Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 4 New friend [Old]

[Gundam Nova]


April 1st 13:58 A.M. 191 I.J.C. Siga-8 


“Yoha, are you ready?” Mama’s voice could be heard from downstairs…So today finally comes, huh? The day I’m going back to that park. And this time, I’m not going to get or cause trouble! No matter what! 


“Yes, I’m ready!” I answer her and walk out of the room, Today…I’m going to make some friends no matter what! 


I have everything ready! Cloths? Check! Is Haro’s battery fully charged? Check! and….My tablet! With Haro’s program fully backed up alongside memory of these past few days! So if the worst happened and someone tried to steal Haro from me then, boom! Haro’s program will transfer its consciousness to here! Though it won’t be 100% of the memory, this is better than letting some kids take Haro away from me!


And what about the remaining program inside Haro? Well, that's what Mama helped me with! Not to confuse with extending the battery life! It is a self-shutdown program, and if I press the button, within the next hour Haro will completely shut down until I turn it on.


ฺbasically a self-destruction program! Kids should handle it with care, otherwise, it may result in an overload of information and then a little fire may start inside that leads to a full-blown bomb that could potentially kill you or injure you for life.


Well, enough about dangerous stuff! It's time to make new friends!








….That is what I thought…But why are they here? And the girl…The one girl with grey hair…Is there, eyes gleaming while looking at me from the window of her car? Her head was peaking over the window…


“Um….Mama? Why is…she there?” I turn to ask my mother who for some reason, seems completely unbothered by this development…


“Hm? Oh, she? Her name is Slyvia Stella Hawkinf, She is a…friend’s… daughter. You should get along with her.” 


Why did you take so long to choose your word?! Friend’s daughter? That bullshit! I know you don’t have any friends! I never see you take any call or something! To be honest I don’t even know you got a job!


“Come on, be civil here.” She nudges my shoulder.


“How do you expect me to be…She the one who got me hurt!” I answer in a loud whisper, enough to sound like a yell but not enough for that girl to hear.


“Yoha.” Mama suddenly speaks in a stern tone.


“She still is just a kid, She didn’t know any better and is quite spoiled…Just…try and get along ok?”


“...There’s a bribe, isn't it” 


“There’s a bribe, yes. Now go and have some fun. I will buy you 10 pudding if you manage to befriend her.”


With that confirmation, I make my way straight to the car and open the door to sit on the front…not. There is…a ton and tone of book blocking the seat.


I stare at my mother who is watching on the other side, squinting my eyes to send the message that I Am in fact, not pleased by the current situation, which she just shrugs off.


My stare hardened, and Mama just ignored it completely, with a sigh, I walked toward the back seat, where that girl…slyvia…something was sitting and waiting. How mother managed to befriend this girl’s parent after I smacked their son is completely unknown to me…


Maybe this world actually has magic…


Ha…forget it, just accept my fate and then get this done with, just like MAma said, she is just a kid but so am I, at least on the outside.


Opening the door I take my seat and quickly tighten the seatbelt, never putting Haro down. He wriggles in my arms and says a lot of stuff which I decide to not hear and focus my attention on solely ignoring the girl's stare as much as I can.


I look over the window, only to see the girl’s reflection continue to stare at me, in silence while smiling from ear to ear…Her attention was not on me though, it was on Haro. 


“Hello…” A soft, gentle voice that I couldn’t possibly ignore, Fight it! Don’t turn around no matter what! 


“...Hello…?” Urg! That's not good! No matter what ignore her! But wait…if I befriended her I would get ten pudding, but she is the reason I got hurt in the first place! Technically it is not her fault, but still!




“Ah! I didn’t ignore you, ok?! It's just your voice is very low and I kind of drift off in thought and-” 


“Sniff…Uhwa!” Shit! She crying even harder now!


What do I do?! What do I do!? Is there anything around that would calm her down?! 


Just as my panic started, I suddenly felt something move on my leg… that's right! It Haro!

“Do you want to play with Haro?!” I pick him up and offer him to the crying girl, and as if she never cried in the first place, she lets out a satisfied giggle and hugs Haro with all her might…


Did I just get tricked? Eh? What the….heck?


“Haro…such a cute name…” 


“Haro! Haro!”


Yeah, she just completely forgot about me, all her attention is on Haro. 


Here I am, sitting between this girl playing time with MY Haro, while Mama just listening to music while she drives.


Yeah…This kinda sucks.


[Gundam Nova]


I managed to solve my boredom problem by playing some tablet games I had, Which was kind of boring, but well, we arrived at the park. 


