My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Puberty and Rebellion

[Abhi Sharma's POV]

"Students we have a new student joining our 5th grade. Kindly, be nice to her"

Woww...what a pretty girl, I wonder what her name is. She's clearly different from all these other girls here in this class. Hmm? she's fidgeting, is she the shy type? oh god, how cute.

"H-hello....M-my name .....Me-mehak J-Jansha..."

huh? Jansha? isn't that the name of this's school's owner? is she....




"Hey, Abhi! That new girl was like super duper cute. What do you think?"

Here he comes, barging into my room like he owns the place. Mother and father are out working during the afternoon, so I invited him for hanging out in the past, but now it has become like a hobby of his to gather at my place after school.

Not that I mind though, it gets pretty lonely with Mother, Father out working. But what I don't like is him barging in when I'm playing games.

The one who asked about the new girl is my best friend Jiten Naidu. As for the new girl they are talking about

"Yeah, I guess she's ok"

"Oh c'mon now! I saw you staring at her all day during school!"

"h-huh!! N-nO I DIDN'T!!" shit, I didn't even notice.

"Hehe, but it's better to stay away from her"

"Sure, so that you can impress her. Won't let you do that even if you are my friend"

"Hooh! So, you do admit that you like her!! What is it!? Love at first sight, heh? heh? heh?"

"Shut it! You are annoying!" shit, my heart shouldn't beat like this. Calm down me, Calm down. I have never felt my heart race this fast!

"Not honest are you. Well, anyways! Like I was saying she's the daughter of Real Jansha Family. The family that owns this school and many other real estates. She's waaaaaaaaaaayyy out of our league"


So it is true then, haaahhh, there goes my first lov....NO! it isn't like that!!




It's been a year since Mehak came to this school. We have moved up one grade and are now in 6th standard and I didn't think it was possible, but those cliched movie things happened to me.

Mehak's seat is allotted right in front of me!!

Oh god!! thank you! thank you!! I swear I will study hard from now on and give you chocolate every weekend as an offering. Relax, now! talk to her, C'mon you can do this!

If it was possible for that poor hero to get the rich heroine in the movie, then it's also possible for me. I just need to work on it. But I wonder why? Mehak looks kinda sad or lonely these days. She has friends at school, so I wonder what's the problem. Shit! don't stary your mind! focus! focus!

"U-m-Um...H-helloooo!" oh no! that's was a crap intro. I want to hide away from the world!


ahhhhhh.....she answered....




Hmm...she hasn't talked to any other boy at school, but she talked to me. She also allowed me to shake her hands, she also smiled at me...YUP!! There's no doubt, she also likes me!. Otherwise, why would she do all these things to me only? It has gotta be because she sees something in me. I really am like the hero of that film.

"Yoho! what are you doing!!?"

"!!" shit!! he again came unexpectedly!! Quickly close the window!!

"Hoooohhh, Signs that ..a girl is!!!! what are you surfing, man, hahaha"

fuck, better keep the door closed from now on




*gulp* huuuuu...haaaaaa, these Asian women are something else.

The door is closed, right? ... yes, it is. Can safely continue.

Damn...these are some huge boobs.

Oh! she's sucking off that penis in this one. Oh wow, this looks...good. She's holding it with all five fingers, does that bring more good feeling?


Th-then I should try holding it with five fingers too, instead of three.

There we go......AH! shit! so warm around my fingers.

haaahhh....haaaaaa......ffffffffmmmmmm......huuu....yes! yes! s.s..s...s.SSSSS.  jUST like that Meha—!!!!!


NO!NO!NO! I didn't! I DIDN'T! I DIDN'T!!


holy shit! this fapping business is dangerous.

....but, it's just, it's al-alright....isn't it..




Another year passed. We are in 7th grade now. I think I have become good friends with Mehak, or so I would like to think. I still haven't said that I like her, there's this guilt in my heart.

