Moral Degeneration


“Are you sure you don’t want us to follow?” Luna asked. We were out back of the Menagerie club saying goodbyes. 

“I’ll be good. You girls were great. Here’s some spending money. Go get high or whatever. But stay away from the hard stuff,” I warned, passing them a couple hundred. 

“Are shrooms hard stuff?” Penny asked. 

“Don’t know. Ask the ladies there,” I said. “I already called so they’ll be expecting you.”

“Where do you meet these people?” Luna asked, rolling her eyes. 

“Wait, where's our cut from tonight?” Penny asked. 

“We square up in the morning after they get paid. We should be sitting on a nice amount. 10% each.”

“No, 15 each,” Penny said. “We earned it.”

“You did,” I said with a nod. “Now go.” I kissed Luna. She made it into a quick makeout session. Her hands all over me she must have recovered from our session that morning. When she was out of breath and smiling I moved to Penny. 


“That was so hot tonight,” she said. “Those girls were like putty in our hands.”

“You did great. Couldn’t have done it without either of you. But Penny, darling, you’re a natural,” I assured. 

“Right? Maybe I should start my own pimping business,” she said. I laughed and we kissed hard. My hand on her ass, hers on my cock I was plenty hard by the time the taxi honked. 

“That’s you,” I said. “I’ll pick you up in the morning. Again, no uppers. I already told your guide, Freddy, what you’re allowed to have.”

“Freddy? There's a guy?” Penny asked. 


I laughed but sent them on their way. As their taxi left I found Beatrice out front of the club. Nervous but waiting I ran over to her. When I was close she let out a sigh of relief and waved down another taxi. Apparently the cabbies knew this place hosted the rich people of the city because there were a couple more waiting close by. 


I opened her door and we slid in back. “80th by Central Park,” she said. The cabbie nodded and I was on her.


Beatrice had expected an awkward car ride, but I was serious about wanting her. She was gorgeous and more than willing. Moaning in one another’s arms we forgot about the cabbie as my hand snaked up to inside her skirt. The Elle left at the carport near the club. I felt it was safe so I let my worries leave me as I focused on this woman. 


Her drenched pussy easy to read I began to run my fingers up and down her slit as she gasped and bit my lip. I never stopped making her feel good. Running along her clit she jolted with every motion. Sticking 2 fingers inside of her she moaned, “Rory.” The name was close enough for me to not care much. I began to hit her G-Spot and her long nails dug into my arm. I sped up, our tongues on one another but she got too into it. Pulling back she took huge lungfuls of air and I increased the speed. With very little effort she came again as her legs lifted her lower half up and her body shook. 


I slowed down and pulled away, only to move her back over to me as she recovered. Humming happily in my chest the car ride wasn’t too long. When the cabbie stopped I had to help her out, but she tipped the lady driver well to ignore what she saw. 


We were at one of the larger apartment buildings by Central Park. Beatrice grabbed my hand and dragged me in. A door man nodded at her. He now knew my face so I could get around more easily if this guy was working. The elevator opened and we got to the first bit of real security. Punching in her floor she scanned a keycard at a small black box. It beeped and the elevator shot up. 


“So how much do you want for all this?” She asked. 


“All what?”


“This uh week of fun,” she said, acting almost drunk as she pushed me away.  


“Oh I’m not interested in money,” I said again. “Just a meal now and then is fine with me.”


“What do you get out of it?” She asked. Looking away shyly. The elevator continued upward. 


“Companionship,” I said with a shrug. “You got a wife and kids?” She shook her head. I didn’t completely believe her. This was a downtown apartment, she could have had a more domesticated place with a family somewhere else. 


“I grew up with lots of sisters,” I said. They were foster siblings so they didn’t count much, but oh well. “I prefer companionship. Something real. Something other than the bar. Meeting for a bit. A one night stand. A quickie in a small room where you’re charged up the wazoo.” The door opened to the elevator. I stepped out and extended my hand to her again. 