I get out of my seat and wait by the car as Mama takes the girl out, Slyvia, is it? Yeah, that's her name. She come out hugging Haro as if it was her. I watch as the girl starts to take Haro and run toward the suits men, Wow there are new faces? 


Probably, I didn’t even remember the last two but this is probably new guys. And behind those suited men is…a tea table? 


Really? I mean, tea time like a royalty in this Futuristic space colony? Yeah, I know people have different hobbies but…you know…Stop, Yoha, just stop… nitpicking everything. Su….ha…


I stare at my mother, she is just taking out her phone ready to record things…


“Can I ask you something?” 


“Is it how I get her to come here?”


“It is how you get her, or rather, her parent to agree at all.” Yeah, Sylvia I kind of understand, but her parent? That is what baffles me.


She takes a minute before she answers.


“Adult thing Yoha, once you grow up, maybe I will tell you. Just go and have fun.” That was her answer, and from her expression, I will never know the truth behind it.


Sighing, I take out my tablet and go toward the Tea table. Hmm, there are no other kids around today? Did it get close just for her playdate? That seems…possible if her parent is as rich as how she appears.


Ha…Well, at least there are peace and quiet.


“You are not allowed to enter.” Not…


I stare at the bodyguards…Stare really hard. 




He didn’t answer, brother, your boss’s daughter is right there, playing catch with My Haro, and you don’t allow me to enter…


“Hey, I wonder what happened to the last two bodyguards after I punched that kid…” I notice their shoulder stiffened. Right, they are probably scared of losing their job.


“Hm…I wonder, if Miss Sylvia started crying what would happen? Oh, and if you decide to take away Haro and run with Miss Sylvia, I can say that I can shut down his program.” I smile at them, watching them squirming around uncomfortably.


“...You may enter.”


“That's what I thought.” walking past the two of them I sat comfortably on the chair and watched as Haro rolled around catching the frisbee with his extended arm, well Sylvia isn’t really strong from her throw so Haro catches it pretty easily.

Watching her smile innocently as Haro brings the disc back to her, It… feels surprisingly good, My work… is being appreciated. I feel like my heart…is being fulfilled.


Well, if it is like this then maybe it is not that bad.


[Gundam Nova]


“Fu….haa….” The soft snoring, the hand that tightly hugs Haro. Sylvia, after playing for around an hour, got tired and fell off into the dreamland.


While I, the nanny, watched as she played around, it was pretty boring but at least the smile was worth it, right? I already ordered him to go to sleep to save his power.


So…What do I do now? I have a sleeping girl, hugging my creation here, two bodyguards outside, and my mother who is already sleeping in her car…Ha…


Let's just find something to watch… specifically…mobile battle! Hehehe…You know, the perk of being reborn in the future? There are tons of military academies around and those are competing to be the first place to assert dominance over other factions they support. 


For example…The academy I want to join the most…The Elysium Academy! Why? Because they have a Mobile Suit Development station that students can access without limit! You can do anything with your own Mobile Suit, but you gotta have a mobile suit first, either you buy it, or you win the tournament that is held every year, become the Ace, and then the Academy will Gift you what you want, whether it be a house on earth, money or Mobile Suit. 


It was a propaganda Tournament meant to encourage people to join them…and the cost of this academy? Well, well, well, My dear people…It costs an entire organ to study here. And I didn’t mean it lightly, there are really people who were willing to sell their organs if it means they can get one of their children to study here, I saw that a lot on the internet. 


But I mean…With this kind of Elite schooling, that provides not only Military training but also normal Education, if you manage to graduate and choose the focus course at 15, you basically guarantee employment in whichever course you majoring.


Oh, I found it! Last year's tournament! Hm…Let see…It was between Elysium and…Kolfead? What that? I never heard of that Academy before…This is…the final match? 


I start the video, lowering the volume to not disturb the sleeping Sylvia. The start of the video is just a normal introduction that they do before every match, School name, pilot name, and such…but what I was more interested in was the mobile suit itself.


It cut into space, where I saw hundreds of spaceships just outside of the safeguard matrix. Then, a flashing light shone from the distance, and within just a second, it arrived at the arena with grace. 


A mobile armor, it has a wing that spans almost 10 meters, and beam claws that resembled a dragon, no…it was a dragon, a dragon in the form of mobile armor! No wait…is that really a Mobile Armor? I can’t see clearly from this angle! 


But before I could change to a different channel, something interesting happened. Several drones in the shape of Dragruda, Earth conglomerate's old standard Mobile Suit. With its sleek design, and nimble frame that allows it to maneuver through even the harshest of the asteroid fields, and a decent armor upgrade that extends the pilot's life, this is what one would call an almost perfect suit, the only thing it lacking is that it cannot handle a large load of weight, and the energy management is too much for prolonged operation.


