My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 68

Lucas and Devon noticed that their horses seemed refreshed somehow, like suddenly their fatigue disappeared and they knew that it was Anton’s doing. They continued running until lunchtime and that was when Anders stopped the carriage beside the road.

The first thing that Anton’s father, Lucas, and Devon did was to inspect the horses for any sign of injury but as expected they didn’t find any. The horses were not even tired but they could tell that the animals were extremely famished.

They provided the horses grain and Anton conjured mana water for them to relieve them of their hunger and thirst but of course, they controlled the animals to not hurt themselves by overfeeding or overdrinking.

After they made sure that the horses were okay, Anton removed the animals from his party system and added back his family and the guards and their family then he activated all of the auras.

All of them were startled to feel that all their fatigue was rapidly being relieved.

“That’s one hell of a magic spell!” Devon gasped.

“Yes, it removes fatigue and increases running or walking speed so that means that anyone affected by my spell can run or walk all day without getting tired but of course, they will still need to stop to eat to relieve their hunger which is what we should do right now since I’m so hungry,” Anton said.

Anton then retrieved some food from his private stash and distributed it to everyone. Since everyone was fully refreshed because of the Vigor, Prayer, and Meditation Auras and they relived their thirst and hunger, they went back to traveling after a few minutes.

He could see that everyone, including himself was worried about the Undead Coalition’s army catching up to them so without further ado, Anders with the help of Lucas and Devon hitched the horses to their carriage and Lucas and Devon went back to riding their horses.

Their journey was swift since the horses did not feel any sort of exhaustion due to the Vigor Aura and the spell also added increased running speed and the distance they covered was unsurprisingly great.

Dusk arrived and Anders chose to continue traveling. They did stop for a moment to feed and water the horses but since the animals were still fresh Anton’s father decided to continue. When it got dark, Anders asked Anton to conjure light for the horses to see the road so he summoned a Fire Ball and let it hover at the front of the horses and far above to avoid blocking their eyes.

Since the road was bright enough due to Anton’s spell, the horses continued running, never feeling any sort of exhaustion.

When Anton saw that his father seemed to get tired, he switched the Aura to affect not the animals but his family and the guards and their families and he could see his father straightening up, his fatigue disappearing and then after a while, Anton switched the Auras back to the horses.

It was very late when Anders stopped the carriage for them to rest for the night. When Anton briefly checked the time in his browser, it was already eleven in the evening. After a brief dinner, Anton’s father asked everyone to sleep.

“I should be exhausted but I feel like I can still do a full day’s work,” Anna said.

“Try to sleep anyway,” Anders informed everyone.

Anton went inside his tent and when he lay down on his sleeping mat, he thought that he would not be able to sleep since he still felt energized due to the Vigor Aura but the moment his head hit his pillow, sleep arrived as if somebody knocked him out.

The sun was already out when Anton woke up. When he checked the time in his browser he saw that it was six in the morning. He left his tent and saw that the others were just leaving theirs he took the food from his private stash to serve everyone breakfast.

“We don’t have time to bathe today so just do your bathroom business and a simple wash and we’re continuing,” Anders told everyone.

Anton activated all of his auras while they were eating and that perked everyone up then from his private stash he summoned the large bucket cum toilet and privacy screens and together with the barrel of water and soap, everyone had a turn on their makeshift toilet. When his turn on the toilet arrived, he swiftly took a bath since it wouldn’t take long. He couldn’t stand being dirty and the long travel yesterday felt like it covered him in dust everywhere.

“No fair! You took a bath,” Anna complained when she saw Anton with wet hair.

“Anna he was the last one who used the toilet and it didn’t take him long. We need to leave. You can take a bath later when we stop,” Anders said.

Anton smiled smugly at Anna teasing his sisters and Anna pouted. One advantage they had was even though they didn’t take a bath their clothes were all fresh and clean and they gave the clothing they wore to Anton for him to repair and clean using magic which did not take long.

The journey started again and since Anton switched all of the auras back to the horses, the travel was very fast and since the animals did not feel any sort of fatigue, they continued until lunchtime when Anders stopped the carriage for everyone to eat.

“We covered a very great distance and at this rate, we should reach the next village by tomorrow afternoon. It should have taken us three or four more days but we covered the distance in a short while,” Lucas commented while they were eating.

“We will only purchase food and other necessities there and then we’ll continue immediately,” Anders said and everyone nodded.

All of them were still afraid of the Undead Coalition’s army catching up to them.

With the use of the Vigor, Meditation, and Prayer Auras, Anton made sure that everyone was refreshed and uninjured so they continued traveling after lunch.

The horses kept running swiftly and Anton could see that the animals were taking joy in the fact that they could run as fast as they could without stopping and did not feel any sort of fatigue. They briefly stopped at around five in the afternoon to feed and water the horses and eat some food themselves and they continued again.

Even when night arrived, Anton, with the command from his father, summoned a Fire Ball light to light their way. Anders stopped very late and when Anton checked the time, it was midnight. They swiftly fed the horses and set up their tent. Before Anton went inside his tent to sleep, he set up their toilet with barrels of water and soap so they could use it the first thing the next day.

After everything was settled down, he dismissed the Fire Ball light, and the camp was only lit by the campfire and Anton slept not caring about the guard duty whatsoever.

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