Moral Degeneration


I pulled up to the dorm in the Chevelle after school. The campus was busy as always, so I had to park a little farther away, but it wasn’t too much of a hassle. Waving at girls as I walked past a few giggled or began talking rapidly to each other. It wasn’t long until I was knocking on the girl’s door though. 


“It’s open!” Anastasia yelled. Opening the door the semi-dressed girls were revealed to me. Anastasia stood there in a deep black lace dress. Black combat boots on she wore her regular pale white facial makeup and black lipstick. Rebecca stood on her side of the room wearing a light blue dress. Thin shoulder straps and shorts, she too looked gorgeous. 


“You came,” Rebecca said excitedly rushing over. But I had no time for words as I pulled her in for a deep kiss. Practically sweeping her off her feet she moaned in my mouth, but it wasn’t long until I was releasing her and doing the same to Anastasia. 

“How long do we have?” I asked, out of breath staring down at her cleavage. 


“Long enough,” she said with a smile. I looked over to Rebecca who was frowning, but she began to raise her dress up. 


“Dresses on girls,” I said, opening my own jacket. Ana and Rebecca eyed one another but it wasn’t too long until I had both of them on me. Rebecca sitting on my face I couldn’t see anything around her dress skirt. Anastasia was riding my dick as the girls made out. Making them cum almost effortlessly my face was drenched by the time I came. Then it was Rebecca’s time to ride. 


Instead of allowing that though I had her laying on the bed with Ana on top. Both girls kissing as I fucked Rebecca loudly. She got so into it though that I started fucking Ana again. Mashing her tits, trying to pull on her barbell studs I wanted her far more now than we met all those weeks ago. 


After I filled a second condom they put their feet down. “Nope, we have dinner reservations,” Rebecca said.

“Why did I have to dress up again?” I asked. 

“Because we did,” Anastasia said. 


“Worth it then,” I said. “So if I show up in a suit every time, I can expect dresses?”

“You like them that much?” Rebecca asked, eyeing me. I nodded quickly. “Boys are weird.”

“I don’t know. I feel sexy in this,” Anastasia said. 


“And out,” I offered. She laughed and I gave her a kiss, which turned into another makeout session until Rebecca was pulling us apart. 

“We can do this later,” she said. “Please, my folks will be pissed if we are late.”

“Whatever you want, dollface,” I said. Stepping outside the door I pulled out 2 small bouquets of roses. Passing one to each it put a smile on both of their lips. 

“What’s this for?” 

“Just an apology for canceling plans,” I said. “I know it doesn’t make up for it.”

“Yeah yeah,” Ana said. Kissing my cheek she patted my rump. “You’re worth it.”

“Good,” I said. “Well come on then, or can we do the sex again?”

“No, we better go,” Rebecca said quickly. “I have a couple of cousins in town too, so this is pretty big.”

“You sure you want to disclose our relationship at a family thing?” I asked. 


“Yep,” she said, holding Ana’s hand. I could tell she was nervous, but I had to give her props. She and Anastasia had only been officially dating for a couple of weeks, but she was ready to take a leap of faith. I didn’t mind being known as the guy in the relationship. Since Audrey didn’t have much family it hadn’t come up, but this would be a good trial run for extended family. 


“Are your mom’s coming to this?” I asked Anastasia.

“I thought you wouldn’t want them to know…because you go to school with my brother and all,” she said shyly. 

“Ana, I’m not really ashamed of this,” I said. “And to be honest I’d love to see your brother's face.”

She smiled slightly. “Maybe next time.” I nodded and extended my elbows out. The girls took them as they carried their roses with. We went out with smiles on our faces. Girls staring at us wide eyed as we went through the halls. I opened the door for the girls and they both got in back. 


“How was New York?” Rebecca asked. 

“Boring,” I said. “But I learned a lot.”

“Like what?” 

“I’ll tell you later. What about you 2? You seem a lot closer than the last time I saw you,” I said. Looking in the rearview they were holding hands. Both were nervous. 

“Yeah, we uh, kind of had a moment,” Rebecca said. 

“During the orgy?” I asked. 


“Don’t talk about that,” Rebecca said. 

“No, the morning after,” she said. “Where were you anyway?”

“I had to go to church. Asking forgiveness for our sins,” I said. 

