My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 260.5 A Voided Matter

Void's form shifted as they entered Matter's realm, The Forge, a place where existence was crafted and shaped. The air was thick with the scent of creation, and the sound of crackling energy filled the atmosphere.


Void, switching between a male and female form, strolled casually through the realm, their enigmatic presence an eerie contrast to the industrious environment. As they approached Matter, who was deeply engrossed in her work, Void spoke in a playful tone, "Hey there, busy little Matter. Always toiling away, shaping and forming the very essence of reality."


Matter looked up from her crafting, her bright brown eyes lighting up as she saw Void. She set down the universe she was working on, revealing smudges of stardust and cosmic radiation. "Oh, Void. What brings you to my realm? Not causing any more trouble, I hope."


Void chuckled, a mischievous glint in their eyes. "Trouble? Me? Perish the thought. I'm just here to chat with my favorite sibling, you know. Everybody seems to be busy working or scheming and making secret moves, and I thought it might be nice to have a little break from all that."


Matter raised an eyebrow, her freckled face carrying a mix of amusement and curiosity. "And what do you suggest we do to take a break from our duties?"


Void shrugged, leaning casually against the walls of the forge. "Well, we could create something together. A little side project, just for fun. I mean, isn't that the whole point? We were born together, and our power and concept mixed quite well together. So let’s enjoy ourselves once in a while!"


Matter couldn't help but smile at Void's suggestion. It was true; amidst the grandeur of their cosmic responsibilities, they rarely took the time to simply enjoy the act of creation. "You might have a point there, Void. So, what would you have me make?"


Void's eyes sparkled with excitement as they began to pace around, their form shifting and changing like shadows dancing on the wall. "How about another realm devourer? I think the last one we made a while back was sealed. What did they call it again? Apophis?"


Matter's eyes lit up with recognition, and she let out a hearty laugh. "Ah, yes! Apophis, the realm devourer. That was quite the creation, wasn't it? Are you suggesting we craft another one?"


Void nodded enthusiastically, their features swirling between masculine and feminine aspects. "Exactly! But let's make this one even more fascinating, more enigmatic. A cosmic predator that roams the realms, consuming and reshaping them in its wake."


Matter's fingers danced with excitement, and she began to conjure cosmic energies, shaping them into intricate patterns. "I love the idea, Void. Let's give it a twist. Instead of merely destruction, this new realm devourer will have the power to absorb and transform, creating new possibilities within the chaos it leaves behind."


Matter's fingers danced with excitement as she conjured cosmic energies, shaping them intricately. To a mortal, it would look like a nightmarish amalgamation of otherworldly forms. Its massive, serpentine body undulates like an obsidian river, covered in shifting, iridescent scales that shimmer with every color imaginable. Its eyes are twin pools of swirling darkness, each containing galaxies within their depths. It has numerous mouths that open and close along its body, lined with rows of razor-sharp, translucent teeth that seem to materialize out of thin air.


“There it has a form now; all it needs is a spark from you. What’s a devourer without the instinct to return all existence to the void,” said Matter as she tossed the little creature to Void.


Void caught the creature, cradling it carefully in their hands. Their eyes gleamed with a mix of fascination and anticipation. "Ah, you've truly outdone yourself, Matter. This realm devourer is a masterpiece, a convergence of destruction and transformation. And now, for the finishing touch."


Void extended a hand towards the creature, and a tiny speck of gray energy spiraled into it. As Void's power infused with the creation, the realm devourer began to radiate an eerie aura, the very essence of the void itself. It thrummed with a hunger for existence, a desire to consume and reshape.


"Perfect," Void whispered, a sense of satisfaction in their tone. "Now, let's give it a name. How about 'Vornithraxul,' the Realm Reshaper?"


Matter nodded in approval, her smile reflecting the same satisfaction. "Vornithraxul is fine. You know me; I’m no good with names. A name encompasses its nature and purpose, so I think you nailed it. Now comes the hard part—where to put this little cutie."


Void chuckled, their enigmatic presence seemingly dancing around the newly named Vornithraxul. "Indeed, finding the right place for our creation is crucial. We wouldn't want it to accidentally devour something important, would we? Like our little nephew."


Matter's brow furrowed. "Don’t even play with that idea. If you did that, Fate, Dream, and elder sister would all be mad at you. Don’t drag me into that mess. Fate would be pissed if you mess with his plan, and Dream seems to really find the kid funny, so I recommend you don’t hurt him."


“Fine fine, it was just a joke. Fate and his OCD are really annoying, so of course, I won’t mess around with him. As for Dream, we get along well enough so I don’t want to mess that up. For that thing you call elder sister, I’ll deal with her when I’m good and ready. I won’t mess with a little kid as payback,” said Void as she cradled the cooing Vornithraxul in her arms.


Matter rolled her eyes at Void's nonchalant response, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "You really know how to stir up trouble, don't you? Just remember, Vornithraxul is meant to devour and reshape, not cause chaos among our siblings. And definitely not devouring our nephew."


