Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 5 Everyday life With Yoha! (Part 1)

> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


April 15th/ I.J.C. 191 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 /

“Ahh…Jojijojanjijajo…Yosh! My Speech Level Upw!” My fist was up in the air as I celebrated that my vocal chord was to a level where I could even do one of those tongue Twisters! 


“He hehe…it's been fobver…Nowh! I can speak more fluiey!” well, even if I say like that…actually speaking was a bit…too baby, yeah! I'm still in the baby phase! I'm just about to be 2!


So it's OK, right!? I mean to have baby talk like this!? Even my nephew was still talking like…no wait…he was able to speak perfectly when he turned 2! Arhg! He was a genius! 


T-then maybe it's just my genetics! Right, it was just my genetics that made me speak like this! So it's my body's fault! Not mine! Yeah! It's my body's fault!


…what am I thinking…urgh…I'm supposed to be a grown man and right now I am complaining to myself in my imaginary space that was the living room…


Mama was still drowning in work, and honestly, I think she got even more work for some reason. I mean, she practically sleeps on the computer now and I can't access that computer to learn what she is doing.


I mean just my height alone is enough to make me give up, and what's more, she got a lock on the computer so I can't even open it without the Key. 


Yes, it is a physical lock and not a Digital one! Why?! I don't know! I mean she just did that all of a sudden!


Well, there is nothing to do here…the parent lock is gone sure. Still, I don't know what to watch, what to do or even listen to, I try searching for some song from my previous life. Still, the result is nothing…even the historical figure is different, the process by which the law of physics was discovered was different too…


Alternate Earth…or Universe in this case, the history is still basically the same but there is a difference, a slight difference…


But it not so much, world Wars 1 and 2 still happen but it just that the process was a bit different from what I remember, or was my memory was just wrong?


But well, I'm not nitpicking these! So what can I do with the extra time I have from finishing learning the basic history of this Universe? 


Hm…There is one thing…Learning what I think is interesting…HyperLink. A new type of code that is quite interesting…. I wonder what I could do with these…maybe…if It this then…Emotional Artificial Intelligence.


Before I never had the right tool, the right equipment, and even the right setup. I was just an ordinarily everyday coder who had a big dream, that was all…but…if it was in this universe then….


I can do it! I have time, I have motivation! So I can work on it slowly! Now then! To learn the basics and the advanced I can learn it from the internet! But to learn in deep, I need a professional to teach me, or I could learn it myself?


Well, I can just start on the basics first. How hard could it be any way for an experienced coder such as myself?


….did I just jinx myself? 


> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <


May 21st / I.J.C. 191 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 /


Mistake….that was a mistake…I don't understand shit…my birthday just passed so now I'm officially 2 years old…and Right now I'm trying to learn Hyperlink which has the advertisement of being more simple than even Python….


False advertising! Sue the man! Sue the researcher! What do you mean it is simpler than Python when it is harder than C+?! 


Number and number mix with word point, hanger and you even need to put a freaking Syntax! A symbol and then compile them! Make a script and after that, I need to keep tag too or else I would lose where I freaking put it!


Simple my ass! False advertisement! Argh! 


What's more, there is no Library for me to copy code from! The API which is the live line sucks! 


I'd rather go back to Rust! I hate you, Fortran! For developing Syntax! I hate you! You make my life harder than before since my last life and now you even want to make it harder!? 


Fine! Bastard! I will show you! I will show you that I can master this!

> Mobile Suit Gundam Nova <

June 2nd / I.J.C. 191 / Stellar Research’s colony. Siga-7 /


Right now…I am being dressed up, or doll up if you will, my tablet got inside the locker which I can't open, and my only solace in the situation, the TV, its remote was being hidden away from me.


I would try and escape, but knowing my stubby leg which can't hold my weight well, I couldn't even get past the door without Mama catching me first.


“Mama…why amw I drewsing up again?” My question flew toward Mama who was now picking up my clothes from my closet, it seemed there were almost fifty of them in there from the look alone…


Why do I have so many girly clothes? I know I’m a girl but couldn't you get me something comfortable instead!?


Urg…the weird feeling of air passing through between my legs was weird...I don't like skirts at all….


“Because today you are going to the nursery, also did your speech get better again?” Mama finally picked out my clothes, and she pulled out a light blue dress that would go well with my hair, since it was also light blue just like Mama, though my eyes were not golden like hers, instead, it was more red, Ruby red. 


A color you would see in an anime but in here…it feels natural…as if this kind of eye was always there.


But that is not the point! The point is it is a dress! Which means skirt!


“Mama…not Drewss…I hate Airy feeling in my leg.” I said to her as she was about to put the dress on me, but then…she pulled out something I never thought of…


A bike short! Why!? Why would I never think of such an amazing thing!?


Mama quickly dressed me up and I was now very happy! You know, I thought that being reincarnated as a girl would make me feel weird or something but nah, it feels quite natural for some reason, other than a few inconveniences then I wouldn't mind much, after all, I can see my cute face everyday and dress up how I like even though I hate skirt, but with this new Bike short I would never have to worry about the weird feeling in my leg!