She hesitated but joined me. Outside the elevator was a long hallway. But instead of the many doors there were only 4. She pointed to one. Walking up to the closer one she scanned her keycard again. The door unlocked. Opening it I noticed a camera on each end of the hall. Inside of the entrance to her condo was another camera pointed at us. 


Impressed with at least some security around the condo then got my full attention. A large wall of windows on one side, it looked right onto Central Park. I was sure that during the day the view was probably spectacular. Currently all the lights were turned off in the park and the towering buildings at its perimeter were the view. 


The apartment itself was nice as well. Taking up a quarter of the entire floor there was a large kitchen with 2 refrigerators, a living area with a giant TV, and pretty much every fancy gadget available in the day and age. 


“Nice place,” I said with a nod as I took my suit jacket off. Throwing it on the back of a chair I studied the area. Watching everything for signs of other people living there. I was wrong, this place could house way more than a family. She probably was single. 


“Uh thanks,” she said. Nervous, she took off her own jacket. “Helps when your boss owns the building.”


“Boss?” I asked. Excited by the news but trying to hide it. “You have a boss? You seem like the boss type yourself.”


“Oh I am,” she assured, laughing slightly as she walked closer. Her chest moving from side to side I wasn’t shy about watching it. “I’m very bossy when I want to be.”


“I don’t believe it,” I said. Moving toward her I grabbed her hands and pushed her up against the wall. My front pushing against her she gasped. Biting her lip as she stared into my eyes. Her legs slowly opened to let me get closer. 


“You’re very sexy,” I noted. My hand moved up her thigh squeezing her ass as she moved in for a kiss. I pulled back, teasing her. She’d given me most of what I wanted already, so it wouldn’t hurt to have some fun with her. “You don’t want this, do you?”


“I do,” she moaned. I could practically feel the heat from her pussy as she pushed it closer to me. “I want it so bad.”


“A boy in your apartment and you want just a quickie in the entryway?” I asked. “Come on, girl. Be more adventurous. Ever gotten a boy here all to yourself? We could do anything you want.”


“Anything?” She asked slowly.


“Within reason,” I said. “But I don’t judge. Worst I can say is no. What do you like?”


She hesitated. I wanted to knock her out to have a look around, but not knock her out in the normal sense. The sexual exhaustion had been my method as of late. There was no reason to stray from that. Beatrice really was gorgeous. Despite the bangs she was giving me a much older Ryleigh vibe. Dark hair, large chest, quiet and reserved. But this woman was her own person too. A thinner nose, larger forehead hence the bangs, far more mature and probably a genius in her own right if she was the CFO at my father’s company. 


“I’ve always wanted to try something,” she mumbled. 


“Do tell,” I said, backing up. I moved to sit on the back of the sofa. She paused as she considered then walked further into the living room. 


“Uh do you um want a drink?” She asked, moving over to a bar. 


“Not really,” I said reluctantly. I’d been hesitant to let anyone make my drinks as of late. Recent events had kind of soured alcohol for me a little. “I could go for a smoke though.”


She made herself something then turned over her shoulder. Nodding she pointed at her purse by the door. I opened it and we walked out to the balcony. 


The city was loud like always. But the air was clear at least. The cold March night was a little chilly but there was something nostalgic about shivering your ass off while you had a cigarette. We ended up sharing one. 


“I grew up here. In New York,” she said. The words were foreplay for whatever she was leading toward. I let her talk. “On the edge of town in a shithole apartment with my mom and Aunts. They worked day and night. Did whatever jobs they had to. And I mean anything.” She focused on anything which said a lot. 


“I grew up with my entire family never letting me take a day off of school. Didn’t matter if I was sick as a dog. They dragged me there. All to be sure I didn’t have to work like them. The day I turned 18 they revealed they’d been saving their money to help me with college.” She laughed as she blew out smoke. Passing it back to me our touch lingered. I actually felt pretty close with her at that moment. There was something sexy to me about a woman working hard to get where she was in life. 


