My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 244.5 Declaration

(***Muriel POV***)


‘Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!’ thought Muriel as she flew towards the area where the energy headed. As she drew closer, she saw the massive beam of rainbow-colored light that crashed into the water.


Wasting no time, she created a barrier not only around the area but also all the way down to the sea floor. It was protocol to try to limit the level of destruction of the world and its inhabitants as much as possible while keeping the mortals from realizing what was going on and interfering.


No sooner than when the barrier was erected did a maelstrom form in the ocean, creating powerful waves as storm clouds began to form above. Soon the clouds began releasing massive bolts of lightning that struck the center of the maelstrom. As the lightning kept striking, the waves grew more powerful, as if it were a thrashing beast wanting to escape its cage and destroy.


Muriel took a deep breath and calmed herself. She couldn’t lose focus and let her barrier grow weak. ‘From what I’m sensing there are 8 Valkyries that just arrived. I could maybe handle 2 of them. As for the 2 Norse gods, I have no chance, and I only recognize 1 of them. Phanuel and I have dealt with Thor before, so I can recognize his energy. This is actually bad; the last time Phanuel tried to negotiate with Asgard, his hot temper and unpredictability almost led to a war until his wife intervened.’


Muriel knew that the situation was dire. Dealing with eight Valkyries and two Norse gods was a formidable challenge even for an experienced angel like herself. She had to find a way to either buy enough time for reinforcements to arrive or use diplomacy to solve the volatile situation.


As the storm raged on and the maelstrom intensified, Muriel maintained her focus, reinforcing the barrier and channeling her energy to keep it strong. She needed to contain the chaos within the barrier and prevent any collateral damage to the surrounding areas.


Soon, a massive sphere of lightning rose from the center of the maelstrom. Muriel witnessed the massive sphere of lightning as it rose from the center of the maelstrom. She could feel the immense power emanating from it, and she knew that this was Thor’s destructive force. If it were unleashed, the barrier would shatter, and the consequences would be catastrophic for the entire planet.


She had to act quickly and decisively. Drawing upon her knowledge and experience, she realized that she needed to neutralize some of the energy of the sphere of lightning before it broke her barrier. She focused her energy and began weaving intricate patterns in the air, creating a counterforce against the sphere.


With precise movements, Muriel directed her energy towards the sphere, attempting to safely dissipate some of its unstable energy so that it could be contained within her barrier. It was a risky move, as the sphere pulsed with unrestrained power, but she knew that this was her best chance to prevent further devastation.


As her energy connected with the sphere, sparks flew and crackles filled the air. Muriel's wings glowed with a brilliant light as she channeled all her strength into this crucial task. She could feel the resistance and the sheer force of the lightning, but she refused to waver. Slowly but steadily, Muriel's efforts began to have an effect. The sparks from the sphere started to somewhat diminish, and its chaotic energy became slightly more controlled. She focused on guiding the lightning within her barrier, containing it.


Muriel did her best, but sadly, it wasn’t enough as the energy in the sphere released all at once, causing a massive blast. Muriel transported outside her barrier and focused all her remaining power on keeping the blast contained as the energy and lightning raged, trying to escape. This took all her strength as the glow of her wing slowly faded.


She somehow managed to barely contain it, and when the light from the lightning died down, there they were. The 10 figures were barely visible within the foggy rain caused by the release of energy. Amidst the fog, 8 figures emerged, their presence commanding attention. They hovered in the air clad in shimmering gold and black armor; the Valkyries exuded an aura of ethereal power that seemed to emanate from their very being.


Their physique was a testament to their warrior spirit. Each had a form that was lithe and sculpted. Every sinew of their body spoke of both grace and lethal precision. Adorned in gleaming armor, the Valkyrie's attire was both functional and awe-inspiring. A breastplate, intricately etched with ancient symbols, protected their chest, while their shoulders were guarded by resolute pauldrons. A gilded helmet crowned each head, its design fierce and majestic. From their backs were a pair of golden brown wings, majestic and resplendent, symbolizing their origins and abilities that transcended those of the mortal realm. In each of their hands were a gleaming spear and a polished shield.


Behind them, two figures also emerged. The first, Thor, the Thunderer, emerged with his burly frame and commanding presence, towering over others, a force of nature in his own right. Dressed in regal armor that gleamed under the sun's radiance, Thor embodied the spirit of a warrior-king. A fur cape billowed behind him. His chest plate, emblazoned with the hammer-shaped emblem of Mjölnir, signified his divine heritage and his role as the protector of Asgard.


Upon his head, a magnificent helmet rested, adorned with regal horns that proclaimed his status as a god. His flowing, fiery red beard and his eyes that sparkled with flashes of lightning and might lent an air of ferocity to his visage. Lightning crackled around him, a testament to his control over the tempestuous forces of nature.


In his iron-gloved hands, Thor wielded Mjölnir, the mighty hammer said to have been crafted by the skillful hands of dwarven blacksmiths. The weapon's weight seemed insignificant in Thor's grasp as he swung it with lightning speed, conjuring thunderous booms that echoed across the realms. Mjölnir pulsed with power, crackling with electricity, serving as an extension of Thor's indomitable will. He also wore Megingjord, the belt of power that doubled his strength, making him nearly unstoppable in battle.


Beside Thor stood his wife, Sif, a figure of grace and beauty. She possessed an elegance that complemented her husband's brawn, emanating a quiet strength that belied her gentle demeanor. Her long, flowing golden hair cascaded down her shoulders, shimmering like fields of wheat under a summer sun.


Sif wore a regal gown of resplendent colors, interwoven with delicate patterns that spoke of her connection to nature and fertility. Adorned with golden jewelry, she exuded an air of royalty and charm. Her eyes, bright and full of compassion, revealed the depths of her wisdom and empathy. A skilled warrior in her own right, Sif carried a slender sword.


Together, Thor and Sif stood as a formidable couple, a union of strength and beauty, each complementing the other. Thor then spoke, “Would you look at this, a petty servant dares to try to trap us.”


The mere power held within his word shattered the barrier and knocked back a tired Muriel, slightly wounding her. Muriel paid her injuries no mind and said, "Hail the Thunderer Thor Odinson, mighty son of Odin, and Lady Sif, fair lady of Asgard! I come before you with an offering of respect and a desire for peaceful negotiations."


Thor looked at Sif, who nodded. Thor's gaze fixed upon Muriel, his piercing blue eyes exuding a sense of strength and determination. With a voice that resonated like distant thunder, he spoke, "Your offer is heard, and we shall hear your plea for peaceful negotiations.”


Sif stood, radiating an aura of grace and wisdom. Her presence lent an air of measured diplomacy to the proceedings. With an eloquence that mirrored her elegance, she added, "I acknowledge your respectful approach and your willingness to engage in negotiations. We shall listen, so take us to where we shall feast and delve into the intricacies of this matter, taking into account the perspectives of all parties involved. Now lead the way."


Due to problems with my flight causing the time to be changed I wasn't able to upload the remaining two chapters so I'll just post them with the next chapter tomorrow making it three chapters for tomorrow.

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