Mobile Suit Gundam: Code Nova [Rewrite]

Chapter 22 5 Years later. [OLD]

[Gundam Nova]


“Status report, Team A has captured the Flag and is now returning, requesting support.” the voice cut out in static. 


“This is Command, sending out Team B and Team E for support, Team C will continue looking for Enemy's movement and Team D will continue patrolling around the command. Over '' The com was cut, leaving only the silent hum of the engine, fuel burning as the Mobile Suits marched through the fields of wreckage.


“Hey, don’t you think this is too easy?” One of the pilots asked over the comm system.


“It's to be expected, I mean what do you want from a bunch of kids? I don’t know what Professor Gerald is thinking of putting us against them.” replied the other, every pilot agreed with him through the comm.


“But…Don’t you think it is weird? It has already been more than 20 minutes and we only encountered 4 of them. Doesn't this year's Pilot class have 15 people?”


“Don’t forget the kids in the Comms class, but Yeah…it is weird, and the one we encountered is quite a skill for kids but they were completely off. It’s like they have no plan in mind or something.”


“...One of the kids. Is the famous heir to Ottoman’s House. Maybe he wants to test her, I mean he and the head of that Ottoman have quite a history with each other, I heard he lost his promotion because of the Ottoman’s Patriarch.” 


“Oh! That possible-”  Hisss… 


A beam shot from more than 3000 meters away, hitting straight through the cockpit. Destroying the mobile suit in an instant. The shockwave sent all of them away from each other.


“Enemy at 2 O’clock! 1 mobile suit, model Swezidel! The enemy is hidden in the wreckage of a ship. Distance more than 3000 Meters! Spread out and circle it, but be cautious, we don’t know if there really is only one.” The Team Leader speaks into the comms and all of them put on a serious face.


All of them spread out, from 4 people reduced to 3 in just one shot, proceeding cautiously, they stayed within each other's range of sight, eyeing the wreckage like a hawk, watching for any movement.


“Team A to Commands, How long will Team B and E arrive?” The leader said into the comms, waiting for the Command to respond to him, but for some reason, it didn’t come. “Team A to Commands, Please respond.” another silent treatment. Just as he was about to contact Commands another time, a light flashed before him.


“Shit! Light grenade?! Who the fuck use it these days!?” he curses as looks away in pain, as his hand scramble for the handles. 


“Enemy at-” Before his friend could even utter anything more into the comms it was cut off, and then a shockwave hit him, making him know that his friend got done in. 


“I got it in sight! Engaging now!” His other ally yelled out into the comms and before he could stop him, they already began fighting. 


He quickly regains his vision, blinking as his eye continues to sting, he is finally able to see. He watches as the dark silhouette flashes across him, the blur of the fuel-burning jet engine flame burning blue. 


The silhouette flashed past him so fast he almost couldn’t see it. The Swezidel, An old model suit used for Recon Mission, with black paint and Camouflage Matrix, was able to blend into the darkness of space so seamlessly.


But of course, it was just a recon suit with fast speed, it was not suited to be a Fighter Unit.


So why? Why was this black silhouette destroying the Galdragruda like it was a toy?!


Just as he watches the Swezidel rip off the main camera of Galdragruda, he quickly comes to his senses and rushes straight toward it. 


Abandoning his rifle as it was no use in this situation, he took out his beam saber and put it on max energy to extend its range, with the Swezidel turning it back to him, it was just inviting him now.


His hand grip hard on the handle hard, pushing it forward and maxing out his propeller to its limit, he was behind the Swezidel in a second, and without a second thought, he stabbed his beam saber forward.


“Got ya!” yelling in his victory, he found delight in watching as his beam saber about to contact it back.


But to his shock, the Swezidel did a 360 turn and used the half-destroyed body of Galdragruda to block the Beam.


The hot beam pierced through the thick metal like butter, and the metal began to glow red from the heat, the Swezidel released its hand from the suit and kicked it into him, causing him to panic and back away.


Within a second the heated engine exploded sending a Shockwave which knocked him back several hundred meters.


“He used my comrade…to block me…You son of a bitch, I will get you!” Yelling out in rage, he took out his spare Beam Saber, searching for the black silhouette that now disappeared.


“Where the fuck are you! Come out here! Coward!” he yells out into comms, tuning it for all the nearby mobile suits to hear it.


“Did you ask for me?” a sweet voice full of static appeared, he turned around looking for the owner of the voice, and saw the black silhouette of the Swezidel behind him.