But hot damn! They could now pilot it using drone technology? That was so cool! 


The mobile suits start to swarm up, there are…10 no, 20 of these suits at least, It equipped with beam rifle and a shield. The Dragruda starts to aim at the mobile armor, I watch with anticipation as every second ticks away, waiting for the moment it starts.


[Gundam Nova]


The slow humming of heat starting to gather up echoes across the silent space, With each second ticking away, the heat that building up was started to hum louder and louder, until…




The rifles fire out, with each beam aiming at the same mobile armor, leaving no gap for retreat.


But then, the wing of the mobile armor started to glow with bright purple light, flashing even, the beams started to disappear as if it didn’t exist to begin with, and the mobile armor engine roared with life, the thruster on its legs boost up with bright red flame, the mobile armor, with such a bulky frame, move through the mobile suits as if it was a bird, not a majestic dragon. 


It outmaneuvered the mobile suits with ease, flanking behind them before they could even respond, branding its beam claws out, the mobile armor ruthlessly destroyed the nearest Dragruda with ease. 




Dodging the Beam rifle that aims for its back by performing a circle twist, it aims its claws toward the Dragruda on the furthest, with the sizzling sound accompanied, it shoots out a powerful beam, melting and destroying it in an instant.


The wing of the mobile armor expands, revealing two hidden beam cannons, light gathers as it charges and within just a minute of charging, it fires two large energy cannons toward the remaining Mobile Suits, they try to escape, but the heat generated from the beam itself, melt right into the metal frame of the old Mobile Suit like butter, they got destroy by just being near it.


It was…it was so cool! It was like I was seeing The Shamblo but much more nimble, faster, and more versatile! The name! Right, what is its name?!


Let's see…DracoNov? Is there an explanation for this Mobile Armor? Hmm…it is a modified version of Serevy, let see what Serevy looks like…oh? It looks almost the same but there are no claws and no wings, instead of claws they have a high particle beam mouth on each side.


And on top is a large Booster for when they start up?


Hm…Its design is cool and all but I feel like it lacks…Versatility, this is just for Space missions, right? There is no way this Mobile Armor can handle Earth's gravity and stay afloat.


But well, just like The Zeong, it didn't have legs so it couldn't operate on Earth. If it were to do that, it would require so much fuel that The suit would probably run out of it in just a minute.


And the fact that the Zeong even without its legs manages to go toe-to-toe against Rx-78-2 is amazing too!


But that's beside the point, What I just watched is just the intro for the DracoNov from Elysium Academy. The real fight will start now. And the opponent's mobile suit is…? Huh? What this? 


Geldoriska, there is no information or even a picture of it? How? I mean I know this is an archive of a live stream but the fact that a participant uses an unknown mobile suit isn’t that kind of against the rules? 


Let me check the rule again…there no rule against it? That is kind of irresponsible. What if the participant uses an illegal firearm or military issue one?


Well, there is nothing I can do, let's just check on the internet… let's see Geldoriska…What? There is no information? That’s not possible! There’s not even a picture?! How?! 


There’s no way, I just need to dig a bit deeper-




That low humming sound…a beam weapon? 


I turned off the search page and went back to the archive, only to see the ruin of DracoNov, its wings were destroyed, half of its back side melting and the front was completely obliterated, multiple mobile suits rushed to the ruin and tried to save the pilot and luckily, he survives but those nasty wounds…he won’t able to be a pilot again…


I backtracked to the moment before the beam started, but all I know is that the beam was coming from behind the DracoNov and it was a big one, big enough to be considered Mega particle class, which meant it was enough to destroy a spaceship…


There is no record of it coming out of the hanger or if it is even in the hanger in the first place, no picture even with hundreds of ships airing this tournament live. This is…a stealth suit? But what is the point if it gets you disqualified?  


This doesn't make sense, is this…a war declaration? What is the supporter of Kolfead…none… it's not even a real academy…a fake academy that manage to worm its way into the tournament this big…


This is…a direct attack on Earth Conglomerate, as it was the supporter of Elysium Academy.


There are a lot of answers to this, multiple factions hate Earth, as they are the biggest food distributor, and charge a heavy fee for it too, but if I have to say…it is probably Agellus, I mean the beef they got with each other is raging on for more than hundred of years even though the still trade with each other…


They no point in thinking about it, I won’t get involved as much, true I want to become a pilot, but me? Going to war and fight to the death with each other? No, thank you, the most I will be is a programmer and part-time Mobile tester, that's all. 


I still want to ride those robots after all, hehehe…


“...mmh…Cake…” Hm? Did she wake up? she just slept talking. Oh well, I guess I will take a bit of a nap too…

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