My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 226 Earldom of Torin

Zero and his companions had finally arrived at the Earldom of Torin, a vast and barren tundra, unlike anything they had ever seen before. The journey to the earldom had been long and treacherous, but they had finally arrived.


As they traveled through the tundra, Zero noticed the change in scenery. The once lush grasslands had given way to a frozen wasteland, dotted with occasional shrubs and rocky outcroppings. The air was crisp and chilly, and the wind howled through the valleys, making it difficult for travelers to stay warm.


Despite the harsh conditions, Zero remained unbothered by the temperature changes. The women, however, huddled together for warmth, their eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. The carriage could only take them to a nearby area, and they would need to walk a mile north to see the fort, but the snow and wind slowed their pace. Pia and Serasa followed closely behind, their eyes darting from side to side as they kept watch for any threats.


As they continued their journey, Zero began to feel a strange sense of unease. He couldn't quite place his finger on what was bothering him, but he knew that something wasn't right. After several hours of traveling, they finally reached the gates of the earldom. The massive stone walls loomed above them, casting a shadow over the surrounding tundra. Zero approached the gates, unarmed, when a guard stepped forward from a room by the gates, his hand on the hilt of his own sword. "Who goes there?" he demanded.


Zero stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the guard. "Hello, my name is Nick, I'm an adventurer, and these are my companions. We have traveled far and would like entry into the Earldom of Torin."


The guard looked them over, his eyes scanning the group. He asked for Zero’s adventure card and nodded his head when he saw it. He then asked to see the rest when Zero narrated a story of how the ladies were captured by bandits and how they lost their cards and so much more. The guard, feeling sympathetic and satisfied that they posed no threat, said, "Very well," and gestured for them to enter. "You may enter, but I suggest you head to the adventurers' guild and have them reissue guild cards for them."


Zero thanked the guard, and the group made their way into the earldom. They were immediately struck by the bustling city that was teeming with life. People of all shapes and sizes hurried about their business, going about their daily routines. The women were in awe of the sight of the city and the grand castle that stood at its center. Pia and the ladies looked surprised that such a cold place could be so lively, and even Zero was surprised when he noticed elves and dwarves mixed in with the townspeople. It was an unexpected sight because humans, elves, and dwarves were currently still fighting a war to wipe each other out.


Zero saw the girls shivering, so he led them to an inn. They managed to check in for one night, although since they were low on money, they could only get a single room. Zero then said, “You guys stay here and get warmed up. I have something to take care of.”


Zero then looked around, finding the largest fort structure in the area, and headed straight for it. This was most likely the home of the former Duke Torin. When Zero reached the entrance, two guards stepped forward to block his path with spears.


Zero stepped forward, his eyes glowing from using his hypnotic eyes. "Hello, I’m here to see Earl Torin, so please let me through and resume your duties as normal." The guards looked them over in a dazed state and moved their spears, allowing Zero entry before returning back to normal.


Zero then walked for 10 minutes before reaching the small castle. As he approached the doors, they were opened by two more guards who stepped aside to let him enter when his eyes glowed. He was greeted by a grand foyer, with a high ceiling and chandeliers that cast a warm light over the room. Zero made his way down the long hallway, taking in the ornate tapestries and intricate carvings that adorned the walls.


Finally, he reached the fanciest pair of doors he assumed would be Earl Torin's audience chamber. He pushed the doors open and stepped inside. Earl Torin sat at a large table surrounded by his advisors and courtiers. He looked up as Zero entered, and his eyes narrowed as he took in the stranger's appearance.


"Who are you, and what is your business here?" Earl Torin asked, his voice stern.


The former Duke Torin was a handsome man in his mid-thirties with a chiseled jawline and striking features. He had once been a proud and noble leader, but the loss of his wife and young daughter to the royal family had taken a toll on him. His eyes were a deep brown, but they looked dull and lifeless, reflecting the emptiness he felt within. Despite his defeat, Duke Torin remained steadfast in his duty to his citizens and was determined to build the earldom, a desolate wasteland, into a place where he could protect those who left the dukedom to support him.


Despite his sadness, Duke Torin was a just and fair leader, always putting the needs of his citizens first. He was a man of his word and was respected by all who knew him. Although he may have appeared defeated, the strength of his character was unbreakable, and he would stop at nothing to bring peace and prosperity back to his earldom.


Duke Torin’s courtiers all stood up and pulled out their blades as Zero approached Duke Torin. Zero stopped as he noticed Duke Torin’s defeated look and urged them to put down their blades.


Zero stood tall and straight, meeting the duke's gaze. "My lord, my name is Zero, and I’ve been meaning to meet you," he said, with a slight bow of his head. "I have come to seek an audience with you, for I have a proposition that I believe will interest you."


Duke Torin's eyes narrowed. "What proposition? Are you here with orders from the royal family to take my head?" he asked, his tone still stern but filled with a defeated tone.


Zero smiled reassuringly. "No, my lord. My proposal is not related to the royal family or their orders. It is of a personal nature, and I believe it can benefit both of us." Duke Torin looked intrigued despite himself. He gestured for Zero to take a seat, and the courtiers retreated to their positions.


"Please, tell me more," Duke Torin said.


Zero sat down and leaned forward, speaking in a low voice. "I have a special ability, my lord. I can use my eyes to hypnotize people and make them do as I command. I propose that I use this ability to help you regain control over your earldom. I can help you quell rebellions, rally your citizens to your cause, and eliminate any threats to your rule. I believe together we can bring peace and prosperity back to your lands. All I ask for is a safe haven for me and my companions."


Duke Torin's eyebrows rose in surprise. He had never heard of such an ability before. "That is a remarkable offer, Sir Zero. But why would you come to me with such an ability? Why not use that ability to control me instead of coming to bargain with me? The royal family surely has much to offer for such an ability, so why come to me?"


Zero chuckled. "That is a fair point, Duke Torin. However, I have no interest in serving the royal family or engaging in political battles. I simply chose you because you seemed the least likely to bother me with pursuits of power. Besides, I heard your story and I pitied you somewhat, so I wondered what you would do if I lent you a hand. Would you seek revenge?"

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