My brother is an Idol

Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Chapter 71
Chapter 71

The next morning, bright sunshine woke Hyoyoung up. She looked up at the ceiling and remained on the bed.

‘What… happened last night?’

As she started to remember, she started to turn red.

‘OMG. How am I going to face Oppa…?’

She covered her face with the blanket and groaned. Just then, Kiwook burst into the room.

“What are you doing? If you are up, come out, I got our breakfast delivered.”

Hyoyoung sat up quickly. “Breakfast…?”

At the same time, her stomach growled loudly. Kiwook looked at her adoringly. He walked up towards her and lifted her up.

He carried her out to the dining room as he explained, “The owner lady brought us freshly baked scones and cookies. She also got us some fruit and salad. They look delicious, let’s dig in!”

Hyoyoung held onto Kiwook and shyly kissed his cheek. She whispered, “Good morning.”

He turned to kiss her cheek as well and returned the greeting, “You too.”

Kiwook sat her down at the table and got her a plateful of food. He also brought her a cup of tea and a cup of coffee, so she could choose.

Hyoyoung exclaimed, “Wow! What great service this place has! It’s like we are at a hotel or something. A really fancy hotel.”

While she looked excited and happy, Kiwook looked grim.

‘When Hyoyoung finds out that Hyojun knows about us… she is going to be so shocked…’

As he watched her eat, Kiwook remembered the call he had with Hyojun early this morning.

It was 4 AM and Hyoyoung was still sound asleep. After a long hesitation, Kiwook took out his phone and called Hyojun.

The first thing Hyojun said to Kiwook on the phone was in anger, “I’m going to kill you!”

It was obvious Hyojun was furious. He continued, “I swear, Kiwook Noh. I will kill you.”


“Do you know what you have done?”

“Hyojun, listen to me.”

“I don’t care about The M. I don’t care about anything. It’s over.”

“But you got it wrong. Nothing happened…”

“Shut up. It doesn’t matter if something happened or nothing happened. I will kill you no matter what.”


“How dare you… with my Hyoyoung…”

“She is not yours.”


“Hyoyoung isn’t yours. She doesn’t belong to anyone. She isn’t a possession.”

“Is that all you can say right now?”

“Yes. That is what I wanted to tell you for a long time.”


“Hyoyoung isn’t something we can fight over. She isn’t a thing. Hyoyoung isn’t mine or yours.”


“That’s why I-I didn’t treat her like she was mine. Please believe me, Hyojun.”


“I just wanted to see Hyoyoung as herself. A beautiful girl.”


“I just wanted to give her the gift of wonderful, carefree time. Looking out the ocean, gazing at the stars, laughing and eating together. Just a nice enjoyable trip. That’s why I brought her here.”

“Why should YOU give her that gift? Who do you think you are?!”

“To her, I’m probably not as trustworthy as a family member, but… because I’m not her family, Hyoyoung can feel more comfortable showing her weaknesses and insecurities… her problems and worries.”

“You bastard.”

“You know this very well, Hyojun. Sometimes, you just can’t show your weakness to your family. All I wanted for Hyoyoung was to have at least one day of stress-free time.”

“… Where are you?”

“… I will see you soon. Please don’t get angry at Hyoyoung. I only called you to tell you that I was the one who planned everything. We will be back home this afternoon.”


“I’m hanging up now.”

Kiwook calmly hung up and he didn’t get any more calls from Hyojun.

Hyoyoung was still fast asleep. She was rolled up like a baby and smiling faintly as if she was having a nice dream.


Kiwook whispered her name and kissed her forehead, nose, both eyes, cheeks, and ears, and neck. Afterward, he murmured, “I hope we will forever be linked together from now on, Hyoyoung.”

He then pulled her close into a tight hug.

“Or maybe… time will stop.”

Hyoyoung was still deep in sleep, but she burrowed into his embrace.

After finishing her breakfast, Hyoyoung said with a smile, “That was so delicious! I am really full now.”

She felt happy, so she started to hum. Kiwook said to her, “You must be in a good mood.”

“Of course. A full stomach can do that.”

“Really? Well, I think we should start getting ready to leave. We have a one o’clock flight, so we can leave soon and eat a small snack before getting on the plane.”

“Oh… so our trip is almost over. How sad…”

When Hyoyoung frowned disappointedly, Kiwook came to her and gave her a hug.

“Why are you sad? Is it because you won’t be able to see the ocean anymore?”

Hyoyoung grinned teasingly and replied, “Not that.”

“Then… because you won’t get to eat any more delicious Jeju food?”

“Not that either.”

“You’ll miss the mountains and the clean air…?”


“Hmm… you’ll miss this pretty house?”

“Wrong again.”

“Is it because you and I…”


“… won’t get to spend much more time together…”

“Very close.”

“… and won’t be able to kiss and, you know… as much since we will be surrounded by other people?”

Hyoyoung nodded shyly as she hugged him tight and Kiwook lowered his face to kiss her.

It was the deepest kiss Hyoyoung had ever had. Her legs felt weak and she was afraid she was going to fall. Kiwook held her tighter and continued.

After a long passionate kiss, Kiwook whispered, “I couldn’t help myself, Hyoyoung.”


She was still speechless and could only nod. Then suddenly, Kiwook turned serious.

“Hyoyoung… I have something I need to tell you.”

“W-what is it?”

“You will be shocked to hear it, but I hope you don’t get too upset.”

“Omg, what is it? I’m panicking now.”

“I will take care of everything. All you have to do is to trust me.”

“Just tell me!”

“Hyojun knows…”

“What…? What does he…?”

“The fact that we came here together.”

Hyoyoung collapsed to the floor after hearing Kiwook’s words. Her mind became blank. She couldn’t think clearly.


“Wait a minute. Who knows what?”

“Hyojun knows that we came here together.”

After a long silence, she finally returned to her senses. And when she did, she screamed, “HOW?!!!”

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