Monster Queen

Chapter 4: Funky

"Alright enough serious garbage, you ready for fun?"


I knew where this was going. Listening to her instructions, I knew exactly what she wanted. I was going to have sex, and do it raw. Sex with not only a beast, but one that I desired to feel. 

She could have not given me any consequences for avoiding sex with this beast, and I most likely would have still done it by now.

'I'm just too curious..I really want to try it just once.'

The only option in the summoning category had no price attached. It was listed right there with a simple name, goblin. My mind raced to the image of a green creature, one that was snarling and evil looking.

Closing my legs together tightly, I could feel my nipple harden slightly with each new idea I had. I took a large deep breath to calm my heightened nerves, only to feel even more excited.

'I, I need to do it.' 

The soft firm sheets below held my body from sliding around a fluffy soft texture to the sheets. The blankets were thin with a sheer like material that let the body below remain partially exposed. The breast clung to the sheets while the nipples poked out, while my fingers down below felt the entrance turn moist with her words.

"For your official disclaimer, get ready for this spam message."

"A what?"

Her voice turned ultra low speaking at a super fast speed. She was speaking so fast I could barely hear it all, which made my head slightly dizzy.

"You only get one starting species, there is no second chance or do over. This will not change, and you will never get a chance to get another one. Protect your goblin more than your own life, if you lose all monsters completely, you are basically dead in this world now. All expansion and future survival is dependent on your ability to grow monster species from the starting species."

"… what the.."

"I just have to give you those minor details to initiate a summoning, akin to a legal disclaimer. You just select the goblin and he will teleport to you."

'Huh, if she says so..'

A magic circle appeared on the floor, with an ominous glow to it. A dark green fog came from the circle lightly filling the floor, while a sweet exotic smell filled the room. The smell was similar to a subtle jasmine which never seemed to fade.

Glowing even brighter, the magic circle made my skin itch with excitement. I clutched the sheets close to my body, with emotions mixing at the mere sight of the magic circle. The magic circle glowed so bright I closed my eyes to protect them, timidly I opened my eyes. 

Appearing on the ground, a small green creature slowly stood up. Its body was pure muscle with a six pack on the chest and two extremely muscular forearms. His legs were taut and tight with compact strong muscles. 

'He looks so strong…I don't want to ever make him mad.. Oh, it's stiff already.'

Flexing his forearms over his chest, the muscles on his body tightened up. His smaller frame stood only three feet tall, but his intimidating muscles made it hard to even consider resisting him. It looked around as its eyes settled upon me, and I froze completely under his gaze.

'Those firm eyes, wow. Nothing could stand in his way right now.

He placed his small green hand on the bed, while pulling his face closer to the bed. I inched backwards trying to stay away. The sheets covering my body slowly falling off, revealing my naked body down below.

'What do I do!? Oh no, no, I don't know what sex even is! Do I lay down for him, push my body up, what does he want me to do?'

I turned to face the other way while I reached a hand to crawl away on the bed, exposing my rear end to it fully. My breast rubbed against the bed, stimulating my nipples from rubbing up against the sheets. However my urge to crawl forward was cut short from her calm reassuring voice entering my head.

"Remember your body was designed by me for this moment! Listen to my instructions okay."

"Okay, ok!"

"Now quickly put your hands down on the bed, put your lips against the bed. Good girl, just like that now try to raise your rear end up a bit~"

Lowering my lips to the bed, I put them close to the bed kissing the bed sheet like she desired. Pushing my rear end upwards, with my knees spread apart on the soft cushion of a bed. I felt the cold air stimulate me in my most nether regions as it was exposed to the room. My face blushed hard while I shut my eyes tightly, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Relax, just take deep breaths and let him take control."

A warm moist warm breath lightly brushed up against my privates. With my breast pushed down harder against the bed, the tingling of the sheet touching the nipples intensified. A warm moist sensation slid up against the crotch I held up, shocking me instantly. My knees weakened, while my mind instantly exploded with raw confusion. 

'What is going on!? Why is he sliding his tongue on that spot!?...Why does it feel so good..'

