Chapter 1: Restart
At long last, I perfected it…After so many years studying the First Dragon God's Reincarnation Technique Book.
Researching summoning magic and teleportation magic from Perugius and Nanahoshi's notes.
I'll finally be able to see my family again. Roxy… Syphly…Eris. I swear, this time I'll protect all of you from that white mosaic bastard Hitogami.
I managed to create the very first reincarnation magic circle with multiple layers on a single plane and it has the size, length, and width of a football stadium.
First I previous grind high-quality magic crystals into powder and mixed it with specific ingredients to create magic ink to draw the magic circle pattern.
That way it won't short-circuit when I transfer all my mana into the magic circle.
Since it only has a one-time use where I pour all my mana into it. And if the experiment fails I'll only be inflicted by mana exhaustion and eventually die due to my old age.
I think the framework is completed and my calculations are flawless. I can only pray to my three goddesses that this works.
If only Cliff and Nanahoshi were still alive, I would feel much more confident about this plan. But I can't have any self-doubts now.
I poured all my blood, sweat, and tears into this experiment, checked every layer multiple times, and reread the First Dragon God's Reincarnation Technique book several times.
"It's time to give Hitogami a taste of his own medicine!" I said out loud while pouring all my mana into the magic circle.
Suddenly I was surrounded by darkness everywhere, it was pitch black and I could hardly see anything. The polar opposite of the white atmosphere of the void world.
It felt like my mind was moving faster than the speed of sound.
Before I knew what happened, I opened my eyes to see a room filled with a bright yellowish light.
It was a couple of lit candles illuminating the area. As I squinted my eyes with discomfort.
Eventually, my eyes began to adjust and I saw a very beautiful young woman with long flowing blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and lusciously large breasts.
I know that face anywhere, it was Zenith who cracked an affectionate smile as she cradled me in her arms.
Though fatigued, she was grateful that her firstborn son was alive and breathing.
Wow, I really did it…I successfully traveled back to the time of my birth.
For a second there I thought I was dead and getting ready to enter the afterlife alongside my dead relatives and friends.
Meanwhile, Paul displayed a sincere smile seeing his firstborn son open his eyes to see his loving parents. He then proceeded to make silly faces with a mix of goofiness towards me.
Seeing Paul alive and Zenith's happy face, immediately made me cry tears of joy as I reached out my tiny hands to my parents.
"Oh thank goodness." Zenith sighed as she cradled me. Paul sported a worried look of his own as Zenith held me. "You worried us sick being all quiet like that." The young couple, Paul and Zenith, were filled with a sense of relief.
Their hearts nearly fell the moment they thought that their newborn son was stillborn and might not be able to live a long and fruitful life.
I promise not to waste this second chance again. In this world, I thought I could make it without any regrets.
If I lived and worked hard to do my best like everyone else.
Maybe even a jobless degenerate NEET like me could do over life and get serious about living, but I failed because of my carelessness.
I didn't see Hitogami as a threat to everyone I cherish and turned down everyone's offers of sympathy. This time, I won't let anyone die. Now that I have the power to protect all of them.
That motherfucker Hitogami won't have the last laugh so long I draw breath in this world. He won't know what hit him!
One month has passed since my second rebirth. It felt so reminiscent and nostalgic to be back home in Buena Village.
Although it's awful being a baby again. There's nothing to do but eat, sleep, and shit in my diaper every day. I can't even control my own bladder. It really sucks being a baby again.
However, the only upside about being a baby a second time. Is that I get to breastfeed Zenith's wonderful titties again.
When it's milk feeding time I latch onto the source of nourishment with loving pleasure and start suckling her delicious breast milk like chugging down a butterbeer mug.
"Aww~you like being breastfed by mama, don't you Rudy," Zenith said while nursing her baby.
Her breastmilk had a mouthwatering sweet vanilla flavor with a rich creamy texture that melts your taste buds all over, every time you drink it.
Okay, I might be crossing the line, but it's simply the law of nature for a son like me to suck his mother's breast milk.
Sure if there was baby formula milk in this medieval fantasy world of swords and sorcery.
I would've shown restraint since I'm a sixty-eight-year-old man on the inside.
Not to mention, it's quite soothing to be snuggled up between Zenith's bosom.
It feels so nice and comfortable whenever I'm wrapped around her warm embrace. Showering me with her loving affection.
Speaking of Zenith's wonderful breasts, I found out unfortunately that in this world babies were weaned when they reached their first year of life.
But thanks to my enthusiasm and pleading face I was able to prolong it for one more year.
Eventually, Zenith sternly denied me those sweet titties which I finally accepted and moved on, oh well it was nice while it lasted.
