Mr. Smith’s Magical Touch

Ch. 12: Sam’s Descent into Womanhood. 🦴🧬

Outside on the city streets, Sam was hurrying away from the bar. His nipples were still hurting, and he was feeling weird. He kept checking his shirt to make sure his nips weren't showing, but his nipples were poking out of his shirt and were still growing.

"That little shit. I swear I'll teach him a lesson if he ever sees him again. Gah!? I can't feel them anymore. It's like they're swollen. I better get home and take a shower," Sam mumbled to himself as his nips were pressing against his button-up shirt, and he could feel a bit of pressure in his pecs.

'Fuck!? I-I shouldn't have underestimated that pretty boy!... If I had known, then I would have jumped him from behind and beat him to a pulp. Gah!?... Fuck! Why do my nips feel so heavy? And they're getting a little itchy.'

Sam kept checking his nipples, and he could see the black material draping down his pecs, which made him think that they were becoming bigger, but he didn't want to know for sure. The thing that was bugging him the most was the fact that every time he tried to get angry, his thoughts would always switch back to Lucas, and his voice would pop into his head and remind him about what he did and the pain.

'F-Fuck!? This is a bad dream, right? It has to be! That kid, he's a demon... A-A sexy, devilish demon. Ahh! S-Stop complimenting him! He stole the girl I was going after and made me feel... weird. Fuck! I-I shouldn't be thinking about him. B-But his eyes, the way he looked at me. Ugh! No! Stop!'

Sam was trying his best not to remember Lucas, his appearance, his scent, how his hands played with his nips, or how his body was reacting to him.

'Aungh! Damn it! He thinks he has won, but the joke is on him. When he's least expecting it, I'll jump him and give him a piece of my mind. Mmph! O-Okay, maybe not a piece of my mind, but a punch or two. And I'll take his girl from him and show him that he's not all that.'

Sam didn't have a clue about what was going on. But he kept telling himself that it was nothing serious, and he just needed to take a cold shower, and his nips would return to normal. Still, he couldn't believe he wasn't able to land a punch on that kid, and he didn't know how getting tapped only seven times was able to make his limbs weak, his cock couldn't even get hard, and his body felt so weird and hot.

"Haah... It was like every spot he touched me made my body go numb. A-And shivered... H-How did he do that? It had to be some bullshit martial arts or something. Fuck!? My nips are still hurting. Gah!? And they're still swollen. Damn it! This fucking hurts," Sam said as he was rubbing his pecs and his nips were rubbing against his palm, making him shiver, and his heart was racing. The sensation caused him to replay the events in his head over and over again. At first, he hoped to see something that he might have missed, but now he was starting to enjoy it.

'I-I can't get him out of my head. It was like he was playing me. I couldn't focus. A-And my~'

"Fuck! My nipples. They're still hard. That kid better pray we don't cross paths. I swear, I'll kick his ass if I see him again," Sam mumbled to himself as he was rubbing his pecs and his nipples.

His nips were now one inch long and the size of a pencil eraser. Sam could feel them pushing against his palms, and it felt a bit strange. Also, his broad shoulders felt a bit stiff, and his arms felt a little lighter, but he didn't understand why, and he didn't care.

As he kept walking and massaging his pecs, he was unaware that his body was changing and becoming less manly, and he was oblivious to the fact that his face was starting to look a bit softer. He still looked like himself but a weaker version. His body was losing its muscle definition, and he was becoming thinner, causing his clothes to become looser and baggier.

'It's not fair. Why does a kid have a girlfriend? She was so hot. And those tits. Damn! I wish I had a chance. Haah... If only that pretty boy didn't take her from me. Fuck! Why can't I stop thinking about him? Damn it! What the hell is wrong with me? I shouldn't be thinking about a kid-AUGH!? M-My pecs!? There's a soreness coming from inside my chest. W-What's going on?'

Sam could feel his pecs pulsing inside, and the area around his nipple was getting itchy, and it was driving him crazy. His nipples were poking through his shirt, and it was more noticeable than ever, and the cool air was making them extra sensitive.

'F-Fuck!? I need something to distract me... Hold on? There's some fine-looking pussy coming this way. I'll go say hello. Yeah, that's right. A quick lay will take my mind off this shit.'

Sam stopped and waited for the women to get closer. They were dressed nicely and were laughing and enjoying each other's company. He tried to get into his usual mindset when trying to get some action, but every time he tried, his thoughts would drift toward Lucas, and his actions would become shy and timid.

"Shit. I can't stop thinking about that punk. He did something to me. It's like my whole body is numb, but I can still feel his fingers. A-And how he touched me... What the hell? Am I gay?" Sam muttered as he was trying his best to ignore his body's new sensitivity and the fact that his cock wasn't getting hard, but his nipples were, and his pecs were throbbing.

While Sam is standing there trying to get his thoughts together, the two women say this guy is trying to act tough in front of them, trying to get their action. They normally would have felt worried, but seeing this guy's nipples poking out worse than either one of them have had and it made them want to laugh at him.

"Hmm? Is he?" the blonde-haired woman looked at her friend to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Hehe... Looks like the turkey is done. Nice nipples, baldy," the red-haired woman said with a chuckle.

"Haah? Did you just call me baldy? I shave my head!" Sam was a little taken aback by what he heard. He tried to put on his tough exterior, but his voice started to crack.

"Wow. I never seen a guy that has nipples that big," the blonde-haired woman giggled.

"Ugh... Y-You bitches wouldn't know a real man if he fucked your brains out."

