Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 84: Wheels of History!!

"If it is to host guests, I find no problem in that. My sister's guests are mine after all."

The underlying meaning was utterly clear:

'You worthless fools are only alive now, because my sister is shielding you.'

Tephania took a deep breath:

'His traitorous sister is more precious in his eyes than the knights of the Saharos Empire.'

'It's speaks volumes of his character.'

But the more experienced Baltsar took it in its other undertone:

'This is a powerplay!'

'His words mean that only the Authority of the Vega Imperial Family holds leverage over our lives!'

'Our identities as Imperial Sentence or envoy of the Saharos Empire are completely irrelevant in his eyes!'

Laron who was from a deep-rooted noble family also understood his words with bitterness:

'He never used our noble titles, or our knight's names…'

"Only a generalization as 'guests' meaning that even if a dog were to be presented by the princess as a guest he would be welcomed in the same manner.'

The two members of the Vega Imperial Family looked deeply in each other eyes, as Marek continued his words:

"If you had some other matter to speak off, I am all ears, you are brought by my dear sister, after all."

Tephania this time got it!!

'Even our right to speak is conditioned by Princess Linealla's presence!'

Linaella took a deep breath looking Marek straight in the eyes:

"It seems the Fifth Sentence has some words to deliver to you, your Majesty"

Marek's galactic eyes for the first time moved from the Princess and landed on the kneeling Tephania.

The moment it did. She felt like she was carrying the whole Primordial Realm on her back!

So much power…So much power that it is suffocating! This is the impression she kept having of this man.

Yet remembering the mission she was given. She bravely stood up, sometimes wobbling, her breathing rugged.

As Finally she made eye contact with 'him'. The everchanging galaxy in his eyes, the complex pattern that seemed to tell unrevealed secrets.

His long Hair, his body that exuded power beyond anything she ever saw.

He seemed like a bottomless ocean of power!

The fact that oceans are as big as galaxies in the Primordial Realm speak volumes of this comparison!

'I can't even begin to process the limit of his strength!'

Seeing the Fifth Sentence wobbling like a little child he had an amused sound come out of his mouth as he addressed his sister:

"Your friend seems a little rattled, my sister. Did the travel tire her that much?"

By his side his Empresses chuckled lightly derision in their eyes. Shahrazad locked eyes with her sister, cold anger in her eyes.

Linaella had a resigned face:

'Why are you still the one getting angry? This is obviously already my loss…'

The Emperor then addressed for the first time the Fifth Sentence. His doubled voice had deep majesty in it:

"Speak your purpose freely. Know that no matter what happens here, your life is safe for now."

Yet these seemingly reassuring words only made her even more apprehensive:

The 'For now' is extremely clear!

It means that sooner or later they will be enemies!

He added:

"Speak woman. Know, that as opposed to your kin, I don't break my oaths."

The three knights felt the Millennia old anger in his voice.

As deep realization downed on them.

They only ever envisioned this man as this scary as a simple being in itself!

But there is a bigger issue!

They never envisioned him as an actual enemy!

Despair! Deep Despair!

They came here as a prideful Knights looking down on existence, and now they are leaving as melancholic bards already envisioning the terrible war incoming in their way!

The Pandora Box has been cracked open.

And the Evil is coming sooner than later!

Tephania gaze still bravely persisted as she faced the ocean of Power head on!!

"Emperor Marek Vega of the Atleasian Empire…I've been sent by his Imperial Majesty to collect the Exodus Tribute by virtue of the ancestral agreement between our respective dynasties."

Marek smirked:

"And you think Saharan's descendance is entitled to demand anything of the sort for me?"

Tephania narrowed her eyes, determination and unwavering loyalty in her pure eyes:

"The Saharan Emperor is the mightiest being on the continent, his dynasty is the protector and the glory of the Astaroth Continent."

"The Emperor's demands are decrees from the Heavens, Atleasian Emperor."


Hearing that, The Emperor lightly laughed, his doubled voice making his every sound more ominous than the precedent, as the echo added to it's evil feeling.


For interminable seconds. He continued to slowly laugh.

There was no anger, no grudge, no hatred, no resentment in this laugh.

It was devoid of any feeling, of any trickery.

It was simply pure amusement. This little girl's words genuinely amused him.