The guilt of having dirty thoughts about Mehak. I know, I know that I shouldn't think of her like that..b-but, every time I start masturbating, Mehak's image immediately comes into my mind. Think of her doing all those dirty things they show in those porn movies, I just get so strange about that. Once it starts, I just can't stop even though I know not to have these thoughts. I think it's called Guilty Pleasure....haahhh, growing up is a pain in the ass.

My Fapping is also becoming quite a problem, I already do it twice or thrice a week. Am I strange for doing it so often?

I should search for that online when home.

As for Mehak, she now appears even more lonely. I wish I could ask about the problem, but I can't even look into her eyes without thinking something lewd about her. I need to pull myself together, this may be the best chance I can get to impress her if I solve the problem




School's renovation is going on, so they declared holidays for us this whole week. This may be the perfect chance to get myself together.

Jiten has already left for his home, so I can be alone till evening when Mother comes back. Father will come back near 8:00 PM.

Hmm, let's see. Turn on the Wi-Fi...there we go.

How much Masturbation is considered normal, I should see that first.


HUH!! the fuck! it seems like I'm not strange, apparently doing it 2-3 times every day is considered bad. Shit, then I'm good, I'm completely normal for doing it just 2-3 times a week.

what? what's this...Masturbation is healthy for your body?  WOW! what's this.


So, it gets the blood flowing and releases stress. So, I should do it more then, but not in overdose it seems like. Shit! is it the same for the girls? Do they also masturbate normally like us? I mean they do in sex videos but that's not normal everyday life...I wonder if Mehak is also right now...

Oh god! it happened again...Why am I like this? ...but wait a minute. What if it's normal to have thoughts like this about someone you love? I was blaming myself for masturbation...but it's completely normal. Huh, more research required.


Apparently, it's completely normal to have dirty thoughts about someone you love. According to xPuberty_69 on leddit, he knows a bunch of boys who also have these thoughts, it's just puberty he says and will go away with age, there's no need to feel ashamed about them. I wonder what that 69 in his name means or is it just a random number.




It's the last day of the holiday, tomorrow School starts again. Mother is downstairs preparing lunch, Father is also there helping her. They would call me when it's over, I also could have helped them make lunch but I have something much more important to do. 

Jiten just sent me a link to GOLD!!

It's a link to the website with full-length Porn Videos for free. Holy fuck! finally, I can watch the whole thing and for free even, was getting a little tired of those 10 minute short videos. They are also good, but those fuckers just cut it when the really good part starts, they just show a little of it and then cut to the next part.

Wowwwww...this is a huge library

"Abhi Dear!! Come, downstairs, lunch's ready. It's your favourite, Spring rolls"

huh?! fuck yes!!

"FINE!! Coming, wait for a second!! don't start without me!!!!"

"OK!! come quickly then!"

shit! first, bookmark this page...there we go and then..close the computer.





Today's I'm finally going to tell Mehak that I like her, then like a hero solve her problem. I no longer have any kind of guilt inside me, it should be easy peasy!

I wonder why she's late today. Usually, she comes to school quite early.

Oh! there she comes!

"Hel—" huh?......that lonely look is gone from her face.......I-is her problem solved?.....Ww-who got ahead of me!!!

"What happened Mehak? You are very happy today" yes! where's that sad face?! Btw, it was her friend that asked this, not me.

"Oh! Nothing. Father adopted a cute little sister for me!! Her name's Mayuri, and she's sooooooooooo NICE and CUTE!!"


"Wow! Mehak, Congratulations! Let us meet her too"

"No, No, No, I'm keeping her all to myself!"

"Hehhhhhhhh? don't be so stingy, you are already being an overprotective older sister"

"I'm joking, just joking. I will ask her when she's comfortable"




I couldn't tell Mehak that I like her. I mean I do know that she also likes me back. It's just impossible for her to not like me back, I mean I'm the only boy she talks to in school.