"Don't worry, you won't be able to walk after he is done tonight~"

My hands remained glued on the bed in the weird position like she instructed, while my mouth remained open gasping for air. A warm moist tongue slid into my most private of areas, and slowly pushed itself deeper. 

'What, what is going on? Is, is this sex?'

The position had my breast rubbing against the mattress making my hard nipples feel the soft fabric rub against them. Two strong hands held my waist holding it in position despite my best effort to wiggle my body free. 

The strong muscles holding me left no room for negotiation, but also didn't squeeze down hard either. A new wave of reassurance, of just letting things go with the flow spread with his every tongue movement.

'I should just give in a little more, it won't hurt.'

Slowly my mind began to relax, and I could feel a warm liquid beginning to build up in my crotch. With each new lick, his coarse tongue touched something sensitive at the entrance then slid in deeper.

"The velvety ridges built into his tongue ensure total stimulation, with each throb it gives no girl could dream of resisting."

Exactly like she said each swirl of the tongue bumped soft ridges with a slight pulse to it against my more sensitive nub. The moisture wasn't salvia from it either, as a soft tingling sensual sensation spread everywhere the tongue reached.

My legs began to weaken, unable to support my body but his firm muscles held my body firmly in place while his tongue went even deeper, lightly penetrating my core. In my mind I tried to realize where I had seen this position, and slowly I started to recall a scene.

'Legs spread out… chest pressed down, is this doggy style? Wait, this is doggy style! This is just foreplay before we start to have sex isn't it?'

My heart began to pound in my chest, my mind fluttered with an image of a beast straddling a woman in my position. Pushing with my hips to free myself, my legs merely slid around the bed and his tongue responded going faster. 

I wasn't fighting his muscles but my own urges, my own urge to succumb was stronger than his grip. Each time his tongue slid across my entrance, I felt even less desire to move away from this position.

'I did say I would try it, but, but I didn't know…it would feel so damn good!'

My instincts to simply listen to instructions and not double check what I was doing ruined any chance of escape. My indecision only gave it more time to prepare me for what was to come, and I was more than ready now. A warm sticky liquid of love juice flowed from my innermost nether region to his tongue, and I slowly felt his tongue slide away.

Pulling away his tongue, I tried to push myself towards where it went vainly. Instead a warm long hard rod began to slowly rub itself on my crotch. Poking the entrance to my core, it rubbed itself close enough I could feel the veins pulsing against the outside. 

Sliding the rod to the entrance, my body responded before I could think. Sliding the tip of the rod in, it slowly slid even deeper. The firm hard rod remained with just the tip in, while my body turned completely frozen. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, and I couldn't contain it anymore.

"Wait, wait, wait! I need some time to think! We forgot the condoms, or any protection!"

"Nope~ Too late. Just admit you want to be creampied already, you slid it in raw."

'I did? No, wait yes, fuck I don't know..'

Pushing myself upwards I was planning to escape, but I felt two hands grab my waist. Firmly, with no way of bulging or moving, they gripped on hard to both sides of my hips. My body pushed upwards, fell down once again on the bed.

The firm rod slid deeper with my movement and remained in place not moving, I could feel it rubbing against me with my movement. I felt all my muscles relax while my mind gave up fighting. 

"I surrender, I give in.."

 A realization of what was to come hit me, and I knew she was right. My heart pounded in my chest, while my mouth glued itself shut. I was defeated by myself, not by this goblin. My body might be restrained by his firm grasp but my spirit wasn't even needing it. 

The warm long hard rod slid itself slowly into my precious sanctuary and I felt it expand. Every bulge of it, every sensation of the pulsing veins and the base begin to grow. Going even deeper I could feel it claiming me for itself, while my body accepted its new master.

'It's not so rough..'

Far from the violent painful act I imagined it might be, it was slow and methodical. His rod remaining firmly in place into my deepest regions, I could feel my entire body bound to its slightest of flexes or movements. 

If it pushed forwards slightly, my entire soul shook completely at his mercy. Grasping the sheets tightly, a warm smooth sensation filled my core as I felt comfort from the position. It was natural, it was serene. 

'I feel like it always belong there, like we were meant to be.'

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