My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 234 Castle

As she opened them, she gasped in amazement. In front of her was a magnificent castle, with tall spires and turrets covered in ice and snow. The castle was surrounded by a town filled with people going about their day.


"Papa, this is amazing!" Nova exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.


Zero smiled at her reaction. "This is a castle that I found on my journey through this world. I thought it would be a good place for us to stay while we're here. Do you like it?"


Nova nodded, still staring in awe at the castle. "Yes, I like it a lot! Can we explore it?"


Zero chuckled. "Of course, we can. But first, let's go inside, meet the owner, and get settled."


He flew them towards the castle's entrance, passing by the guards who felt the cold air biting at their skin. But despite the chill, Nova was filled with excitement at the thought of exploring this castle with her father by her side.


As they entered the castle, Zero and Nova were greeted by a man with regal bearing, dressed in fine clothing. "Welcome," he said with a polite bow. "Might I ask who might this young lady be?"


"This is my daughter Nova. As we spoke of before, I’ll be accepting your gracious offer to house my family," Zero replied.


The Duke's eyes widened in surprise. "Your daughter, you say? I never imagined someone like yourself having a daughter."


As they followed the Duke deeper into the castle, Zero couldn't help but notice the figure standing next to the Duke. It was Zuria, the Duchess of Torin whom Zero had revived from death. Zuria looked at Zero with confusion in her eye since only her husband knew of Zero’s power and her death. She remained unaware of her death due to Zero altering her memories.


"Ah, I see you've noticed my wife, Duchess Zuria," the Duke said, noticing Zero's gaze. "She's been by my side ever since we got married. We recently lost our daughter so I couldn't be more grateful for her support."


Zuria smiled politely at Zero, her confusion dissipating. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. I hope you enjoy your stay here in Torin Castle. It’s also a pleasure to meet you, Nova. You remind me a lot of Shia so please make yourself at home here."


Zero returned the smile and nodded. "Thank you, Duchess. I'm sure we will."


With that, the Duke led them to their room, where Zero and Nova settled in for the night, ready to explore the castle and learn more about this new world.


“Might I have a word with you, Sir Zero?” asked Duke Torin.


“Of course. Lady Zuria, might I ask you to watch over Nova until I return,” said Zero.


Zuria smiled at the request and said, “Of course, I was just about to have my afternoon tea and snacks. She’s more than welcome to join me. Meus, please prepare a table for 2.”


Meus, who had shown up mid-conversation but remained silent, bowed and said, “Of course, Duchess. I shall prepare it right away.”


As Zero and the Duke discussed their plans for the coming weeks, Nova was led to a cozy sitting room by Zuria. The room was warm and inviting, with plush chairs and a crackling fireplace that made the chill outside seem far away. The Duchess poured them both a cup of steaming hot tea, and Nova couldn't help but inhale the sweet aroma that wafted up from the cup.


"I hope you like tea, Nova," Zuria said, smiling warmly at the young girl. "It's one of my favorite things to drink when the weather is cold."


Nova took a small sip, savoring the warmth and flavor of the tea. "It's delicious," she said, smiling back at Zuria.


The two chatted for a while, with Zuria asking Nova about her interests and hobbies. Nova felt comfortable with the Duchess and found herself opening up to her easily. Zuria listened attentively, nodding and asking questions as Nova spoke. Although some of her answers were strange, Zuria disregarded them as a child’s way of thinking.


After they finished their tea, Zuria offered to show Nova around the castle. As they walked, they came across a room decorated with pink curtains and stuffed animals.


"This was Shia's room," Zuria said, her voice softening. "She loved pink and animals. We've kept it just as she left it, even though it's been hard for us to come in here."


Nova looked around the room, taking in the delicate decorations and the toys scattered around. "It's beautiful," she said, her voice filled with wonder.


Zuria smiled at her. "If you like it, you're more than welcome to stay here," she said. "We have other rooms that may be more suitable for guests, but if this one makes you happy, then it's yours."


Meus, who had been following them, interjected, "But your Grace, this room holds all of Shia's belongings. We cannot simply-"


Zuria cut him off with a wave of her hand. "Meus, have one of the maids come and clean this room. If Nova wants to stay here, then she may. Shia would have wanted someone to enjoy it."


Meus bowed his head, acknowledging the Duchess's wishes. Nova looked up at the Duchess, feeling grateful for her kindness. "Thank you," she said.


Zuria placed a hand on Nova's shoulder. "It's the least we can do for our guests," she said, her voice gentle. "Now, let's go see the rest of the castle."


As they explored the castle, Nova couldn't help but feel grateful for the kindness and hospitality shown to her and her father by Duke Torin and Duchess Zuria. She knew they had just arrived, but she already felt at home in Torin Castle.


Eventually, they returned to the sitting room where they had enjoyed their tea earlier. Meus had already prepared a new pot of tea and refilled the snacks and sandwiches. Zuria poured each of them another cup of tea, and they settled back into their chairs.


"Thank you for showing me around, Duchess," Nova said, smiling up at Zuria.


"It was my pleasure, Nova," Zuria replied, returning the smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, but please call me Zuria."


They would continue to chat, enjoying each other's company, until Zero returned from his meeting with the Duke.

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