Chapter 1: Gender wender
I slammed my head against my pillow after another long hard day. The soft pad compressed under my head bringing me enormous relief. I didn't want to think about the work coming for me tomorrow.The entire day was monotonous, with each task after another feeling like a drill going into my skull.
Nothing could cure the migraine that would start to form after leaving work better than sleeping it away. Shutting my eyes, my one good talent of falling asleep on demand kicked in and I felt the world slip away.
After a decade of living like this, day in and day out of working my day job since I was twenty. Only the few hours of sleep I got each day seemed like the only pleasure I had left. Nothing in this world would interrupt me right now. No alarm, or phone ringing would wake me up when I shut my eyes. My old dorm roommates back in college used to joke that I would sleep through a fire alarm even.
*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
"Shut up."
Sleeping through the unusual alarm, I couldn't care for what noises my phone made. The pillow must have slipped away in the night, as my head wasn't laying against nothing anymore. Still I didn't want to get up, sleep was simply too important for me.
'Where is the blanket or my pillow…'
Despite falling off the bed I was still warm and comfortable for some odd reason. The persistently ringing faded away. Comfortable in my rest, I felt a sudden shake as if someone was grabbing at me.
A pair of smaller soft hands squeezed my upper shoulder and pushed my body forwards in fast action. It felt so dream-like, so bizarre my head couldn't tell if I was in some dream at first or if the hands were real.
"Get up! I swear, why the hell do human males always have to be this way!"
'Huh? Wait, is this real?'
The crust on my eyes from sleeping glued my eyes shut, still I forced my eyes open. I tried to see what was happening clearly with my mind still in a cloud from just arising. Instead of understanding as I looked around with a haze in my vision. I was even more perplexed by my odd situation. The figure of a person slowly entered my vision with an appearance I didn't recognize.
'Wait…. Who the hell is she?'
A weird woman with large pointy ears was near me with long vibrant flowing hair. Her outfit left little to imagination as her breasts were covered in little caps, and a G-string bikini covered her bottom. With a long snake-like forked tongue that slid out of her mouth, she had a pair of viper eyes that matched them. I felt a part of my body stiffen looking at her full chest, and a tinge of fear from her cold eyes.
'This has to be a dream, I don't know anyone like her..'
My head was still foggy from just awakening, mixed together with the sudden sensual sight my body was in shock. Her provocative stance leaning over so on display for me, gave me a slight erection. My first assumption looking at her attire made me think of one occupation in particular.
"A prostitute?"
"You dare call me a prostitute?! Look around moron, this isn't even earth anymore!"
She was so alluring, so extremely captivating my full attention was enraptured by her until she pointed out the obvious. We were floating in a weird light blue space, suspended by nothing in a bizarre void. Only her and a screen floating next to her were in this blue void.
An impossible to exist world, with an impossible to exist woman. The screen had neither a device attached to it or a logical method for existing, it merely hovered in the sky existing. Two clearly unrealistic things existing at the same time could only mean one thing.
"So I'm dreaming? Make me a billionaire, and give me a blowjob!"
Her hand going to her forehead, twitching in annoyance as she rubbed it. Her forehead creased while her eyebrows went upwards as she shut her eyes tightly.
'For an imaginary prostitute she isn't doing the best.'
She looked at me while pulling her head back, and her tongue clicked in an annoyed tone. Her eyes squinted looking at me, giving me a feeling of being looked down upon as if I was total garbage. Throwing her hands down, she pointed directly at me in frustration. Her fingers millimeters from my face, she poked my nose with each sentence she yelled.
"Give you a blowjob?!Do you even realize that this isn't some joke, you complete buffoon?! I don't have time for this shit, hurry up and choose already! I've spent over six hours waiting for you to wake up and this is the crap I get?!"
Her hands reached over to my shoulders as she leaned in closer to me. My eyes went to her chest expecting something fun to happen. Instead she shook the absolute shit of me, my neck nearly snapping from the sheer ferocity of her actions. The pain was real, even the sensations of her body being close as well.
The smell of her skin was fresh and sweet, the soft gentle caress of her hair on my skin was equally nice as well. Snapping back into reality before she exploded again, I realized she shoved me in front of the screen floating in the air.
"Hurry up and choose one, I don't care anymore."
"What even is this?"
"What do you mean, it was all explained to you hours ago. Don't you remember the alarm, right after the alarm all of you earthlings were told what was going on?"
"I-I didn't wake up for that."
Her face had this stupefied expression, like I was completely useless. Slapping the side of her thigh, I glanced at her wide thick hips she hit. Rolling her eyes looking at me, she leaned forward a little.
'Is she going to shake me again?'
I could see the anger flaring through her eyes so close, her teeth chomped together vexed towards me. I felt a little afraid realizing she might do it, even more than aroused for her.
Her chest being so close to my body while her exposed thighs enraptured my eyes, but her strength scared me. With a hand going to my forehead, each sentence she spoke she flicked my forehead with her sharp fingernail.
"You are going back to earth, and you are invading it. Everyone is picking their roles in this invasion, your role is permanent so pick wisely. Those that try to break the rules or other shenanigans, get kicked out and probably die miserably."
"What are you?"
"I'm your personal handler, I decide the rules for you. You answer to me, and me alone."
Still what she said made no sense to me, the more I tried to think about what she was saying.
It sounded like some sort of game a kid would do, but from her tone she was serious. There was a major logical fallacy in her reasoning, that I couldn't help but point out.