“Of course,” Ana laughed. “No, we got lunch and kind of spent the day together, then…this.” 


“Good for you,” I said. 

“What about us?” Rebecca asked. “You’re not mad, right?”

“I mean, I see myself as dating you both…that’s the case, right?” 

“Yeah,” Ana said. “Just weird. Can’t believe we are in some poly sort of thing. I know my folks will freak.” 

“Mine too,” Rebecca said. “But more about the boy in the middle.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “Didn’t warn them about me?” 

“I wasn’t sure you’d show,” she said with a slight smile. 

“I swear, I’ll make it up to you,” I said. They laughed but I got a kiss from both on either cheek. We were meeting at a large steakhouse. A family room in back the whole event was for the retirement of one of Rebecca’s moms. I worried it was going to be awkward, introducing a girlfriend and boyfriend at a retirement party sounded not the best venue for this sort of thing, but Rebecca assured us it would be fine. 


“Rebecca!” A long line of people said as we walked in. They were as I expected. Different stages of age, but the same general feel as Rebecca. Blonde hair, pretty, and tall. The women there ranged in age from 70 to 14. 


Ana and I stood on either side of her, both of us unsure what to do. “Guys this is my um roommate, Anastasia, and friend Russell,” she said. Ana hid her curse but we locked eyes. I had told her she would chicken out at the beginning, but I didn’t much care. 

“A boy?” An older woman asked and the flood of women came to us as the doors were shut. There were quick introductions, and I got most of the names. Rebecca’s moms were there, so it wasn’t like she was scared about having a girlfriend. It wasn’t too long until we were sitting at the long table and peppered with questions. 

“Anastasia, I love that name. You must be Rebecca’s girlfriend,” one of her mom’s said. She was older, and apparently the one retiring. I guessed late 60s or so. 


“Uh yeah, sorry,” Rebecca said.

“Don’t worry about it,” her other mother said. “Rebecca must like you. She’s never brought a girl home.” I wanted to laugh since this felt so much like my old world, except genders were reversed. Ana, Rebecca, and I held hands under the table. 

Most of the girls there were staring at me, but the mother’s had more sense. They didn’t let anyone ask me any questions and focused on Anastasia. Where she went to high school, how they met, what her degree was in. It was all very normal and I sat through it, smiling at girls around the table. It was as weird as I imagined, but where other people hated these sorts of situations I thrived on them. 


When the food orders were placed and Ana was exhausted from answering questions they moved to me. “Russ, can’t say Rebecca ever mentioned you,” the older mother said. 

“Weird, she never mentioned you either,” I said, squinting. “You should have seen my face when she told me. It was quite the shock to know she had parents.” 


The table was quiet then the mothers burst out laughing. Others joined in and they were less on the attack. “How does one befriend a boy, like my daughter supposedly has?” 

“Pretty face usually does it for me,” I said. “I was lost and scared in the dorm one day. These 2 were nice enough to feed and clothe me.”

“Oh so you’re a puppy now?” The mother laughed. 

“Yep, that’s me,” I said. “Loyal too…to a point. What about you all? Rebecca was tight lipped. What’s the occasion?”

“Retirement,” the older mother said. “I decided I’m done with my old boss. She can go shove it for all I care.” 


I looked around, girls were stifling laughter. “I’m guessing you were the old boss,” I said.

She laughed again. “Jeez, you found a smart boy. Yes, my wife and I ran a business together. I’m stepping down, and she is taking over.” The younger mother appeared in her early 50s. 

“Oh so you get to travel and she gets stuck with the bills?” I asked. 


“Nope,” the younger mother said. “We still plan to travel. But I’ll be the head pharmacist.” 

“Oh you’re pharmacists?” I asked. Fortune had finally smiled upon me. “You know I was having a debate with a girl the other day. It was on medical issues. I told her that back in the day they used to have a pill that girls could take every month to prevent pregnancy.” 

The younger mother frowned but the older one nodded. “Yeah, they used to call it The Pill,” the older mother said. All girls turned to her. 


“Really?” The young mom asked. “I never heard of that.” 

“They strongly outlawed calling it that, years ago,” she said. “Now they just call it Progen.”

“Progen? I take that,” Rebecca said. My heart leapt. 

“Yes, its mainly just estrogen and progestin. Lots of women take it. Helps regulate their flow,” she said. 