“It wasn’t much. I’d had a lot of scholarships, and I tried to not rely on the money. Save it to give to them when I graduated, you know?” I nodded. “But I needed it. Went into debt as I decided to go for my MBA. Stupid though it was.”


She chuckled. “It’s funny how the school tells you one thing. But real world says something different. Of course my professors and advisors said to get my degrees now. Then when you join the corporate world they ask ‘where’s your experience?’”


“Yep, prostitute school has the same problems,” I said. 


She snorted. Smoke billowed out of her nose as I smiled at her. “You’re funny.” She turned to face the city. Her arms crossed over the handrail. “I worked my ass off to get where I am. My mom and aunts have a great place in Florida. They never have to work again. At first they denied all the money. I told them I don’t have kids, who else am I going to spend it on? They denied and denied and I’d say it over and over. Who else do I have? When they accepted I realized I was right. Who else did I have?”


“Work I’m guessing,” I said. 


“Right on the first try,” she said, her ice clinking as she took a drink. “Work. Always work.”


“No longtime girlfriends then?”


“One maybe,” she said. “Not really my thing. That’s why I started to frequent the Menagerie. Try to fill that void, you know?”


“No,” I said. “I don’t know.” She eyed me, confused. “That void that forms in the pit of your stomach when you dread going home because then you’re reminded there's no one there waiting for you. Or the one that hits you while you’re walking down the street and you see someone with the perfect life. The wife and kids that you never had. The smiles on their faces.” 


I bit my lip. Reminded of my old life. I hadn’t put together how much Beatrice was like the old me. Relying on company you could rent. Devoting yourself to the work. Rather than what was really important, the people around you. 


I felt guilty then. Not just using Beatrice, but dumping my girls. Yes, I had to solve this issue with my dad, but I could have handled it better. Not an impromptu road trip where I left everyone wanting more of me. 


“You do know it,” Beatrice whispered. 


“Of course,” I said, stretching as I leaned back from the edge. Heights still freaked me out, but I was doing fine there at that moment. “Why do you think I’m here?” I lied. 


“I can honestly say, I have no idea,” she said, bringing me out of my own mental back and forth. “I’ve always kept you boys there. Never bothered to ask for this sort of thing. Fuck, I’ve never heard of any of you accepting. I’ll have about 5 women I work with asking about you tomorrow.”


“Oh yeah? And what will you say?”


“I’ll say…I did whatever he wanted in bed,” she said shyly. 


“How’s that?” I asked. 


“You asked what I wanted,” she said in a rush as her face became beat red. “That’s what I want. My mom did what she had to to raise me. I want to know what she went through.”


“I’m guessing she was a…prostitute?” I asked. Bea nodded. “And you want me to treat you like one?”  She nodded again, her face getting redder. I barked a laugh. 


“What? You won’t?” She asked. 


“Prostitutes have rules,” I said. “Like at the Menagerie. How is that a kink? Some vanilla sex where I pay you with Monopoly money?”


“No,” she said, feeling a little ashamed. “I want the full treatment. The ‘will do anything you say for the right price’ kind of prostitute. B-because-“ she cut herself off. 


“Because why?” I asked, starting to see what she wanted. 


“Because I like it,” she said, grimacing as she looked up at me shyly. “I like the whole power play.”


“Oh,” I said. I looked her up and down. “Okay.”


There was a long pause. “What?”


“I said okay.”


“Really?” She asked. I shrugged. She let out a long sigh. “Really really?”


“Yeah, of course. Sounds kind of hot. Why would I say no?”


“I don’t know. I-I’ve never told anyone my kinks before,” she said, getting excited as she hugged the rest of her drink. “Really?” She had a wide smile that erased the heart to heart moment we had. She was a girl I’d just given the best present in the world to now. 