"Real man? You're no real man. If anything, you're a man-whore. Just look at yourself," the red-haired woman chuckled.

Sam was pissed and wanted the snap back at these two women, but he felt embarrassed when his nipples started to tingle, and the area around his nips started to itch, causing his pelvis to throb, which was strange, and it was becoming annoying.

'Ugh... W-What the hell is wrong with me? I-I'm the man that women desire! I-It's my swollen nips. It has to be. Grrr! That makes me want to beat his ass even more. Fuck! I'll teach him a lesson if he comes back here again.' Sam thought as he quickly covered his chest with his arms and ran down the street. 'A-And I'm not running away from some bitches! A real man doesn't run! This is a tactical retreat! Grrr!'

Sam was unaware that his pecs were swelling slightly, his muscles were decreasing in mass, his arms and legs were getting thinner, his face was becoming a little softer, he wasn't as tall as he used to be, and his clothes were looking baggier on his body.

The blonde-haired woman and her red-haired friend were still giggling as they saw the man with swollen nipples running away from them. As the two girls watched the guy run, the red-haired woman spoke up, "Awe! Don't go! I always wanted to give you jerks the same respect you give me when I have erect nipples! Come back!"

"Hehe. I bet that jerk has a small dick too. I can't believe he has his nipples popping through his shirt. Ew!" the blonde-haired woman said.

"I know, right!? But it's kind of funny and cute. I've never seen a guy's nipples so swollen. I wish I could have twisted them a little. I bet he would cry, too," The redhead mocked.

"Oh, you're so evil, Jess. He has more than enough problems as it is. But you're right. It's hilarious, and he did have cute, swollen nipples. They reminded me of Kelly's when Jill bumped a bucket of ice water on her," the blonde-haired woman said with a giggle.

"Haha. You're right, Sara. She was pissed!... Well, this is a weird way to start the night," Jess said with a giggle.

"It makes life more interesting. Hehe."

"True. Anyway, let's go. The girls are waiting," Jess said as the two girls walked down the sidewalk.

As Sam ran away from the women, he could hear their laughter, and he felt embarrassed. His pride would have normally forced him to turn around and give them a piece of his mind, but the pain and pressure in his chest made him want to avoid any further confrontation.

"Those fucking bitches. They think they're better than me. W-Wait until I get them on their knees, and they're choking on my dick. T-They'll learn. Gah!? AUGH!? MMMHH!" Sam was interrupted when his pecs started bouncing more freely. He could feel them rubbing against the inside of his shirt, and the pleasure shot up his spine. He tried to shake it off, but the pleasure kept coming.

'F-Fuck!? What the fuck was that!? FUCK! My nipples feel so sensitive. T-That wasn't supposed to feel good. H-How the fuck did he do that?'

Sam didn't know what was going on. He tried his best not to think about the pleasure as he continued to run. His bald head was looking less bald as a few sandy blonde hairs were poking out, and he was an inch shorter, his clothes were looking baggier, and his hips and ass were looking thicker. He was starting to look like a tomboy.

'I-It must be his fault. He's doing something to me. Mmph! N-No! I'm not going to let him get the better of me. H-He won this round. B-But the next one is mine. F-Fuck!... Why is my chest itching?'

Sam could feel the inside of his chest pulsing, and his pecs were starting to bounce a bit more.

'I-It's getting harder to run. I-It feels like something is weighing me down. H-How is this kid doing this to me?'

Sam was able to ignore his bouncing pecs as best as he could while running down the sideway, avoiding people as much as he could. His apartment was five blocks away, and he didn't care who was watching him. All he cared about was the relief he was going to get once he got there.




Sam dashed down the final street toward the apartment complex's parking lot, his embarrassment growing and his breath becoming more labored. As he concentrated on his chest, he realized that something was off with his hips, causing an irregularity in his stride. With each step, the swaying seemed to worsen, sapping his energy as he struggled to maintain his pace. Sam was completely unaware of when it first began; his attention fixated on his chest. But gradually, he noticed his hips swaying, throwing off his running stride. Over the last two blocks, the swaying worsened, leaving him feeling increasingly fatigued.

"I'm almost home. FUCK! MMMH! T-This is a dream. I'm dreaming. AUGH! F-Fuck!"

Sam's strength began to wane as he trudged forward. His feet weighed heavily as if encased in lead, and his breaths came in ragged gasps. Despite the overwhelming urge to pause and gather his strength, the expanding pressure in his chest compelled him to press on, battling through the mounting discomfort.

'Just a little further. MMMMHHH! S-Stop. A-Ahh. H-Haa... Mm-mm! N-No. F-Fuck. My nips are still sensitive. What did that punk do to me? Why won't my nipples go back to normal? I-I have to get home and take a cold shower. I'm sure that'll fix this problem. H-He had his fun, but it's my turn now. I-I'll teach him a lesson.'

As Sam ran, he suddenly felt a peculiar sensation in his hips—almost resembling the sound of a knuckle being cracked. It was as if his pelvic bone had undergone a subtle transformation, causing his running stride to take on a more feminine quality. As his pelvis was changing, his balls were being pushed back into his body, and they were shrinking, making his cock look smaller, and his butt was starting to round out. The sudden and unexpected shift of his pelvic bone caused Sam's footing to falter as he navigated through the parking lot. He struggled to maintain his balance, barely preventing himself from stumbling to the ground. As he came to a stop, he stood there, focusing on regaining his equilibrium while feeling as though the world around him was spinning.

