My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 266 Trouble Part 2 T

The air in the room grew tense as Meus grappled with the realization that Zero saw through his intentions.


"Meus, do not play games with me," Zero's voice remained steady, a touch of amusement in his eyes. "As I’m sure you’re aware by now although I may not be human, I do however understand your motives. You want me to act independently, allowing you to save one of the two requests you hold over me. You hoped that the safety of Nova would be enough to prompt me into action."


Meus shifted uncomfortably, the weight of Zero's words sinking in. "Sir Zero, I only thought of Nova's safety. I did not mean to imply anything else. The situation is dire, and I believed you would want to know immediately."


Zero chuckled, a low and mocking sound. "You believed, or you hoped? It matters not. I am not here to fulfill your wishes, Meus. My promises are clear and I will fulfill them, nevertheless, I do not act out of sympathy or obligation."


Meus swallowed hard, realizing the misstep he had made. "I apologize if my intentions seemed manipulative, Sir Zero. My only concern is Young Miss Nova's well-being."


Zero's gaze bore into Meus, an intensity that seemed to pierce through his very soul. "You have two requests left, Meus. If you so desire you can ask me to save her and I shall. As for Nova, the responsibility of her safty falls on this household. Zuria asked to take her out and I agreed and asked her to take care of her. If you want my help then ask and if not then I suggest you leave here to go find my daughter."


With that, Zero closed the door, leaving Meus standing in the corridor, a mix of frustration and regret gnawing at him. He had miscalculated, hoping to leverage the situation to prompt Zero into action. Instead, he now faced the consequences of overstepping the boundaries of their arrangement.


Meus stood alone in the corridor, the weight of his miscalculation heavy on his shoulders. The door to Zero's quarters had closed, leaving him with a sense of frustration and regret. He had hoped to subtly nudge Zero into action, but his attempt at manipulation had backfired.


Taking a deep breath, Meus gathered his composure. He couldn't afford to dwell on the mistake; there was still a pressing need to find and rescue Nova. Turning on his heel, he headed back to the drawing-room, where Aeress and Maerti were awaiting him with a guard who was bound and blindfolded.


As he entered the room, the twins looked up. Meus addressed them without delay, his tone firm. "Who’s this? Did you already discover something during your investigation? Did you identify the leak?”


Aeress and Maerti exchanged glances before Aeress spoke up. " We gathered all the guards together and searched them. We found a pouch of gold on him. He claimed to have information about the attackers and the leak, Head Butler. Upon further questioning, he seemed to know details that only someone within the castle walls should know."


Meus narrowed his eyes at the bound intruder, a mix of suspicion and determination in his gaze. "Remove the blindfold. Let's see who we're dealing with."


Maerti swiftly removed the blindfold, revealing the face of a disheveled man who seemed to be in his late thirties. He appeared nervous but defiant, meeting Meus's gaze with a certain level of resentment.


"You've got nothing on me. I haven't done anything wrong," the intruder spat out, attempting to appear unyielding.


Meus, unfazed by the bravado, approached the man with a measured step. He then unsheathed his sword and stabbed it into the hand left hand causing him to scream. "You were found with both money and in possession of information outside your purview. That alone raises suspicions. Now, tell me your name and why you're here. Know that if you lie to me then your suffering shall only grow."


The intruder winced in pain as Meus's sword pierced his hand, the scream escaping his lips echoing in the room. Sweat beads formed on his forehead as he grappled with the searing pain. Meus, unyielding, held his gaze steady, his intent clear – he sought the truth.


"I'll ask you once more," Meus spoke with a stern tone, "What is your name, and why are you here?"


The intruder took a deep breath, a mixture of fear and defiance in his eyes. "Fine, fine! My name is Corbin, and I was paid to gather information about House Torin. I didn't know you'd search me so thoroughly."


Meus pressed the blade a bit further, a warning that deception wouldn't be tolerated. "Who paid you, Corbin? And for what purpose were you gathering information? Where was the girl taken to? Speak the truth if you value your hand and your life."


"I... I don't know who hired me. They approached me anonymously. They wanted information on House Torin, especially any weaknesses or secrets. They paid well, and I didn't ask too many questions. As for this girl, I was only told to inform them when a carriage left the castle. They most likely assumed Duke Torin was inside and when they found he wasn’t she was most likely already killed."


Meus maintained the pressure on Corbin's hand, his eyes narrowing as he processed the information. "Anonymously, you say? Describe the individuals who contacted you. Any distinctive features or signs that might reveal their identity."


Corbin struggled to recall the details, his face contorted in pain. "They wore cloaks, hooded. I couldn't see their faces. They always met me in secluded places, and their voices were disguised. I swear, that's all I know!"


Meus processed the information swiftly as he removed his blade. "Thank you I believe you. Aeress, Maerti, it seems he holds no more useful information. Kill him and dispose of the body I’ll head to the site of the carriage attack and see if I can find any clues."


Aeress and Maerti, skilled assassins trained under Meus's command, acknowledged his orders with a nod. They wasted no time in carrying out the grim task. As Meus left the room to investigate the site of the carriage attack, the twins efficiently executed Corbin with a quick and efficient stab to the neck, ensuring that the loose end was tied.


Outside the castle, Meus made his way to the location where the carriage had been ambushed. The night air was filled with an eerie stillness. Meus's sharp eyes scanned the area, searching for any clues that might shed light on the identity of the attackers or their motives.

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