“So wait,” Anastasia said, catching up as Rebecca and I locked eyes. “You’re telling me that there is a pill to not get pregnant?” 

“Yeah, they don’t advertise because it’s not-” She stopped talking as she eyed Rebecca, Ana, then I. I could almost see the lightbulb go off in her head. “Oh my god, you’re all dating. All 3 of you.” She laughed and slapped the table.

“What?” Her other mother asked, turning to us it was plain to see as Rebecca and Ana blushed. This was the relationship they were most embarrassed by. I couldn’t blame them. All the eyes on me as well, I felt a little heat from my collar. 

“Kind of,” I said.

“Oh lord, Rebecca,” a cousin of her’s said.

“Yeah, we are dating,” she said.

“How the hell does that work?” Her older mother laughed leaning back. 

“Sorry to uh ruin your party,” I couldn’t help but say. 

“No,” she said. “This is-this is great. My daughter dating a boy. I didn’t think that happened anymore.” 

“I met a man with girlfriends last week,” I said. 


“Really?” Her older mother asked. “How did that work?” 

“He was older. In his 50s,” I said. “Had like 6 girlfriends. They lived together and had a bunch of kids.”

“Interesting,” the other mother said. “You were asking about not getting pregnant, so I can assume…” 


“No, no,” Rebecca said. “We were using…protection.”

“More than you knew, jeez,” her mother laughed. “My daughter with her own girl and boyfriend. Crazy. Tell me about yourself, Russ. This is so weird. Never thought I’d be interrogating a boy.”

“You’re not mad?” Rebecca asked. 

“No, god no. Companionship is natural,” she said, grabbing her wife’s hand. “Dating a boy, probably more so. Just wish you’d warned us.”

“Sorry,” she said.

“Don’t be. Livened up the party, that’s for sure,” her mom said laughing and others joining in. The atmosphere was getting a little better already. “Russ, please, tell us about yourself. Who’s your dad.” 

“Russ doesn’t-” Ana tried to say but I cut her off. 

“Actually I found out recently,” I said. Letting out a sigh I prepared to say it. I didn’t see why not. “You uh ever heard of Jacob Hodgins?” There was a long silence of course, then more prodding questions. 

“No way” “I see it!” “Wow” girls said around the table.

“For real?” One of her cousins asked. 

“Yeah, I found out a couple of weeks ago,” I said. “I actually met him too.” 


“No way, when, where?” Her mother’s asked. 

“Over break,” I admitted. “That’s why I had to cancel on you 2.” They shared a look and I could tell felt a little bad for giving me shit. “I’m working on my transparency. Anyways I met him at his place.” 

“What was he like?” The younger mother asked. 

“An ass and a wimp,” I said truthfully. 

“I believe it,” the older mother said without missing a stride. “None of us are our dad’s kids. What about your mom? Where did you grow up?”

So I told them. Food came and people were far more interested in my story. I didn’t see any reason to hold back. Ana knew, and I assumed she told Rebecca. By the time I was done there were a few tears but everyone was silent.

“Been living it up here ever since,” I said.

“Wow,” her older mother said. “Gotta admit. My party is turning out way more entertaining than I expected.”


“You’re telling me,” the other mother said. “Rebecca, you should bring people around more often.” Rebecca blushed but held tight onto my hand.

“Can I interview you?” One of the cousins asked. She was older and I assumed out of school. 

“Interview? For what?” I asked. 

“Bianca is an aspiring filmmaker,” one of the Aunts said. I guessed that was her mother. The girl in question was like Rebecca, blonde and fit. She wore glasses, and dressed a little more sloppily, but she was pretty. 

“I go to UCLA. My uh senior project for my filmmaking class is either a script or short film,” she said. “What I have is crap. It would be a lot better to interview you.”

“I don’t think I’m comfortable with that,” I admitted. “Sorry.” 


She frowned. “But it would be great. Men are always hot topics in classes.”

“There’s a lot of male actors,” I offered. “Why not interview them?”

“I do filmmaking. Most of those guys have their own private tutors and schooling,” she said.

“I still don’t…” A thought struck me. “Let’s talk after the party, okay?” She smiled widely at me and nodded. The party went on. The focus finally turned from me and the older mother told stories about Rebecca or her job. It was a good time. 

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