Void chuckled and cradled Vornithraxul in their arms, the creature emitting a low, contented hum as it basked in the presence of its creators. "Don't worry, I'll keep our little cutie in check. No family snacks for Vornithraxul, I promise."


Matter let out a relieved sigh and returned her attention to contemplating the best destination for the cosmic predator. “How about here? If we release it here, it shouldn't cause any trouble for the boy.”


Void nodded, their form shifting between male and female aspects as they gently placed Vornithraxul down on a pedestal within The Forge. The creature coiled and uncoiled its serpentine form, the iridescent scales catching and reflecting the cosmic light.


"Ah, but you know, Matter, I appreciate these moments when we can just create something for the sheer joy of it," Void mused, their voice tinged with a rare touch of sentimentality.


Matter glanced at Void and offered a genuine smile. "I agree, Void. These subtle deviations act as gentle nudges, rekindling our appreciation for the wonders and cleverness we sometimes fail to acknowledge. Within the sphere of Primordial existence, our essence melds with our functions, forging the cornerstone of our individual character. Given our roles of creation and dissolution, one might expect a clash of natures rather than a harmonious coexistence.”


Void, now in a female form, chuckled as she said, “God, please stop. I feel like I’m talking to Dream. Basically, you’re happy we did stuff together and want to hang out more, right? Sure, I’ll stop by more often, so don’t start that poetic stuff.”


Matter laughed heartily at Void's playful response, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Alright, alright, no more poetic musings. I suppose we Primordials have our own unique way of understanding and appreciating these moments. But yes, you've got the gist of it—I'm glad we could share this little creative diversion, and I'm looking forward to more family hangouts."


Void grinned, their enigmatic presence flickering with a sense of camaraderie. "Great, then it's a deal. Now let me drop off this guy before I leave."


Void walked toward the designated area of The Forge that Matter had chosen; their enigmatic presence shifting as they approached. With a playful smile, Void held Vornithraxul in their hands and then gave it a gentle toss toward the designated spot. The creature, initially the size of a cat, soared through the air with a graceful arc.


As Vornithraxul drew closer to the boundary between the Primordial realm and the lower reality, a fascinating transformation began to unfold. Its form seemed to ripple and twist, its scale-covered body elongating and shrinking simultaneously. The once-massive creature gradually melded with the fabric of existence, its essence intertwining with the very nature of reality itself.


Though Vornithraxul had appeared relatively small in the realm of the Primordials, its true enormity became apparent as it transitioned into the lower reality. Its size dwarfed even the grandest cosmic phenomena, its serpentine body extending across vast expanses with each undulation. A creature that had seemed no larger than a cat compared to Void and Matter now revealed itself to be capable of consuming a third of a reality in a single bite.


Void and Matter watched in awe as Vornithraxul seamlessly merged with the lower reality, its presence becoming an integral part of the cosmic tapestry. Matter's eyes gleamed with a mix of satisfaction and curiosity, while Void's playful grin lingered as they beheld the culmination of their creation.


"Quite the spectacle, isn't it?" Void remarked, their voice carrying a note of amusement. "Our little Vornithraxul, now a force to be reckoned with in the lower realms."


Matter nodded, her gaze fixed on the transformed creature. "Indeed, Void. I just hope he doesn’t get into too much trouble. It's so young and small; maybe we should have given it more power."


“Nah, the little guy will be just fine. Well, I’m off; be back in a century or two, so catch you later,” said Void as she faded away.


Matter chuckled at Void's carefree departure, shaking her head slightly. "Always the unpredictable one. Farewell, Void. Until next time."


As Void's enigmatic presence faded from The Forge, Matter turned her attention back to the awe-inspiring sight before her—the now colossal and formidable Vornithraxul, a manifestation of their shared creativity and power. With a sense of satisfaction and anticipation, Matter continued her work in The Forge, crafting and shaping existence as she contemplated the boundless potential that lay ahead.


In the ever-shifting dance of Primordial beings, the threads of fate, creation, and chaos intertwined, creating instances that would shake the lower realms in ways no one could imagine, not even those called gods. As the cosmic forces played their symphony, echoes of their actions reverberated throughout the fabric of existence, setting in motion events that would shape the destinies of mortals and immortals alike.


Unbeknownst to the inhabitants of the lower realms, the whims and creations of the Primordials cast ripples that cascaded through time and space. From the smallest spark of inspiration to the grandest cataclysmic upheaval, the interplay of these divine forces birthed legends, forged alliances, and sparked conflicts that would echo for eons.


Mortal civilizations would rise and fall, their histories shaped by the unseen hands of these cosmic beings. The gods themselves, despite their grandeur, were but players in a grand cosmic theater, their power and ambitions subject to the weaving of Primordial threads.


And so, while the lower realms carried on in their struggles and triumphs, the Primordials continued their intricate dance, unbound from the tapestry of existence they wove. In the end, it was their ever-shifting presence that both fueled and tempered the fires of creation, ensuring that chaos and order, destruction and transformation, would forever coexist in the eternal cycle of cosmic existence.

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