My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 218.52 Side Story Answers

(***Muriel POV***)

Muriel's revelation about the aether healing Yuto had taken Evangeline by surprise. The use of aether by mortals was unprecedented, and its presence could lead to dire consequences. Evangeline knew they had to report this to Castiel immediately to inform Nathaniel. She quickly sheathed her blade and knelt beside Yuto, examining him more closely.


"This is serious, Muriel. We have to report this to Castiel immediately so that he can inform Nathaniel," Evangeline said, her tone serious.


Muriel nodded in agreement. She understood the significance of the presence of aether in the mortal realm and the potential breach in the barriers between different worlds. Reporting and investigating this matter was her duty, and it might help ease Evangeline's suspicions.


"Yes, you're right. This must be reported immediately. I also believe we need to take a residual sample so that you can begin tracking down its source," Muriel suggested. She extracted some white energy from Yuto and coalesced it into an orb, which she tossed towards Evangeline.


Evangeline questioned why Muriel was giving her the sample instead of handling it herself, given her tracking abilities. Muriel explained that Evangeline's tracking ability was superior, and the energy they encountered seemed foreign and fell outside of their usual aether jurisdiction. So, it made more sense for Evangeline to handle it.


Evangeline took the orb of aether, knowing that Muriel's point was valid. She materialized her wing and took off, leaving Muriel to continue her own investigation. As soon as Evangeline was out of sight, Muriel walked into the house, feeling her soul's call toward something left by her mistress.


Muriel moved through the house, drawn to the backyard. As she stepped outside, cracks appeared in the air, and a yellow crystal emerged from the rifts, entering her body. Her form began to glow as new memories and understanding flooded her mind. When the glow subsided, Muriel sighed, comprehending the situation.


"So Sophia created a beast, and that creature chose to interfere with two souls who defied it," Muriel thought. "The young master managed to defeat the creature and take Sophia. Thankfully, the mistress left me a means to clean up this mess. Now I just need to find where the young master used that item and take the residual mana back to Nathaniel."


Muriel placed Yuto on the couch inside the shrine, and then left to conduct her investigation. She expanded her senses as far as they would reach, searching for any traces of residual mana left behind by the aether.


After about ten minutes, Muriel picked up traces of mana coming from a nearby forest. She immediately flew in that direction, following the scent of the magic. As she arrived in the forest, she sensed the subtle yet powerful mana presence, surpassing even that of Archangel Phanuel. Muriel took samples of the mana and formed another orb to carry back with her.


Once she had concluded her investigation, Muriel contacted Castiel and inquired, "Castiel, do you know the whereabouts of the others? I've completed my investigation and have information to report to Nathaniel."


"Understood. I will send you Nathaniel's location. Please remain in place while I mark your current location. Location marked, and Nathaniel's location has been sent. You may proceed," replied Castiel.


As she received the coordinates, Muriel thought about the urgency of her discovery. The situation seemed to involve a breach between worlds and the potential use of foreign aether. She knew it was vital to report this to Nathaniel immediately.


"According to this direction, the others seem to have located the city the young master built. I hope nothing has happened yet. The mistress's memories included an order to protect the girl named Mina. Apparently, she'll play an important part in the future. I must hurry!" Muriel thought.


With determination, Muriel sped as swiftly as her wings could carry her while using mana to minimize her impact on the world. She arrived on the island within 30 minutes and observed that everyone except Castiel had already landed.


Muriel descended, and as she approached, Nathaniel looked up and began questioning her about her task. She promptly interrupted him and said, "Greetings, Nathaniel. I have come to report another anomaly I've recently discovered. I believe this is what originally drew Evangeline to that island, so I came to deliver it as soon as possible." Muriel handed over the orb containing Odin's mana.


The group was astonished when they felt the presence of the mana. Evangeline requested to examine it, and Nathaniel handed the orb to her. She performed various spells to analyze the mana's origin and nature.


Evangeline then addressed the group, "I believe this mana belongs to a god of the Norse pantheon. Given its level of power, I suspect it may belong to Odin, although I cannot be certain, as I have never met him. I recommend we return immediately with this orb to have Archangel Uriel verify the mana."


