Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 7 Araya revory & Joel Milas 1 [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


January 1st, 194 I.J.C , Siga-8


“The sound of people talking, the smell of coffee so thick that it almost nauseating, the blight screen that felt blinding to the eyes, this was the everyday life of a researcher in Celeby-2. It is not just a research institution, but also houses many of the family, merchants, farmers, and even normal people living the 9-5 jobs.


Celeby-2 is considered one of the largest colonies in Earth's sphere of influence. 


I was one of them, at the age of 19, I left my family, cut ties with everything, and came here, you could say that I ran away. I was…happy, for the time, it was already around 3 months since I arrived, people, there were nice and lovely, though I was quite a hot head person back then…, my budget was low, my research didn’t yield results, and most of all…I miss my father, though we part on bad terms.


Everything was normal, until that day, 20th September, 168 I.J.C. It was that day that I met your father. His name is…”


[Gundam Nova]


September 20th, 168 I.J.C, Celeby-2


“Let’s welcome the new faces! We will work together a lot from now on, so get along with everyone! Oh, and don’t drink too much, We wouldn’t want to get kicked out after all.” Everyone laughed at his lame joke, and already began pouring drinks for each other, talking, joking. 


In the corner, there was a woman, sitting down, eye on screen as she snacked on the pizza, her hand moving slower and slower with each second and her eyes seemed like it about to fall off, she felt tired after not sleeping 3-days straight.


The new model, which would surpass her old one, isn’t even working. “Tch… what's wrong this time…” Everyone leaves her alone, as they know not to mess with her.


“Damn it, not enough processing power? Is this a fucking joke?” Swearing to her, she took a sip of Coffee, just enough to get her head rushing, which meant it was 2 cups.


“Should have accepted that mobile worker.” Regretting her decision to not accept the Ottoman’s favor, maybe she should ask them again.

“Hey?” The sudden voice of a man startled her, almost dropped her coffee on her laptop, she glared at the man angrily, and he just stood there awkwardly scratching his head.


“Uh..s-sorry, I saw you alone so I thought I should introduce…myself?” He asks hesitantly, his eyes are twitching, gulping nothing but dry saliva, his face is sweating and he avoids eye contact.


Araya continues to glare at him, wishing that he would go away but for some reason, this guy is stubborn and does not leave, He looks behind and she finally knows the reason, her department head is looking at her nervously.


“New researcher?” She asked, seeing his face brighten up a bit as he finally found a way to introduce himself.


“Yes! My name is Joel Milas. I’m your new assistant, to develop a functioning AI with Emotion.” He said enthusiastically, as his face became more refreshed, Araya could feel something annoying coming.


“Right, did you know that, during the great revolution of Agellus, there was…” Blah Blah Blah…He began to rumble, sitting next to her but not so close that it hindered her hand, chattering about something that Araya promptly ignored in favor of her work, but she did occasionally glance at her department head who spit out his beer on one of the female researchers.


“Oh…ah, I go off and ramble again…I’m sorry Mrs. Araya, I get like that when I’m excited about something…” And this guy returns to his former, shy guy again. 


“Shut up and just go play with others, leave me alone.” She said, almost raging at the failure of a new diagnosis result of the test run. Her hand almost break the cup.


“Hm? Shouldn’t you lower the emotion level for the time being? Giving it too much emotion will make it overload so maybe we should try it from the lower dose and just one Emotion at a time, because, unlike us humans, AI has no emotion to begin with, even if it can stimulate it, it can’t feel it.” The shy guy said. 


“Shut up!” Being annoyed with his ramble, unfinished work, and the tiredness of her not getting sleep. She yells at him, and the sound of her rage echoes in the restaurant, making everybody stop talking.


“You’ve been rambling for 30 minutes, nonsense after nonsense, and do you think I didn’t try that shit?! Huh? Lowering the Emotion range? That is the first thing I do, The problem is the processing power that requires at least a mobile suit level! I don’t care that you are my new assistant, or that you graduated from some well-known academy, this is the real world and the real problem, one which you didn’t even research first. Now scram and go pick some new playmate.”