"Shit. I can't stand straight. O-Ow. M-My... My hips. T-They're so numb. Mmmhh. F-Fuck. Did I pull my groin muscle?" Sam was rubbing his inner thighs and trying to massage the ache, but the pressure in his chest and the constant throbbing made him forget what was hurting. "Mmm~ F-Fuck. My chest is killing me.

Sam's once stubbled face now appeared smooth, with short sandy blonde hair poking out from his bald head. His formerly broad shoulders appeared to be decreasing in size, and his arms seemed to be taking on a more slender appearance. His torso was showing signs of a more feminine shape, and his overall look was becoming more girlish. His ass was rounding out and becoming plump, his hips were swaying, and his feet were becoming daintier. You would be forgiven for mistaking him for a girl as his pecs no longer resembled that of a man's, and he was starting to develop the beginnings of breasts.

Sam was so fixated on his chest swelling that he failed to notice any of the other changes occurring within him.

'Fuck! They won't stop bouncing. Fuck!? It almost looks like I'm growing tits. Well? Maybe not tits; they're too small, and small breasts are lame-Gah! I mean! This must have been his punishment! His stupid trick is giving me boobs, so I can't compete with him! Like those two chicks from earlier didn't give a second glance, and he doesn't want competition!... That fucking prick! He's gonna pay! Aunh!? B-But first things first. I need to get home, take a shower, and calm down. Ugh... And why is my ass itching?'

Sam reached his hand into his pants and grabbed his butt, and it was feeling soft, and the more he squeezed and massaged it, the more he had to fight back his moans.

'Fuck! Did I put on weight? Why is my ass so jiggly? A-Ahh. A-Am I getting fat? No, that can't be right. I'm a man. Whoa!'

Sam lost his balance and braced himself against the outside wall of the apartment. His balance was off, and his hips were moving on their own, causing his legs to buckle and his pelvis to feel heavy.

"Fuck! Why can't I walk right?"

He took a deep breath and pushed off the wall, but his balance was all over the place, and he was struggling to stay upright.

"Damn it! I must have pulled a muscle or something. Fuck! MMM~ A-And what's going on with my ass? I'm not fat, but my ass is getting bigger. No, it's my imagination going wild again because my pants aren't tight, but they feel baggy around my legs. Whatever."

It was the dead of night, and the exterior lights of the apartment complex barely illuminated the area, providing enough light for people to find their way home. Sam couldn't see anything well besides his chest and his hands, which was making him nervous. As he approached his apartment, his thoughts drifted back to his swollen nips and his pecs bouncing.

'It's all his fault. He had to play dirty because he was threatened. I'm sure of it. Well, two can play at that game. Hehe. I'll show him. Next time, I'm going to be the one to suck his cock and make him squeal... Wait!? NO! I'll kick him in the nuts and make him squeal. Hehe. Y-Yeah. That's the plan.'

Sam was unaware of how wrong he was, and the more he thought about Lucas and the humiliation he suffered, the more attracted he became. His thoughts were clouded, and the anger he felt was turning into arousal even though his shrinking cock wasn't getting hard.

'Grr... That son of a bitch. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine,' Sam thought as he stumbled into the lobby of his apartment complex. No one was in the lobby, which had nice tiling and a few chairs and tables. Sam walked over to where the elevators were and pushed the button to go up. The doors of one of the elevators opened, and he went inside and pressed the button for the fifth floor. As the elevator ascended, his height had shrunk by another inch, and his shoulders had gotten smaller.

'M-My nipples are still hard. B-But there's a tingling sensation coming from the sides. W-What's happening to me?... H-Huh? D-Did I just moan? I-I did! Shit. T-That was embarrassing. Ugh. I can't wait to get inside and get my shower-'

Sam looked down and saw his pants were starting to fall down his hips. He was puzzled at why his belt and button wouldn't keep them up. He quickly looked around, trying to find a surface that had a reflection, but the walls of the elevator had wood paneling and no mirrors. He grabbed the waistband of his pants and pulled them up, and as he did, his clothes began to feel looser, and his pecs were getting softer and more sensitive.

'Why the hell are my pants falling down? Did he put another spell on me or something? Shit. I gotta get home before something bad happens.'

As he held the waistband of his pants, a lightbulb lit up in his head.

'I remember! When he poked my stomach. I felt his finger slip in and a sharp pain. D-Did he do something to my organs? Oh! I'm going to make that guy pay. If he ever crosses paths with me, I'll-'

By the time the elevator reached halfway to floor five, his clothes were no longer fitting him, as his once muscular body was now softer, and they were sliding off him. His body was still shrinking, as his hips were wider and his chest was larger as two female A-cup breasts had formed. Just as he was trying to examine himself, some sandy blonde hair started blocking his view, and he couldn't tell what was going on. His hair had grown back in fully, and it was down to his neck. His bangs were covering his eyes, and the rest of his hair was hovering an inch above his shoulders.

"W-What the hell?" He said as his voice had a higher pitch than normal. He couldn't see anything and tried to push his hair out of the way. Of all the strange things that were happening to him. He enjoyed this one as he missed the feeling of the silky texture of his hair, a sensation he had thought he might never experience again after losing it in college. As he ran his hands through his locks, he marveled at how they felt. His hands had undergone a change as well, becoming smaller and with a delicateness to his fingers that he had never known before. The transformation didn't stop there; his facial features were taking on a softer, more feminine appearance, and his lips were noticeably plumper, completing the metamorphosis he was undergoing.

"W-Wait a minute!" Sam squeaked out, then shook his head to rid himself of his happy thoughts, but his voice was still high-pitched.

