Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 87: Payback.

Atleasian Empire.

The Blue Screen showed the unfolding tragedy.

Marek sighed deeply as he replayed in his head the Tragedy he just saw.

Enjoyment and a hint of melancholy in his heart.

He looked at his Sister, who have been imploring him to stop the strike since Killua launched it.

As she looked at the Destroyed Empire, Linaella had a blank look on her face.

She never though, that one day she would beg that man.

Yet…Today, she did.

For the Sake of those innocent people.

Yet, he stood still. Indifferent to her pleads.

Tephania, deeply shook by the massacre used her power to communicate with her sister:

"Elder Sister! This much death?! Was it really necessary?!!"

"Did we really have to implicate this much innocents in our conflict?"

"Couldn't you have-!"


She was interrupted by the Angry and Scolding voice of her sister.

A Color she rarely heard from her:

"Wake up!!!"

"Who do you see in front of you?!!"

She looked up at the Emperor, the 'invincible foe' in front of her. She took a deep breath.

"Do you really think we can vanquish him, if we don't commit every shred of our capacities to it?"

She took a deep breath as she calmed down.

"I understand your sorrow. But you need to be tougher."

Her voice was grave.

"From now on. The Saharos Empire isn't 'invincible' anymore."

"We cannot commit to protecting anyone beside ourselves!"

"This our new reality, and the faster anyone in the Empire get used to it."

" The faster we will find a way to resist him."

She narrowed her eyes, just picturing the people of her Country facing the same fate then this one, the words the man said ringed in her ears:

"Everything you hold dear will sadly disappear."

The cold voice of Aeleis, a far cry from her confident demeanor earlier, ringed in her head:

"The Balance is broken. This man's existence alone broke it."

"His ambition, his irreconcilable hatred with our Empire makes our two sides fateful enemies."

She spoke with a grave tone on her voice:

" This Continent will dramatically change, as everyone will realize peace cannot be maintained anymore.."

"I give it 5 years tops."

Determination reappeared on her scolding:

"In those Five years we need to become much stronger than now Tephania!"

"From now on! This the only thing that should be on your mind!!"

As Linaella's tears continued to dropped out, she stood up, her eyes looking at all the people present her.

From The Saharos Empire's knights to the Atleasian Empires Higher Up.

Her voice, still choked up, her eyes and expression, were terrified as if she didn't acknowledge the people in front of her as Humans anymore

"You are all monsters…"

"So much people had to die. Just because one of you offended another."

She then looked at Tephania who had an expression still flickering between guilt and determination. Linaella had the same disdain in her eyes:

"All of you. No matter how much you preach, in the end only care about your selves!"

She then looked at The Emperor, her eyes having more rage than ever:

"Taking all those lives…!"

"Didn't you feel anything? Are you really that irredeemable as a Human?"

"You have the strength to not only stop all conflict in the Astaroth Continent. But even on the level of The Primordial Realm!"

"Yet here you are playing war games to satisfy your thirst for revenge!"

Lelouch narrowed his eyes in deep thought, by his side Euphemia deeply shook by what happened.

Marek sighed:

"The moment I became Emperor, I already forfeited my humanity. Sister."

"And the Humanity you speak off is also lost on you."

"My Humanity only extends to these borders."

His eyes contained coldness and disdain:

"Anything beyond it is as worthless as trash in my eyes."

"Only when I conquer them, only when they will submit to the Empire, will they become Atleasian Citizen and will they become people of worth in my eyes."

She smiled still on her knees from the begging she made earlier.

"So you will destroy anyone who doesn't submit to you?"

His response was immediate:

"I will."

She looked up, tears growing in her swollen eyes, as she spoke:

"I had people I cared about in that place, Nodria, you knew that, didn't you?"

The Emperor had coldness in his jet-black eyes:

"Why ask when you already know the answer?"

She clenched her fist, as she wallowed in her pain. A desperate Heavy voice one:

"If I kill myself, right here, right now."

"Would you stop me?"

Marek sighed:

"I will."

"And If I still found a way to die?"

"I will turn the whole Primordial Realm upside down, to resurrect you."

"And Believe me I will find a way."

Linaella stood up a powerless smile on her face:

"Then there is only one way."

She stood up.

"It seems there is no room for compromise."

She looked with longing at her Sister:

"I demand to leave the Empire in a personal journey."

Shahrazad took a deep breath as her heart tightened up.

Marek shut his eyes, feeling the deep pain in his chest, he smiled warmly, :

"Good Luck to you my Sister."

"I will miss you."

Free Federations.

All the 20 Decision makers were silent, as they tried to process what just happened.

Someone finally spoke:

"That…That….What the Hell was that Thing?!"

All felt their heart tighten…

"This is…Where did it come from?"

The Chairman sighed:

"We could barely monitor the First Knight's Strike…We didn't count on a retaliation…"

"This is simply beyond our prediction. It could have come from anywhere in the continent."