Now with that struggle gone, I could truly enjoy what it's like to be a girl! Well, the toilet is still weird though…


Just as I was busy thinking to myself, Mama already finished dressing up too and Holy! She was really a looker! I know where I get my cuteness from, truly she would be a model if she just took care of herself and not drowned in work…what kind of work did she do anyway? 


I mean she is always on the computer so maybe an accountant? 


Nah…don’t think so…She would need to meet a lot of people, and we both know that she is a shut-in.


Well, I mean staying inside for 2 years without ever going out gotta count for something, how did I even get vitamin D anyway…better not question those things.


Anyway! Not only was I going to the nursery today, but I also learned that not only does my mother own a car, but she can drive.


Well, It’s a good thing, even though I couldn’t touch a motorcycle back in my previous life due to various traumas, I blame bro for it, he always drives recklessly and got me into more accidents since my childhood.


The car in front of me was quite the nice looking one, pretty luxuries…The house was quite spacious and we had a garden which…she took great care of somehow…wait, no, it was not her, she never left even the front door of the house! The only time she ever leaves is to get the food she ordered!




“Oh, Madam, you going out today, Eh!” A sudden man's voice, old and in company was the ever-present sound of a truck, I turned to look to my left as I saw the golden field, the leaf swinging along the wind lightly as I found myself slowly walking toward it, just as I was about to touch the rice leaf, a hand land atop my shoulder.


“Oh, you should go over the fence Young Lady, you could hurt yourself.” A gentle old man appeared from the other side of the fence, he was wearing a straw hat and a simple shirt that was covered in sweat.


“Mr. Ode, Good Morning. How was, Ms. Ode?” Mama came up from behind as she offered the old man a smile, so I hid behind her leg, well well well…it was a natural act, no…more like instinct more than anything, the old man didn’t look or feel like he some bad guy but  I just meet him so my instinct was to go and stay with the person I was close with the most, which is my mother.


S-so! I -i Did not feel scared of this man! Ok?! I-it’s was just a natural instinct that was all!


“Ay! She’s good, ya’know! She baked me some cookies this morning, still hot, You want some munchie, Young Lady?” the old man called Mr. Ode got down to his knee as he pull a bag of cookies, which had a very nice smell and he put one out in front of me…quite tempting…


Mama's hand drops on my head so I look up, only to see her smile warmingly before nodding. 


So with a little hesitation on my part, I took a step forward and picked the warm cookie off his hand. “T-thank you, Siwr.” I said and my baby tone came out more than I liked before I hid behind Mama’s leg again and my eye was glued to the cookie…


I slowly opened my mouth and took a small bite of it and it was…amazing! The cookie crumbles nicely without leaving a mess, and the chocolate is still moist and warm! It was delicious! 


Without me noticing, I was already Finishing the cookie…I still want more, so I peek from my mother’s leg to see Mr. Ode smiling with the bag of cookies in his hand.


“Here, You can have this, Young Lady.” Mr. Ode said as he extended the cookie even further.


“No no, It’s Ok. Mr. Ode, Your wife makes it for you so-”


“Ahaha! What nonsense! My blood won’t take any more Sugar since that hag already makes too many sweets! So you can take it, It would go to waste if I eat it since My blood is already full of em already, ya see.”

Nice going, Mr. Ode! 


I walk up to him and slowly bow my head. “Thank you Bery Much!” I smile at him before I took the bag which he had no problem giving me before carefully sipping it so that I wouldn’t let myself eat it first.


“Ey! I’ll be sure to tell the hag you like 'em, so come get more won’t you?” He said as he patted my head. “But won’t you eat it now? It won’t be warm, Ya’know?” 


I shake my head at his question. “I wanna Share with Mama! She works Hard! Sugar gibe enwergy and she neeb lots and lots of ewnergy!” I said to him which make Mr. ode smile more.


“Ain’t that right, Girly! You a good Girl Ain’t ya!” Mr. Ode laughed out loud and roughly patted my head, making a mess of my hair.


“Well, Have fun Madame! Also, thank you for the advance payment this month! Gotta go back to work now.”


“Yes, thank you for your hard work.” Mama and Mr. Ode said goodbye to each other and turned her attention toward me. “Now then, get into the car, baby. We will miss the Nursery at this rate.” Mama said as she took my hand. “Also, no eating in the car. And since you have one already don’t eat another, understood? Too much Sugar is bad for your health.”


“Okey!” I said as I put the delicious cookies next to me. And sit silently while looking out the window, As mama starts the car and we start moving, the view slowly changes, the vast golden field of grain is changing into…nothing? We are quite far from the city, huh?

What seemed like hours passed, until I finally saw the first sign of the City, but in actuality, only around 20 minutes passed, and after the first building, came a lot and a lot more, until the fake sky of the colony was covered by the building.