'W-What the fuck happened to my voice? Shit. He must have turned me into a sissy! I need to hit the gym tomorrow and make sure to get that guy back. Shit. Why are my pants feeling tight around my hips now?'

No matter how many times Sam brushed his hair out of the way, it kept falling back down. He had no choice but to hold it behind his neck.

"Fuck! I-I can't see anything. Shit. This is annoying," He said in a cute voice. Sam tried looking down, but all he saw was his chest pushing out his black button-up shirt. It was like he had B-cup breasts all of a sudden.

"AH!" Sam shouted, and he quickly covered his mouth.

"Shit. That wasn't a sissy voice. T-That was a girl's voice." Squeaked the now feminine voice.

'W-What the fuck was that. S-So fucking embarrassing. F-Fuck.'

The elevator was approaching the fifth floor, and Sam had a sense of urgency to get to his apartment.


The doors to the elevator opened, and Sam, who now looked like a woman wearing men's clothing, was walking out of the elevator. His pants had caught on his thickening, feminine hips. As his body continued to transform, he was having difficulty seeing, as his hair was falling into his eyes.

'Shit. I need to find my room and fix myself. I'm glad the hallways are empty. No one needs to see me like this. What the fuck type of magical crap to that pretty boy use on me?'

"Where is it? I know it's this way. Agh. Damn it. I can't see shit."

Sam was getting annoyed. He couldn't tell where he was going, and he wasn't used to having female hips. His walk was all over the place, and he was tripping and falling into walls. He didn't know that his ass was bouncing and jiggling with each step, and his tits were bouncing along with his hips.

'I can't believe that I'm saying this, but this fucking hair is pissing me off. I don't care if it's growing back. It's getting in the way. I'm tired of this shit. Fucking magic.'

Sam was using one hand to hold up his pants while his other was trying to cover his boobs. He needed to see where he was going, so he stopped trying to cover his hard nipples and held his hair behind his head, and his face was red from embarrassment. He was glad no one was there to see him like this.

'Fucking pretty boy. I'm going to kick his ass. Fucking magical dick. Fucking sexy demon. Mmm. Dick. Shit! I can't think straight. Fuck. My mind is telling me that I'm a dude, but my body is saying otherwise. Come on, Sam! You're will is stronger than some fucking wussy ass magic. You can do it. Get your shit together.'

Sam was trying to stay focused, but his mind was racing with confusion. He couldn't understand what was going on. He stopped at his door, fumbled to grab his keys, and then dropped them.

"Fuck!... Stupid girl's hands," Sam cursed himself.

Sam bent down and picked up his keys. As he stood up, his hair fell into his face again. He was about to grab his hair, but instead, he grabbed his keys and unlocked his door. As he opened the door, he took a deep breath and exhaled. Upon walking into his apartment and closing the door, Sam felt a wave of relief wash over him. He was in a safe place now.

"Home. At last. I just gotta sit and rest. M-Maybe I'm having a bad dream. Y-Yeah. I just gotta wake up, and everything will be normal again."

Sam felt his hair, and it was real. He felt his shirt and his pecs were gone, replaced by his new, petite breasts that felt so good when he touched them. He pinched his nipples and moaned, then stopped himself. He was having trouble adjusting, and the confusion and frustration were starting to build.

'Shit! Fucking tits are so sensitive. F-Fuck. I-I didn't know how nice it felt to have titties. F-Fuck. W-Wait a minute. This is a dream. A-All of this is a dream. It's just a dream. Yeah, it's a dream. A wet dream. Hehe. It's not every day you get a dream about being a chick~GRRAH! FUCK! I mean. Shit. No. That's wrong. I can't be thinking this way. Fuck. I'm a man, dammit!'

If Sam were to see himself, he would notice that his black button-up shirt was too small around his chest but baggy everywhere else. The same was true for his pants: tight around his hips but baggy in his legs and ankles. He looked like a chick that borrowed clothes from a larger man. He shook his head and squeezed his but and tits one more time to confirm this wasn't a dream.

"I-It's real... W-What the hell?" Sam cried as his eyes were hidden behind his long bangs that seemed to be growing past his nose while the rest of his hair reached his petit shoulders. He needed a moment to breathe; his heart was pounding, and his chest was rising and falling. He had a sense of urgency, as his body was tingling, and the feeling of a ticking time bomb was making his mind go haywire. He needed to reverse this spell and get back to his life, his male life.

'Gotta fix this. I-I can't be a chick. N-No way. I-I'm not gay. And I'm definitely not a fucking girl!' Sam thought as he quickly ran over to his bed and flopped down on it, letting out a cute sigh as he sank into the mattress.

"AH!" He shouted in a high-pitched voice as he buried his face into the mattress. He was so frustrated that he screamed into the fabric and started kicking his feet like a kid throwing a tantrum. His fancy leather shoes came flying off easily and flew across the room, then bounced off the wall.

"AHH!" Sam screamed and continued to scream until his lungs couldn't take anymore, and then he went silent. He was panting heavily and breathing so fast that his mind was foggy, and his face was numb from all the blood rushing to his cheeks.

"O-Okay. F-Focus, Sam. W-We need to focus and fix-Huh? N-No... No, no, no, NO!"

Sam felt something missing between his legs. He quickly got on his knees, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled down the zipper. As he lowered his pants, he didn't see a hint of his dick. Instead, he saw a pussy, which was soaking wet and pulsing, causing him to blush, and his body was getting hot.

