My beast Emperor System

Chapter 65: Lightborn Family

"I apologize but I may not be able to get rid of this monster quickly… after all, it is a general level magic beast… it should be slightly difficult to defeat" the youth called William said calmly. His words weren't lead by fear or doubt, but he was just stating a well-known fact confidently.

While conjuring a golden sword that is roughly about two meters tall, his sky blue eyes followed the movements of the nightmare. He could tell that the darkness gathering above them was getting thicker and for some reason, the glow of their golden sphere barrier was slowly dimming.

"We do have to get rid of this soon" William nodded in agreement before turning his attention to his siblings.

"I lead the attack, Alice, You support and Kyle is in charge I'd our defense... Is that okay?" William asked with a sweet smile and the other two nodded in response.

"Purge! Balmung!" William cried.

Instantly the golden barrier around them fell and the darkness, alongside the nightmare surged forward but the golden sword let out a loud shriek, following a bright golden light that forced the nightmare to retreat once again.


The golden sword shot forward like an arrow but as a magical beast with great mobility, the nightmare promptly drifted to the side to evade only to hit an invisible seal.


"God descent seal, activate!" Alice said calmly as a golden seal appeared where the nightmare stop, following it were several other seals at several hidden locations around, activating!


Instantly, numerous golden lights shot out of these seals, all aimed at the nightmare.


Letting out a growl the nightmare whose figure is hidden within the cluster of dark mist released a powerful wave of purple aura which blocked all the golden rays.

"Force element?" Alice asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The Black Hush, The Black Devil and Finally the nightmare… it gains control over the force element at its soldier level… its only natural it can use it at general level… I keep asking you to take time and research on magic beasts… knowing the strengths and weakness of an enemy will always give you an edge in battle" Kyle said with a blank expression on his face but his voice revealed his annoyance. Alice on the other hand snorted in response while rolling her eyes.

"All that matters is absolute strength!" Williams roared as he grabbed the empty air and pulled back!


Suddenly the golden blade which the nightmare dodged pierced through the cluster of darkness and returned to Williams's side.

"It's not yet over!" William roared as he threw his hands forward and the hold sword shot towards the nightmare again.


This time the magic beast had no intentions of dodging, instead, it let out a roar which was accompanied by its force magic, deflecting the golden sword and giving the magic beast enough time to close in.

"Want to get close? You are a Joke!" Kyle growled as he clasped his hands together and a golden star pattern appeared beneath his feet.

"Tire two light magic; Guardian!" He screamed as a pair of massive golden wings appeared behind the trio.


Just before it could hit them, the trio was already covered by the golden wings, causing the nightmare to crash into the golden wings and let out a painful screech while it retreated. 

"You are not getting away!" William growled as he grabbed the empty air once again and pulled back, but the golden sword successfully hit the nightmare!

Piercing deep into its body, Williams roared while forcefully pulling his hands down and watching the golden blade drag the general level ground.


Hitting the ground the general level nightmare let out a painful screech and struggled fiercely in a bid to break free from the golden sword but raising its head the magic beasts soon realized that it was surrounded by the three humans.

"We the lightborn family has dedicated our lives to purging evil beings such as yourself… You won't be the first, neither will you be the last!" William's eyes let out a golden glow as a star pattern appeared beneath his feet.


Following a strong wind, the magic beast soon realized that it wasn't only Williams that was planning to attack. Alice and Kyle were also casting the same spell!


All three youths screamed as their body released a bright golden light that quickly consumed the nightmare, leaving behind the endless painful screech and cries.



Lucien had finally reached the hilltop only to see what looked like a golden light glob and within it, painful screams and cries could be heard. Deciding not to act rashly, Lucien was able to tell that this was the cry of a magic beast and not a human. 

"This should be a tier two spell!" Lucien muttered in shock as he guessed through the intense mana flowing into the spell.

He found it hard to believe that there are students who are able to learn tier two spells without the help of the system, in a short time as well! Doesn't it mean that these people have more talent? Doesn't that mean I would have been inferior to them without the help of the system?

[Affirmatve!] The system agreed to his suspicion!

"Bastard, I didn't ask you!" Lucien hissed 


Suddenly the painful cry turned into a vicious roar and a powerful force aura exploded, throwing all three youths flying meters back in different directions.

With its shadow cloak removed the true figure of the nightmare could be seen. This magic beast looked hideous, making Lucien wonder how a cute cat-like Black hush evolves into something so disgusting. The magic beast was at least two meters tall with extremely long limbs that gave it a weird look. It was lanky, with the face of an ugly cat and extremely long limbs, allowing its hands to drag on the floor without it crouching!


The nightmare had no intentions of letting this opportunity slide. It quickly shot towards Kyle, who is considered the main threat in the group because of his defensive spells, preventing it from reaching them!



Alice and William saw the lightning-fast nightmare reach their youth in mere seconds, but to their greatest surprise, someone else could follow its extremely fast movements.


The nightmare threw its darkness-enhanced claws at Kyle but before it could reach, a youth, with flowing silver hair was already standing in front of Kyle with his hands covered in blazing darkness aura.


Lucien's aura exploded, revealing a strength comparable to that of general magic beasts. His hands shot forward colliding with that of the general level nightmare, releasing a mild shockwave that forced both sides to retreat by a few steps!

"He stopped it, with an attack of his own?" William's blinked twice in shock while gazing at Lucien.

"Is he even human?" Alice was shocked as well as she gazed at the extremely handsome youth with strange black tattoos who should be her age.


"Haya-ken; first form, Lightning fists!" Lucien growled as he lunged forward.

His fists that were already covered in fire and darkness aura was soon shrouded in lightning as well! He dashed towards the magic beast, releasing a flurry of blows but to his greatest surprise the magic the Nightmare could keep up with his attacks and proceeded to block each and every single attack thrown at it.




"How can they move so fast!" Alice watched the exchange in disbelief! She never thought someone her age would be able to face an incredibly fast magic beast head like the nightmare and still not enter a disadvantaged situation!

"How many elements can this guy use? Lightning, fire, darkness? He's a monster!" William complained as he watched the incredible display of speed and strength! He couldn't even see the hands of the two combatants!

'I can't get close!' Lucien muttered in his mind as he silently cursed the nightmare for having unusually long arms.

"IF THAT'S THE CASE, I WILL JUST HAVE TO OVERPOWER YOU!" Lucien's eyes suddenly let out a silver glow as he growled.

"Wind magic: Wind burst!" Lucien growled as a ball of wind formed in between him and the nightmare, exploding and sending the magic beast flying back!

"It's not yet over!" Lucien growled viciously as his eyes turned orange and the faint image of the hell hound appeared behind him!

[Fire ball skill used!]

Lucien took in a deep breath as his chest let out a bright orange light. Everyone watched his neck expand like that of a magical beast as the orange light reached his neck and the next moment he was seen spitting out a massive ball of orange flames!


Yet to stabilize itself, the nightmare had no other choice but to use its force wave to block the fire attack but then Lucien was nowhere to be seen!


Depending on its sharp senses, the nightmare looked up only to see Lucien spinning recklessly while descending. Soon Lucien's body was consumed by bright red flames, so bright that it looked like a massive sun was about to crash down on it!

[Blazing flame wheel skill activated]…

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