ranging from inquiries about original content and potential crossovers to more... unusual queries.

"BurgularofTurds wants to know his favorite color," I read from a card, raising an eyebrow.

Izuku blinks. "Uh, green? I guess? Who is BurgularofTurds?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know," I mutter. "Oh, here's one for me! 'Wisteria, where did you get the Stitch hoodie, and do you live off caffeine?'"

I gesture to my cozy onesie, grinning. "Custom-made, baby! And as for caffeine... let's just say my blood type is espresso. Oh, and yes, my boyfriend does read my stories! He's been a huge help with writing Izuku, actually. Gives me insight into how guys think and act."

Camie leans forward, intrigued. "Ooh, spill the tea, girl! What's he like?"

I wag my finger. "Ah-ah, no distracting the author! We've got one last topic to cover."

The mood in the studio shifts as I take a deep breath, my expression growing serious.

"I want to talk about the bonus chapters," I begin, my voice losing some of its earlier pep. "I've had an absolute blast writing all of this, but the truth is... I still have a life outside of writing. Work, my relationship, and – ugh – school."

A collective groan rises from the audience. I nod in sympathy.

"I know, I know. But here's the deal – the chapters might not be as full-blast as they have been. I'm thinking of guaranteeing three chapters a week, with the bonus chapter goal still in place. It won't be a chapter a day plus bonuses anymore, but I promise to keep the quality high."

Izuku leans forward, his green eyes intense. "Wisteria-san, don't push yourself too hard. We appreciate everything you've done for us – for this story. Take care of yourself first."

Camie nods vigorously. "Yeah, girl! Self-care is important, you feel me? We'll be here whenever you're ready to drop that fire content!"

A wave of supportive cheers sweeps through the studio. I feel my eyes misting up.

"Thanks, everyone," I say, my voice thick with emotion. "Your support means the world to me. And hey, who knows? Maybe with a little more time between chapters, I can come up with even more creative ways to torment – I mean, challenge – our dear Izuku here."

Izuku groans, but there's a smile tugging at his lips. "I knew it was too good to last."

As the laughter dies down, I turn to face the camera directly.

"Before we wrap up tonight's show, I've got one last question for everyone - what's been your favorite moment from Volume 1 so far?"

Camie's hand shot up immediately, practically vibrating with excitement. "Oh my god, there's like, so many iconic moments! Like that time with the girls in the locker room, or when Kaminari's quirk hit my illusions and totally zapped Jiro - sorry bout that, by the way!" She threw a peace sign at the musician, who rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

"Or," Camie's grin turned wicked, "that first time Izu and I-"


"What? I was gonna say that first time we trained together! Get your mind out of the gutter, babe." She winked at the audience. "Though speaking of getting physical... who knew my man was such a monster-"

"Moving on!" I cut in, though I couldn't hide my smirk. "What's your actual favorite moment, Camie?"

Her expression softened, and she snuggled closer to Izuku. "For real? That day we spent dancing in my apartment. Just us, some good music, and this stubborn guy refusing to move my dresser again."

"The feng shui was fine," Izuku muttered, but his arm tightened around her waist.

"That's when I knew," Camie said softly, then caught herself. "I mean, that's when I knew the apartment was perfect. Obviously."

"Obviously," I echoed, sharing a knowing look with the audience. "How about the rest of you? Aizawa-sensei?"

The underground hero cracked one eye open from his sleeping bag in the corner. "The thirteen-hour nap I took between chapters 15 and 16."

"You... weren't even in those chapters."

"Exactly." His eye closed again.

"O...kay then. Yaoyorozu-san?"

Momo straightened in her seat, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "The library scene, when Midoriya-san and I discussed the class budget. And he kept stealing my food."

"Just the budget discussion?" I pressed, noting how her blush deepened.

"Yes. Just that." She smoothed her skirt, avoiding eye contact.

That's what I thought. "Anyone else?"

"Ooh, me!" Mina bounced in her seat. "When Midori totally destroyed those robots in the entrance exam! That was so manly!"

"That's my line," Kirishima protested, then grinned. "But yeah, bro, the way you just flowed through them like water? Super cool!"

"I preferred his performance at USJ," Tokoyami interjected, Dark Shadow nodding behind him. "A true revelation of inner darkness."

"Speak for yourself!" Present Mic called from the staff section. "The beach cleanup arc was where it was at! Talk about a training montage, am I right listeners?"

The suggestions kept flowing - Kaminari loved the sparring matches, Uraraka praised the zero pointer scene (though she kept sneaking glances at Izuku), and even Bakugo grudgingly admitted the fight "wasn't complete trash."

I caught movement in the back of the studio and squinted. "Is that... Principal Nezu taking notes?"

The principal's pen never stopped moving. "Merely gathering data on student engagement and narrative satisfaction metrics. Do continue."

"Right..." I turned back to my main guests. "And you, Izuku? Any favorite moments?"

He was quiet for a moment, absently playing with Camie's fingers. "The small moments, I think. Training with Mom. Learning from Gramps. Those quiet evenings when Camie and I just... existed together." His eyes met mine. "Though I could do with fewer injuries in Volume 2."

I grinned innocently. "No promises! Speaking of Volume 2..." I faced the camera directly, adjusting my Stitch hood. "Keep those powerstones coming, everyone! Who knows what surprises await our favorite quirkless wonder and his growing harem-"

"It's not a harem!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Izuku. This is Wisteria-san, reminding you to always go beyond – Plus Ultra!"

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