"No... No! This can't be happening! My dick is gone. That kid stole my manhood. A-And turned me into a real girl. H-How can he do that?" Sam shouted in his high-pitched voice. His mind raced as he thought up a new idea to change back, but he needed his friend's help. Sam reached into his pocket and retrieved his phone. With a swift tap to unlock the screen, he began leisurely scrolling through the myriad of photos captured on his device.

He was taking photos of that pretty boy who was fucking that hot Asian girl in the bar. He was hoping to use it as blackmail material on the chick to get his way with her. But now, he found himself in a situation where he had to use the information to uncover the identity of the man. Sam struggled to swipe through his photos because his fingers were too small to control his phone. His hair was in his face, and his clothes were too baggy and tight around his chest.

"Come on! Where are the photos? Damn it! I know I took some pics. Why are you acting up right now? Shit. My stupid sissy fingers are messing up the-OH! Found it! Thank you, god. Okay, which one can I see his face clearly in?" He shouted in frustration at first, then he finally pulled up Lucas' picture, which had a clear shot of his face. Sam had to admit; Lucas was one handsome son of a bitch. If he weren't the reason he was in this predicament, he would have been trying to seduce him.

"Grrr! Stop it, weird thoughts. FOCUS, SAM!" He said in a cute tone.

Sam examined the photo, hoping to find some sort of clue about who Lucas was. He pulled up the photo that had Lucas' massive cock that was about to penetrate Hana's hungry pussy. Sam's eyes were drawn to the meaty pole that he envied. It made his old one feel inferior, and he found himself staring at the photo for minutes, getting lost in thought.

"Holy shit. He's a fucking monster. His dick is the size of a child's forearm. H-How is this possible? How did that chick take that thing? This is unreal. U-Ugh. Fuck. Why is it so fucking big?"

Sam was talking to himself while staring at Lucas' dick for much longer than he would have as a guy. His right hand moved downward towards the front of his opened pants, and his small fingers started rubbing the front of his underwear. His face was beet red, and his pussy was tingling, craving attention.

'W-What is his name? Why is he so good-looking? God! I hate good-looking guys! Aunh! Always flaunting their muscles and handsome looks in front of everyone. Mmmmh! Fuck! I'm so mad at him! Ahhhh!'

Sam had a strong hatred for good-looking guys, but something about Lucas made his loins quiver as his hand rubbed the front of his pants. He was so lost in his thoughts that his fingers had started to move faster.

"A-Ahhh! Oh, fuck!" Sam moaned as he glared at Lucas' smiling face.

'W-Why does he have to look so damn hot! He's even better looking than me. No guy should be allowed to look like him. Augh! H-How can this guy turn me into a chick? I-I'm going to make you pay for what you've done! Aunh!? I-I can't take it! Aunh!? God! How do women keep their sanity with these damn hormones? I'm so pissed! So damn mad, and it's~! Ugh! I'm getting so wet.'

Sam's hand was rubbing his front, but the fabric was causing some friction on his clitoris. And just as his hand was rubbing the spot, he began to get wet. His frustration wasn't anger but arousal. He thought he hated this guy, but deep down, he was attracted to him, and he wanted him. Sam was too focused on his hand movements and the thought of Lucas' cock and balls. His pussy was pulsing and tingling, and his hips were moving back and forth.

"F-Fucking! P-Prick! Augh! H-He couldn't c-compete with me! Aunh! H-He had to turn me into a fucking chick!" Sam complained as he continued to move his fingers faster as he stared at the image of Lucas as the wet spot between his legs grew. He was getting close, and his body was shaking, preparing for an intense orgasm.

"W-When I find him, I-I'm going to... G-Gonna... AUGH!"

His body was shivering, and his breathing became more profound as his eyes glazed over.

"I-I'm gonna~! G-Gonna~! Ah! AH! AUGH~! OOOOOHHHH~! F-F-FUCK! I-If I was still a man, I would fuck you! Augh!" Sam moaned as his eyes were drawn to Lucas' chiseled features, and his hips moved faster, forcing his body to tremble, and he couldn't control himself anymore. The thought of that thick, monstrous cock sliding inside him both terrified and excited him.

"Uuugh! Oooohhh! F-FUCK YOU! OOOH~! I-I'M SO ANGRY AT YOU, FUCKER! AAUGH~!" Sam's body needed more stimulation as the friction from the fabric of his underwear wasn't enough. His fingers moved past the waistband of his underwear, and he pushed them deeper into his pants, and they found the entrance of his dripping wet pussy. He didn't care if the front of his pants had a huge damp spot. All he wanted was to touch his now virgin pussy.

"AUGH~!" Sam moaned as the hand that was holding his phone was shaking, and his other was trembling, pushing his fingers inside his pussy. He could feel a surge of electricity running through his body. His nipples were hard, and his clit was aching. Sam felt a surge of energy flow from his toes to his head, and a warm sensation overcame his entire body, causing him to cry out in a high-pitched squeal.

"Aunh! You took away my manhood y-you jerk. Aunh! F-Fuck! This is your fault!" Sam squealed in a higher-pitched feminine voice, and he didn't realize how erotic his voice was.

Sam's body was shaking violently, and his eyes were shut tight. The pleasure had far surpassed anything he had ever felt when he climaxed as a man, but even though he was feeling amazing, he was struggling to cum. His mind was filled with images of Lucas' chiseled, handsome features and that massive pole of meat that was throbbing in his memory. He wanted that thing, and his body was yearning for it.

