Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 778  A Mother's Love

Chapter 778  A Mother's Love



Ye Cheng's eyes burned with tears gathering, waiting to spill out of their socket at any moment.

This had been the one part of his life where he felt he failed most.

In his mother's life and that of his father. Although everyone had the blame for how they lived their life, a part of him always felt like he needed to have done more to get his family back on track.

One such mission was finding his mother's best friend.

Holding her body closer, Ye Cheng shut his eyes and nuzzled his nose in her hair. "You did not fail, mum. I was the one who did."

Her arm tears stained the side of his shirt as more tears began to flow freely from her eyes.

"I would handle Zhang completely soon enough once I gather more than enough pieces of evidence to ensure he gets a life-or-death sentence. Then I will get all the help we can get and find her."

She drew her nostrils and nodded on his body. "I understand."

Li An spent the next couple of minutes in her son's protective arms till she got better somehow. She pushed him off a little to stare at his face.

How well the young one she had breastfed over two decades ago was now the one protecting her.

"How fast you have grown," she wondered out loud. His eyes gave off a warm smile to appease and ease off her troubles.

"Whenever you want, know that mother's bosom is always here for you. You shouldn't be the one petting me, I should be the one." Ye Cheng chuckled loudly.

He allowed his hands to fall from her body to the bed as he leaned back and reeled out more heart-felt laughter.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing, mum."

"Talk," she threatened with a glare.

"It is nothing really. I just think Li Jing would have a different thought about that."

"Is that so? You two are my babies. Why would she complain?"

She shook her head and tsked.

 To prove her point to her son, she settled properly on the bed and pulled him by the shoulder. "Come."

Before Ye Cheng got a chance to reject her offer, his head was placed on her chest and her lovely fingers soothingly patted his hair.

His lips remained parted for a while as the words of protest, he had formed immediately faded from his memory.

Seconds later, he rested properly against her body and kept his eyes closed to recall the memories of old when their family was complete.

"Just like old times, right?" Li An softly reminded him. "You used to always love it when I pet you like this. It was easier for you to sleep.

Ye Cheng smiled at the sweet memory. Even back then when her fight with his father began, whenever he couldn't sleep, she would come to assure him and place him in a similar position.

The nightmares that plagued him often stopped when she was near and soon, he drifted off to sleep.

Those were painful and lovely memories for him.


"Yes, son."

"We would find Auntie. Just focus on your health."

"I know we will. Fong Cai and I would start off. Once you put Zhang in his place, we can all join hands."

"As you wish."



Li Jing heaved out a deep sigh taking one long look at the house where all her memories came from.

'It is the same as always, only older this time.' She shook her head and went into the house.

As usual, she was greeted by the same maid and was led into the house.

"As I said, this is the place I grew up in. I do not need you to take me around. Kindly inform my father that I am around," Li Jing politely reminded the maid.

Taking her sweet time, her eyes scanned the environment as she excused herself and went to the living room.

She felt a strong pull to visit her room but kicked against it. The last time she saw it was when she packed out of the house after the bitter betrayal of her sister and ex.


She sat down casually as she would when she lived there and waited. A few minutes ago, her presence was greeted by her foster father, Li Chun.

Seeing him after the few days or weeks since her last visit, he seemed to have aged further. At once she knew his daughter Li Xiu had done something to set his heart ablaze again.

She looked about him with a smile which did not leave her face, escorting him with her eyes until he got to her side.

"Good morning, Dad."

"Li Jing. Good morning. To what do I owe this pleasure?" He returned her smile and opened his hands for a hug.

She hesitated, thinking of all the times he did not treat her well and left his wife and daughter to maltreat her.

"How is your health?" Li Jing asked and looked away.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see the pain wash over his face at her rejection. Unable to take the pain, she shut her eyes tight, killing that memory from her mind.

He was kind enough to adopt her but a huge part of her wished he had left her alone at the orphanage he took her from.

Who knew, perhaps her mother would have come in search of her or something. At least she would not have had to cross paths with Li Xiu.

Even if that possibility was there, she was sure it would have been different somehow. She was denied all she wanted while living under her sister's shadow.

Li Chun smiled it off and took a seat. "How is everything?"

"It is fine. You do not look well, father. If anything is wrong, I can take you to the hospital myself."

Li Chun brushed off her offer and rested forward against the black walking stick in his hand.

"Tell me what I can do for you. I am sure a busy woman like you will not want to be delayed."

"As you wish. I need to know which orphanage you took me from. It is crucial for me in finding out who my real parents are."

"I knew a pest wandered into my house, but I least expected it to be you, Li Jing."

Li Jing's eyes narrowed when she heard the familiar annoying voice. "Alas, fools shall speak without reading the handwriting on the wall."


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