He didn't rush out, even though he in 

Rage, he still knows that it is dangerous to fight head-on. He scans around, looking for weapons. 


“You! Who are you?!” he asks, watching intensely for the slightest movement of the Swezidel.


“...Do I need to? Did you try to buy some time? Or maybe try to find my blind spot?” The voice coming out of the machine is the voice of a young child, a girl. One of the new recruits into the Mobile Suit club. If he remembers correctly…there are only 3 girls this time, 1 in development, 1 in mechanics, and 1 in piloting. What was her name?! What is it? He didn’t bother taking a look at the paper properly so he didn’t even remember the most basic of names.


‘Heir of the Ottoman…’ 


“Are you the Heir of the Ottoman?!” He asks, waiting for the response. The pilot inside the mobile suit was silent, as if thinking, which left many openings. Without hesitation, he rushes to the Swezidel, and to his delight, the mobile suit doesn't move.


Just as he came close enough to swing his beam saber down, his monitor got shut black, “Yes, I am.” That was the last thing he heard before the simulation pod’s hatch opened.


“Jona! You good bro?” Hann, the one who got taken out first said as he helped pull him out of the pod.


“No…I don’t think so…I lost to a 10-year-old, without even knowing how.” He feels a light pat on his back and turns around only to see Ponty, the one that he stabbed with a beam saber.


“Don’t think about it too much, this is the heir of an ottoman we are talking about, otherwise you would end up like Nongsin over there, dude got so depressed he just sulks over there.” As he said that, he pointed to a tan guy who was sulking with a girl next to him…

“I want to punch him…He got a girlfriend before any of us!” Ponty said, cleaning his large fist with a tear in his eyes.


“You can start by losing your weight, fatass.” “What did you say, you Twig!?” Hann and Ponty start arguing over his head, sighing, he takes a seat and watches the monitor, surprisingly, only his team is destroyed.


“EMP jammer? No, the Galdragrudar was coated with a Helios Metal which ignores the Electromagnetic field, so EMP shouldn’t work…Then what is wrong?” 


“It is not EMP, it is just a wave of electric waves. She used small Electric waves to disrupt the stable comms, it was just a slight tweak but it got the job done.” An old voice behind him. Turning around he saw an old man, full of scars, an eye patch covering one of his eyes, his gray hair coming down to his shoulder.


“Professor Gerald….I’m sorry, I got done by a kid.” He said, lowering his head.


“You should be, How can someone I teach personally lose to some kid? But now is not the time. Savor it, You will see what kind of monster that bastard created.” Professor Gerald points at the screen, wanting him to see what is about to unfold. 


And it was…unbelievable…


10 mobile suits surround the lone Swezidel, all of them are variants of Galdragruda, The flag Mobile Suit of Earth Conglomerate. But what happened here…is a slaughter. 


A single Mobile Suit…no…a single pilot did this. He watches, as the Swezidel takes out its Heated Dagger and moves so fast, burning so much fuel in an instant, and closes the gap on one of the Galdragruda Units, The Swezidel stabs into the cockpit without hesitation, before getting away and looking for a new target. 


It continues like this, the Swezidel, dodging all of the Beam weapons thrown at it and slowly dismembering them one by one…but it is strange…why is it only one Mobile suit?


“The base!” At that moment, he suddenly realized that all the mobile suits of his team were there, and there was no one protecting the base at the moment. Just as he was about to say something the sound rang out.


[Team B has successfully destroyed Team A's base, Team B is the Victor!] 


The announcement made them all stop in their tracks, and then all at once the Simulation Pod was open.


The result was in their absolute defeat, 14 Mobile Suits got done in by just one, and an old model at that…The 10 that were fighting her just now were reduced to merely 3 units.


“What kind of bullshit is that!? Why was no one protecting the base?! And what happened to Team A?!” a roar of anger comes out, and Jona winces at the upcoming scolding from the captain. “Where the fuck is Jona!?” There it is…a muscular guy with blond hair, face full of rage as he walks toward Jona. preparing himself for the trouble, Jona let out a sigh.


“You incompetent fuck! How did you lose an entire Unit against a single machine and let it roam around like that?!” His leader pulls his Collar with such strength that it almost lifts him up in the air.


You lose to that single unit too.  He thought in his heart, not daring to utter it out. Galde Mustia, the ‘Best’ pilot in their year. 