"Aunh! H-How can his stupid face make me wet? Augh! Fuck! Why is it taking so long to cum! Aunh! I-I hate this woman's body. Augh! Why does it feel so good? But I can't get off! Aunh!"

Sam was frustrated and confused that he hadn't climaxed yet, but his new feminine body was getting more and more aroused to the point that his mind couldn't comprehend it.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck you! Augh! A-Asshole! Aunh! You're such a bastard! Augh!" He screamed.

'W-Why can't I cum! Augh! Fuck!' Sam yelled in his mind.

Sam's body was trembling, and he was sweating profusely. All he could do was move his fingers faster, which made him wetter.

"Fuck you, asshole! Augh! A-Asshole!"

Sam was insulting Lucas as he finger fucked his virgin pussy, and he was getting frustrated that he hadn't orgasmed yet. That was until he accidentally grazed his G-spot.

"OH~! Fuck you, asshole! O-Oh~! God!"

He felt a rush of energy from his stomach to his head. His sandy-blonde hair was growing faster, and his shirt was getting tighter around his chest. His body quivered as his mind went blank, and his legs began to shake as the pressure between his legs was getting hotter. He knew his body was on the verge of climaxing.

"F-Fuck you, asshole. Augh! O-Oh! I'm gonna~! AAAUUUNGH~!'

He stuck a finger inside his vagina and arched his back, causing his breasts to push out his shirt, causing one of the buttons to pop off, revealing a little bit of his cleavage as his breasts were C-cup at least.

Sam's face was flushed, his breathing was getting heavier, and his hips were moving in sync with his finger's movements. He was getting closer and closer to orgasm.

"I-I'm so mad at you, asshole! OH, FUCK!?"

Sam's eyes rolled back as the first orgasm in his new body took him by surprise. But unlike a man's orgasm, where he would have come down from his high almost immediately, his female body was still going, and the orgasm kept rolling on like a tsunami. His moans grew louder and louder as something released from his lower gut.


His whole body shook as his hips thrust his pussy up. He could feel the fluids leaking from his pussy, and it was staining the bed. His mind was getting pummeled by the waves of pleasure that washed over him, and his eyes were shut tightly. The room filled with the sound of Sam's cute moans and the squelching noises his pussy made as he finger fucked himself to an earth-shattering orgasm. He couldn't stay mad at Lucas when he was in this state. He dropped his phone and used his second hand to cup his breasts.

"AUNH!? I'm sorry! Oh, I'm sorry! Aunh! Oh, gawd! Augh! How!? How did he do this to me? Augh! Oh, fuck! Ahhh! Please turn me back!"

His whole body shook, and the orgasm continued. His mind was going blank, and his vision went white. And he couldn't control his mouth and his legs.

"AUGH!? H-H-How can this feel so good? Oh, god, it's amazing. Ah, yes, aunh. Oh, fuck!"

Sam was in another world.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Augh! Please don't tell anyone! Augh! I'm not gay, I promise! Aunh! Fuck me! Please fuck me, Master!"

Sam had no idea what was going on. He was so lost in his own lust and didn't know what he was saying. His fingers were still moving, and his legs were shaking.

"Please, turn me back! Oh, god. Please, I want to be a man again! Aunh!"

Sam was begging, and he sounded so pathetic. His voice was cute and sexy, which added to his sexual frustration.

"AUGH! Please forgive me! I-I'll never insult another man again! Augh! Please turn me back! I'll do whatever you want, Master!"

He didn't even realize that his breasts were growing in size and his body was changing.

"Oh, fuck! I'll suck your cock, please, Master! Please, just make me a man again. Aunh! I'll be your slut. Please. Make me a woman. Fuck me. Take my virginity. Oh, please. Aunh!"

Sam was losing his mind, and he had no idea how to stop. His whole body was shaking. His hair had grown past his shoulders, and his breasts were now solid C-cups that defied gravity. The bed was soaked, and the sheets were ruined. His body was covered in sweat, and his pussy was pulsating.

"Fuck me, Master! Augh! Please, fuck me."

As Sam was begging for cock as he plunged three fingers into his pussy. He didn't know that he was talking, but his voice was so loud that someone could hear him. His fingers hit his G-spot, and his back arched while his breasts pushed out, causing another button to pop off his shirt, exposing more cleavage. He couldn't stop the next wave of his orgasm from washing over him.

"Please fuck me, Master. Ahhh~! I'm sorry for calling you an asshole. I'm sorry for insulting your cock. Please take my virginity. Augh! Aunh! AUNGH! FFFUUCCKKK MMMEEEEE! OOOHHHHHH GGGAAAWWWDDDD! FFFFFFUUUUCCCCCKKKK! I'M CUMMINGGGG!"

Sam's libido was still on high as his new female body was still experiencing his first orgasm that wasn't going away, and his fingers were continuously hitting his G-spot, making his body shake and convulse. He was losing his mind. He couldn't stop cumming, and his mind was filled with thoughts of Lucas. His pussy sprayed out and drenched his bed, and his hand was covered in his pussy juice. He found himself unable to move for what felt like an eternity, his back arched and his eyes rolling back into his head. As his vision slowly returned, he finally regained control of his body after he came down from his intense orgasm, but he couldn't stop the flow of his fluids that were gushing out.

"A-Ahh. O-Oh. H-How did that just happen?" Sam was confused, but he didn't know that he had been begging Lucas to fuck him while his female body experienced its first orgasm. He saw his phone screen, which still had Lucas' photo, and he remembered how mad he was at him.