"What?! So you are telling us the person responsible for this Atrocity…

The person who can at any moment unleash this kind of monstrosity is out of our radar!!"

The Woman sighed :

"A powerhouse of this level was hiding in this continent for so long."

" Why decide to appear now?"

Another voice responded:

"Obviously the First Sentence's attack was targeting him. Maybe he is someone out of the continent."

The other people sighed:

"If it is the case, it is on the jurisdiction of the Saharos Empire."

The Chairman narrowed his eyes, a bad feeling in his heart:

"Use our Secret Satellite…Monitor the Situation in Yasrib. Something tells me this is not over, yet."

All had baffled faces, like they heard the most absurd thing in the world!

"You…You mean…"

Another continued:

"…This is crazy!"

The Chairman:

"There might be a retaliation in the next hours. Keep your attention to the max. We missed out on valuable information, the last time because we neglected a tiny possibility"

"I won't make the same mistake the next time."


At the Elders Chambers, the exact same bafflement was happening. The members of the 10 Founding Clans were trembling with fright.

In the Center, the Grand Priestess, invoking her magical screen, and looking at the Thunder Shenlong, sighed:

"Those people…The moment they come back, destruction follows them like the plague."

She laughed lightly a nostalgic light on her reptilian eyes:

"It took Millenia of waiting…But it seems I will be the one to win our little bet. Lorengar."(Lorengar Vega)

She gripped her Trident, a liberated smile on her face:

"The Vega Dynasty is back after all."

Saharos Empire.

The Office,

A mortified silence took the whole place. A mix of rage and bloodlust oozing from each one of them.

The Laid-back demeanor from before is completely gone. No.

This was the silent rage of Four offended Dragons. The Axe Wielding man laughed in anger:

"GOOD! GOOD! It seems those insects crawling in the continent still need some taming after all!!"

The woman took off her spear and put it masterfully behind her back:

"This attack…It was dangerous, too dangerous."

Another one closed his book as he sighed:

"Overpowering Aeleis….Do such people still hide in the continent?"

"It seems we've been negligent in our work."

The mysterious man used his powerful grip ripping his seat into pieces as he stood up.

He advanced to the exit as he announced, with a silent voice, filled with dreadful anger:

"Let's go."

The Three like Ancient Beasts stood up.

Leaving the Office early, for the first time in nearly a decade.

Atlaesian Empire.

Killua extended his hand again.

A Thunder Bolt descended from above again!

Taking the Shape of a Long Bow.

And as his other hand approached the Thunder cord, four long Shining Blue Thunder Arrows appeared between each of his finger. He shut his Thunder eyes, as he focused his sense on 300 000 L. Y away.

He then drew his arrows before he reopened his eyes as he laughed:

"Now, it's payback time~"

As he opened his hands the four arrows moved at a transcendent pace! A speed so mesmerizing it was bordering on transportation!

They immediately disappeared in the darkened Atleasian Empire.

And instantly, without any sign of delay, without allowing for any chance of retaliation, detection or even reaction!

The Four Mighty Arrows were already at Yarsib's doorsteps!

In the domain of speed. Even Marek, the man he admired the most, would need to be serious to compete with him! And would need to be in the Wrath State to completely crush him!

The Four arrows held immense power! One of them would be strong enough to turn a Star into smithereens!

The people at the Federation were shitting themselves, just looking at that!

'Let's not talk about the profound power of the strike…Just who in the hell has the gal to even think about doing something like that?!!'

The Elders at the Klatos Union had the exact the same reaction, only their leader had a solemn face, and an interested smile:

'Not bad…'


'Not enough!!'

'If destroying the Center of the World was that easy. It wouldn't be the Center of the World!'

Four Other Silhouettes appeared in the way of the mighty bolts!

Each one using it's monstrous ability to completely block the incoming strike.

The Four immediately blocked the incoming strikes with breathtaking speed and skill!

Yet to the dismay of everyone, a Fifth one, hidden in the shade of the other, appeared!

Aeleis had a solemn face but kept her charming smile, as she prepared to parry the last Arrow Bolt!

The four others looked over with a inquiring gaze.


As the two were about to collide, the thunder bolt distorded and immediately turned into a Human shape!!

In this micro billionth of second all the Four People could see the person behind the bolts.

He had long spiky white hair, floating in the hair, his blue feline eyes, his playful and arrogant smirk. His Blue Caftan fluttering with bolts of lightening.

The young man's took the beautiful face of the First Knight in the palm of his hand in a way Ulquiorra would be proud off!

And, as she was completely paralyzed by the surprised assault, by the sheer power of his grip on her face.

He whispered in her ears:

"The Saiyan Emperor, sends you his regards."

This was the last thing she heard before she was propelled through ever high building in Yasrib!!

As the population of Yasrib saw for the first time, Their Muse get sullied!

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