Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 9 The Poorest Time Traveler in History

Coulson also sighed as he left the director's office.

Just a few hours ago, he deeply felt the other side of the innkeeper Kaous - poverty.

Even if you are poor, you are still stingy.

After coming into contact with the mystery of elemental magic, Phil Coulson opened his heart and talked eagerly with Kaus, and learned a lot of unheard of mysterious knowledge.

At the same time, he also enjoyed his meal.

The only regret is that the unknown roasted bird meat has a little too much salt. It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of drinking more water.

Until he felt the urge to pee.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Mulgore Hotel doesn't have a toilet!" Kausu explained without any shame, "You know, my hotel has never had much business. It all depends on the kindness of those gangsters, thieves, and gangsters." Giving away some change can ensure that I don't starve to death on the streets of Hell's Kitchen. So remodeling the toilet or something...has not been included in the plan yet!"

Listen, is this human talk?

Our Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau is officially a serious government agency after all. It has not pursued you for killing people and touching corpses because it is considered that you still have a certain value.

You actually, in front of two serious agents, confidently took out these shady things and regarded them as your achievements and achievements? And think of it as a valid reason for not having a toilet!

But Kausi took it for granted.

Not to mention the Mulgore Hotel, there are no toilets in the entire Azeroth continent.

The undead are half-dead, so it's natural that they don't have toilets; the night elves grew up drinking dew, so it's understandable that they were dragged into the moonwell; the smelly goblins run around in the caves, and it doesn't matter whether they need a toilet or not.

Did you know that the Terran residents of Stormwind City have to run to Westfall if they want to use the bathroom? It is said that there are still people who have worked hard to reach Wintergrasp...

We are great tauren, and urinating anywhere is the right thing to do!

Don’t even look at how green the grass is in Mogaolei!

After searching around, he couldn't find a public restroom, so Colson could only carefully sneak out of the back door, use a big tree as a cover, and solve the problem comfortably in the corner of the hotel's exterior wall late at night when no one was paying attention. Bubble.

"Ah - so cool!"

He has already made a decision and will write a compensation report on the hotel's exterior wall later. The funds applied for should be able to install running water, water heaters and toilets in the hotel...

Then as soon as he took a step back, he felt he stepped on something soft and slimy.

Confused, Coulson turned on the light of his mobile phone and saw various spiral or strip-shaped objects of varying heights and sizes surrounding the big tree.


"So I can guarantee that that tree will be the most prosperous next year!" After the euphemistic suggestion, the instigator, the hotel owner Kaus, replied shamelessly.

Thinking of what he saw under the tree, and thinking of the guest room with nothing but walls and a small wooden bed, Coulson could only sigh, and all the bones in his body were aching.

The roasted bird is delicious and free.

—but for two such rooms he paid a total of one hundred and fifty dollars.

He moved his somewhat stiff limbs, and then planned to spend some time this morning rewriting the report and finalizing the compensation as soon as possible.

But now Kausi was happily holding the banknotes and fell into yearning.

This is the biggest income he has ever made since he came to this world.

The real underworld bosses will only wander around the negotiation table and high-end cocktail parties like the upper class; most middle-level leaders with some strength need to be responsible for internal management and division of power; the most capable and smartest gang elites are busy dealing with the most difficult gangs. A tough opponent and the most profitable business.

Therefore, regardless of the fact that Kaousi has dealt with more than a dozen gangsters who came to extort money, as well as many bad thieves and gangsters who are accustomed to buying for zero dollars, in fact, these people are basically poor rookies. , I only have a few coins or a few dimes on me at most.

Small watch with a big gold chain? They don't exist, they are all fakes not worth a few cents.

In fact, if Cauvus had not learned how to prepare food and drink with his hands, he would probably have eaten all the inventory on the counter and in the basement, and then lie helpless and starved to death in the Mulgore Inn.

So he took the room payment and generous tip that Colson paid for, his fingers trembling with excitement. I even wanted to kiss Colson's extremely kind old face twice.

"I want to drink Coke, I want to eat watermelon, I want to buy a game console... a computer will do too."

In fact, he most wanted to buy a doll. The dark basement was comparable to the coldest prison. But as a time traveler who has basically survived the novice stage, it is already very embarrassing not to be able to hug the harem left and right. Buying a doll? It’s simply a shame for time travellers! It is very likely that he will be laughed to death by his comrades who have become masters of the plane.

As for those high-level elemental elves—who would have any strange thoughts about a lump of lightning or flame polymer?

Finally calming down from his excitement, Kausi flicked the banknotes in his hand, roughly estimated his purchasing power, and then decided to buy some daily necessities.

After closing the door, Cowus headed to the mall happily, looking around at the "Fogway Underground Boxing Club" sign hanging majestically on the door, the towering Fix Building and the low and simple building next to it. Residential houses contrast with each other, the Mariana Trench and the elastic long white legs, old cars that are so worn that even the doors are tied with ropes and loud supercars compete for lanes on a narrow road...and so on.

uh-huh? Is there something different mixed in?

Well, none of this is important. The important thing is that when passing by the floor-to-ceiling glass curtain of a shopping mall, he suddenly hesitated uncharacteristically.

On the wall, he saw his reflection.

There's nothing wrong with her slightly messy blond hair and delicate facial features, coupled with her slender figure.

But he still wears the light green shirt he brought from "that world", the gray trousers that look like they haven't been washed for eight hundred years, and a pair of large suede leather shoes that look more like cow hooves than shoes.

Of course the quality is no problem!

Whether this set of clothes has been in this plane for more than a month or the countless years spent in the basement, it has not been worn out even in the world of elements.

He hesitated for a long time and put his hands in his pockets. The few bills inside were already slightly moist.

"It's better to bear with it a little longer."

"No matter how stingy Lu Dan is, he won't even refuse to pay Coulson's tuition!"

After making a good excuse, Kaus turned around and walked into the nearby... tobacco shop.

When I opened the backend, I suddenly found that it was in contract status. I added an extra update to canvass for votes. Dear fellow WOWers, I am polite to you.

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