Morgana: The Mother Of All

Chapter 77: Battle Howl

"ALL OF YOU, TO ME!" Materializing within my domain, I bellowed, infusing my voice with Mana and channeling my passive 'Offspring's Loyalty' to its maximum.

"YES, MOTHER!" Immediately, all of my descendants responded to my call, abandoning their tasks and rushing towards me. Even those not bound by blood, like Celeste and the goblin girl, answered my call. The broken-minded cowgirl emerged from her room, slowly making her way to the field.

"Listen up, everyone," I began, my voice loud yet composed, gazing at each of them. "A swarm of spider rats is heading towards the new territory as we speak."

"Their numbers range between four to five hundred," I added, my tone calm and steady despite its volume. "I need all of you to prepare and fight."

"YES, MOTHER!" They shouted in unison, determination and crazy bloodthirsty grins adorning their faces.

"Celeste!" I called my bunny queen. "Can you teleport everyone here to the new territory?" I inquired.

Ever since I marked Celeste, she was able to open portals inside the protective barrier; however, only my offspring or marked targets could get through, plus it consumes so much mana to open a portal inside. So, I wasn't sure if Celeste would be able to use her portals to move them that far.

"I can, but it will take some time," the blond hot milf replied. "I'll have to teleport everyone to my dungeon first, and from there, I'll have enough Mana to open a portal to the goblin cave."

"Good, you can begin right away," I said, approaching her and eyeing the roots wrapped around her waist. "Celeste, can I count on you for healing support?"

I leaned in, whispering in her ear, "I expect many wounded." I chose to say 'wounded' instead of 'casualties' as I could not bear the thought of losing one of my children.

I know some will fall; I must accept it, and I do accept it to some degree. But come on, I'm their MOTHER! I'll die before seeing one of my kids die before me.

"Of course," Celeste nodded a soft smile on her lips. "Don't worry, some of my kin possess healing magic, and our twin princess, along with some of your other rabbit-kin daughters, have healing abilities as well."

"Great...then I'm leaving everyone in your care," I said, turning to the rest of my descendants. "Listen up, I want all of you to follow Celeste's orders from now on....Luna! Come here."

"Yes, mother," my firstborn wolf daughter approached, standing before me like a soldier, a Beta answering her Alpha's call, not as a mother and daughter.

"Luna, choose a few of your daughters to stay here and take care of the little ones and the other guests" I ordered, recalling the pregnant goblin girl, the cowgirl, my holstaur daughters, and the new futa bunny. As for my goblin daughters, they matured quickly and were now standing among the gathering.

I still hadn't given them names, but they didn't seem to mind. When they matured, they awakened their magical abilities. The smallest one developed the ability to turn her skin to stone, like her father...I mean, sperm donor.

As for my big goblin daughter, things got really interesting. She awakened the ability to grow in size, and let me tell you, if I wasn't her mother and didn't know her race, I would definitely presume she was an Orc instead of a Goblin.

The girl could grow to a freaking two meters tall and muscular. Big and strong, with the MONSTER between her legs being my prime focus. The horse dick was a dream come true, and I'll absolutely be the first to taste it.

"Understood, Mother," Luna replied, nodding her head. "I'll pick the ones best suited for the job."

"Good," I nodded, smiling at her and caressing her cheek. "You're the oldest here, so I expect you to take care of your sisters."

"Don't worry, Mother, I won't disappoint you," she declared, her eyes filled with determination and loyalty.

" go," I smiled, waving my hand.

Luna nodded, walking towards her sisters/daughters, and began selecting some of them for the task.

"Well, everyone," I spoke to the rest, "I'll go first," and with that, I teleported to the cave.



Materializing within the cave, I immediately shifted into my wolf form, unleashing a thunderous howl that shook the entire area.


A few seconds later, hundreds of howls echoed back at me, answering my call. More than seven hundred wolves came rushing to me.

"What's wrong, Mother?" Ember approached, followed by Azura and her daughters.