Yeah, there is no denying it, I'm an old scumbag NEET so sue me. But I swear I'm not showing any lustful actions or facial expressions.
It would look borderline disgusting if Lilia saw or heard of me doing that.
I'm only displaying affection towards Zenith because I missed her motherly aura and precious smile so much. Due to her being in a broken and expressionless form after I had 'saved' her from the teleportation labyrinth in my last life.
I also won't do any perverted acts towards Lilia. She might get the wrong idea about me like last time. So it's better for everyone that I act like a normal baby. Despite how boring it may feel.
I was already naturally gifted at magic and controlling my mana.
But I decided not to use magic as a baby because my newborn body couldn't handle it and I don't know what sort of physical damage it could cause me. Probably something much worse than mana exhaustion.
I was definitely two years old when I first started my magic training. So judging by my calculations, if I start practicing when I'm one and a half years old. I'll be ten times stronger than my last life.
I also noticed Lilia isn't weary of me. I think it's because I cried at birth and sought out my parents' undivided attention. Plus I didn't do any inappropriate acts this time around.
I have a newfound love and appreciation for Lilia. It would be cruel to make her feel afraid of me. Thinking I'm cursed or possessed by the devil just like in my last life.
Besides, I do feel guilty for not protecting her one and only daughter Aisha, all those years ago. So the least I could do is treat Lilia with the utmost respect and courtesy.
I've made sure to always treat Lilia as politely as possible. Whenever she would draw a bath for me and mom, prepare a snack for me, or ask for any small favor. I thanked her with a big bright smile on my face.
I really owe her one for everything she did for me and my family in my last life.
For good measure, I decided to call her Auntie Lilia during my childhood.
Afterwards, I started walking properly and I'll turn two years old in six months. I think it's safe to practice my magic now.
I'm gonna start with the basic water ball spell and I'll only cast it when I'm completely sure I have privacy in Paul's study room during the day.
I don't want Paul, Zenith, and Lilia discovering my magical powers early and hiring a different magic tutor who isn't Master Roxy.
The first day I cast the water ball spell twice, the next day five times, then seven times, later ten times, at that point twenty-one times, and so on.
In practical terms, however much mana I used each day, would be added to my maximum value.
So basically I can double my mana pool every day. This is how I stockpile my mana pool, surpassing even the Demon God Laplace in my previous lifetime in this world.
Just like last time, I filled up the buckets and vases with water and emptied them outside.
There was a limit to how much water I could create before it became outright obvious to my parents that something strange happened here.
But since I already know how to use disturb magic, I can expand my mana to cast a spell and then cancel the effect with disturb magic.
This tactful strategy allows me to increase my mana pool quickly compared to my previous life.
I've also started including gravity magic into my daily magic training routine.
In the meantime, I simply cast a stone the size of a small brick and started levitating it up and down almost every day.
While my mana pool has already become abominably larger than the average human.
There's a limit to what I can do, for example, I can't use gravity magic to lift heavy objects like my bed, Paul's writing desk, or the shelf.
I also can't increase the gravity of an object past a certain amount; I can feel the strain and pressure it puts on my arms. Pushing any further could rip off my upper limbs or break my bones.
Furthermore, I can't cast high-level spells such as electricity magic or my nuclear explosion spell. As they require too much mana all at once.
I was able to cast these spells without any problems in my past life, I can only presume that as I grow up and get stronger, so will the spells I can cast in my arsenal.
When I became three years old I slowly expanded the strength of my magic spells. I can now lift the chest in our study room using gravity magic and cast advanced tier spells after sneaking outside at night and making sure nobody saw me.
Even though I can cancel the spell with disturb magic, advanced tier spells are so powerful that they would have catastrophic effects on our house or the neighbors' houses if I ever get distracted and fail to disrupt them.
Whenever I wasn't practicing magic or taking a few days off. I devoted myself to spending as much quality time as I could with Paul and Zenith.
I enjoyed listening to Zenith's past adventures in the Fangs of the Black Wolf and the fairytale book titled The Legend of Perugius, which Paul read to me at night.
Paul would open up the book with me against Zenith's bosom as he read to me to me enthusiastically.
It's about Perugius and his twelve followers fighting the Demon God Laplace. I found the story to be quite entertaining. Since I met the Dragon King myself. And I already knew the faces of some of the people in the book.
Later, a few months have passed and I've gotten back into making figurines using magic.
Not only is figurine molding a fun activity and a relaxing way to pass the time. But it also requires a surprisingly good amount of mana. Making it a great way to continue training even during my downtime in the confines of my room.
I've been making them out of the hardest stone I could think of. I kept them inside a stone lockbox with a handle on top so I could carry them around anywhere.