"Augh. What did you do to me? Fuck. W-Why did I call him master? Women are the ones who call me master after sex! Oh God... I-I need to find him and demand that he turn me back! B-But I don't know his name?"

Sam grabbed his phone as he sat on his bed, which was drenched in his juices and tried to pull himself together.

"U-Ugh. My hands smell like pussy. Gah! That doesn't matter right now! I need Mark's help! He can find out who this guy is!... He was always good with technology and shit like that... Okay, I'll text him. And hope that he's not sleeping."

Sam had his phone, but his hands were still shaky. So, it took him a few tries to type his message.

(Hey, Mark. I'm sending you a pic of a guy that wronged me. Can you find him?)

He typed the message and hit send with the image of Lucas about to fuck Hana.

"H-He better reply," Sam muttered in his cute feminine voice. He was nervously biting his fingernail, waiting for a reply.

It took a few seconds, but his phone buzzed, and the reply was instantaneous.

[Dude! Is that guy fucking a chick in the O'Neill's Pub?]

(Yeah! That guy stole the chick I was going after. I need to teach him a lesson, but I don't know who he is or where he lives. Can you track him down and send me his name?)

Sam lied to Mark because he didn't want him to know the truth. If Mark found out that Lucas turned him into a woman, he would lose all credibility, and Mark would look down on him.

A few seconds passed before the phone buzzed again.

[I can't do it on my phone, so I'll get you the info tomorrow... I'm out at Club Revel if you want to join me and Dawson.]

Sam was happy that Mark was able to help him. But the thought of going out to the club as a chick made his mood turn sour.

"That asshole will get what's coming to him!" Sam tried to say it in a brooding voice but only ended up sounding like a cute girl.

(No. I'm tired. Thanks. I'll pay you back for helping me out.)

Sam was looking at his phone when he felt his pants getting wetter. He looked down and realized that he was still horny and that his pants were stained with his juices.

"Gah! This is embarrassing. I can't go out like this. W-Wait a second. How much did I cum?"

He looked down and saw a huge damp spot on the front of his pants, and it smelled sweet and musky.

"N-No. No. I didn't just squirt like a bitch in heat. It can't be. I'm not a woman. I'm not a chick. I'm a guy! Guys can't squirt like bitches. No way."

Sam was trying to rationalize what was happening, but the evidence was undeniable. He gritted his teeth as he got up from his bed, his pants clinging to his crotch, and his breasts jiggled.

"This isn't my body. I'm still a man. I-I just need a moment, and then I'll return to normal," he said, trying to reassure himself, but it was clear that something was wrong. He was feeling hornier than ever, and his breasts were sore, and his pussy was aching for more stimulation.

Sam heard his phone buzz again, but he didn't respond to it. Instead, he went to his laptop and pulled up his favorite website. It was a porn website where the models were always female. He had a particular fetish for watching girls with huge asses getting fucked hard by huge cocks, and the video always put him in the mood. But he kept seeing Lucas' face appearing in his mind.

'God. I'm a fucking guy. Why am I thinking about that guy at the bar? Fuck. I'm going to look at these girls and not think about other men. Because I was a fucking stud! NO! I am still a stud!' Sam thought as he rubbed his temples and clicked play on a video of a girl getting plowed from behind.

The sounds of moaning and grunting filled the room. The camera was focused on the girl's ass, and she was moaning loudly. He felt a pang in his heart when his eyes started drifting toward the man's cock, and he was having a hard time staying focused. His hand reached down, and his fingers rubbed his clit through his soaked pants. He wanted to feel good, and the girl's moans were turning him on, but his mind was filled with Lucas.

'F-Fuck. Fuck you, asshole! Get the fuck out of my head!' Sam mentally cursed Lucas.

His pants were soaked, and his nipples were erect. His body was tingling all over, and his pussy was dripping wet. Sam fantasized before, but he never had one as a woman. His mind was racing with thoughts of being dominated and fucked by a man.

'Damn it. I'm a guy. I don't like dicks. But why is my body acting like a damn slut? Oh, shit. That dude's dick is big, but it's nothing compared to that guy's in the bar.'

Sam was looking at the other cocks on different videos and comparing them to Lucas. The images were making his pussy leak even more.

'W-Why is my body reacting like this? Am I a fucking gay now? No, I'm not. I'm a guy. Guys aren't supposed to get wet... But why is my pussy getting wet from looking at those cocks? Aunh! I-I need to stop! This is fucking gay!'

Sam had no idea, but his brain and his body were fighting against each other. He wanted to hate cock, but his body was reacting positively to it. He could feel his pussy dripping wet, and his nipples were rock hard. He couldn't stop masturbating to the cocks. He couldn't stop fingering himself.

"Oh, fuck!" He moaned as his hips bucked and his back arched, pushing his breasts out.

Sam was masturbating while watching the porn video, but his mind was filled with visions of Lucas and his big, thick, long cock. He needed to stop, and out of desperation, Sam was able to slam his laptop shut and remove his hands from his pants. He was frustrated and angry. But he couldn't hide the fact that his pussy was quivering with excitement.

"I-I can't do it. I can't look at a picture of a naked chick and have a boner... Mark better come through and get me the info that I need," Sam sighed as his heart and body were in turmoil. He felt betrayed by his own body, and the frustration was starting to overwhelm him.

Sam lay down on his bed and tried to relax. His clothes were still wet and sticky. But he was too exhausted to take them off.

"I-I just need sleep... Hopefully, this is nothing but a bad dream."

