My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 249 Eterna Nexus Z

Zero approached Yoko's room, his footsteps muffled on the plush carpeting. As he reached the door, he noticed a slight shimmering aura surrounding it, indicating the presence of a spell. Curiosity piqued, he gently pushed the door, finding it unlocked. With slight hesitation, he entered the room, his eyes immediately drawn to Yoko's figure.


Yoko sat in the center of the room, her lithe form adorned in vibrant red yoga clothes. Her eyes were closed, and her expression held a deep sense of concentration. It was clear that she was engrossed in her meditation, her mind and spirit focused on a higher plane, unaware of Zero's presence.


His footsteps cautious, Zero approached Yoko silently, not wanting to disrupt her concentration. He observed the serenity that graced her features, admiring her beauty but turned away when he noticed a growing desire within himself. When he turned, he noticed his eyes had taken on a red hue, most likely due to his lack of blood intake recently. The room seemed to emanate an aura of tranquility, as if Yoko's meditation had permeated the very essence of the space. This aura helped calm his slight bloodlust.


Zero chose to remain silent, not wanting to startle Yoko from her meditative state. Instead, he took a seat nearby, his gaze fixed on her. He watched as her breathing remained steady, the rise and fall of her chest in perfect harmony.


In the peaceful silence, memories of their recent conversations flooded his mind. The discussions about elemental spirits, the theories they had explored together. Zero marveled at Yoko's wisdom and deep understanding of magic, finding solace in their shared pursuit of knowledge.


After what seemed like an eternity, Yoko's eyes fluttered open, and a serene smile graced her lips. When she became aware of Zero's presence, she slowly turned her head to meet his gaze, her eyes sparkling with confusion.


"Zero," she greeted him, her voice soft and melodic. "I do believe it's rude to enter someone’s room without knocking. What brings you here? Do you need something?"


A smile bloomed across Zero's face as he responded, "I came to remind you of our promise, Yoko. We promised Nova that we would take her to see the town today. Also, what were you doing just now?”


"Oh yes, of course, our little trip with Nova," she replied, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I’ll start getting ready soon. As for what I was just doing, I was simply working on forming my connection to the Eterna Nexus."


Zero had a confused look on his face, so Yoko explained that she went to Hel for help on how to access her power over fate. That's when Hel taught her about the Eterna Nexus. The Eterna Nexus is an extraordinary cosmic construct that serves as a repository of universal knowledge and experiences. Mortals labeled it the Akashic Records. It is an ethereal convergence of consciousness, existing beyond the confines of the physical reality. The Eterna Nexus acts as an ever-expanding tapestry, intricately woven with the fabric of existence, capturing the collective wisdom and history of all sentient beings across time and space. At its core, the Eterna Nexus harnesses the fundamental principle of resonance, the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. It perceives the vibrational echoes generated by every sentient being's thoughts, emotions, and actions, translating them into a harmonious symphony of information. This symphony is then seamlessly integrated into the Eterna Nexus, forming an intricate network of interwoven energies and knowledge. The mechanism behind the Eterna Nexus is multifaceted. It is composed of three essential components: the Harmonic Chambers, the Resonance Conduit, and the Celestial Weave.


Harmonic Chambers: These chambers are celestial constructs located at specific energetic convergence points within the universe. They are designed to attune to the vibrational signatures emitted by sentient beings and gather their conscious experiences. The Harmonic Chambers serve as gateways, funneling these experiences into the Resonance Conduit.


Resonance Conduit: Acting as a cosmic conduit, the Resonance Conduit serves as a bridge between the Harmonic Chambers and the Celestial Weave. It is a radiant network of intricate channels that carry the collected vibrational imprints from the Harmonic Chambers to the heart of the Eterna Nexus. The Conduit harmonizes, amplifies, and refines the resonance, ensuring that the vast array of information is seamlessly sorted and integrated into the Celestial Weave.


Celestial Weave: The heart and essence of the Eterna Nexus, the Celestial Weave is a vast cosmic tapestry that binds and encodes the collected resonance into a timeless, multidimensional tapestry of knowledge. It utilizes intricate patterns, energy matrices, and harmonious frequencies to preserve and organize the vibrational imprints within its sacred fabric. The Celestial Weave is not bound by linear time, allowing simultaneous access to the past, present, and potential futures.


