My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 6


Thanks to me instantly covering my mouth and sprinting to the bathroom, I managed to avoid the embarrassing situation of leaving traces in the corridor. However, kneeling in front of the toilet, I fell into a moment of contemplation.

It was uncomfortable dealing with Rin, but I never thought it would weigh on me like this.

“Ah, what should I do?”

From Rin’s perspective, this must look extremely strange. She was always perceptive, so she definitely could have noticed that I was avoiding her or feeling uncomfortable.

No, she definitely noticed.

I just threw up in front of her, so it’s only natural she’d catch on.

“Do I need to lie and say I’m feeling unwell?”
Pensive sigh

As I mulled over various excuses, I slowly stepped out of the bathroom, and Rin, fidgeting anxiously, cautiously asked me.

“Uh, a-are you okay?”
Cautious tone

“Yeah, sorry. I guess I had a bit of a stomach issue.”

With the rising nausea and lingering fear flowing from my heart pierced by her sword, I tried my best to conceal it.

What should I say? I was lost in thought when Rin opened her mouth first.

“The person you’re looking for is Charlie Kraush. He’s a talented student in manufacturing and alchemy. I’ll ask my friends and get back to you.”

“Uh, thanks…”
Grateful yet hesitant

Just a moment ago, she was glaring at me like she wanted to kill me, and now she’s readily giving me information.

“Okay, then I’m off.”

With that, Rin turned to head back to her class.

I wondered if I had hurt her with my attitude, seeing her shoulders droop and her head hang low.

“Right now, the fire beneath me is what’s urgent.”
Anxious thought

In just a week—or now in six days—I’ll be expelled.

Resolving that first was my top priority, and honestly, it was still tough for me to have a conversation with Rin, so I spat out more excuses and made my way back to Class E.


I tried to ignore it, but my mood had dipped too low.

As I walked through the corridor, the image of Rin’s slouched back kept swirling in my mind, oddly bothering me.

In my past life, I was the master of armies, but now I’m just an 18-year-old fragile girl from the countryside.

“I need to figure this out properly.”
Firm resolution

Continuing like this, I couldn’t predict what kind of influence it’d have on Rin. Maybe my presence would accelerate her becoming the master of armies.

Of course, I still had no idea what caused this change.


With a sigh of frustration, I stepped into the classroom, which was already bustling with chaos.

A guy was yelling at Tana and Eve.

He didn’t seem to be from our class, and Tana had her mouth tightly shut, tears pooling in her eyes, while Eve clung to her side.

“What’s going on now?”
Exasperated sigh

There’s never a quiet day at this academy.

Everyone keeps bragging about it being the continent’s top educational institution, but what does it matter if they’re just raising their grades?

Character education is utterly trash.

Working as a Sherpa in the Forest of the Demon Realm, they act like they’re seasoned knights or mages, but they often get hurt due to their pride.

“You’re spreading rumors that my girlfriend is some weirdo!”

“I don’t even know who your girlfriend is! What the hell are you talking about?”

Tana, who was trying her hardest to act tough, looked painfully pitiful as the guy kept yelling without stopping.

“Who do you think you are, treating my girlfriend like that!”
Angry shout

When the frustrated guy kicked a desk, Tana, who was sitting, got pushed back and cried out in pain.

Eve almost got hurt as well, but in that moment, Tana shielded her, so she was safe.

“Perfect timing.”
Devious smirk

I picked up a chair and slammed it down onto the back of his head. Just as I was feeling glum, he was a perfect target.


The guy screamed bizarrely as he tumbled forward. With a smile, I placed the chair down and asked him.

“You jerk!”
Angry tone

“Bring your girlfriend over here.”

As he tried to get up, I firmly stepped on his chest, saying,

“I need to get to the bottom of where you heard these rumors about Tana.”
Intimidating tone


“Let’s talk face-to-face.”
Challenging tone

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of recess.

I shrugged and moved my foot, and he hastily got up, gritting his teeth as he said, “See you at lunch.” and bolted out of the classroom.

My classmates began to murmur, but the professor walked in, causing an instant silence.

I sat quietly next to Tana and Eve and asked softly,

“Are you okay?”
Concerned tone

“……Yeah, thanks.”
Grateful yet in pain

Tana winced in pain from earlier when she got pushed, and Eve was hiding her tears in a book.

A sigh escaped my lips.

Thinking it was probably May, the girl who followed Ares around, who caused all this, added to my frustration.

“But is it okay? Daniel…”
Concerned tone

They were already calling me out for the violence incident, and she was asking me if it was okay to cause more trouble.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
Reassuring smile

Time transition sound

Naturally, I was called to the rooftop. I said I’d go alone, but Tana insisted it was her business and refused to leave, ultimately accompanying me to the rooftop.

Eve also gathered her courage to come along, but just her showing up was enough for me. I didn’t want to drag her into that unpleasant sight.

Up on the rooftop, students had already gathered. It was clear they looked ruffianish, and at the center stood May.