She didn’t feel bad, the idiot had been bugging her while she was working, in the first place she didn’t even want to come here, the only reason she came here was that she owns a favor to the Ottoman’s house and this is one of the ways to repay it.


Tch…lowering the emotion range? She tried that a thousand times, it was just her PC didn’t have enough processing power, that's all. That damn head researcher didn’t allow her to dissect a mobile suit computer, let alone a mobile worker, saying, no Araya, that's not in the budget, No, you can’t do that.


She should call Hemston tomorrow. Get an update on Mr and Mrs. Ottoman, and ask about that mobile worker they going to give her…


“T-then…how about we amp up the Emotions generator and give it a body to interact with stimulate space? That way, we could observe and interact with it, and using our f-facial information could be useful too…”


“Urg stop-...That might work…” Just ask her about to berate the idiot for interrupting her thought, she stopped and pondered about what he said.


“We could reduce the information consumption by about 20% if my calculation is not wrong, and if we create a space for it we could have a real-time observation for it too. And with Items from the real world added into it, we could try to give it more stimulation, then by using our body language, it could use that as information for each emotion…You, what’s your name, again?”


“U-uh…it Joel Milas, Madam…”


“Chief! I’m taking him to the lab now, take the money out of my account, and pay for the whole party too, sorry for being a party pooper.” She quickly takes Joel’s hand, her laptop on the other, and leaves the restaurant, leaving everyone in silence. 


“You heard her! Tonight we eating for free! Order whatever you want!” the director said quickly, and with a cheer, the party continued throughout the night.


[Gundam Nova]


September 24th, 168 I.J.C. Celeby-2


“Oi! Wake up, the test is not over yet.” Quickly stirred up by the hard kick, Joel quickly woke up, groaning all the way as he rubbed his temple from the headache.


“...What time is it…” He asks, trying to find his phone.


“04:39 in the morning. You sleep for about 2 hours, get up already, you got enough sleep.” Araya said coldly as her hand moved through the document, reading all the reports Joel wrote through the night.


“This one a failure, I will write up a new code, prepare a new server, and get a cup of coffee, 2 for me.” placing the document down, Araya quickly took her seat and began writing up a new and improved code, tuning the working one will be hard but not impossible.


“We…should take a break…I feel like dying already, and you didn’t sleep for the past 6 days isn’t it, Madam?” He asks, getting splitting headaches just from standing up, Joel is never really used to waking up more than 2 days, and a brain-intense session at that.


“I know my limit, just create a new server, get coffee for me, and go to sleep or something.” 


“You should get some sleep too, you know that not sleeping slows down your thinking…”


“I said I know my limit! Now go to sleep, you look like a zombie, I will just test this on my own.” 


“...I understand…” obeying her order, Joel quickly got 2 cups of coffee but just as he was about to take it back..he decided to just make another cup for himself as well.


He places the 2 cups of coffee for his superior, and one down for himself, as he cracks his knuckles to create a new server for a new AI.


“Why not go to sleep,” Araya asks him, her eyes not leaving the screen but her hand moving shapely for the coffee and gulping it in one go.


“I think we better finish this first so we can go to sleep at the same time, that way we both will get enough rest for the next experiment.” 


She just scoffed at him and not saying anything else, but as for the rest? Let's just say he stays up for 2 more nights.


[Gundam Nova]


October 29th, 168 I.J.C. Celeby-2


“Start test 054, phase one.” just as Araya said, the light turned off, with a new screen in the middle room, showing a little boy, sitting alone, doing nothing in the empty room, face devoid of emotion.


“Begin creating an object of interest.” Her voice commands them, and she waits patiently for the response, slowly creating an apple next to the boy.


“...” Just as the boy notices the apple, he tilts his head, and it seems he becomes interested in it. Slowly, the boy began to approach it, gently tapping the apple and getting scared when it saw by the force of his finger.


“Subject 054’s emotions chart has increased by 103%, The highest we have ever seen, it is almost like a real child interest.” Another female assistant whom she didn’t bother to learn the name of, but an increase of 103% is the highest leap yet, it was just 67% before.


