My Empire

Chapter 99 - Admirer

“Hey!” The heavy castle gate was pushed open from the outside, and Cape Luna walked into the slightly gloomy hall with a gloomy face. The guards followed her, and the armor hit in the empty hall, and the sound was even more pronounced.

“Father! The Holy Demon Empire deceived people too much!” A nice voice echoed in the hall. The flames swayed with the breeze pouring in from the doorway, illuminating the golden throne and the middle-aged man sitting on it.

“Luna! My dear baby! The holy demon empire dragon knights who have passed through the border have left?” The man sitting on the throne asked softly with a faint smile on his face.

“Father! Seven villages were slaughtered! How should the Holy Demon Empire give us an explanation this time?” Luna gritted her teeth with hatred when she mentioned this matter. She checked all the way and saw all human tragedies.

“What’s the explanation for us? We are mortals, Luna…the strong don’t need to give any explanation to the weak.” Higgs King Cape Castner said to his daughter, leaning on his throne.

A trace of unwillingness flashed across Luna’s face. She paused and then continued: “I have been chasing to the border of Seris, and those dragon knights are obviously going towards Seris.”

“Yes, after you left, I got news in another direction.” Cape Kastner nodded and said to his daughter: “They are going to attack the city of Seris! Holy Demon Empire Full-scale war with Ailan Hill.”

Hearing this news, Princess Cape Luna was visibly stunned, then widened her beautiful eyes and looked at her father: “This is impossible! The Holy Demon Empire has never waged a full-scale war against a mortal empire. Yes! They can dispatch a team of Dragon Knights at most, so they can…”

When it came to this, she paused. Those dragon knights passing through the territory of the Higgs Kingdom are obviously not just a team. It was an army of dragon knights that had never been seen before. Witnesses said there were about 80 dragons.

“This… how is it possible…” Capel Luna subconsciously staggered a step while pressing the long sword on her waist, frowned and thought for a few seconds before looking up at Cape on the throne. Castner: “Is there any more news that I don’t know?”

“There are too many news that you don’t know. For example, Ailan Hill declared war on the Arrant Empire in an all-round way, and took all the border castles without blood, and captured Naaru in one breath.”

“I know that.” Luna replied somewhat disapprovingly. When the news came back to the Kingdom of Higgs, Luna was still in Higgsnar, the royal city of Higgs. Of course she had heard of the battle. At that time, he was worried that Ailan Hill would burn the war. Come to Higgs.

At that time, Higgs was also ready for combat. Tens of thousands of elite troops had already moved to the border area to prevent Ailan Hill from suddenly turning, and the target of the attack was transferred to the Higgs Kingdom.

But then the crisis was lifted. On the one hand, from a strategic analysis, Ailan Hill would not take the initiative to provoke the not-so-small Higgs Kingdom after establishing the strong enemy of Arante.

On the other hand, because the news that Ailan Hill’s main force continued to go south was confirmed, Higgs was also relieved.

At the very beginning, I heard that the main force of Ailan Hill continued to go south, and the king of the Higgs Kingdom, Cape Castner, had also considered the possibility of attacking Seris to make money.

But in the end, this plan was shelved because of insufficient preparations, and the Higgs Kingdom, which had missed the best opportunity or escaped a catastrophe, went by accident until today and still has nothing to do with neighbor Ailan Hill.

“What you don’t know is that these Alanhill forces continued to move south, occupying Bud, Marica, and Wallavo. Moreover, according to intelligence, the casualties of the other party were very few, almost negligible.” No Regarding his daughter’s words, King Cape Kastner continued to speak.

“What? The Ailan Hill soldiers, who are less than 100,000, have captured so many big cities in one go?” Hearing this news, Cape Luna was a little uncomfortable. She has also learned various command tactics, and of course she knows how difficult it is to attack so many large cities in one go.

If you are not careful, you will be caught in a dilemma. The casualties of the troops are high, the war is protracted, and the cost of the war will eventually lead to the collapse of a powerful country. The past siege warfare often turned into a country’s nightmare, but now It’s different.

Ailan Hill’s siege seems to be very easy, not to mention the short time, and even the casualties are pitiful, which makes Cape Luna not calm. Is there any new weapon of war in Ailan Hill? Such a thought came out vaguely in her heart.

“Not only that, a little-known general, a young man named Koriya, led thousands of people in Bude and defeated the tens of thousands of troops commanded by Prince Lumbak.” It seems that he deliberately teased his daughter, Higgs. His Majesty’s King opened his mouth again and gave a burst of news.