“Just as I thought.”
Insightful thought

I was worried what might happen if she wasn’t here, so I was relieved.

“Hey, do you think you’re something for just picking on weaker kids?”
Confrontational tone

“She’s also a sexual harasser.”
Accusatory tone

“Totally gross. Birds of a feather.”
Mocking laughter

Starting with the guy who had just confronted me, the surrounding students joined in, creating an atmosphere that favored them. Tana looked troubled, her expression darkening.

“Like they’re gonna make something of it just because some kids are bickering.”
Dismissive thought

Kids this age are usually like this.

They think their family names are their own worth. Just because they have exceptional knights or mages in their family, they think they possess the same talents.

“Come on, say it. You think just picking up a chair and hitting me…”
Provocative tone

“Better than you. You go around hitting girls.”
Cutting remark

I casually responded, and it seemed the guy was caught off guard that I was standing up to him in this atmosphere, and he forced a chuckle.

“Do I have to consider the girl who’s trash-talking my girlfriend a girl too?”
Mocking tone

“Then is she a guy? Where’d you even hear that rumor from? It feels like it was created and spread right here.”
Pointing finger

As I subtly scanned the students, those who had been mumbling insults were ready to pounce at any moment.

“What gives you the confidence? Are you thinking of going to the professor after you get beaten here?”
Menacing challenge

“What’s the point in going to the professor? She’s the dean’s daughter, after all.”
Sneering voice

How ridiculous are those claims? I laughed as I pointed to May, and the girls surrounding her started chattering.

The guys who were trying to impose their dominance began to encircle me.

“Hey, weren’t there some kids here who pinned the assault charges on me?”
Provocative tone

They were caught off guard by the sudden topic.

“Okay, confirmed.”
Sneaky thought

I memorized the ones whose pupils quivered for just a moment. Satisfied with achieving a small goal, I noticed Tana tugging at my clothes.

“Uh, what are you going to do? Are you gonna run away?”
Concerned tone

“No? I’m gonna fight.”
Confident response

When I replied boldly, Tana seemed taken aback and retorted.

“What? How are you gonna win against all these guys? Many of them look like knight prospects!”
Worried tone

“Well, I want to fight if I can. But I probably won’t have to.”
Calm confidence

Because they’ll likely tuck tail and run.

The rooftop door suddenly swung open, revealing a burly male student followed by several striking female students, each distinct in appearance.

“Oh, Ares?”
Surprised tone

As May called out the guy’s name with a panic, he awkwardly smiled and asked,

“May, what’s going on here?”
Curious tone

Then a girl with blue hair next to Ares giggled mockingly.

“Look at that. I knew you’d be acting out, thinking the dean’s on your side.”
Snickering laughter

“No, that’s not it!”
Defensive shout

May blushed deeply, like her flaws were exposed in front of the boy she likes, sinking her head low, while the students gathered around her hesitated at her reaction.

“It seems an explanation is necessary, May.”
Authoritative tone

Out stepped a stunning blonde girl with a noble demeanor, eliciting respect from May’s followers, all of whom hung their heads.


“We were sorting out some misunderstandings.”
Clearing throat

I casually jumped into the conversation with a smile.

“There were some bad rumors going around about Tana, and these guys are here as her friends to confirm the rumors and ensure they don’t spread, right?”
Supportive tone

I locked eyes with May.

I was giving her a chance to choose.

Would she give up on Ares and keep at it with her character battle with Tana and me?

Or would she lower her tail and align with my words, trying to maintain her image?

“…Yeah, there were strange rumors about Tana, so we were clearing them up, stating she’s not that kind of person.”
Agreeable tone

Trusting tone

Slowly, Ares approached May and gently took her hand.

“May is so kind. Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you, can you spare a moment?”
Charmingly inquisitive

“Of course!”
Flustered joy

As she blushed and smiled brightly, she followed Ares, while other students awkwardly pulled away, watching their leader vanish.

“That slippery snake.”
Observation mode

Initially, when he called out to them, he had asked for a situation explanation, but Ares didn’t seem surprised at all. He already knew May had another side concealed from him.

“Let’s get back.”
Simple authority

I nudged Tana, who still seemed a bit lost about what was happening.

“Wait a minute.”
Detaining voice

One girl from Ares’s entourage, with particularly long and dark red hair, called out to me.

But it wasn’t just her; all the other girls were looking at me too, and their expressions didn’t seem pleasant.

“If you use Ares like that again, I won’t just stand by.”
Warning tone

“That’s right. He’s not your tool.”
Defensive tone

“Consider this a warning.”
Threatening tone

The girls slightly scolded me before heading down from the rooftop.

It’s kind of impressive, so I let out a frustrated sigh, but

I still had an ally.

“Ah, Ares is cool, but you’re not bad either!”
Supportive honesty

“…Is that supposed to be comforting?”
Confused inquiry

Encouraging tone

Just go, you don’t have to follow their nonsense.

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