“Continue to observe, Alye, get ready for phase 2, Joel you get ready for Phase 3.” Araya commands, her authority is the highest here, even higher in the department head as long as they are in the lab, everyone must listen to her.


“The subject seems to be ready to eat the apple.” Alye, yes, she finally remembered the name, said out loud, as she watched the AI’s Emotions Chart. 


Araya watched the boy, his hand reach for the apple, and with a slow bite, the apple was ated. 


“The Emotion of Happiness has reached over 200%! It could be considered a real emotion! Other emotions that have been affected are…Joy, Excitement, and curiosity. These 3 have risen beyond 180%.”


“Phase 2 began.” Now this is the real test, to see whether this one will also end in failure or not.


“Initiate phase 2.” The boy’s room began to darken, leaving almost no light in it, but from their perspective, the room was as bright as day. 


The boy began to cover in fear as his room suddenly darkened, with no light to remain.


“The chart, Alye.” 


“Anxiety rose by 70%, Fear by 104%, and confusion by 80%. The subject seems to not glitch out and is still in a stable state.”


“Good…Do it.” 


With her words, the sound of bombing started, the boy in the room hugging himself under the table as if to hide from the sound, each second the sound got louder, be it bomb, door knocking, or even just the soft blow of wind.


Everything was for this moment.


“How’s the subject?”


“Everything is off the charts, Emotional level is slowly near the level of a child…if we continue the subject may glitch out.”


“Do it, continue, it doesn't matter if we fail, as long as we have the data.” with Araya's words as confirmation, the room becomes more violent, each second is torture, and the boy is starting to show signs of glitches, his body blinks around, face here and there missing arm then regenerate it again…


“Just 5 more minutes.”


They watch, as the Ai with child face screams, louder to the point of howling. Alye couldn't handle the scream so she put on headphones to muffle it, Joel stared silently, making a remorseful face while Araya stared coldly.


“Joel, phase 3, now.”


“Initiated phase 3.” he quickly pressed the button. The room gains light again as the sound of bombing, and the smell of smoke and burned meat wear off.


The Boy cowering while hugging himself, shaking. But he is not glitching anymore…a new leap.


Suddenly the boy's room changed and now it resembles that of a bedroom. Inside are a table, a chair, a bed, and a notebook with a pencil.


“Get him incentives.” 


A new item appeared on the table, a pasta that emitted the sweet scent of tomato, Araya watched…the boy slowly crawling out of the table…eyes darting around and spot where the scent coming from, she could see it drooling, hand slowly reach for the pasta and using it hand, it sweeps up a handful and eats in delight.


After around 10 minutes of watching it eat, The boy finally sat down on the table, staring at the notebook and the pencil.


“Alye, Joel, if this is a success, I will take you guys to Earth, You guys never tried Lobster before right?”


“Eh…me too?” Alye asks hesitation appears in her eyes.


“Yeah, you've been tolerating my bullshit for the past 4 months so that's the least I can give you. Besides, food here sucks anyway.”


“Is there going to be an octopus? I want to try it for a long time. Back at Crembull, we never had many seafood imports as we are quite far from Earth. Oh then maybe-”


“Quit your rambling Joel, I will get you what you want. It's time to focus now.”


Araya shuts them up before all of their focus turns to the screen in front of them. 


The boy stares at the notebook, unblinking, his hand slowly reaching for the pen. Opening the notebook, he slowly started to write…no, not write but draw…


Araya took a long deep breath. turning off the screen and slumping down toward the chair.


Everything was silent, not even the air seemed to move. Joel and Alye, not daring to move, lest they get into their superior ire again.


“Prepare your bag. We are going to Earth in a week.” Araya said. And with her words, they broke off into a cheer.


[Gundam Nova]


November 5th, 168 I.J.C Earth, Louisiana New Orleans.


“Mrs. Revory. The room has been prepared, this is the keys to the room 513 to 515. On the fifth floor, we will take your luggage there for you.”


The receptionist said, as more and more staff came to get their luggage for them.