"Why would I die miserably, I can just run the fuck away. If I tell the world, I might even get some protection."
"Oh really… Look at this, some other genius thought of that before you woke up.."
Snapping her fingers in the air, a new screen appeared directly in my field of view. On it a man with weird demon-like horns was yelling to a crowd, clearly distressed because of something. It was a normal busy day at a park in some foreign city, looking somewhat like Asia from the sign written in something foreign text.
People gathered curiously near the unusual man, as he spoke to them. The video had audio, but because of the language barrier I didn't know what they were saying. The initial reaction was nothing special but then, suddenly something changed in the atmosphere. There wasn't anything different I could tell, but somehow the people simply ceased being as expressive towards the horned man.
'Did some kind of broadcast just get announced to them telepathically or something?'
Their mannerism changed, like they received a revelation from somewhere they all began moving strangely. The only one who remained the same was the demonic horned man, but even he felt the air change drastically for whatever reason.
'What the hell…? what's going on?'
The people who once were receptive to the horned man, turned violent. Swinging a club at the horned man, or trying to shoot him with a handgun. The video followed him trying to escape the park, eventually he died unable to escape the violent mob after him. The screen disappeared, and she was staring directly at me in a cold light.
"He simply died by because he didn't trust his handler, or thought he knew better than his handler. Alway keep in mind you are being sent to invade earth. They are being trained to defend the earth. You're already on the invader side, now pick your role in the invasion or join him."
She raised her head high, while pushing her chest up. She seemed slightly reassuring from her tone, and confidence. Still I didn't really understand what the short little video was trying to tell me, it certainty had some kind of deeper meaning behind it.
"What exactly just now in that video.."
"He was murdered by the crowd, the exact details are iffy for me as well. I only know what is shared on the earth internet, or what is shared among my side. Now pick your role or rot in this void forever."
Her tone seemed genuine, but a part of me felt she knew more. Something darker was at play in that video, something that turned normal people into murders. Her words still rang true despite this, and I felt somewhat needing to trust someone right now.
'I don't really have much in this besides working with them…'
It wasn't a negotiation, she was demanding I get it over with like some nasty government worker. There was no leeway in her stance either, she didn't listen to my attempt to bargain either. I was stuck being forced into choosing a role just as they wanted, and probably what the horned man went through as well.
'Well, I better see what's on the screen..'
Two roles were given to me as options to choose from. I couldn't push myself to want anything listed, it was things I would never consider choosing. Glancing at her, I felt she was scanning my reaction to the roles. A smugness to her smile, she knew exactly what was on the list from her reaction.
'Garbage man, you clean up garbage for other people who are invading. Your survival is dependent on how clean you maintain everyone near you. No days off, all complaints will be seen as treachery and you will be executed for breaking anything…'
A slave, that was my view of the first option. No complaining, only work, and work some more. It was worse than the corporate job I already had. The list of what gets you executed was long to a stupid degree, it was simply beyond draconian law.
Moving a pencil in the wrong position is death, forgetting to stand on your head at certain times of the day is death too. Not eating a certain cake prepared by a randomly selected bakery at exactly eleven in a random chosen timezone every day, also meant death.
'Quite literally a death sentence with a life of misery attached.'
Worse was the fact you had to seemingly clean garbage forever, with your death the end date.
The second role was just, well weird. Puzzling to read, it was even more so the more I thought of the role itself.
"What is the Brood-Mother role?"
Her face lit up like I struck some kind of jackpot, as she smiled wickedly with her tongue slithering around. Placing her hands upon my shoulders, I flinched a little afraid but she pulled herself close to me slowly. With her body clinging close to me, she wrapped an arm around my neck while waving her free one in the air. Speaking fast, with each breath up against my ear her lips rubbed nearly kissed my ears.
My face flushed as my nervous chest pounds listening to each word she spoke, stirring me up down below with each thing she said. Her breast rising and lowering with her every word, lightly brushing up against my arm letting me feel the soft skin rub on me.
"You become the great Queen of the monsters of this world, all of them will see you as their ancestor. Their legendary Brood-Mother of all the goblins, orcs, and other fiends. The one that gave them life, gave them purpose! It is one of the highest honors any role can offer and the one you are destined to accept. It is what I am as well, and every woman of my home world is too."
Finishing her explanation she lightly kissed my cheek. Her warm soft lips left a soft silky texture to my cheek, completely catching me off guard. Pulling away again, she gave me a sweet smile for the first time. She was jovial for the first time since I met her. For some reason it sent a shiver down my spine more than the time she was angry at me.
'That's a load of bullshit…'
There weren't any details or an explanation to it, zero words existed besides the name. I didn't know a single thing besides what she said of it. Still, what did I have against trusting her a little? On the inside I tried to figure her out, to discern what she has the power of doing to me.
'She sure as hell wants me to pick that one… Why not trust her a little? She did say she is one as well..'
Clearly she was pushing me in one direction giving literal shit on one and hoping for something nicer on the other. If I was younger I might have picked the first one to be rebellious, like my favorite tough-guy heroes.
'I am not stupid or young enough to pick that trash picker, brood whatever then.'
She was my superior if what she said is true, and I was her subordinate from now on.
Between doing what you want and the boss's choice, choosing the other is a fine way to get the pink slip.
"...Fine, I choose Brood-Mother."
"Perfect~ Now to get this over with!"
Clapping her hands together, my entire world went black. It was instantly like flipping a switch, blinding my eyes to the world. The echo of her clap replayed in my ears, as the world turned into a void.