“Yeah,” I said. “I was worried you’d say like you want me to piss on you or something.”


“Oh,” she said. “That’s a thing?” I nodded. “I never heard of that one.” I could see she was trying to wrap her head around how she might feel if did. I had to pull her back out. 


“How do you want to play this? Simple roleplay like we meet at the bar? Or I call you up to my room and use you how I want?”


“Uh I’m not sure. I didn’t think I’d ever actually say this outloud. You um mind giving me a minute?” I nodded and she ran back inside. I guessed off to the bathroom to talk to herself in the mirror. I followed her and poured myself a drink. 


Shaking my head I stepped back out onto the balcony as Beatrice psyched herself up. Not too long since I left the girls I was still worried about them. I called Luna. 


“Hey baaaby,” Luna said, very inebriated. 


“Hey yourself,” I said. “Get to the place okay?”


“We did,” she said in a low tone. 


“Bitch who is it?!” Penny yelled in the background. 


“It’s our hubby,” Luna said. 


“Oh my god I love him,” Penny said as her voice got closer. “I love you. This place is great. I’ve already done the most drugs.”


“Luna, she hasn’t, has she?” I asked. 


“Ha! No, we like barely had a joint. But fricken heck it was strong. I’ve never done this before but I like it,” she said. “But daaaamn I’m starving!”


“Quiet you lightweight,” Penny said. “Let me talk to hubby.” I heard the phone being fought over. Then she was talking right into the receiver. “I want to see you naked. I had so much fun earlier.”


“Me too,” I admitted. “I’m hoping to wrap this thing up in a day or 2 so we can get back to your vacation.”


“Whenever I’m with you I’m on vacation,” she said. “I just love you so much.” Her voice cracked as she said the words. The marijuana must have really been strong if she was getting sappy. 


“Why is that?” I asked. Who didn’t enjoy getting some unfiltered truth from the intoxicated ones in their lives. “Why would you love me? I’m pretty secretive. And sleep around a lot.”


“Hey, don’t talk bad about my future husband like that,” she ordered. “He’s the best. He makes me feel safe. Calls me all the time. And when he’s with me I know he’s there. Either with me 100% or 1%. He gives all he can. And fuck he’s like fearless. I once saw him like shoot lasers out of his eyes or something.” 


I laughed, wiping a tear from my eye. “You’re pretty great too, you know,” I said. 


“Oh yeah? How great?”


“Like the best,” I said. “You’re adventurous and truthful. I wouldn’t trust you with my car. But I’d trust my back to you if things went bad.”


There was a pause. “Psh,” she said in the phone. “You’re bad at this. But it’s okay, I still love you.”


“Good,” I said. “Tell Luna I love her too. And you mind putting someone that lives there on the line?”


“Uh yeah. There’s like so many girls here. I’m surprised you only had sex with 2,” Penny said. “You-phone.”


“I’m guessing this is Russ,” Maeda said. The older black woman sounded like she had been laughing. “You got a couple weird ones here. Lightweights too.”


“Yeah I know. Thanks for hosting. Just letting you know I should be good in a few days if you want to prepare,” I said. 


“Oh good good. I’ll do that. In the meantime this girl won’t shut up about you,” Maeda said passing the voice to someone else. 


“Russ,” a new voice said. 


“Freida, hey,” I said. “How’s it going?”


“Good,” she said. “When are you coming back?”


“Tomorrow morning. Till then you mind keeping an eye on the blondes for me?” I asked. 


“Can do,” she said sweetly. “You uh need anything?”


“No, but I’ll be leaving town in the next few days,” I said. I heard her intake some breath. “Did you still want to come with?”


“I’d love to,” she said instantly. “Where?”


“I’ll tell you tomorrow,” I said, still unsure how to take her. “Till then, watch the blondes.”


“Okay, “ she said. Instead of lingering I hung up as Beatrice stepped out.  


“I think I have an idea,” she said. 


“Perfect,” I said walking back in. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.