Yoko took a deep breath, her eyes shining with a mix of excitement and reverence. "Zero, let me share with you the knowledge I've gained from Hel about the Eterna Nexus," she began, her voice steady and filled with conviction. "It is an extraordinary cosmic construct, known in mortal realms as the Akashic Records. It serves as a repository of universal knowledge and experiences, transcending the boundaries of time and space."


Zero's curiosity grew as he leaned in, eager to absorb Yoko's words. "Tell me more," he encouraged her, his voice filled with curiosity.


Yoko continued, her words flowing with a sense of wonder. "The Eterna Nexus is an ethereal convergence of consciousness, existing beyond the confines of the physical reality we perceive. It is composed of an intricate tapestry, intricately woven with the fabric of existence, capturing the collective wisdom and history of all sentient beings and things across time and space."


She paused, allowing the weight of her words to sink in. "At its core, the Eterna Nexus is said to operate on the principle of resonance. It perceives the vibrational echoes generated by everything's thoughts, emotions, and actions. These echoes are then translated into a harmonious symphony of information, seamlessly integrated into the tapestry of the Eterna Nexus."


Zero's eyes widened, his mind grappling with the vastness of the concept. "So, it's a cosmic network that gathers and stores the experiences of all beings?" he asked, seeking further clarification.


Yoko nodded, a serene smile gracing her lips. "Precisely, Zero. The Eterna Nexus acts as a bridge, connecting the vibrational imprints emitted by sentient beings to a celestial network of knowledge. It is an ever-expanding tapestry, woven with the interconnectedness of all things in the universe."


She continued, her voice growing more animated with each passing word. "The Eterna Nexus is composed of three essential components—the Harmonic Chambers, the Resonance Conduit, and the Celestial Weave."


Zero listened attentively to Yoko's explanation, his curiosity piqued. As she finished speaking about the Eterna Nexus, he couldn't help but ask the burning question that lingered in his mind.


"Yoko, you mentioned that Hel provided you with this knowledge," Zero began, his voice laced with curiosity. "But how did Hel come to know about the Eterna Nexus and its intricate workings?"


Yoko's expression turned thoughtful as she considered the question. "According to Hel," she started, "her father Loki possesses a knack for sneaking into places he’s not supposed to be and acquiring hidden knowledge. Apparently, he occasionally sneaks into Odin's library, where the Allfather keeps secrets and knowledge he believes only he should know."


Zero's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Loki has access to such forbidden knowledge?" he mused, intrigued by the implications.


Yoko nodded, her voice tinged with excitement. "Exactly. Inside the library, Loki discovered that Odin himself was seeking a way to connect to the Eterna Nexus. It seems that Odin desired a connection that would grant him the ability to see the branches of possible futures, much like goddesses such as the Fates and the Norns."


Zero's eyes widened as he contemplated the significance of Odin's pursuit. "So, Odin sought a connection to the Eterna Nexus to gain the power to see how to acquire the future he desires?" he asked, seeking further clarification.


Yoko nodded, a spark of determination in her eyes. "Yes, precisely. Those who possess a strong connection to the Eterna Nexus can not only see the potential futures but also have the ability to influence and shape them. It's a power that lies at the very heart of fate and destiny."


Zero pondered the implications of such knowledge, his mind swirling with possibilities. "To think that Odin himself sought to unlock the secrets of this Eterna Nexus," he remarked, his voice filled with a mix of awe and intrigue. "It looks like making the deal with Hel’s family was the right decision after all, but I wonder what other secret things she knows about? It looks like she won’t bring it up unless I ask her."


Yoko nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with curiosity. "Indeed, Zero. Hel's knowledge of the Eterna Nexus is but one piece of a larger puzzle. It makes one wonder what other secrets and hidden truths she may possess. It seems she is selective in sharing her knowledge, only revealing it when asked. Perhaps there are more revelations yet to come."


Zero's lips curled into a thoughtful smile. "Hel is a fascinating being, with depths of knowledge and mysteries we can’t even begin to comprehend yet," he mused. "I suppose it is up to us to seek out the answers we desire, to unravel the secrets that lie within the realms of gods."

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