But I don't want to confess like this, I wanted to be cool. The hero saves the heroine from her problem and then confesses his love, that just sounds so much cooler and awesome...but the problem is now gone which I don't even have any clew about.

Hahhh, I'm such a failure. I guess I will wait for a better chance then, I'm a hero, so it would come soon




Oh god! this video is soo good. The way she sucks off that dick and holy shit she swallowed all that dick inside her pussy. How does that even fit inside there?

These full-length videos are something else, they are so much more erotic.

*gulp* damn, this man's pistoning faster than a bullet train.

haaaaaa....huuuuuu......seing them in such intense sex...fuuuuuu....Ahhh, Mehak.....

Yes, right there Mehak. just like that, suck on it slower.....ohhhh, you are soo good Mehak.

*Squelch* *Squelch!* *Squelch!!* *SQUELCHH!!!!* fuck! you are an expert at this Mehak. I love you, I love you...yes! yes! swallow it all inside...

haaaahhhh......haaaaaaaa..nnnnnnnn....MMM!mmmmnnnnn! hhhhhhuuuuu....

shit! shit! it's there Mehak! It's coming!! Faster!! faster!!  FATSER!! FATSR!! SER!!

It's coming, it's coming, Mehak!! don't take it out of your mouth!!




Fuck, that was a good fap. There's still this guilt inside me but it's completely normal, it's just puberty. It will go away with age.




I'm tired, I can't listen to her talks anymore...all she talks about is Mayuri this, Mayuri that, Mayuri did this, Mayuri's so cute........FUCK!! can't she talk about something other than Mayuri? Fucking dumb bitch getting happy over a shit little sister.

I'm just getting so pissed, her non-stop talk about that fucking little sister doesn't leave me with any chance to confess to her.

She comes to school when the first period is almost starting, making me unable to confess during the morning.

During lunch, she goes straight to her phone and starts messaging, guess who!! that little sister, Mayuri was her name, was it? again, not giving a chance for confession. I can only talk to her during classes now, and that's no place to confess in front of teachers.

Finally, the school gets over. Most of the time she immediately goes back home to hang out with that little piece of shit and when she doesn't, she just seems so spaced out that I cannot even approach her in that grim aura around here.

I don't want to do it via phone messaging, that's just lame.

Shit! that Mayuri!! barging in out of nowhere like this and ruining everything. How much longer do I have to just satisfy myself with imagination?

Oh god! please, help me.




This can't be real, apparently, that little sister Mayuri also joined this school today. Now there's not even a slim chance that I will an opportunity to confess.

I have to look and she who she is, that Mehak just talks about her all-day.


hmm? so that's Mayuri. Looks nothing special, just your average girl, why is my Mehak so obsessed with this run of the mill girl.

huh? she's looking at me....

Wh-what's this.....why am I getting shivers in my body. That innocent-looking face....why does it seem

w-W-WHY is she smiling at me.....

huh? why is there a knife in her hand?

huh? where did that knife go?

huh? what's this blood?

my stomach...

"Hahaha, NIce to meet you, Mr Abhi. My Name's Mayuri, hope this doesn't hurt"





"Abhi! Abhi! what happened!! it's alright honey, it's alright!!"


"Calm down, honey. Calm down, you just had a bad dream. It's alright, we are here with you. No witch is gonna hurt you."



I see....that was all a dream. I thought I was over it.....but those sisters still haunt me in my dreams...

The horrible torture they put me through... for having wrong feelings of love.

I deserved it though, I was lost in lust back then.

B--but....I also want this nightmare to be over...I can't take it anymore... they have got another one of me called Jyoti on their side....but they treat her way nicer than me....why? why!!!!

Why do I have to suffer like, every day, for just going through Puberty like a normal boy?

It was never my fault, I just did what was normal.

I swear I will make them pay for it

'ohhh...can you though? An excuse for a man going to make me pay?'

huh? stop it! stop! get out of my head you stupid bitch!!

I swear!! I swear!! I will!!!!

Remember this guy? The first torture victim?

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