Each time the resounding laugh came out again of his mouth, the three would get more and more tense. His laugh may seem harmless, but there was just something inherently evil about this person in particular.

Laron then looked at the beautiful Shahrazad, Kosem's sister. She also had the same ominous aura around her.

Laron remembered some words the Ancients of the Amengal Family would occasionally say when they spoke of the Rebellion.

'They were right. There is something inherently evil about the Vega Dynasty.'

His laugh slowly died out; his doubled voice came out again:

"Your name was Tephania, right?"

Just hearing her name being pronounced she felt chills all over her body.


He smiled, in what seemed like guenine concern:

"Do you have people who are precious to you? People you care about? Back in your homeland?"

Tephania responded gracefully with determination in her eyes:

"Yes. I do"

Marek smile got bigger:

"Good. Let me give you a little advice."

"When you head back to your country. Take a long vacation."

His Kind smile grew again as it began to slowly distort:

"Spend time with your family. Laugh with your loved ones. Explore your Country. Connect with your roots."

"Spend all your remaining time in happiness and bliss."

His bright smile still persisted

Tephania felt the genuine advice slowly mix up with evil presage!

His smile still plastered on his face, he sighed as if wallowing in the sadness of what was about to unfold:

"For your Empire's days of Peace are counted."

"Its happiness will wither like a dying flower."

"Its people's fulfilled lives will slowly distort into waking nightmares."

Tephania didn't even feel little threat in his voice, like he was genuinely giving her advice!

About something like a natural disaster, something that seemed inevitable!

"Because…I will come for you. For all of you."

The two felt all their limbs turn limp just from his words!

"It may not be today, it may not be in a week. Not even in a year's time."

"But I will march on your lands, and when I do that, Little Tephania."

His voice was calm as if reciting a children's story.

"All that you hold dear in this world will sadly disappear"

"So…Enjoy the little respite, that I am giving you…"

He laughed lightly:

"Take it as Mercy from the 'Heavens' you spoke off."

Tephania had her hand on her hilt as she faced of the Emperor's head on:

"Is that a declaration of war?"

Marek smiled:

"Are you ready for war? Little Tephania…"

Tephania was immediately confused.

Declaring war, and especially in this kind of situation is not in her power! But even if she had this kind of authority, she wouldn't dare declare war without preparations!

Seeing her silence, Marek smile continued to grow:

"Then, take it as an unofficial little advice."

His smile then grew wider, and his gaze changed again. He seemed to look at Tephania but not really.

Like he was talking to another person altogether.

His benevolent smile turned into an interested one, he sneered:

"Are you going to just keep look at me? Aeleis?"

All the sentences opened their eyes widely!!

'Aeleis-sama?! What does he mean?!'

Tephania who knew of the abilities of the Rosenkranz Family had a realization:


But before she could respond. Marek laughed as his galactic like eyes looked meaningfully at the confused Fifth Sentence:

"Are you going to keep watching as I play with your dear sister. First Knight?!"

At the same time, 300 000 Light Years across!

Saharos Empire.

A Beuatiful white haired woman, playing with a zinther in her hand, had an anticipating smile as her shut eyes seemed to admire something in secret.

Her rosy lips grew wider, as she laughed gracefully:

"It seems that I have been spotted since the beginning."

300 000 Light Years Across!

A bright powerful light appeared on Tephania pupils, completely changing her demeanor.

Her frightened grey eyes turning into interested beautiful white gems.

Her tense faced turning into a rather calm and knowing one, bordering on omniscience.

Her posture was different.

Laron was the first to tick!

'This demeanor…Aeleis-sama! This is possession!!'

Baltsar sighed:

'Aeleis-sama decided to intervene personally. This proves she acknowledged his threat.'

Her entire being was different. Like she was on another level of existence.

Her bright white eyes crossed those of the Emperor as she spoke in a completely different tone:

"So you were a real life miracle. Marek Vega."

Marek smiled meaningfully, a tinge of nostalgia in his tone:

"You finally showed yourself, Aeleis."

The Two other knights immediately detected something was wrong with the way the Emperor and the First Sentence addressed each other!

Laron felt his heart pounding!

'It feels…like they are acquaintances!!'

Shahrazad and Roygun by his sides also had baffled expressions!