“Oi, Joel!”


“Yes! Uhwa!” The key suddenly flew to his face, luckily he managed to catch it before it actually hit.


“Do whatever you want, I'm not coming back tonight, got somewhere to be.” with that, Araya left the two of them, alone in the lobby, not knowing what to do as this was their first time on earth.


Coming out of the hotel, Araya picks up her phone. And dial a number.


It quickly got picked up. “Lady Revory, I assume that you are back?”


“Yeah, I'm back. With good news too. By the way, you still got that mobile worker Mr. Ottoman offered around?”


“Of course, It's been sitting on the porch, waiting to be dismantled.”


“Good…get me some ride will ya? I got something to talk about.”


“Already on it, Kingston Hotel. My men will be there in around 10 minutes.” 


Chuckling to herself, Araya stares off into the distance, watching the sunset and the sea that reflects it.


“...recommend some good seafood restaurants for me too.”


“Hm? But my lady, you are never fond of seafood, aren't you?”


“It's just my subordinate whining, I've been hearing him whining about it for the past month so I thought I would get him some.” She lied. 


“Understood, do you want me to make a reservation? Maybe for tomorrow's dinner?”


“Yeah, sure. Talk later at the mansion, see ya.”


[Gundam Nova]


November 5th, 168 I.J.C Earth, Louisiana New Orleans. Time 7:53 P.M.


The car comes to a stop in front of a large mansion, and the gateway opens itself, letting the car pass through, Araya watches the large garden that could pass as a small park on its own flash by her eyes. She was never really used to this, big mansion and everything, making her feel suffocated.


After around 5 minutes of driving, they finally stopped for good, She waited for the coachmen to open the door for her, as the last time she opened it herself, they got in quite a lot of trouble. 


Getting out of the car, she spots the large pristine mansion just within her grasp. Beautiful carving on the wall, the pillar that seems to cost more than the car, and even the door look too elegant to be true.


Speaking of the door, she spots a familiar old man waiting, wearing a butler uniform as usual.

“Yo, old man Hemston, it seems you are still up and kicking.”


“And you haven’t changed at all, a pity if you ask me.” He bowed down a bit, just to be respectful, and got up in an instant, he clapped his hand lightly and the maids came out of nowhere.”


“You still have that superpower I see…”


“It not, it is simply a discipline of mine” 


“Anyway, Mr. Ottoman still not sleeping yet right? I heard he got pretty sick last time.” 


“Lord Stephan is in good health, and so is Madam Kylie. In fact, they are quite elated with your visitation this time around that they have been waiting for you since the last hours.”


“Right, let's not make them wait any longer.” 


Deciding to not waste any more time, they get into the mansion together, with Hemston at the lead and her following behind, watching each piece of antique much more expensive than her entire bank account.


The hallway was large, with such a big mansion and only a few people were living in it, around 10 or so maids, Hemston as the head butler, and Mr and Mrs. Ottomans themselves.


It took them around 10 minutes of walking to reach the destination, mostly because she was unable to follow Hemston’s step and then got lost in the hallway.


Knock Knock Knock.


3 graceful knock, and a sound coming from inside the room. 


“Come in.” Hemston opens the door for her and she walks in, only to see a middle-aged man and woman, around 40 in appearance.


“Yo, long time no see, is it 4 years?” She greets them lightly, earning a laugh from Mrs. Ottoman.


“Right, it was a truly long 4 years.” Mr. Ottoman said, gesturing her toward the sofa where the variety of treats, whether it be cake or cookies.


“You know I don’t like sweets.” She said.


“But you still eat them anyway. Let’s catch up first before we get to business.” Well, the night is still young, there is plenty of time. So Araya sat down and was ready to begin her tales.


[Gundam Nova]


January 1st, 194 I.J.C , Siga-8


“So… Where’s the romance? I mean all you talk about is the experiment and then going back to earth, and you run away? From where?” Her sweet daughter asks her.


“That one was something I can’t say. Let’s just say it is a bad place in my memory…As for the romance it was after this, actually.”

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