My Gaming Friends Are Returnees, And Are Obsessed With Me

Chapter 161

Baeksan was harsh, but still.


Then, realizing that Heuksan was attacking me just as Baeksan had said, she snapped out of it.

With her face flushed red, she glared at me and immediately stretched her hand to the side.

“What are you teaching freely!”

Seeing the red sparks in her angry hand, I realized what it was.


So, Heuksan could use Bazra too.

Knowing what would happen if Bazra was taken out in the hospital, I was about to stop her urgently.


Heuksan, who was about to draw Bazra, waved her hand in the air in confusion.

Because her hand was empty.

Seeing her like that, I stayed still for a moment and then raised my right hand.


As soon as I called, Bazra appeared in my hand with red sparks.

Seeing that, Heuksan’s eyes widened in shock.

“Ba, Bazra? Why, how!?”

As she was shocked, I also made a face that I didn’t know why.

But Baeksan snorted as if he already knew the answer.

“Bazra is not just one sword but a large lightning split into several branches. And such Bazras are spread across each world, and the Bazra you have is larger. Naturally, it would cancel out that guy’s if you’re near.”

So that’s how it was.

Moreover, it seems Baeksan had to overwhelm even himself.

Anyway, I erased Bazra and spoke to Heuksan.

“Hey, Baeksan.”

“Tell me now! What exactly are you! What are you!”


“With my Aura and Bazra! What kind of guy are you!”


“Is that it? Did the Six Evils make me a copy…….”

This kid, doesn’t listen at all.

It feels like training a wild dog.

Eventually, red sparks started to fly around me as I reached my limit.


Then Heuksan flinched and her eyes shook.

“Will you listen?”

When I kindly asked again, she bit her lip.

Although it was Baeksan’s doing, she had been subdued by me once and lost Bazra.

With all her attack methods blocked, she also realized the gap between us and slightly lowered her tail.

To be precise, it would be just the tail compared to Baeksan.

But still, she must have realized that provoking me wouldn’t do her any good.

“First of all, I’m sorry if I was a bit harsh earlier. I had no choice because Seolhyang and Siho were there, and it could have been dangerous.”


Heuksan listened quietly while biting her lip.

Her face showed a lot of dissatisfaction, but she stayed quiet.

“I know you’re confused after returning from your world. But here, there’s no one to threaten you.”

“……You’re right in front of me.”

“Want me to cut you off?”


How nice, being obedient.

“Anyway, you can see that fact for yourself. In the meantime, I’ll help you.”

After I said that, Heuksan looked at me with suspicious eyes.

“……Why would you?”

“Because I’m your sister’s boyfriend.”

When I gave the most plausible answer, Heuksan blinked.

“Sister, you mean Baek Seolhyang, the chairman of the World Returner Association?”



At the same time, her eyes turned to me as if asking why.

It might hurt a little.

‘……Well, with Seolhyang’s looks, I’d think the same.’

If I hadn’t been childhood friends with Seolhyang, I wouldn’t have been able to do this.

But since she’s my girlfriend now, I acted confidently.

“Then ask Seolhyang directly.”

If you don’t believe me, I told her to do that, and Heuksan decided to let it go.

“Seolhyang should be bringing your mother and father soon. Let’s meet your parents first.”


Even Heuksan, who had a deep distrust of people, seemed to want to meet her parents, so she stayed quiet.

If only she could stay like that, but seeing Baeksan’s reaction, it won’t be easy.

A few minutes later in the hospital room.

After a while, there was a knock, and the hospital room door opened.

Looking over, there stood a beautiful middle-aged woman who looked very much like Seolhyang.

As soon as I saw her, I realized who she was.

None other than Seolhyang’s mother.

“Oh my, is that you, Kang Ha-chan?”

“Yes, nice to meet you, ma’am.”

“Oh my, you’ve grown so tall. Our Seolhyang liked you so much. Really.”


As the lady approached me and spoke warmly, Seolhyang blushed as if embarrassed.

Seeing her like that, I smiled faintly and noticed someone else next to the lady.

If Baeksan grew up gracefully without roughness, it might feel like this.

Unlike Baeksan, a kind man with black hair and black eyes was none other than Baeksan’s father.

“You must be the Ha-chan my wife and daughter talked about.”

“Nice to meet you, sir. I am Kang Ha-chan.”


Hearing the word ‘sir,’ his kind face turned stern towards me.

And I realized from that part that he cherished Seolhyang like his own daughter.

Although not his biological daughter, he helped establish the World Returner Association for Seolhyang, who became his daughter.

Seeing me, who is dating Seolhyang, it’s natural for him to be strict from a father’s perspective.

“Since I’m dating her, of course, I should call you sir. Dad.”


At those words, the shocked expression on the father’s face changed as he looked at Heuksan.


Without intense emotions, the father called Heuksan like that.

Heuksan, who had been quietly watching, hesitated for a moment but then opened her mouth.


The only blood relative who could tell Baeksan that this was a place to return to.