After hearing this news, Luna’s expression became richer as expected. With four unbelievable words on her beautiful face, she asked: “What’s the kidding? Coria? Who is this person? A famous player in Ailan Hill?”

Before the Battle of Bude, of course not many people had heard of the name Coria. Before the Battle of Bude, the general of Ailan Hill had the most resounding self-introduction as “Adjutant of Vagron, General of Serris.”

But now, when Koria is mentioned, people will actively think of the Battle of Bude, of Prince Lumbark who was defeated by Koria, and of the Elanhill grenadiers who were dissatisfied with 10,000. The main force of 60,000 Arante’s frontier army.

Koria became famous overnight in this battle, and he became the peerless star in the mouth of many people. If it weren’t for a few other generals to play a more proud record, Corea might be boasted as the first general in the mortal kingdom.

It’s a pity that his dazzling record was concealed under a more dazzling record. After all, someone completed the feat of slaying the dragon in Dragonfall…and the Grand Duke of Ailan Hill annihilated the saint in Dragonfall. The giant horse cavalry of the Demon Empire.

King Kastner hasn’t talked about dragon slaying. What he’s talking about now is another battle that doesn’t seem so exciting but is equally shocking: “The more interesting is yet to come. The well-known general Maud. Lyle took refuge in Ailan Hill and easily killed veteran Frankie in the Battle of Wallavo.”

The importance of this battle has been revealed, and the magic concentrate as a resource has provided unparalleled support for Ailan Hill. Therefore, compared to the record of annihilating 17 dragons in Fallen Dragon City, Modler’s battle in Volavo is more strategic.

“I know Modler, he is already famous in the south, but…it’s incredible to be able to easily defeat the old general Frankie…” Luna was almost numb by the news. She responded casually, thinking about her inner thoughts.

She is almost certain now that Ailan Hill must have new tactics or new weapons. Otherwise, with the strength of Ailan Hill, he would be reluctant to defeat the Arante Empire, let alone occupy so many places.

While Princess Luna was thinking about it, King Kastner continued to talk about the dragon slaying of Ailan Hill: “Yes, and then the former Lieutenant Bourgeois of Vast Sea Castle slaughtered 17 giants in the First World War in Maricha. Long……”

“…” Luna realized that she couldn’t make any surprised sounds anymore. She had worked hard to make Ailan Hill stronger, but she found that she finally underestimated the neighbor next door.

No wonder, those dragon knights would choose to cross the Higgs Kingdom. It turned out that they had suffered a big loss in Malicha in the south, so this time they chose a direction that was easier to succeed and chose one of Ailan Hill’s most important targets to start!

So… Then can Ailan Hill perform miracles again? Can they defeat the dragon again and continue the myth of mortals? Involuntarily, Luna looked to the east, her eyes full of worries.

“The subsequent information is a bit messy. After all, the battlefield situation is too complicated, and our eyeliner can only detect a rough idea.” King Castner explained with embarrassment, and then continued: “The general situation is, Allan Hill’s troops then counterattacked the Arante Empire, defeating the opponent’s 200,000 army.”

Before Luna could react from the shock, he continued to sigh: “If the news is true, then the only things that restrict the rise of Ailan Hill will be the territorial and military issues. As long as it gradually develops and grows, it Will become the banner of mortals.”

“No matter from which angle you look at it, this country will become a holy place in the minds of all mortals.” When he said this, King Kastner had already stood up from his throne, and he laughed at himself with great gratefulness: “Fortunately We did not attack Ellen Hill, otherwise Higgsnar would already be the city of Ellen Hill…”

“However, they still can’t stop the attack of 80 dragons…” Luna walked out of shock and looked at her father: “There is no mortal country that can stand up to 80 dragons!”

“Yeah, but if they succeed…” Castner looked down at his daughter on the steps: “This world will no longer be lifeless. It will become wonderful… I kind of want to meet this love. Grand Duke Lanhill has become an admirer.”

“I hope you can see him in person, not a tomb without a corpse!” Luna stood in the hall with a long sword, the tall and symmetrical shadow stretched by the fire light–

In the afternoon, Longling is going out to have a meal with his family, and there will be updates when he comes back in the evening! Ask for monthly tickets, subscriptions, rewards, recommended tickets, collections… guilty conscience, so let’s say a few more words, don’t be surprised. Thank you for your support, long live Ailan Hill!

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