My different world is game mode

Chapter 386 Historical Relics

Lindsay's eyes first focused on the wooden sign.

The text on it is the same as the ancient scroll he obtained in Montenegro.

Thanks to the habit cultivated by Red Moon, whenever she has free time in the morning, Lindsay will take time to practice writing. With the addition of the [Experience Bar], he naturally recognized what was written above.

[Everyone, the skill of killing gods has been created on the other side of the distant world.

This is undoubtedly the dawn of victory.

But we also need to understand that this is far away from our homeland.

When thinking about the future.

I hope everyone can remember the mood of the people of the Sixth Divine Court who were overthrown by us not long ago when they were defeated.

That is not only a spectacular scene, but also a portrayal of our current situation.

I wonder if fate has brought heavier chains.

But since the establishment of this path of organizers, to be here now is undoubtedly a victory over the former oppressors and tyrants!

Now, the land beyond the elemental realm has been occupied by the resuscitators.

Their most powerful commander, the Extinction Crown, is among them.

The blockade of the world is better than the seals and prisons of all art, and we cannot escape from the coercion in a ship. This crisis is wider than the Fenner River and the current is tighter. There are only war graveyards waiting for us behind!

We are already here in close combat with the enemy.

Must win or die!

The resurrected dead are cruel and arrogant and believe that everything belongs to them.

It believes that the living should be at its mercy, and let it decide who to fight and make peace with. It draws boundaries so that people cannot cross mountains and rivers, and blocks everything, but it does not abide by its own boundaries.

How is this different from the tyrannical rule of the Divine Court?

They have taken countless lives and taken away the White Bird Plain.

Is the fall of such an ancient place a small matter?

Do they still want to conquer the elemental world? Conquer our neighbors and take away the majestic woods beneath our feet?

They will leave nothing behind except what they keep with their weapons!

Between victory and destruction, there is absolutely no room for maneuver!

Either win or die!

If the fate is uncertain - it is better to die on the battlefield than to die on the run.

If this can become everyone's unquestionable determination.

Then I'll say it again!

You have defeated the most difficult thing to defeat, the organizer alliance, and you are still walking on the righteous path called the 'Road of Resistance'!

People who are unwilling to be humiliated gather strength!

Even if we don’t have the skills to kill gods, we can still defeat all enemies! 】


"Pep Speech?"

Contents on the board.

It roughly explained that the reason why the garden was abandoned was indeed related to the war that destroyed the crown, and it also revealed the existence of a god-killing technique.

Analyze the history.

Can we find that the garden was established by the "Shenting" and then overthrown by the "Organizer Alliance", and then used this place as a base to fight against the resuscitators?

The general information can be understood like this.

But what caught Lindsay's attention the most was the title of [Organizers Alliance].


One of the thirteen most powerful awakened people in the world.

It is also the profession of Muller Nahoon.

The long past has long been buried in the elusive history.

But the situation in the garden today still made Lindsay feel mixed emotions and she didn't know how to evaluate it.

"Lord Diavolo, what is written on this?"

At this time, Kaji also came up to ask questions.

The perceiver cannot recognize this long-lost ancient writing.

He analyzed only from Lindsay's expression that this big shot in the volcano city must have recognized what was on it.

Lindsay shook her head slightly:

"This is a speech above. The content is probably to encourage people to resist the crisis caused by living corpses."

Kaji said with emotion:

"I have never heard of such a large architectural ruin in the forest courtyard before."


Lindsay did not continue the conversation with Kaji.

The wooden tablet itself is a carrier for recording manuscripts. There is nothing special about it and it only has historical value.

When Lindsay finished reading it, she put it down.

His eyes naturally shifted to the seven-pointed star-shaped badge next to him.

This thing definitely has an extraordinary origin, and the weak source of matter it senses also comes from this.

You must know that the garden has been sealed here for more than ten thousand years.

How could an item that still retains a certain power after such a long time be a simple item?

[Accessory: Seven-Pointed Star Medal of Peace]

[After equipping, all attributes will be slightly increased; obtain [Friends of the Seven-Pointed Star Federation] status. 】

[The long years have caused most of its strength to be lost, and its value is moderate. 】

Lindsay placed the [Seven-Pointed Star Medal of Peace] on the equipment slot, and all his attributes immediately increased by 1.

Nowadays, he can easily get 4 or 50 points of attributes.

The bonus effect of the [Peace Seven-Pointed Star Medal] can be said to be better than nothing.

"However, this is only the effect after the power is lost."

"If it was the era when it was first minted, the effect would definitely be more than this."

[Seven-Pointed Star Federation] This is not the first time Lindsay has seen this title.

He remembered something, rummaged through his bag, and found a reward from a previous mission.

[Collection: Ancient Gold Coins]

[A gold coin from the Seven-Pointed Star Federation, minted to commemorate the restoration of peace with the Fifth Divine Court. 】

【Collectors will love something like this! 】


To be honest, Lindsay wanted to go back to the hidden frontier and go to the Mountain Spirit to ask about the long past.

The other party was a witness to that ancient war.

Any written record is incomparable to the other party's direct explanation.

"It's a pity that I'm busy now."

Lindsay shook her head.

He took this harvest into his bag, turned around and called Kaji, and walked towards the center of the hall.

Before leaving, his eyes lingered on the six murals around him.

Keep the faces of these people in mind.

Lindsay glanced at the edge of the fountain, and the white light of [Puzzle Game] lit up on the stone sculptures on the side of the fountain.

He reached out and pulled, and the ancient wooden mechanism creaked, opening an entrance to the underground waterway in front of the two of them.

"Let's go down."

"Remember to make as little noise as possible. Yura Mansor can determine the location of the prey based on the sound."

Lindsay gave an order and took the lead to jump into the waterway.

The garden's tree lighting system also works here, so there is no oppressive darkness in a normal sewer, but instead it looks like an unvisited mountain tunnel.

The route is winding and winding.

Lindsay had to spend a lot of energy and expand the scope of the map before he could identify a road close to the center of the huge and complex maze.

The two of them walked forward, one behind the other, suppressing the sound of footsteps.

The soft soles of [Grey Fur Rabbit Shoes] barely make any sound when stepped on the wooden floor.

Another half hour passed, and Kaji, the perceiver, came into play again.

He stopped and called to Lindsay.

First he pointed to the top of his head:

"Master Diavolo, I can feel some rustling sounds above, much like the sound of plants rubbing against each other. We are in the right place."

Then he pointed forward again:

"But there seems to be footsteps across from us, coming this way?"

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