Linaella also was a little surprised, but it was like she was confirming a decade old suspicion.

Aeleis taking over her sister's body smiled nostalgically looking up at the Emperor:

"This certainly did go a lot differently then when we collected the exile Tribute 10 years ago."

Her angelic controlled smile grew bigger:

"Isn't right 'Little Malé'?"

Shahrazad felt her heart stir as she knew the only person who called him by that name:

'Elder Sister Kosem!'

Marek looked indifferently at the possessed woman:

"Times change…We were both children."

"Your Father was the one who held the Heavenly Lotus Title back then."

He had a mocking smile on his face:

"Although he was nowhere near the First Seat of your Little order. Even your Little sister is more talented than he was."

The First knight kept a calm face as her rosy lips spoke some outrageous words:

"Still, don't ever forget."

"It was your Father who knelt before mine."

Marek sighed deeply as vivid memories he didn't want to recall invaded his mind. Aeleis continued to speak:

"So we can spare your life."

Shahrazad and Linaella who never heard of this accident before looked at the Emperor's solemn face!!

'This is true!!'

They immediately inferred from context!

10 years ago! The both of them were too young to assume the burden of the Imperial Family! Only Malé and Kosem were members of the Imperial Court!

It was a time when the both of them were still 5 year old. Malé should have been 7 and Kosem 12! As a Crown Prince Malé was introduced to court much sooner than any of them!

He smiled mockingly:

"You are the same insupportable little pest, aren't you?"

"I said it back then, and I will say it again"

. "I will never regret what I did."

The smiling Aeleis retorted in wonder, some well hidden irony in her tone:

"Well, it certainly does sound more convincing right now... "

"...Then when you said it hidden behind your elder sister's back."

The mocking in Marek's face grew bigger:

"Oh Please…Are you still proud of a 10 year old victory over Kosem?"

Shahrazad and Linaella felt they were having stroke!

'Elder Sister had a duel with The First Sentence of the Saharos Empire?!!'

Aeleis had a weird expression:

"It was quite the easy victory so there was nothing to be proud off."

She still had the same graceful smile as she replied:

"You are the one who seem to holdon to a 10 year old grudge, if I were to be honest."

"It was a fair fight, why are you still upset, Oh Great Emperor."

He smirked back:

"A 10 year old grudge is not the only thing I am holding on too. Oh Grand First Sentence!"

She advanced as she continued to speak:

"Your tongue is still as Sharp as ever, Little Malé. I already told you that it will someday cost you your head."

Marek sneered:

"If you still believe that. Come and take it."

She laughed lightly as she stopped in her tracks:

"Sorry, it's my fault. I still can't process the fact that you became stronger than me."

Although she said lightheartedly, the other two knights knew that this person will never admit her inferiority until it was crystal clear!

It means that he is stronger than her and not by a small margin!

But Aeleis was Aeleis, after all!

Even faced for the first time by a genius surpassing her in every way, she still kept her gentle smile, like she was gracing the world!

"It is good that you didn't change too."

She had a defying smile:

"The same Annoying and arrogant little prince you were back then."

Aeleis smiled:

"But At least now you have the strength to back it up."

He looked down her:

"I can't say the same for you."

Yet his insults didn't seem to move her in the slightest, as her smile seemed more enchanting with time.

"Hey…Do you believe in fate?"

Marek kept eye contact with her:

"I do."

She had a beautiful smile that enlightened the room. Like it was Aeleis herself who was here!

"It is an ancient belief in the Empire since the times of the Vega Dynsasty, that True knights all shared the same fate."

"Every True knight is fated to face a Trial that will define his Chivalrous code."

"Or as we call it…in normal tongue"

"Each Heroic knight is fated to slay a Dragon."

"I always held the utmost worship for this ideal. And wanted to complete it as a knight."

"Every Heroic knight is fated to slay a Dragon, or die trying."

She had a longing gaze, like she was reaching to the ethereal.

"And only when he does that, he will become complete as a being."

" A True Knight per say."

For the first time, since they integrated the order, the two knights had a different impression of their graceful leader.

Aeleis tone seemed different, not like the distant fairy gracing the world. But more like a dreaming child…

"This Dragon doesn't only need to pose an impossible challenge to the Knight, but also need to be tied with him in a way or another. Through fate.."