“I apologize, We got ambush-”


“I don’t want to hear your excuse! If you can’t even lead a Unit properly then-”


“That’s Enough.” The intimidating voice of Professor Gerald rang out loud for the two of them, Galde glared at the professor but he backed down almost immediately after the professor glared back, and Galde dropped him down to the floor with force, pushing the air out of his lunge and walk away toward the group of woman.


“Cough! Shitty brat…” he said out in a whisper as he took a deep breath to get the air back.


“This is why I hate you, instead of fighting back you just let it happen. You know you were better than him.”


“And what about my family? Come on Prof, you know why I always back down.” He retorts back to the disapproving stare of his professor. “Anyway, I’m going to take a break and get changed. I got so sweaty in the pod, you should install some better ventilation.”


“I will think about it.” That was all of their conversation, he got up and left for the shower.


After a quick shower and a change of clothes with some soft drink, he feels perfectly refreshed. Taking a bit of a break, it was not long before he got called for one final roll call of the day.


With a fast step, he quickly got to the conference hall where he saw most of his year was here. Galde is his group that gives him a stingy eye which he promptly ignores. Getting in line he spots someone at the opposite of him. 


A little girl, 10 years old. Light Blue hair that flows down toward her waist, striking Ruby-Red eyes that seem to burn everything. The girl was humming silently to herself, as there was no one around her right now. She was well built for a child, He could see that she trained intensely with those lean muscles. 


Then suddenly, her eyes moved, matching his gaze perfectly, and then came a natural smile that would surely make anyone fall for her, including himself, that is if she was a bit older. 


That smile alone makes him forget all about the negative thoughts he has at the moment, but it soon disappears as one boy comes up to her and starts talking, which she promptly turns her attention to.


“Huh…You don’t happen to have some…weird fetish, right?” Hann came up behind him and said some absurd thing. He elbows the guy in the rib, causing him to wince out in pain silently before glaring at him “I’m just joking…Don’t take it so seriously…” He quickly got up and looked at the girl in front of them, who listened to the boy talk silently.


“So…That girl huh? You tryna get one of those premium chicks?” Hann said as he rested his arm on his shoulder. 


“What?” He asked as he couldn’t contain his curiosity, 


“That Girl is Yoha Seres Ottoman. She is quite high ranking in the Academy, though not the highest anymore.” Yoha Seres Ottoman…The Pilot of that Swezidel! Shit now that he thinks about it, she is the only girl in here. “You know there was a secret fan club dedicated to her here too, she kinda like an Idol, nice to everyone, smart, pretty, and all.”


“There a secret fan club?!” his voice came out a bit louder than he wanted it to be, attracting the attention of everyone around, he quickly coughed and pretended that nothing happened.


“Yeah, I heard it was quite a big one too, with over 200 members…But that's what makes it scary.” Here it is, the same Hann he knows, the sensible Hann. “It meant that she had control over 200 people in this academy and it was increasing. I don’t know if that was her natural charm at work or if it was the perfectly crafted image she created. Honestly, I couldn’t even tell if what we saw was the real her.” 


“So you are saying that she was faking the whole thing.”


“Your word, not mine.” Hann shrugs at his comment.


“Ahem!” the loud cough from Professor Gerald gathered his attention, at that moment everyone in the room straight up immediately. “Today was a good day for us, seeing as we got many talents joining this year. I delay their introduction and rush straight to the Fight so you guys can see their potential firsthand, but it seems I miscalculated seeing as you guys don’t take this seriously at all and you guys become the ones who lose.” He gazed at them with such ferocity that all of them had to put their heads down. Just to make it worse, the giggling of those kids was fully humiliating. 


“Silence! You guys only win because of a single person too, all of you have failed.” He said and the silence was enveloping the room again. “We will begin the introduction of our newest member. Come forward!”  With his words, the row of kids step up.


“Begin From the front. Start!” the girl steps forward, bows down lightly, and gives them all a smile.


“My name is Yoha Seres Ottoman, Pleasure to meet you.” The angel smiled at him that day.


Sorry it took so long! Thailand is so hot that the light goes out so often, I need to change my power supply and get a new glass, which I still don't have right now.[as I'm editing this chapter, I can't see the letters at all, gotta zoom in.] But anyway! How was the chapter? what do you think will happen next? Feel free to leave a comment, I read them all! So let's meet and talk again in the comment and the next chapter guys! 

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