Mushoku Tensei (WN)

Book 21: Chapter 4: Meeting with the Pope, and…

Part 1

"I will store your luggage."

Before entering, we were searched.

I guess they were looking for weapons to confiscate.

From my favorite knife, to my scrolls, I had to leave everything behind.

However, my armor itself wasn't considered a weapon, so I didn't have to undress.

Cliff didn't say anything, probably because he trusts me.

In good faith, I also deposited my left gauntlet with the mana absorbing stone and my right gauntlet equipped with the shotgun.

The center of the building was like a labyrinth.

There weren't any straight passageways, every passage was curved.

Moreover, because the passages are all painted white, it's hard to discern what's ahead.

Naturally, this is the heart of the Milis religious community.

Just like a fortress, it was probably designed to withstand enemy attacks.

Following Cliff's swift pace, we quickly arrived at the Pope's office.

The office was guarded by two knights and protected by a barrier.

"I'll tell you now, you won't be able to use magic past this barrier."


The barrier must be at least saint or king ranked.

I wonder if these knights can match saint or king ranked skills.

I'm not sure, they might just be here to buy time in the event of a battle.

"Your eminence, greetings."

Cliff's grandfather Harry Grimoire, on the other side of the transparent barrier.

He looked like the good-natured old man I imagined from the letter.

He had a long white beard, and wore bishop-like robes with gold embroidery.

"Yes, thank you."

His voice was powerful like Sauros, but not sharp like Reida.

He had the aura of an exceptional person.

But, he seemed to be conscientious of his own power.

I see, so this is the Pope, I understand, something…

It wasn't his aura, it was his hat.

Just kidding.

"Allow me to introduce Rudeus Greyrat.

We studied together at the Ranoa magic university, he was my kouhai.

His talent for magic surpasses my own, he is an extremely skilled person.

Because of our longstanding association, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce him to your eminence."

As Cliff made my introductions, the Pope slowly nodded with a gentle expression.

I should probably handle any further explanations.

Cliff introduced me as a friend, the rest is up to me.

We discussed this last night.

"I see, so…

Rudeus-dono, for what reason have you come to me?

Permissions for your mercenary company?

Or, is it for permission to sell your Supard race dolls?

Or perhaps for counsel on behalf of Dragon God Orsted?"

It's different.

Cliff, well it's already too late.

My purpose, the reason I came to this country…

It's fine, it would have come up sooner or later.

Well, it would have been better to end this without an outright explanation.


Cliff was looking between us with a surprised face.

"As one would expect from someone called the Dragon God's right arm.

Without even shifting an eyebrow… So it's like this Cliff?"

I was too slow to notice.

The Pope concluded his misunderstanding in an instant.

"I'm sorry, but I investigated a bit in advance."

He started to read a document with a smile.

"Rudeus Greyrat.

Of the distinguished Notus Greyrat family.

Son of Paul Greyrat, disciple of Sword King Ghyslaine Dedorudia.

After being involved in the Metastasis Event, returned on his own after three years.

Attended the magic university, became acquaintances with Princess Ariel.

Several years later, fought Dragon God Orsted and lost, then joined his camp.

Behind the scenes in Asura Kingdom, orchestrated the defeat of Water God Reida and North Emperor Auber.

Propelled current king Ariel Anemoi Asura to her current position.

Then, while organizing his own private army in various places, appealed for various influential people to cooperate with Dragon God Orsted…

Have I missed anything?"

That was pretty thorough.

But, that wasn't exactly private information.

You could get that sort of information by just asking around.

The person before my eyes is obviously trying to discern what kind of person I am,

It's essential that I'm forthright.

It's not surprising.

There are mistakes.

"There are three mistakes.

From the Demon continent, I did not return on my own.

I borrowed the power of a warrior from the Supard race, Ruijerd.

Furthermore I did not defeat the Water God Reida or Auber alone, Sword King Ghyslaine and Sword King Eris aided me.

And, most importantly, I am the disciple of water king-ranked Roxy Migurdia."

"Hou, this is an honest one."

The Pope nodded with a [Fumufumu], and jotted something down on the paper in his hand.

I don't know what you're writing, but at the very least add that I'm Roxy's disciple.

"So when it comes to your reason for selling the Supard race dolls, it's to repay that debt?

It's not a scheme to overthrow the government by increasing the literacy rate?"



Even if the literacy rate rose, why would the government be overthrown…

I guess that's the same theory as a cooper putting holes in his barrels, so he can repair them later for a profit.

"Then, appealing for cooperation with Orsted-sama, is there a reason?"

"Around 80 years from now, the Demon God Laplace will be revived, it is to ready the world for that time."

Even at that, the Pope didn't change his expression in the slightest.

He just nodded in consent.

"I see. So, by using Cliff as a connection, you have come to request my cooperation. In other words you want me to join the Dragon God's camp, is that it…"

"No, it's different."