He stood up and went to his bed while wearing his ill-fitting clothes. His clothes were still wet and sticky, but he wouldn't remove them as the thought of being nude in a girl's body made his loins quiver. Sam lay down on his bed, and his body relaxed, and the exhaustion set in.

"Fuck. Why did this have to happen to me? Please let this be a dream?" Sam muttered under his breath. He was feeling defeated and alone. He wanted to go back to his old self, but it was clear that he was no longer the man he used to be.

As his eyelids gently closed and he drifted off into a peaceful slumber, he held onto hope for the best, but his dreams were plagued with images of that young man and his cock, which was aiming for his pussy.

"Mmm... No..." Sam whispered.

He groaned as his dreams continued to torment him, which was more vivid and lifelike than anything else he had ever experienced. In his dream, he was a girl, and Lucas was flirting with him. He had a huge cock, and Sam was horny. Lucas was touching him and kissing him, and his cock was rubbing against his pussy.

"Augh! Fuck... Ugh!"

His hand instinctively rubbed his crotch, and he moaned as his dream made his body shiver as his clit became engorged.

"No... Ah... Mmmore... Need... Aunh!"

Lucas pinned Sam's arms over his head, and he started to thrust his cock into Sam's tight pussy. Sam's dream was so vivid, and he felt Lucas' cock deep inside his pussy.

"No~! D-Don't stop! Aunh! Augh! FUCK!"

Lucas was fucking Sam, and Sam's body was convulsing as Lucas' cock filled him. He couldn't believe it. He was dreaming about Lucas fucking him, and he was loving every second of it. Sam wasn't even aware of Lucas' true identity, but his female body was responding positively to Lucas' actions, and his libido was at an all-time high. His dreams were so vivid and lifelike, and he could feel Lucas' cock thrusting deep into his pussy.

"Ah! Master! I-I'm going to cum!" Sam moaned.

Sam screamed as his legs opened wide. And his fingers pushed aside his boxer briefs, and his middle finger slipped inside his pussy. While his other hand found his C-cup breasts. Sam was at the mercy of his dreams and his new feminine body.

"Yes~! I'm going to cum, master! FUCK ME HARDER! OH, YES!"

Sam was so horny that he was losing control, and his fingers were furiously fingering his pussy while his other hand caressed his breast.

"Mmm! Aunh! Augh! Master~!" Sam moaned loudly as his orgasm took over his body, his pussy leaked, and his underwear was drenched.

Sam was gasping for breath and sweating profusely. He was having a wet dream, and it was about a man.

"Yes, master. I'll do whatever you want. Oh, gawd. Master, please make me yours."

Sam couldn't fight his desires, and his dream was pushing his mind closer and closer to the edge. He couldn't control his body. His legs were spread open, and his hips were thrusting upwards. His clit was throbbing, and his pussy was dripping wet. He was so horny that his juices were leaking out.

"Yes. I'll suck your big fat cock. I'll let you cum all over my tits. Anything you want, master. I'm yours."

He was begging for a man in his dream, and Lucas complied with Sam's subconscious desires as Sam was getting manhandled by this man. He loved how he bent him over. He loved how he pulled his sandy-blonde hair. He loved how Lucas said that Sam was the sexiest woman he had ever seen.

"Please. Please master. I want your baby," Sam moaned as his dream progressed.

It was the first time he had a dream like this, and it was intense. In the dream, Sam had no idea that he could get pregnant, but his subconscious knew.

"Ah! Yes. Give me your seed. Fill my womb. Let's make a family."

Lucas was fucking Sam so hard that his back was arching. Sam was begging for Lucas to fill his pussy. Lucas obliged.

"Please give me a baby. Oh, fuck. Your cock is so deep inside my womb. Master, your balls are so full. Fill me. Fill me. Please. Make me your woman. I'm yours. All yours. Oh, God. Please. Cum inside me. Please. Oh, please. Give me a baby. Oh, gawd, please."

Sam had never begged for something so desperately in his life, and his new body was aching for it. If the rational part of his brain was aware, he would have stopped, but the primal part of his subconscious was telling him to keep going.

"Yes. Master, please. Fuck me. I'm begging you. Cum inside me. Breed me. Make me yours. Please. Please. Please. Please. AUNH!"

Sam's legs were shaking, and his toes were curled as he orgasmed in his dream. His whole body shook as he was wracked with pleasure. A pleasure that far surpassed his old male orgasms.

"Aaah~!" He screamed, his voice cracking.

Lucas gave the last few thrusts before Sam's pussy tightened around his cock. And Lucas moaned as his body trembled and his cock pulsed and exploded.

"Aaahhh! YES! MASTER!"

Sam screamed as his pussy erupted and his hips shook. His hand got drenched as his pussy juices gushed out, and his breasts pushed against his shirt. Sam's body was in complete ecstasy. It was the most intense orgasm of his life, and he was still feeling it.

"YES! Aaahhh! Aaahhh!"

Sam couldn't stop the orgasms; his legs trembled, and his eyes rolled back. And his mind was in a state of bliss as he came like a girl.

"Fuck! Oh, fuck... Mmmh?... Oh... yes..." Sam mumbled.

Sam had acted like a real woman, and he was still trembling from his multiple orgasms. He was breathing heavily, and his body was covered in sweat. He had never had such a powerful orgasm, and his body was tingling all over. Luckily, his body had achieved what it so desperately wanted, and he finally drifted into a deep slumber as his mind and body were satisfied.

His phone started buzzing like crazy, and he didn't hear his phone as Mark texted him frantically at 5 a.m.

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