My brother is an Idol

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Hyunsuk showed Hyoyoung’s parents the articles that were released that morning.

He sighed as he read the titles again.

-Purple M’s lover is his sister?

-Purple M and Black M both have the same sister!

-Breaking News! The girl who suddenly gained two brothers.

Hyoyoung’s father became pale as he read the articles. Hyunsuk explained, “When we first saw these, we were shocked too.”

He continued explaining calmly. The first article was released around 3 AM that morning. 10 hours before that, the reporter Byungjun Lee heard the story from Jaehoon Shim as they sat at the expensive Japanese restaurant.

When President Shim ordered the most expensive dish in the restaurant, which cost a third of Byungjun’s monthly salary, the reporter became suspicious. He turned on the voice recorder, wondering if he was being fooled by Jaehoon, but after the meal arrived President Shim finally revealed the story he promised.

“The girl Purple M fell for, she used to be his sister. An adopted sister.”

Byungjun Lee froze as President Shim continued, “So it means that he fell for his adopted sister, who was un-adopted at a young age. He has been in love with her all this time.”

“Are you sure? Is this really true?”

Byungjun slid the recorder closer to President Shim, who answered, “I heard it directly from Purple M’s mother, so I can’t imagine a better and more accurate source than that.”

“His own mother… Wow, that alone is huge news.”

“So do you think it was worth your time to see me?”

“Absolutely! I will order the best drink here, so let’s continue.”

“It’s a crazy story, isn’t it?”

“Yes, which is why it’s perfect. The public loves a good scandal; the crazier, the better.”

They talked for two hours, and a few more hours later, the article was released. It was very early in the morning, but it still spread like wildfire.

Hyoyoung’s parents were both in Japan for business, and when Hyojun called them early in the morning, they immediately flew back to Korea.

Meanwhile, President Shim returned drunk to Myunghee’s place. He fell asleep immediately and Myunghee watched him nervously.

The public had a field day with the article. Many criticized Kiwook’s mother for abandoning an adopted child. If she didn’t think she could take care of a child, she should’ve never adopted her. Some cheered for Kiwook’s side because they believed his love was genuine and heartfelt, but most called him a stalker and a creep. After all, she used to be his sister, so how could he see her as a woman?

But of all the figures involved in this scandal, the public was most interested in Hyoyoung.

The story was very vague about whether or not Hyoyoung really dated Kiwook. Many people saw her as an unfortunate victim who was thrown into a strange situation, while some were very harsh in judging her.

Many girls were jealous of her for having an idol as her brother and dating another member of the most popular idol group. They called Hyoyoung names and their words online were ugly and hurtful.

Hyoyoung was on her phone in the passenger seat as Hyojun drove to their grandmother’s place in Chungnam province. Hyojun glanced at her, and noticing she looked sad, he took away her cell phone and threw it in the back. He said to her, “Don’t read those comments about you.”

“I wasn’t…”



“Did… did he contact you?”

“… no.”


“Stop calling him names.”

“Are you still on his side?”

“I’m not on anyone’s side.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“All I’m saying is that I can’t decide how I feel about him because I haven’t heard anything from him yet.”


“He hasn’t said anything to me yet. Why he is sorry…. Why did this happen… Why he left like the way he did…”

“And you can’t figure it out on your own without him spelling it out for you?”

“Yup. I’m a simple girl, so I only believe what I see and hear with my own eyes and ears. Until I know for certain, I will not badmouth anyone. I won’t hate anyone.”

“What a naïve girl you are. Are you serious?”

“Whatever. I don’t care what you think of me. All I want is…”

“… fine, fine. I won’t call him names.”

“By the way, does grandma and grandpa know we are coming?”

“They aren’t home yet. They are traveling right now.”


“They went to Thailand with their friends for a week.”

“Then what do we do?”

“What else? The house is empty, so we just go and stay there. Grandma told me where she keeps her spare key.”

“Hahaha, you mean behind one of the bricks? Second to the left, third down, then four to the right… Am I remembering it right?”

“Wow! You still remember that?”

“Why wouldn’t I? That time when we visited and grandma wasn’t home yet… We looked for that key for hours, checking every brick on the wall. It was such a hot summer day!”

“I remember. Oh my god, just thinking about that day makes me sweat.”

“I know! I needed to pee so badly, but we couldn’t figure out which brick it was. You kept murmuring the numbers and pushing on all the bricks…”

“I don’t think it took us hours… If I remember correctly, I think it was only about 30 to 40 minutes.”

“Well, maybe it was, but I was so young, and it was so hot… To me, it felt like it took us 30 to 40 days to find the key.”

“Well, one good thing is that from then on, we made sure we studied math really hard.”

“Yeah, I realized how important numbers could be.”

Hyoyoung and Hyojun continued to talk about their childhood memories. There were many funny episodes, while some incidences were scary because they got hurt. They also shared some secrets; there were times when they got in trouble and they decided not to tell their parents.

As they talked, they laughed loudly.

Hyojun asked Hyoyoung, “Remember when I wanted to cook a steak using only sunlight? I got all the mirrors and pots from our neighbor!”

Hyoyoung nodded but couldn’t say a word because she was laughing so hard. Tears rolled down from her eyes from laughing, so Hyojun handed her a tissue and continued, “Now that I think about it, we got into a lot of trouble when we were young, didn’t we?”

“What do you mean, ‘we?’ It was YOU! Remember who you stole the neighbor’s watermelon, and also drowned a melon field?”

“Oh, the melon field! But that wasn’t just me! You were the one who said you wanted to swim with melons floating all around you.”

“I know, so…”


“Even then, you let me do anything and everything I wanted. You always made things happen for me.”


“Oppa, you have always been that person. When I think about it, I get it now.”

“What are you saying?”

“I have always known this, but now that I remember our childhood…”

“Just spit it out, Hyoyoung. I don’t understand what you are saying.”

“Oppa… having you as my older brother… makes me really happy. You know that, right?”

“What? Are you sick or something? Why the sudden affection?”

“Even when we ruined an entire melon field… Even when I am in trouble… Even when my whole class hates me… And… even when I realized that I was adopted and my parents weren’t my biological parents. The only reason I was able to be okay was because of you, oppa. It wasn’t because I’m strong. It was because I had you, an older brother who did everything I asked and took care of me when I was in trouble. You protected me.”

“Hey, Hyoyoung…”

“You are that person for me. Even if I make mistakes… you are someone who will always be there for me.”


“Thank you for being my older brother.”


“So please, always be my older brother, okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I always be your brother?”

“So you will? You will always be my oppa?”

“… yeah.”

“You promise?”

“Yes. Your oppa you can always depend on… I will always be there for you, so don’t worry about something stupid like that.”


“You’re laughing weirdly.”

“It’s because I’m happy.”

“We still have another hour on the road, so why don’t you take a nap?”

“But you are driving, so maybe I should keep you company.”

“You are just distracting me from driving. Just sleep.”

“…fine, fine. You can be such a jerk sometimes! I’m going to sleep!”

Hyoyoung glared at him mockingly and leaned back. She must’ve been tired because within a few minutes she had fallen asleep, snoring lightly.

Hyojun pulled her chair back and loosened her belt a little so Hyoyoung could sleep more comfortably. Afterward, he continued to drive in silence.

Thinking back on what Hyoyoung said just now, Hyojun felt confused and unhappy.

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