I also sealed it by carving a magic circle on the stone lockbox. So it can only be opened and closed by using my mana.
During the golden age, before the Armor Dragon Era. A broader range of magic circle techniques existed. Some people like carving circles into stone and infusing them with "direct magic persisted." This approach was still widely used for crafting magical implementations.
In the present day, magic circles with the right patterns, mana, and specialized ink could be used for various spells. The patterns are passed down orally through the generations and were mostly lost over the centuries.
To uncover a new magic circle, the only option was to unearth forgotten scrolls in royal treasuries or discover engraving in ancient ruins.
I learned this specific magic circle pattern from a book inside the Ranoa Magic Academy's library.
It seems like the magic circle pattern is used to seal locks on treasure chests, doors, desks, and hidden closets.
It can only be unlocked by the individual channeling their own mana into the magic circle pattern, who originally carved it in the first place.
Unless someone or something attempts to break it using a great amount of physical strength or a strong enough magic spell to destroy it.
As time went on, I continued constructing my figurine of Zenith in the morning, as the rays of sunlight beamed through my window.
Suddenly a soft knock on my door disrupted my concentration on my figurine and I immediately hid it in my secret lockbox.
"May I come in?" Lilia said, graciously greeting me.
"Of course, please enter," Rudeus replied with a warm welcoming tone.
The door swung open revealing her smiling face as she entered my room.
"Good morning, young master," she greeted me cheerfully. "Your mother and father wanted me to inform you that breakfast is ready."
I responded to Lilia with a lively tone, just like a child. "Thank you for telling me Auntie Lilia, I'll be there right away," me and Lilia walked through the hallway and down the stairs to reach the dining room where my parents awaited us.
"Good morning sweetheart, breakfast is ready." Zenith welcomed me with a heartwarming voice. As me and Lilia entered the room.
"Hey there Rudy, you're just in time for breakfast, thanks for calling him over here Lilia." Paul chimed in, with parental affection.
"Morning, mommy and daddy." I greeted my parents with a happy attitude with a wide smile on my face as usual.
"Please take your seats and let's enjoy this nutritious breakfast together before the food gets cold." Mother insisted by gesturing towards the designated chairs around the table.
We sat in our own chairs, getting ready to eat the delicious meal Zenith and Lilia had prepared.
No joke, I really missed Zenith's cooking. Her crispy dishes and sweet treats were quite mouthwatering and satisfying to my tastebuds.
"Thank you for the food." We all announced.
As we eaten, our morning meal together, the atmosphere was filled with a lighthearted mood and lively sharing tales about what happened yesterday with their prospective jobs.
After we finished our feast, father's twinkled with starlit eyes, as he turned his gaze toward me.
"Hey son, would you like to accompany me to the village watchtower later today? There's someone special I would like you to meet personally."
"Wow, really Dad!?" I responded excitedly, my shined brightly with an eager expression on my face. "Of course kiddo, I figured you wanted a grand tour of Buena Village eventually. Along with meeting some close friends of mine."
I guess these specific friends Paul spoke of are Laws and Sylphy. I can't wait to see my beloved goddess of love, I long to see her beautiful face once again. Later that day, Paul and I began our outing, walking through the pathway that led us to the wide open fields.
I comfortably piggybacked on Paul's shoulders, enjoying the elevated view and breathtaking sights. We walked by a couple of solitary cottage houses, each surrounded by vast open areas of fertile land that stretched out toward the horizon.
Damn, I missed good ol' Buena Village. A peaceful village such as this didn't deserve to get destroyed by the mana disaster. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
"Hey Daddy," I asked, pretending to have a childlike curiosity. "What are the farmers growing in those fields?"
Paul smiled at me, his eyes filled with warmth. "Well son, those fields are usually used for growing different types of crops. But our village is well-known for cultivating Asura wheat."
"Asura wheat?" I echoed, acting like an innocent three-year-old. Shows a hint of interest towards the wheat that's widely cultivated in the Asura Kingdom for its grains.
"Yes," Paul nodded, saying it proudly. "It's a special kind of wheat that grows really well here. The villagers harvest them and use the grains to bake delicious bread."
"Wow, that's amazing. Daddy really knows everything." I said with admiration in my voice. While Paul was on cloud nine, due to me praising his knowledge because I was his firstborn son.
As we continued our walk, Paul and I participated in travel banter like in those classic fantasy adventure games.
He shared the village's history and the hardworking farmers who played a vital role in providing food to all the other regions in the Asura Kingdom.
Step-by-step, I bask in the warm sunlight when I was riding on Paul's shoulders, watching the open fields and distant hillsides spread out before us.
It was a serene landscape that reflected nature's beauty as our bond as father and son grew.