Seeing her father like that, Heuksan’s expression brightened a bit.

The father walked over and hugged Heuksan.

Then, as he patted her back, Heuksan also hesitantly raised her hands and hugged him.

“Welcome back. Really, welcome back.”

A daughter lost through dimensional movement.

As such a daughter returned, emotions started to rise, and tears formed in the father’s eyes.

“Baeksan, you’ve really been through a lot.”

And soon after, Seolhyang’s mother also approached and hugged Heuksan.

Seeing that, I smiled faintly from behind, and Seolhyang leaned against my arm.

“Reminds me of my sister.”

“……Yeah, I guess so.”

I should have told my sister that I’m glad to be back.

There was regret for not being able to do that.

“Don’t worry. You’ll meet her soon.”

“I hope so.”

As I smiled for a moment, Seolhyang hugged my arm.

“Big sister Mari would want to see you too.”

I stroked Seolhyang’s head.

My girlfriend, who immediately comforted me, looked so beautiful.

“My nephew would want to see you too.”

And the following words made me laugh.

So mischievous.


At that moment, I flinched at the father’s cough.

When I looked up, the father was looking at me with a very displeased face, having finished greeting Heuksan.

“Oh my, it’s so sweet.”

And seeing me like that, the mother laughed happily.

Seolhyang, perhaps embarrassed in front of her parents, quietly let go of my arm.

Heuksan looked at me with a face that said, “So you really are dating.”


“Yes, sir.”

At that moment, as the father called, I hurriedly answered, and he looked at me with half-closed eyes.

“What do you do for a living?”

“I work at a company.”

As I answered a bit nervously, expecting an unexpected meeting, the father made a slightly displeased face.

Then the mother scolded him.

“What, with how much Seolhyang earns, why ask about her boyfriend’s job? As long as they love each other, it’s fine.”

“Ah, no, honey, but still.”

“Today, Baeksan has returned, it’s a good day. I heard Ha-chan brought Baeksan back well, can’t you thank him instead of scolding him?”


With the mother’s support, the father curled his tail and bowed his head.

“I’m sorry. Thank you for bringing Baeksan back well.”

“It’s nothing. It was something I had to do.”

As I answered immediately, the father sighed and looked back at Heuksan.

“Baeksan, since Seolhyang is the chairman of the World Returner Association, you’ll probably have to go through some procedures with the association for a while.”

Saying that, the father handed her a cellphone, perhaps pre-activated.

“It’s a cellphone with your old number and saved contacts transferred. Your friends are still waiting for you, so if you contact them, they’ll surely be happy.”


Heuksan looked a bit awkward but accepted the cellphone.

Since Heuksan was not a case of being caught in dimensional movement at a young age, she had lived in modern society for quite some time.

Perhaps because of that, Heuksan nodded as she took the cellphone.

“I saved my number as 1, so call me anytime.”

This is why family is good.

That warm gaze can only come from family.

After that, the mother and father left immediately.

It was still morning, and Heuksan had to go through the association’s procedures first, as the father said.

In the meantime, I followed along to make sure Heuksan didn’t cause any trouble at the association.

While she was checking some details and precautions, I was alone with Seolhyang for a while.

“Seolhyang, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“It’s about the spirit attached to you, right.”

As expected, Seolhyang’s quick-witted words made me nod in response.

When I glanced at Baeksan, he also nodded as if it was okay to tell now.

“First, the spirit attached to you is related to Baeksan, right?”

She had already anticipated that far.

“And probably related to foresight, prophecy, or the future.”

Had she anticipated that far too?

As I widened my eyes, she looked at me with a reproachful glance.

“Ha-chan, you’ve subtly hinted at future knowledge several times. It wasn’t hard to guess.”

“My girlfriend is too capable.”


“Very proud.”

That makes things easier.

I decided to tell Seolhyang the truth.

“The one attached to me now is Baeksan who returned from the future.”

Hearing that, Seolhyang’s eyes widened.

She didn’t expect the word ‘return’ to come up.

“……If the one attached to you now is Baeksan, then it’s a girl, right?”

That was the problem.

Feeling absurd for a moment, I looked at Seolhyang, who clenched her fists.

“Did you live together every day, sleep, eat, and do things? Without telling me?”

As her cheeks puffed up and her face filled with dissatisfaction, I held her cheeks with both hands.

Then, pressing them firmly, a deflated sound came from her mouth.

“Seolhyang, this Baeksan is a guy.”


And hearing my story, Seolhyang’s eyes widened again.

“So, to explain, it’s a long story.”

I told her the story related to Baeksan.

After hearing it, Seolhyang pressed her chin.

“……I see.”

“Do you understand now?”

“Yes, well, Ha-chan isn’t the type to lie. And so that’s how it was.”

Seeing Seolhyang’s convinced expression, I tilted my head.

“So that’s how it was, you say?”

“Before, when I used my ability, the Crown, I saw you with Ha-chan.”

I realized why Baeksan said Seolhyang already knew about him.

“The target I used the Crown on was none other than Baeksan.”

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