I did not respond, waiting for the rest to gather. When Fenrir, Scarlett, Rhea, and the hunters arrived, I finally spoke.

"Everyone, I have called you because a swarm of monsters is heading this way right now," I said, meeting their gazes. "Their numbers are around five hundred, and they will be upon us in less than twenty minutes."

"What kind of monsters, Mother?" Fenrir asked, a growl rumbling in his throat, his tail swishing from side to side.

"Spider rats," I answered. "They're big, ugly, and dangerous. From my experience, they possess wind magic and can shoot sticky webs."

"Ugh! Those filthy creatures," Rhea growled, clenching her hands into fists. "I've encountered them before; they are slow but hard to kill."

"Hmm… interesting," Ember hummed, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "It's been a while since I've had a decent fight."

"Mother," Azura called, stepping forward. "What are your orders?"

"My orders are simple," I began, surveying them all. "Fight in a group, and do not hesitate to retreat into the cave or use the 'Return' skill."

"The rest will arrive shortly with Celeste and her kin acting as healers," I added, turning to Ember and Azura.

"Azura, the monsters are coming from the north. I want you and your daughters to modify the battlefield with ice walls."

"Why is that, Mother?" Azura inquired, tilting her head.

"I wish to break their ranks," I replied, drawing the shapes and sizes of the walls on the ground. "Ember, go with them and guard them while they work."

"Yes, Mother!"

"Fenrir!" I called, turning to the big bad werewolf. "Take as many hands as you need and spread these along the walls," I said, buying from the shop, spiked barricades and long wooden spikes. "You know what to do."

"Understood, Mother," He nodded, his eyes filled with excitement and bloodlust.

"Rhea," I turned to my beloved dark futa wolf, "take your hunters and remain hidden. Wait for an opportunity to strike from behind."

"Yes, Alpha," She replied, turning to her daughters and ordering them to prepare.

"Listen up, everyone!" I shouted, catching everyone's attention. "I desire one thing." I paused, gazing at the hundreds of excited eyes staring at me.












The howls grew louder and more fervent with each word, their eyes shining with excitement, hunger, and murderous intent.

"NOW GO, MY CHILDREN!" I roared, feeling the air shake and the ground tremble.



When they left, I took a deep breath, trembling with excitement, ready to spill some blood. But I managed to keep myself in check, not allowing the wolf's instinct to take over.

Opening the shop again, I bought five thousand health, mana, and stamina potions. I also purchased a few hundred sleep and poison potions, planning to throw them at the spider rats, but I expected them to have some poison resistance, given their rat origins.

With everything set, I waited for Celeste to arrive, which happened ten minutes later. Giving them the same 'Bloody Speech', we left to meet our opponents.


"They're finally here," I said, standing on top of the wooden wall, gazing at the hundreds of spider rats emerging from the tree lines.

"Good! Good! Very good!" I laughed, eyeing the swarm of giant rats. "I prepared a welcoming gift for all of you."

"FENRIR!" I called my adorable werewolf grandson; he didn't need me to say it twice, knowing what I meant.


He roared, using all his might to send me flying in the air, launching me like a rocket towards the enemy line.

"EAT THIS, YOU FILTHY FUCKERS!" I grinned, crafting with my 'Crimson Forge' skill a giant blood fist that descended upon the enemies like a meteorite.


The spider rats screeched in pain and fear as the fist crashed down, crushing dozens of them in an instant, leaving behind a huge crater and a cloud of dust.

"HAHAHAHAHAH!" I laughed, landing inside the crater, the spider rats freezing when they saw me standing on top of the pile of corpses. I grinned when my crimson eyes landed on their leader in the back of their ranks, the big white spider rat.

"FUCK YOU," I gave him the middle finger, grinning at the expression on its ugly face, before turning back and retreating.


He roared, commanding the rest of the spider rats to chase after me.

"Stupid," I chuckled, seeing that the first part of the plan had worked. As for the second part...


Rumble! Rumble!


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