She narrowed eyes as if reminiscing about the past years.

"I've been obsessing about this idea since I became the First Sentence."

"So much that it halted my progress."

"An opponent, that would make my whole being complete, to give meaning to my whole story!"

She put her hand on her chest, her graceful bearing gaining a more natural aura. So charming even Lelouch and Euphemia by the Emeperor's side, felt their heart move.

Silva and Zeno felt danger in her every mouvement, as they tought:

'She is the kind of person you wouldn't want to fight even if you are two realms above her.'

Lelouch sighed:

'Of course the people of a Millenia Empire would have people of such great caliber. It was to be expected.'

"Even when I fought in the other Continents, I never got this feeling."

She then laughed lightly as she looked deeply at the behemoth of an Emperor standing before her, the light in her eyes became more intense as an astral projection of her appeared in front off the Emperor!

Her Silhouette looking with anticipation at the Emperor.

"Who would have thought? The stupid boy who didn't know his place."

"The little child who hid behind his Sister's sword."

Her smile grew wider than ever, like she was brimming with happiness:

"Would grow into the Dragon, even I, the First Sentence of the Empire, would look forward to slay!!"

Marek laughed loudly, as he saw her defying eyes. His Ki getting riled up, as the whole Country! NO!


Yet, the woman didn't seem bothered in the slightest.

His laugh transcended time and space, and his words too, reaching to her real body!

Every country felt the shaking of the Continent not being able to pin point it's origin!!

The Power to shake the whole realm by his simple KI outburst!!

Witnessing his strength, she got even more determined!

Only fighting such an adversary could she find meaning in her existence!

This is the power she chose to confront!

This is the power of her Fated Dragon!

His eyes turned all black as his Rinnegan awakened unconsciously!

His ominous doubled voice like an hymn to this scene!

"Good! Preserve in your meaningless struggle!"

His Rinnegan with the power to end in the world, invaded her whole vision! His throne breaking down under his grip!

"I will repeat the same words I did to you 10 years ago!!"

"The same words I said when you injured my Elder Sister!"

"The same words I said when your father's blade was on my neck!"

"The same words I kept repeating as my Father kneeled begging forgiveness!"

Aeleis narrowed her eyes as the weak voice of the little boy, from 10 years ago seemed to resonate in her ears again.

The 7 years old boy, a blade on his neck was bloodied, but his eyes, dry from tears, were still brimming with a mix of determination and insanity as he spoke, defying the Father who she thought off as invincible, at that time:

"I won't repent! What your little blade can even do?!!"

He pushed his neck against the island cutting sword, blood started dripping from his frail little neck!

"Kill me?! Do it!!"



Her mighty father, who she saw for the first time in her life hesitate, finally took off his sword.

The boy smirked, as he pronounced the same words he was about to say 10 years Later!!

"Someday. I will become so Great! So Mighty! That all of you will look up to me! And when I do that! I will destroy you all!!"

The Adult version only added:

"The only remorse I have, is to not have been able to take your Farther's Life too!!!"

Hearing the same words again, she sighed:

"I will give you the same reply Father gave you back then."

Her calm expression turned back into a fierce one, never seen before by even her family! Divine light shining in her unwavering eyes!

"If something like this was to ever happen. I will be the first one to stand in your way!"

"The Saharos Emperor is blessed by the Heavens! He will never fall to any evil!"

"For we carry, the burden of all that live in this continent on our Shoulders!"

"The Saharos Empire protects the Astaroth Continent!"

"And I, as the First Sentence protect the Saharos Empire!"

"For protecting the Empire is the meaning of my existence!"


Everyone present in the room. Got this same feeling!

Be it from the Saharos Empire's side or the Atleasian Empire Side!

This is a historical moment for the continent!

The scene seemed to somehow transform into exactly what Aeleis said!

The INVINCIBLE DRAGON shaking reality by his words alone!

Faced by the unfazed knight, brave unwavering, with transcendent nobility.



The dream of every true knight!!

Will the knight transcend itself or will it succumb to the might of the Dragon?

One thing is sure! After this moment, the continent will never be the same again!

The Wheels of Destiny have began turning! There is no turning back! War will rage sooner or later!!

And Only one of those Two Empires could continue to exist!!

History is already writing itself starting the Countdown on the Peace of the Continent!

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