Nathaniel made the decision to stay and investigate the cave instead of leaving immediately, giving orders to Micah and Michelle to return the orb to Castiel. He also instructed them to return to the group in case of any unexpected events, reporting through the communication network.


The remaining group, consisting of Nathaniel, Evangeline, Seraphina, and Muriel, proceeded toward the cave. As they reached the cave's entrance, they encountered a large gate. Seraphina assumed the task of making the group intangible to pass through the gate, and they proceeded further into the cave.


Inside the city, they encountered a bustling market filled with vendors offering exotic goods, and the streets were teeming with people. However, they sensed that something was amiss. Muriel noticed that many of the people had slightly paler skin and sharp teeth, indicating that there was something unusual about them.


As they ventured deeper into the city, they marveled at the size and complexity of the underground caverns. Intricate carvings adorned the cave walls, and glowing crystals provided an eerie but beautiful light source, casting a mystical atmosphere around them.


As they continued to explore deeper into the city, they encountered groups of individuals with distinct tattoos on their skin that seemed to grant them control over different elements. Some had flames tattooed on their skin and could manipulate fire with simple gestures, while others with wave symbols on their shoulders controlled water effortlessly. Additionally, people with mountain and green tornado tattoos had the power to command earth and air.


A particularly intriguing group drew their attention next. These individuals were tall, muscular, and exuded a powerful aura. They moved with a combination of grace and controlled aggression, displaying an almost animalistic quality in their behavior. Many of them bore tattoos of wolves or wolf-like creatures, symbolizing their connection to these powerful animals.


The most astonishing discovery was a tower within the city, serving as the hub of magical power. The tower harnessed mana from the earth and sky to craft potent spells, effectively altering the very fabric of the city. Approaching the tower, they noticed that the cave's ceiling had been transformed into a breathtaking sky, complete with blue, white, and red hues, realistic clouds, stars, and even auroras. The illusion was so convincing that it felt like the cave roof had vanished, revealing the true sky. This transformation infused life into the city, as its residents emerged from their homes to revel in the stunning scenery.


Behind the tower, an unexpected sight greeted them. It defied the typical cave environment, presenting a lush and vibrant forest. Tall trees, rich vegetation, and an array of wildlife thrived in this surprising section of the city. The forest provided an abundant source of fruits, vegetables, and domestic farm animals, sustaining the inhabitants with fresh produce and meat. Furthermore, a sizable lake in one of the caverns teemed with saltwater fish, serving as an additional food source. It also became a recreational space, where residents enjoyed swimming, fishing, and the natural beauty of the area.


These sections of the city showcased the ingenuity and resourcefulness of its inhabitants. They had established a self-sustaining ecosystem within the underground cave system, allowing them to thrive in isolation. The forest and lake areas served as a reminder that even in the darkest of places, life and beauty could flourish.


As Seraphina marveled at the city's ingenuity, Nathaniel reminded the group, "This is truly amazing, on par with the hanging gardens of Babylon. Whoever created this is a genius." However, he swiftly refocused their attention, emphasizing their mission to locate the source of the aether.


Just as Nathaniel finished speaking, Mina descended with her angel wing and remarked, "I can't see you, but I know you're there. If you wanted to hide, you shouldn't be carrying around my mana with you."


As Nathaniel released a fraction of his power, the spell concealing him was dispelled, revealing his presence. The others in the group remained cloaked, their presence still hidden. Nathaniel held the orb containing Mina's mana in his hand, wearing a smile as he addressed her.


"Well, here I was searching for you, and you decide to come straight to me. I must thank you for saving me time," Nathaniel remarked. "It seems you have wings like an angel but are still mortal. I'll get straight to the point. Do you know a being named Sophia?"


Mina's reaction was noticeable as she twitched slightly when Sophia's name was mentioned. She hesitated and finally asked, "And if I refuse? I don't know who you are, but to come to this place and demand things from me. What right do you have?" Her voice betrayed her nervousness and unease.


Nathaniel let out an exasperated sigh and replied, "Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Nathaniel, and I am a colleague of Sophia. I was sent here to find out what happened to her. I would very much like to simply ask you a few questions, which you answer truthfully so that I may make a report. If you refuse, I will have to capture you and force the answers out of you. I believe that would be a waste of my time and an unpleasant experience for you. So, I opt for the easy route. What about you?"

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