Somehow, talking with this Ojiichan, I already feel like I'm in negotiation mode.

Well that's fine.

Negotiations are necessary.

I guess I'll start.

"I am here to support my ally, Cliff."

"Hou. Supporting Cliff from behind, is that it?"

"No… certainly that was my intent at first, but Cliff said [I want to see how far I can climb with my own power.]

At least, until he is known as Cliff-dono here, I will not be participating."

The Pope's lips curled into a smile as I said that.

He had the face of a grandpa whose grandchild scored 100 on a test.

"Is that so, Cliff said such a thing…"

"Yes. So, today, Rudeus is here as a subordinate of the Dragon God."

He said it honestly.

The other side seems to be studying us.

We may have glazed over some information, but our responses were generally correct.

Well, he might think differently, I don't know yet.

We haven't told any lies.

An honest person may be a fool, but people don't hate honesty.

"I have two requests, your backing for my mercenary company, and permission to sell the Supard dolls."

As for the matter of the Latreia house, I'll leave that aside for the time being.

That's a personal matter, I'll show restraint, it should be possible to form a connection.


The Pope watched me with a soft smile,

I guess that's his poker face.

Even if he's laughing, his expression won't change.

"I don't think the relationships between people are something easily broken."

The Pope said that as if stating a fact.

Perhaps that's a warning.

I don't plan to abandon Cliff.

I don't think Cliff would abandon me either.

"So, in deference to your ties with Cliff… I will support your mercenary company."

He said that readily.

I expected some kind of quid-pro-quo, but I guess not.

This is probably out of consideration for my friendship with Cliff.

At any rate if Cliff plays his part, it will bring great benefits to the Pope's faction.

For the Pope, this might be a downpayment.

"However, permission for the Supard dolls is difficult."


"I am in the pro-demon race faction, and the pope.

However, recently the anti-demon race faction has grown powerful within the church.

In the present situation, I do not have enough clout to permit the sale of the Supard dolls as an arbitrary decision.

The next pope, surely, will be selected from the anti-demon race faction… or?

The Pope said so, while watching me.

I wonder if he's trying to imply I should say something like [Then I will crush the anti-faction forthwith!]

I wonder.

I could move easily as the Pope's subordinate.

I've already cut ties with the Latreia house, and with the current flow they'll probably be openly hostile towards me.

If that's the case, it would be unfortunate if I had to crush Therese along with the rest of the anti-demon race faction.

But, that would probably count as helping Cliff.

It's a little ambiguous.

If Cliff were to take over as Pope, they would be his opponent.

I guess I'd be clearing his path if I crushed them.

No, in the first place, if I even cooperate with the religious organization, it's because of Cliff.

I wonder if that's OK.


"… For the time being, I take it that I have your support regarding my mercenary company?"


"Then, for today, with your support for the mercenary company, I am satisfied."

I'll keep you on hold regarding the other matter.

It shouldn't be a problem that requires an immediate response.

Originally, I planned to leave the Supard doll sales off the table.

I only came here with the intention to get permission to launch the mercenary branch.

I won't act greedily here.

"Is that so, it's a shame."

The Pope said so with a smile and a laugh.

Part 2

Cliff still had things to do, so I left the headquarters alone.


The moment I was out, I let out a big sigh.

That was tiring…

The Shrine Maiden and the Pope.

I met two interesting people today.

Both of them left interesting impressions.

Nevertheless, they each lead different factions.

The pro-demon race faction led by the Pope.

And the anti-demon race faction led by the Shrine Maiden.

The Temple Knights are part of the anti-faction.

The Latreia house as well.

Even good-natured people like Therese,

I would have expected them all to be fanatics.

If I'm asked who I support, needless to say it's the pro-faction, the Pope's faction.

Be that as it may, Therese has helped me twice.

Even though I hate the Latreia house, I'm not ungrateful towards her.

Apart from her followers, the Shrine Maiden herself doesn't seem detestable.

So, being reserved isn't wrong… I think.

As I originally planned, if possible, I want to maintain a neutral position.

A lofty ideal.

Anyway, I should probably plan for more contact with that shrine maiden.

I'm curious about her ability.

Whether or not she's one of Hitogami's apostles… that possibility still exists.

It's difficult as always to discern apostles.

At least, I didn't run into Hitogami's interference setting up the mercenary branch in Asura Kingdom.

Are my actions harmful to Hitogami or not…

At the present, I don't know. It's useless to think about.

So, for the time being, I'll be grateful that I haven't run into any obstacles and act as I always have.

The moment there's a disturbance, when you feel something out of place, is the moment to look for an apostle.

I have to keep my eyes open for suspicious people.

The Shrine Maiden, or Claire.

But, if I'm too focused on them, I'm bound to make a mistake.