Soon, after a long wait in the traffic, mama stops at a certain building. When she got out, she walked around and took me out of my baby seat and I didn’t forget to get the cookies with me.


After that, I walk by myself while holding Mama's hand. And in front of me was a huge sign that said Ivania Nursery.


Mmh, well, it didn't shabby for sure, outside decorations are nice, the neighborhood is great from what I can see, there is a playground too, though I hope there would be a book, maybe a cartoon book would suffice but a manga would be great, wonder how Jujutsu end though, never got to finish it before I died, not another ass pull hopefully.


Mama and I walk up to the door before she rings the doorbell, after waiting for a bit, the door opens up and an old woman shows up behind the door, she dresses in what I would think a medieval maid would look like but there is a twist, yeah…nanny? Yup, medieval nanny. 


“Good Morning, Miss, are you here to leave your child with us?” The old Woman ask, her face looks down toward me and she seem a bit…upset? 


“Yes, There should be my name in there. Araya Revory.” So that is her full name! Dang, I have lived with her for 2 years and I only know her full name now! So my Full name must be Yoha Revory? Wait, the her middle name apply to me? I can ask her later.


The old woman made an unimpressed face before she took out a tablet similar to mine and tapped on it two times, opening it up…You could do that!? Shit! I used it for almost half a year and didn’t find that out! God! I am a tech nerd! I should have found that out the moment I accessed the System Config! ….I never access the system config or the Settings! 


Ahhh! I’m so embarrassed! I’m a failure of a nerd! I should do that the first thing I got the parent lock off! But the knowledge of this world was too much for me to ignore and before I knew it I was already immersed in them! 


While I was embarrassed about something unimportant, the old woman finished checking her tablet and looked at Mama. “Yoha Milas Revory, is it? You come too fast, there won’t be children for another 30 minutes.” The old caretaker said, and I focus on one thing.


Yoha Milas Revory, why? Why do I have a middle name? Is it my Father's last name? If so where is he? I have so many questions that I want it answer. But now is not the time, I can slowly ask Mama about it, and if she doesn’t want to answer, then it is probably because I’m not old enough in her eyes or she just doesn’t think it was necessary.


“That would be ok, Are there any books that she could entertain herself with?” Mama asked, and yeah she not asking my opinion, probably because I had been such a good girl and never created trouble for her. Yup, that's probably why she trusts me to be able to watch over myself!


“Ei, a lot of picture books in there.” the old caretaker said as she opened the door wide for me to come in. I was about to walk in when Mama grabbed my shoulder so I turned toward her.


“Alright, Yoha, I Will come back when the clock hits 5:30 ok? I may not be on time every time but I trust that you can and will behave yourself, understood?” 


“Okey! I Behave!” I answer her and she nods, before kissing me on the top of my forehead. 


“That’s good to hear, baby. Now. Mama got to go now. See you later, ok?” Mama waved me goodbye as she slowly walked away from me, so I stood there and waved her goodbye, and seeing her smile was worth it. 


When her car drove off, I turned my back toward the caretaker who still opened the door for me, she seemed like quite the woman who was easily irritated, and I wondered if she could handle children if she was like that.


Welp, not my problem. Walking inside, the place was very good, it was full of children's playground and a lot of toys and the best of all, it was child-safe everywhere I looked, so the accident would be low, even the floors had carpet on them absorbing the shock.


“This shelf is the picture book, and that shelf is some reading comprehension thing. The Nanny will be here in ten minutes, behaved yourself until then.” the old caretaker said before she left me alone, ok so she wasn’t a nanny, probably the grandma who ran the place.


Hmm, well, I guess I will read.


But looking at the bookshelf…there were a lot of novels…but…there were no cartoons or even manga in there…hah…


Just as I was being disheartened, my eye flashed over a certain book, one that I didn’t think I would still see in this day and age. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea….the first book I ever read and never got to finish…My hand reaches for it unconsciously and opens it up.

Well, I guess it's time to reignite the new dream then…I wonder, how low has the earth gone in the sea? 

Author's Rant of the day!

Hello! it's a me! jestly! Now then! For today rant....honestly, I was too addict to warframe and now it is starting to burn out, now day I just play the sortie, or weekly mission didn't even do duvari until last second, there lot to farm ya know but I'm so Lazy! That why I been spending time writing more instead, oh speaking of game, I got into fallout shelter in my phone, got quite bit far in here, already 39 vault dweller in here, Now that I thing about it, I never got to finish fall out last vegas, it was a good game but I got bored pretty quick, just like skyrim, wonder why? I like RPG a lot,  but maybe I just had too many skyrim that why I got bored with last vegas? Eh, probably should try again, getting all achievement would be too much of a hassle but finishing the game should be doable. Anyway! C ya in the next Chapter! Jestly....outto!!!!!

Shameless Discord promotion Time!

Come join me in [Jestly's raving cave.] We got crab rave! Or so I think.

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