For the sake of establishing a mercenary branch as soon as possible, it would be nice to get in touch with Orsted by installing a communication lithograph.


For the time being, I have the Pope's cooperation in this matter.

So, I should get started.

First, to purchase a suitable building for the mercenary branch.

Then set up a communication lithograph, and a magic teleportation circle in case of emergency.

And, report to Orsted.

"Okay. The first step is to select a building."

The next step has been decided.

It would be good to leave selecting the building up to Aisha.

Whether we set up in the adventurer district or the commercial district, she'll know what's best.

Aisha should have a good understanding of the area by now.

Having a trusted business partner, it's really reliable.

The problem is Zenith.

With Aisha out, we won't have anyone to look after her.

Perhaps Wendy could be taught to care for her…

Well, at this point such a thing can't be helped.

Let's have a discussion about it back at home.

Part 3

I left through town on the carriage and returned to Cliff's house in the religious district.

It's dusk.

My stomach is empty, I'm looking forward to dinner.

I hope there are fresh eggs around here.

Boiled eggs, fried eggs, omelette…

There's bread too, so fried pork cutlets are also possible.

With just an egg, a whole new realm of foods open up, to increase my enjoyment.

Our cook (Aisha) is really skilled.

"Here I am. With an empty stomach--"

"Not coming back until now, what's with that!?"

The second I returned, I heard Aisha's shout.

I hurried inside the house.

There, was the figure of my sister next to Wendy.

"Why did you go out!"

"I-, I mean, isn't it OK."

"Why is the person who went out to be believed!?

Yesterday, you heard it too right!?

Why didn't you explain the circumstances!?

Yet you went out the next day like nothing happened!?

We were waiting, you should have come back sooner!

I needed to talk to you Oniichan!"

"Eh, even so, then, I, after what happened yesterday, didn't understand it well, but it's all right--"

"I just said it! It's not 'all right'! You, you should have taken us with you!?"

Aisha went to throw a punch, but Wendy held her back…

Aisha is enraged, this is rare.

While thinking that, I caught Aisha's next punch.

"Aisha, calm down a little."


She shook me off.

But, Aisha seems to have become a bit more aware of herself.

"Ah, Oniichan… I'm sorry…"

She clasped her hands and looked down.

"What happened?"

For the time being I'll ask that.

If I raise my voice now, then I'm just as at fault.

However, Aisha looks down with a blue face, and doesn't answer.

She's normally a child who answers quickly.


As if she couldn't stand it any longer, Wendy answered.

"During the day, Gisu appeared…"


"He came to see Zenith-san, and said it was unfortunate she was cooped up even after her long-awaited return home--"

Aisha answered this time.

"--didn't come back."

Those words were dripping with animosity.


This feeling…

"Aisha, calm down, from the start, explain it to me. You can do that right?"


Aisha began to speak.

During the day, Gisu seems to have come over to visit.

He's Zenith's friend, he's allowed to visit.

Aisha didn't see his face, but from his speech, the contents of the story, and his clothes, the description matches Gisu.

At that time, Aisha and I were absent.

"Why was Aisha out…?"

"I thought we would need various things if we were going to stay here, so I went out to purchase everything… Wendy, she seemed able to handle things, I'm sorry…"

"Ah, no, it's okay."

Aisha made a mistake in judgment.

It's unusual, but I guess it's possible.


For a while, Gisu chatted with Wendy and Zenith, it was something like a conversation between three people.

But, then, Gisu made a suggestion.

[Isn't holing Zenith up here after her long awaited return to her hometown unfortunate. I'll take Zenith outside and show her the town.]

Wendy consented.

As for her consent, Wendy seemed to be a bit worried about it.

I haven't heard anything about yesterday, either.

Regardless, it's not just Wendy's fault.

She wasn't informed about the unpleasantness of the Latreia house.

I feel like there's something more.

After all, that really is Gisu's wild horse way of speaking.

Somehow, that guy is really good at persuading others.

I wanted to take Zenith to see the town too.

They were supposed to come back within an hour, even if they were careless, it can't be helped.

"I, I immediately went out to look, but I couldn't find them…"

Aisha immediately went out looking for them, but no luck.

She couldn't find them.

The day passed, and they were nowhere to be found even after dusk.

Perhaps they were delayed, but they still haven't turned up.

Aisha was at the end of her rope and couldn't really blame Wendy, then I returned… That's why.

"What should I do Oniichan, because I thought it was all right… This, it's my fault right…? What should I do… What do I do!"

Aisha is unusually upset, she's on the brink of tears.

For now, calming her down is top priority.

"Try to calm down. It's Gisu's usual carelessness, perhaps everything is fine."

"But, now, Zenith-okaasan is missing!?"

"Please be calm."

I'm starting to feel impatient too.

But, Gisu took her out.

That guy has no fighting ability, but he's a competent man to rely on.

That provides a sense of security.

Well, thinking of Gisu…

He might have done something unnecessary, like taking her out for dinner.

He's the kind of guy who returns unexpectedly, saying something like [Sorry sorry, I ran into an old acquaintance and hit it off] while laughing.

"For the time being, let's wait a little longer."

I decided.

Part 4

The sun has completely set.

Cliff returned with a tired expression.

Zenith and Gisu have not returned.

But, during this time, Aisha and I have regained our composure.

"I'm sorry… but, please don't blame Wendy too much, it's my fault…"

Cliff also went to rebuke Wendy, but Aisha came to her defense.

He probably didn't expect this kind of situation.

Originally, he called for the maid.

Moreover, because he called for a maid at the last minute, he should understand that it wouldn't be a professional.

You can't blame someone's lack of ability.

But blame follows failure.

"I will go out to search. Cliff-senpai, please wait on standby."

"Ah, right…"

Even though I made that decision, it's already dinner time.

Waiting until now to start searching, it might be too late.

But, allow me to make an excuse,

If Zenith were out alone, I would have started searching immediately.

Gisu took her out.

If Wendy's story is true, she should be with Gisu.

That monkey bastard may not be able to fight, but he can do anything else.

From information collection, mapping, shopping, cooking, equipment maintenance, to managing the party's health.

His only fatal flaw as an adventurer is that he's useless in combat.

So, I felt a sense of confidence since Zenith was with Gisu.

But, if I think about it, being useless in combat can be fatal.

If he were caught up in some kind of incident, he might not have the power to protect Zenith,

Gisu should have a high ability to avoid being caught up in those types of incidents though.

But, his skill might not be perfect.

Zenith stepping on some belligerent old man's foot or something, that kind of scenario is possible too.

Passing each other, they make eye contact, and then he socks her in the face.

She's also with a demon race.

If someone from the Latreia house saw them, what would they think seeing Gisu and Zenith together.

They would probably try to bring her back home.

In a quick attack, they might try to take Zenith back.

After all, she's still a member of the Latreia house.

If it's the Latreia house, it's also possible that that Gisu was a fake.

Similar looks and a similar height, teaching him how to talk like Gisu, then pretending to be Gisu to convince Wendy… or something like that.

Although you don't really see those types of guys around.

Also, I don't want to think this, but it's possible that Gisu is one of Hitogami's apostles.

Gisu had been reluctant to enter the religious district, why would he come back here.

That's something to consider, he could be acting on Hitogami's advice…

Worrying won't do anything.

There's no use hesitating.

Regret won't help either.

We've already lost a lot of time.

I have to make a move.

I put on the MK-II and left the house.

"First of all, where should we search? Should we divide the work?"

Aisha followed as a matter of course.

Zenith is still missing… We're both becoming impatient.

If she starts becoming flustered, I have to calm her down.

"No, if you were kidnapped it would just add to the trouble. Let's search together."

"Y-, yeah. Understood…"

Hearing the word kidnapped, Aisha held her breath.

She was probably considering the possibility of Zenith being kidnapped.

Kidnapping in this world, is commonplace…

But it's unlikely.

To kidnap Zenith they would have to go through Gisu, an S-class adventurer, it wouldn't be easy.

If it were me, I would look for a more defenseless target.


I took a few more steps, then suddenly stopped.

First of all, where should we start looking?

That's not good, I need to compose myself.

Calm down, everything's fine, I need to calm down.

Deep breaths.

"Suu… Haa…"

I have someone smarter than me at my side.

I should consult with her.

"Aisha… Where do you think Gisu would be?"

"Err… the adventurer district?"

"Why's that?"

"Gisu doesn't like being around St. Milis followers, and they tend to stay around the religious district.

That leaves the commercial district and the adventurer district, and since Gisu is an adventurer, it seems likely he'd be in the adventurer district."

"Okay, lets start by searching the adventurer district."

As expected of Aisha, thinking carefully in this kind of situation.

We have to strike while the iron is hot.

"Let's hurry."

"Yeah, oh, that's right. Should we take horses? Or use the carriage?



I still can't ride a horse.

Though that doesn't mean I'm incapable of riding a horse.

I've had a little practice, I also know how to drive the horse-drawn carriage.

But we won't be able to move as freely with a carriage in an emergency situation.

But that's no problem.

If I'm serious, I can run as fast as a horse.

"I don't need a horse."


I picked Aisha up in a princess carry.

Then fed mana to the MK-II.

And bent my legs.

I've practiced softening the impact.

"Aisha, please hold on tight."

"Eh…? Ah!"

Aisha stiffened and tightly gripped my robe.

I held Aisha firmly in place.

"… Ah, ah! That's no good! Stop!"

I almost thought I heard something as I leapt into the night sky.

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